Majority Want Citizenship Question On Census, 53%-32%

It is utterly absurd to me that there is even a doubt that citizenship should be on the census. Don’t we need and want to know who lives in this country and where they come from?

If the question is "Are you an American citizen - yes or no" then you have no point, since you won't know who these people are or where they came from. And what does it matter where people came from?

Why are Americans SOOOO obsessed about the questions of citizenship and race? People go to the USA to become Americans, not to change your country.
It is utterly absurd to me that there is even a doubt that citizenship should be on the census. Don’t we need and want to know who lives in this country and where they come from?

If the question is "Are you an American citizen - yes or no" then you have no point, since you won't know who these people are or where they came from. And what does it matter where people came from?

Why are Americans SOOOO obsessed about the questions of citizenship and race? People go to the USA to become Americans, not to change your country.

Yo bitch, they are here legally or illegally. Fuck you and Canada.
Thanks for proving me right...

The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population (citizens and non-citizens) of the 50 states.

Dancing in a diaper full of shit does not make you look good.

There is literally no reason to count illegals other than to get addresses to follow up with ice
Again.... this is not about counting illegals. It's about counting non‐U.S citizens.

How many illegal aliens do you imagine inform the government they're here by responding to the U.S. census?
Neither one should receive representation in Congress.
Take it up with the Constitution which says "persons" in the states should be counted.
Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.
Congrats, rightard! You just won the, that shit has nothing to do with anything being discussed award for this thread

Fucking moron, it mentions how we apportion the number of U.S. representatives in the House. Which blows up the moronic con argument in this thread that we should count non-U.S. citizens in the census for the purpose of apportioning U.S. representatives.

Don't you ever feel stupid for posting such fucking moronic nonsense?
That seems to be your argument.
Fucking moron, my argument refuted the idiotic claims of one of your fellow herd members.
You failed to refute your own stupidity.

Fucking moron... one of you yahoos claimed we should include the citizenship question in the census because only U.S. citizens are counted towards House apportionment....

That same Yahoo later posted a link to the U.S. census website which clearly states even non-U.S. citizens are counted towards that.

Refuted, even if a fucking moron like you is too rightarded to comprehend that.


You have NO idea how stupid you look kid. You're trying to ride both sides of the fence here kid, the entire board sees it.
Well then how fortunate am I hat you're demented?
Dancing in a diaper full of shit does not make you look good.

There is literally no reason to count illegals other than to get addresses to follow up with ice
Again.... this is not about counting illegals. It's about counting non‐U.S citizens.

And you're losing to them too. :lmao:
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Nope, I own you kid ;)
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Me too kid. You are too stupid to EVER understand anything that disproves your "truth".
C'mon son...
Thanks for proving me right...

The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population (citizens and non-citizens) of the 50 states.

Dancing in a diaper full of shit does not make you look good.

There is literally no reason to count illegals other than to get addresses to follow up with ice
Again.... this is not about counting illegals. It's about counting non‐U.S citizens.

How many illegal aliens do you imagine inform the government they're here by responding to the U.S. census?

Cool, so if a spick doesn't say it is isn't a citizen" it shouldn't vote right?
Dumbfuck bigot, this has nothing to do with voting.

Wow, you could not BE any bigger a prick.
Sure I could be. I also note, you have nothing to contest my post. Which has been the norm for you.
That seems to be your argument.
Fucking moron, my argument refuted the idiotic claims of one of your fellow herd members.
You failed to refute your own stupidity.

Fucking moron... one of you yahoos claimed we should include the citizenship question in the census because only U.S. citizens are counted towards House apportionment....

That same Yahoo later posted a link to the U.S. census website which clearly states even non-U.S. citizens are counted towards that.

Refuted, even if a fucking moron like you is too rightarded to comprehend that.


You have NO idea how stupid you look kid. You're trying to ride both sides of the fence here kid, the entire board sees it.
Well then how fortunate am I hat you're demented?


Go for it kid.
Dancing in a diaper full of shit does not make you look good.

There is literally no reason to count illegals other than to get addresses to follow up with ice
Again.... this is not about counting illegals. It's about counting non‐U.S citizens.

How many illegal aliens do you imagine inform the government they're here by responding to the U.S. census?

Cool, so if a spick doesn't say it is isn't a citizen" it shouldn't vote right?
Dumbfuck bigot, this has nothing to do with voting.

Wow, you could not BE any bigger a prick.
Sure I could be. I also note, you have nothing to contest my post. Which has been the norm for you.

