Majority Of Voters Call For Special Counselt To Investigate Left's COUP Attempt Against Pres Trump

Discussing whether the President can be removed via the 25th Amendment is neither treason nor a coup. If it were, there would be no way to effectuate the 25th Amendment, rendering it useless and irrelevant.

And constitutional conservatives believe the constitution is infallible.
Politics must stop just short of actual treason.
Discussing whether the President can be removed via the 25th Amendment is neither treason nor a coup. If it were, there would be no way to effectuate the 25th Amendment, rendering it useless and irrelevant.

And constitutional conservatives believe the constitution is infallible.
the fact you wrote that is still stupid.
We have a First Amendment and Treason is expressly defined in our federal Constitution.
Michael Cohen plead guilty to campaign finance fraud, you moron. Your *president lied about it. His administration lied about it. Your *president is a fucking liar, an adulterer and a con man. Case closed.
Thank you for that emotional, TDS-suffering, unsubstantiated, hypocritical, opinionated RANT. Do you feel better after that or do you still need a tissue?

Michael Cohen is a proven liar and a weasel whose credibility is shot.

You butt-hurt snowflakes are so filled with hate you keep repeating the accusations you have made for 2+ years despite no crime was ever committed and no evidence against the President ever existed warranting an investigation or an appointment of a Special Counsel.

Even now experts are saying Mueller may not even file a report because his witch hunt has been such a complete failure - except for exposing Democrat crimes as well as the Conspiratorial Coup d'état attempt.

Understanding their 'Insurance Policy' drew a blank, Democrats are moving forward to try to finish the job by scheduling investigations into every aspect of the President's life in hopes of finding something - anything - thy can use to ensure he does not finish his 1st term in office...and kick their asses in 2020.

So you desperate snowflakes rant, rave, whine, cry ,insult, and attack whoever disagrees with you because your whole day-to-day live revolves around Trump's Tweets and hoping all the undermining of the President and attempts to affect the coup pays off.


Man, it must really suck being a Trump-hating, emotional, easily-manipulated, whiny, partisan, Gruber-ite snowflake living miserable day-to-day hoping for the overthrow of the democratically elected President of the United States because the proven criminal who compromised US national security and illegally colluded with / paid Russians for their help in 2016 humiliatingly lost the election, AFTER she had to be given the DNC nomination she could not win herself.


Goodness, winger rants and meltdowns are tedious as fuck. Just say "I know I'm dead wrong, but my winger fee fees compel me to double down on stupid" and sit down. You got nothing new here.
In the immortal words of the Democrats and snowflakes, if they (Democrats / Leftists) have nothing to hide they will not object to such an investigation being opened and allowed to finish...


Absolutely! Bring it on. Let's hear Law Enforcement officials testify as to why they were concerned about Trump's preference for Putin's word over that of US Intel agencies, and why the Gang of Eight raised no objection to a counter-intelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.

Trump spent a year saying he would like to be interviewed by Mueller, while doing everything he could to avoid it. Let's see what he has say, other than in a tweetstorm. I mean, if you're really concerned about what people are trying to hide.
because there was NEVER a crime committed.

Michael Cohen plead guilty to campaign finance fraud, you moron. Your *president lied about it. His administration lied about it. Your *president is a fucking liar, an adulterer and a con man. Case closed. Now, sit down, shut up, and let the investigation run its course, wingertard. You've got nothing new to add to the conversation.
Cohen plead guilty to a bogus crime.

Only in your addled, winger brain. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) limits donations to $2,700. $130,000 and $150,000 respectively, is a fuck ton more than that. Basic math, stupid. Plus, Cohen admitted that the payments were intended to protect Trump's election chances (because Orange is an adulterer pile of shit), they are deemed to be in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign. That = crime committed. And with that, I think we're done here.
It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. A former chairman of the FEC said they aren't considered to be campaign donations. You've been told that at least 1000 times.

What authority does a former Chairman on the FEC have?
because there was NEVER a crime committed.

Michael Cohen plead guilty to campaign finance fraud, you moron. Your *president lied about it. His administration lied about it. Your *president is a fucking liar, an adulterer and a con man. Case closed. Now, sit down, shut up, and let the investigation run its course, wingertard. You've got nothing new to add to the conversation.
Cohen plead guilty to a bogus crime.

