Make a conspiracy theory to hide the truth

Mr. Sauerkraut

Active Member
Dec 23, 2010

How many conspiracy theories are around the 9-11 thing? How many around the assasination of JFK? How many around Area 51, Hitlers whatever, the sinking of the titanic or Pearl Harbour Attack, the moon landing etc?

I ask about the making of conspiracy theory itself. Is it just entertainig? Or are the authors of consiracy theories themselfs a part of a conspiracy? Notice that a truth ets hidden, the more alternative versions you can choose.
When questions are left unanswered you get conspiracy theories.

they come from all shorts of places.

Some no doubt are planted to confuse the people even more.

Take the birthers , that is unstable people wanting to change reality to fit their fears of a black president.
People cleave to conspiracy theories because they just cannot believe that mankind could possible be so stupid as it really is.

It's more comforting to think that evil people are trying to screw up than to think that our best and brightest really aren't.

Now I obviously have a few pet conspiracy theories of my own.

For example I sometimes posit that nations are on their way out.

Now that is true, but I have no evidence to support my theory that this is planned by some secret cabal.

It is entirely possible that the death of nationalism will be entirely organic and not at all contrived.

You see it's more HOPEFUL to imagine that this development is being planned by evil men, than it is to concede that it's the inevitable outcome of the world becoming more interdependent.

If it's an evil conspiracy then we can stop it.

If it's organic then nothing will stop it.

And in the long run I don't really mind the end of nations.

It's that messy transition period that mostly troubles me.
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Lets remember some consperacy theories turn out to be true.

I remember taking shit for months because I was following evidence that the US used white phospherous in Fallugia.

Both soides were mad at me right up until the government admitted its use.

I also took shit for talking about the voting machines being unsecure.

Both sides were telling me to shut up.

I turned out to be right.
There is the added psychological factor in a conspiracy theory, that the proponents get a certain feeling of superiority from it, that they can see "the truth" and are therefore smarter than the "sheeple" that, according to them, blindly follow the party line.

I think this is the main issue when it comes to believers of conspiracy theories being unable to admit they were wrong when presented with evidence that is contrary to thier beliefs. Once they make the leap into following "Theory X" which is different from what everyone else knows to be the truth, they are trapped by a combination of thier ego and basic stubborness.
People that start these are in it for the money and fame.

The top troofers are now wealthy and famous men. Not b/c they have a shred of proof to back up thier claims, but b/c they are the best liars when thier claims are refuted by professionals.
People that start these are in it for the money and fame.

so it´s just a business? Making a million dollar by creating a conspiracy theory? Welll, where´s a demand, there´s a market.

The people that are not in it for the money are convinced by the proof that they are wrong and go on to something else.

Troofers actually think it was something other than a jet that hit the Pentagon.

Even though they are shown small bits of the the jet they still insist it was something else.

They feast on the fools that are born every minut, w/o a single care for the victums or thier families.
Troofers actually think it was something other than a jet that hit the Pentagon.

Even though they are shown small bits of the the jet they still insist it was something else.
Honestly I've seen the film and still can't distinguish if it is or not. Why not just release the rest of the videos from all the other cameras and angles and put it to rest?

They feast on the fools that are born every minut, w/o a single care for the victums or thier families.
Actually it was the victims families that cried out the loudest and forced Bush to finally succumb to a 9-11 investigation..I mean farce :lol:
Conspiracies have existed since the dawn of history, and false flag attacks cover ups and deceptions not far behind.

"If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts." George H. W. Bush (Daddy Bush) 2/07/06
Somehow I doubt it.
Before It's News

MK-ULTRA: In the 1950s to the 1970s, the CIA ran a mind-control project aimed at finding a "truth serum" to use on communist spies. Test subjects were given LSD and other drugs, often without consent, andsome were tortured. At least one man, civilian biochemist Frank Olson, who was working for the government, died as a result of the experiments. The project was finally exposed after investigations by the Rockefeller Commission.

[For more, see Google archive news results for "MK-ULTRA" ]

Operation Mockingbird: Also in the 1950s to '70s, the CIA paid a number of well-known domestic and foreign journalists (from big-name media outlets like Time, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CBS and others) to publish CIA propaganda. The CIA also reportedly funded at least one movie, the animated "Animal Farm," by George Orwell. The Church Committee finally exposed the activities in 1975.

[For more, see Google archive news results for " "Church Committee" CIA covert media " ]
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Troofers actually think it was something other than a jet that hit the Pentagon.

Even though they are shown small bits of the the jet they still insist it was something else.
Honestly I've seen the film and still can't distinguish if it is or not. Why not just release the rest of the videos from all the other cameras and angles and put it to rest? What goes on inside the Pentagon is classified. We won't see that film ever for any reason

They feast on the fools that are born every minut, w/o a single care for the victums or thier families.
Actually it was the victims families that cried out the loudest and forced Bush to finally succumb to a 9-11 investigation..I mean farce :lol:
Conspiracies have existed since the dawn of history, and false flag attacks cover ups and deceptions not far behind.

"If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts." George H. W. Bush (Daddy Bush) 2/07/06
Somehow I doubt it.