I've disproved everything you've said kid.
this is not about counting illegals. It's about counting non‐U.S citizens.


Seriously, did you just type that shit with a straight face?
I can't help but note you avoided my question. I'll try once more.... how many illegal aliens do you think notify the government they're here by responding to the census?
The same amount as murderers who deny being a murderer when questioned by police. According to you the police shouldn't investigate that.

Dumbfuck, I said nothing about whether they should be questioned or not. The point is, no o e is proposing to ask if they're here illegally.

And since you imply they would not answer anyway, you affirm my position this isn't about illegal aliens
No, my argument is that the Constitution says we count the "whole number of persons" for the apportionment of representatives. So, that is what I think we should do.

I am one of those odd few that think we should follow our Constitution.
“Constitution says we count the "whole number of persons" for the apportionment of representatives.”

Which means asking if they are citizens.
It does?? Then why did they count Indians who were taxed who were not U.S. citizens before 1924?
It's obvious to anyone with a brain. Those Indians were paying taxes. Why should people who pay no taxes receive representation?
Really? You think paying taxes should be the only qualification for receiving representation??

So if someone honorably serves this nation by defending it in war, but their limbs were blown off, they should not be entitled to representation if they don't pay taxes?
He shouldn't be in our armed forces if he isn't a US citizen loyal to this country.
Fucking moron, I said nothing about citizenship or loyalty. But let's throw that in... according to you .... a loyal citizen loses his limbs fighting to defend this nation in war -- and you're arguing he shouldn't be entitled to representation in the House if he doesn't pay taxes.

See now why I call you a fucking moron?
It is utterly absurd to me that there is even a doubt that citizenship should be on the census. Don’t we need and want to know who lives in this country and where they come from?

If the question is "Are you an American citizen - yes or no" then you have no point, since you won't know who these people are or where they came from. And what does it matter where people came from?

Why are Americans SOOOO obsessed about the questions of citizenship and race? People go to the USA to become Americans, not to change your country.

You know, a better question might be why you are soooo obsessed with Americans. Just sayin.

The Constitution mandates a census every ten years.
Again.... this is not about counting illegals. It's about counting non‐U.S citizens.

How many illegal aliens do you imagine inform the government they're here by responding to the U.S. census?

Cool, so if a spick doesn't say it is isn't a citizen" it shouldn't vote right?
Dumbfuck bigot, this has nothing to do with voting.

Wow, you could not BE any bigger a prick.
Sure I could be. I also note, you have nothing to contest my post. Which has been the norm for you.

I've disproved everything you've said kid.

No, you argued against things I never said. You've not refuted a word I said.

I said I see nothing wrong with adding a citizenship question. You "disproved" that by arguing I'm against putting it in.

I said non‐U.S. citizens are counted towards House representation. You "disproved that by saying the 14th Amendment states all persons born in the U.S. are citizens.

You can't actually disprove anything I really said so you put yourself in the unenviable position of making up strawman arguments you could disprove
Dumbfuck, I said nothing about whether they should be questioned or not.


And I am the dumbfuck???
And I said I see nothing wrong with it. :cuckoo:
Then you're just here to troll?

There is literally no point to play contrarian if you agree with the basis of the thread.

Troll? Just how crazy are you?? (rhetorical)

An idiot ridiculously claimed a reason for adding that question was because we need to know who are not citizens because it impacts apportionment of House representatives since they're not counted. Nearly every post I've made since revolved around refuting that idiocy. So how is that trolling?
It sucks to be a Democrat these days. Americans hate everything Democrats are for.
Is that why America elected a democrat as president for 8 years prior to Trump? Sorry dude, but your crazy theories are just that... crazy
How many Democrats would win without a monopoly in the schools and media?
More data points are a good thing.

I don't know the bullshit partisan political ramifications on this, and I don't care.
The purpose of the census is to determine representation in Congress.

Amazing you leftists are so ignorant of this basic fact.

Seems you're the one who's ignorant of basic facts. Since the Constitutional apportionment of U.S. representatives is based on "counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed," and not just citizens -- you just blew up your own reason for why we should add that question to the census.

You just proved his point, idiot.
What would the citizenship question add to the purpose of the census? I always thought the census was needed for districting, school funding, Congressional representation etc.
What is the positive effect of such a question?
Illegals wouldn't be counted toward the electoral college

Bulldick knows this...he's playing the dumbliberal game.

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