Only in your addled, winger brain. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) limits donations to $2,700. $130,000 and $150,000 respectively, is a fuck ton more than that. Basic math, stupid. Plus, Cohen admitted that the payments were intended to protect Trump's election chances (because Orange is an adulterer pile of shit), they are deemed to be in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign. That = crime committed. And with that, I think we're done here.
It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. A former chairman of the FEC said they aren't considered to be campaign donations. You've been told that at least 1000 times.

What authority does a former Chairman on the FEC have?
He has the authority of knowing the facts, as opposed to you who spouts propaganda.
because there was NEVER a crime committed.

Michael Cohen plead guilty to campaign finance fraud, you moron. Your *president lied about it. His administration lied about it. Your *president is a fucking liar, an adulterer and a con man. Case closed. Now, sit down, shut up, and let the investigation run its course, wingertard. You've got nothing new to add to the conversation.
Cohen plead guilty to a bogus crime.

Only in your addled, winger brain. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) limits donations to $2,700. $130,000 and $150,000 respectively, is a fuck ton more than that. Basic math, stupid. Plus, Cohen admitted that the payments were intended to protect Trump's election chances (because Orange is an adulterer pile of shit), they are deemed to be in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign. That = crime committed. And with that, I think we're done here.
It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. they aren't considered to be campaign donations. You've been told that at least 1000 times.

Yeah,well I don't give any of this shit a pass due to a party over country mentality. It isn't my problem you support criminals. It's what makes you a scumbag winger.

A former chairman of the FEC said

He can say whatever the fuck he likes. It still doesn't change a guilty plea and a conviction, now does it? You've been told this 1000 times.
"Earlier this week fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who served as acting director after James Comey was fired in May 2017, made headlines when he alleged meetings took place at the Department of Justice about ousting President Trump from office.

NOW the majority of voters believe crimes were likely committed by DOJ and FBI officials and they want a special prosecutor to investigate."

The American people suffered through 2+ years of a treasonous, seditious conspiracy involving Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI attempting to oust the newly elected President and overthrow the current government while the witch hunters ignored the overwhelming abundance of evidence of Democrat crimes and the exposed treasonous coup d'état.

It's time now to reclaim those befouled criminal-plagued agencies, to smoke the traitors / conspirators out, and send them to prison.

Most voters say top Justice Department and FBI officials are likely to have acted criminally when they secretly discussed removing President Trump from office and think a special prosecutor is needed to investigate.

"Fifty-six percent (56%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe senior federal law enforcement officials are likely to have broken the law in their discussions in May 2017 to oust Trump.

Fifty-one percent (51%) think a special prosecutor should be named to investigate the discussions among senior Justice Department and FBI officials in May 2017 to remove the president from office."

New Poll: Majority of Voters Want a Special Prosecutor to Investigate Attempted Coup Against Trump
Town Hall.

'Nuff said.
because there was NEVER a crime committed.

Michael Cohen plead guilty to campaign finance fraud, you moron. Your *president lied about it. His administration lied about it. Your *president is a fucking liar, an adulterer and a con man. Case closed. Now, sit down, shut up, and let the investigation run its course, wingertard. You've got nothing new to add to the conversation.
Cohen plead guilty to a bogus crime.

Only in your addled, winger brain. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) limits donations to $2,700. $130,000 and $150,000 respectively, is a fuck ton more than that. Basic math, stupid. Plus, Cohen admitted that the payments were intended to protect Trump's election chances (because Orange is an adulterer pile of shit), they are deemed to be in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign. That = crime committed. And with that, I think we're done here.
It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. they aren't considered to be campaign donations. You've been told that at least 1000 times.

Yeah,well I don't give any of this shit a pass due to a party over country mentality. It isn't my problem you support criminals. It's what makes you a scumbag winger.

What you don't give a shit about is the facts and justice.

A former chairman of the FEC said

He can say whatever the fuck he likes. It still doesn't change a guilty plea and a conviction, now does it? You've been told this 1000 times.
The guilty plea proves nothing, moron. It can't be used as evidence in other trials.
Michael Cohen plead guilty to campaign finance fraud, you moron. Your *president lied about it. His administration lied about it. Your *president is a fucking liar, an adulterer and a con man. Case closed. Now, sit down, shut up, and let the investigation run its course, wingertard. You've got nothing new to add to the conversation.
Cohen plead guilty to a bogus crime.

Only in your addled, winger brain. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) limits donations to $2,700. $130,000 and $150,000 respectively, is a fuck ton more than that. Basic math, stupid. Plus, Cohen admitted that the payments were intended to protect Trump's election chances (because Orange is an adulterer pile of shit), they are deemed to be in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign. That = crime committed. And with that, I think we're done here.
It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. A former chairman of the FEC said they aren't considered to be campaign donations. You've been told that at least 1000 times.

What authority does a former Chairman on the FEC have?
He has the authority of knowing the facts, as opposed to you who spouts propaganda.

A federal judge accepted Cohen's Plea to the Crime. The judge had actual authority. Can you tell the difference? Here's a hint - Cohen is going to jail.
because there was NEVER a crime committed.

Michael Cohen plead guilty to campaign finance fraud, you moron. Your *president lied about it. His administration lied about it. Your *president is a fucking liar, an adulterer and a con man. Case closed. Now, sit down, shut up, and let the investigation run its course, wingertard. You've got nothing new to add to the conversation.
Cohen plead guilty to a bogus crime.

Only in your addled, winger brain. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) limits donations to $2,700. $130,000 and $150,000 respectively, is a fuck ton more than that. Basic math, stupid. Plus, Cohen admitted that the payments were intended to protect Trump's election chances (because Orange is an adulterer pile of shit), they are deemed to be in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign. That = crime committed. And with that, I think we're done here.
It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. A former chairman of the FEC said they aren't considered to be campaign donations. You've been told that at least 1000 times.

Fucking moron, a former FEC employee does not speak for the law. The courts do and the courts said it was a crime and Cohen conceded it was. And it’s of no surprise that a rightwinger sides with Republicans, but it’s still nothing more than just another biased opinion. Meanwhile, Cohen shot down the former CEO’s opinion that it wasn’t a campaign expense by acknowledging he arranged the payments for the campaign.
Michael Cohen plead guilty to campaign finance fraud, you moron. Your *president lied about it. His administration lied about it. Your *president is a fucking liar, an adulterer and a con man. Case closed. Now, sit down, shut up, and let the investigation run its course, wingertard. You've got nothing new to add to the conversation.
Cohen plead guilty to a bogus crime.

Only in your addled, winger brain. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) limits donations to $2,700. $130,000 and $150,000 respectively, is a fuck ton more than that. Basic math, stupid. Plus, Cohen admitted that the payments were intended to protect Trump's election chances (because Orange is an adulterer pile of shit), they are deemed to be in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign. That = crime committed. And with that, I think we're done here.
It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. they aren't considered to be campaign donations. You've been told that at least 1000 times.

Yeah,well I don't give any of this shit a pass due to a party over country mentality. It isn't my problem you support criminals. It's what makes you a scumbag winger.

What you don't give a shit about is the facts and justice.

A former chairman of the FEC said

He can say whatever the fuck he likes. It still doesn't change a guilty plea and a conviction, now does it? You've been told this 1000 times.
The guilty plea proves nothing, moron. It can't be used as evidence in other trials.

You just don't live in reality, winger. I can't help you with that. :21:
When one poll is consistently an outlier from every other poll, it demonstrates they’re less accurate.
Hmmmm, not true. Rasmussen has been more accurate in the last three election cycles than most of the other major polls. An election is where you can actually verify the accuracy of a poll.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re so brain-dead, how are you not on life support Like Terri Schiavo?

Fucking moron, that’s because they poll likely voters, which is an accurate method for predicting elections. It skews polls unrelated to elections. How do you not know that??

then you're admitting that Rasmussen is more accurate than most of the other major polls.

FiveThirtyEight has a rating on all pollsters. FiveThirtyEight’s pollster ratings are calculated by analyzing the historical accuracy of each firm’s polls along with its methodology. Accuracy scores are adjusted for the type of election polled, the poll’s sample size, the performance of other polls surveying the same race, and other factors. We also calculate measures of statistical bias in the polls.
Rasmussen is rated as just average. You Repubs love it, because it give you the poll results you want, just like your news sources, who give you the "fake news" that's acceptable to you.
Pollster Ratings
Hey BriPat, had any more visits from the FBI lately? :laughing0301: You must think your fellow Little Trumpsters are really that stupid. :up:

The only criteria that matters is comparison with actual election results. FiveThirtyEight is a lefwing hack site.

FiceThirtyeight tracked Ramussan's accuracy and it was so, so. And of course it noted it's leaning, which is to the Right. If you looked at their ratings, they were as hard on left leaning pollsters also. But of course, you being one of the most rabid Little Trumpsters, you probably didn't even visit the link. No, you are way too lazy. Otherwise you would of seen how unbiased their rating system really was and would have seen the results on both right and left.\
I think I hear theFBI and the CIA knocking on your mommy's door, they want to talk to you and their guns are drawn! :1peleas:
Michael Cohen plead guilty to campaign finance fraud, you moron. Your *president lied about it. His administration lied about it. Your *president is a fucking liar, an adulterer and a con man. Case closed. Now, sit down, shut up, and let the investigation run its course, wingertard. You've got nothing new to add to the conversation.
Cohen plead guilty to a bogus crime.

Only in your addled, winger brain. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) limits donations to $2,700. $130,000 and $150,000 respectively, is a fuck ton more than that. Basic math, stupid. Plus, Cohen admitted that the payments were intended to protect Trump's election chances (because Orange is an adulterer pile of shit), they are deemed to be in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign. That = crime committed. And with that, I think we're done here.
It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. A former chairman of the FEC said they aren't considered to be campaign donations. You've been told that at least 1000 times.

What authority does a former Chairman on the FEC have?
He has the authority of knowing the facts, as opposed to you who spouts propaganda.
How does he know what Cohen’s motives were, fucking moron?
Cohen plead guilty to a bogus crime.

Only in your addled, winger brain. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) limits donations to $2,700. $130,000 and $150,000 respectively, is a fuck ton more than that. Basic math, stupid. Plus, Cohen admitted that the payments were intended to protect Trump's election chances (because Orange is an adulterer pile of shit), they are deemed to be in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign. That = crime committed. And with that, I think we're done here.
It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. A former chairman of the FEC said they aren't considered to be campaign donations. You've been told that at least 1000 times.

What authority does a former Chairman on the FEC have?
He has the authority of knowing the facts, as opposed to you who spouts propaganda.
How does he know what Cohen’s motives were, fucking moron?

Maybe wingers can read minds too!! :ack-1:
Goodness, winger rants and meltdowns are tedious as fuck. Just say "I know I'm dead wrong, but my winger fee fees compel me to double down on stupid" and sit down. You got nothing new here.

OK: "I know YOU are dead wrong, but your liberal fee fees (WYF is THAT? :p ) compel YOU to double down on 'treasonous stupid'.

Feel better now? Still need a tissue?
Goodness, winger rants and meltdowns are tedious as fuck. Just say "I know I'm dead wrong, but my winger fee fees compel me to double down on stupid" and sit down. You got nothing new here.

OK: "I know YOU are dead wrong, but your liberal fee fees (WYF is THAT? :p ) compel YOU to double down on 'treasonous stupid'.

Feel better now? Still need a tissue?

Why would I need a tissue? :21: Wingers are funny.
Town Hall. 'Nuff said.
Actually NOT. Please present your EVIDENCE that disproves what was reported instead of trying to lob a 'distraction grenade' and running like hell.
It's yet another fake news report from a fake news site based on a known extreme right polling site.

Rasmussen still gove tRump a better than 50% approval rating FFS.
Town Hall. 'Nuff said.
Actually NOT. Please present your EVIDENCE that disproves what was reported instead of trying to lob a 'distraction grenade' and running like hell.
It's yet another fake news report from a fake news site based on a known extreme right polling site.

Rasmussen still gove tRump a better than 50% approval rating FFS.
In other words you have ZERO evidence....just like Mueller and Democrats after 2+ years....

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