Watch the 9/11 stories on History or Discovery. You can see how it could only be a plane. They even show you small parts that blew off the jet.

Let me put it to you simply

"Follow the money."

Who ever did this would have to bribe all the people in the Pentagon, both sides of Congress, the families of the terrorist, the terror group they represented, the demolition crew the blew up the towers, the investigators, the cops, the FBI, the CIA, the firefighters, and then some more people.

And they would all have to remain silent.

troofers don't pass the comon sense test.
The facts are that some conspiracry theorys bare out to be true.
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Yeah, there is normal stupidity but there is probably planned stupidity also. It gets reasonably intelligent people to become sick of the bullshit and go about their business.

But then the simple but obvious stuff gets swept under the rug too.

I mean, don't skyscrapers have to hold themselves up? Look at any skyscraper. Isn't it obvious? So doesn't that mean they have to support more weight further down? If they are built from the bottom up didn't the designers have to figure out how to distribute the steel all of the way up? You don't want to try and build a 110 story skyscraper and get to the 80th floor and go, "Uh oh, we didn't put enough steel in the basement!"

But there are skyscrapers all over the world. The Empire State Building is 80 years old. Gravity works the same way all over the planet.

So when have you heard any EXPERTS on television talk about the distributions of steel and concrete in the twin towers and how that related to any so called collapse?

This is physics for grade school kids. What is happening at out engineering schools?

Last edited by a moderator: - The Website of Political Research Associates

Paranoia, 9/11, and the roots of conspiracy theories | Psychology Today

from my usmb link above article:

'Reality-Based Vs. Fantasy-Oriented Processing'

"The left side of the brain deals with things the way they are-with reality. When left brain students are affected by the environment, they usually adjust to it. Not so with right brain students. They try to change the environment! Left brain people want to know the rules and follow them. In fact, if there are no rules for situations, they will probably make up rules to follow! Left brain students know the consequences of not turning in papers on time or of failing a test. But right brain students are sometimes not aware that there is anything wrong. So, if you are right brain, make sure you constantly ask for feedback and reality checks. It's too late the day before finals to ask if you can do extra credit. Keep a careful record of your assignments and tests. Visit with your professor routinely. While this fantasy orientation may seem a disadvantage, in some cases it is an advantage. The right brain student is creative. In order to learn about the digestive system, you may decide to "become a piece of food! And since emotion is processed on the right side of the brain, you will probably remember well anything you become emotionally involved in as you are trying to learn."

"People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. It is impossible indeed to prevent such meetings, by any law which either could be executed, or would be consistent with liberty and justice. But though the law cannot hinder people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to do nothing to facilitate such assemblies; much less to render them necessary." Adam Smith

Last edited: - The Website of Political Research Associates

Paranoia, 9/11, and the roots of conspiracy theories | Psychology Today

from my usmb link above article:

Left Right* Hemisphere Brain Processing

'Reality-Based Vs. Fantasy-Oriented Processing'

"The left side of the brain deals with things the way they are-with reality. When left brain students are affected by the environment, they usually adjust to it. Not so with right brain students. They try to change the environment! Left brain people want to know the rules and follow them. In fact, if there are no rules for situations, they will probably make up rules to follow! Left brain students know the consequences of not turning in papers on time or of failing a test. But right brain students are sometimes not aware that there is anything wrong. So, if you are right brain, make sure you constantly ask for feedback and reality checks. It's too late the day before finals to ask if you can do extra credit. Keep a careful record of your assignments and tests. Visit with your professor routinely. While this fantasy orientation may seem a disadvantage, in some cases it is an advantage. The right brain student is creative. In order to learn about the digestive system, you may decide to "become a piece of food! And since emotion is processed on the right side of the brain, you will probably remember well anything you become emotionally involved in as you are trying to learn."

"People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. It is impossible indeed to prevent such meetings, by any law which either could be executed, or would be consistent with liberty and justice. But though the law cannot hinder people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to do nothing to facilitate such assemblies; much less to render them necessary." Adam Smith


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What goes on inside the Pentagon is classified. We won't see that film ever for any reason
Did releasing what they did endanger national security? No. We don't have to see what goes on inside, we just want to see the damned plane hit the building. Come to think of it..they have shown some of what happened inside.This excuse fails.

Watch the 9/11 stories on History or Discovery. You can see how it could only be a plane. They even show you small parts that blew off the jet.
I can't recall seeing these films you mention, if you have a link I'll take a look.
Let me put it to you simply

"Follow the money."

Who ever did this would have to bribe all the people in the Pentagon, both sides of Congress, the families of the terrorist, the terror group they represented, the demolition crew the blew up the towers, the investigators, the cops, the FBI, the CIA, the firefighters, and then some more people.
I don't think it would require as many people to pull it off. It would necessitate having people in positions of high authority that the ones under them would not question, and the ones below them would just do their jobs and move on. Money yes, lots of money to pay people off and swear to secrecy for life, and intimidation. There are many people that have died mysteriously, or committed suicide that were connected to 9-11 in some way. The grunts would be terrified about losing jobs, their well being and their families, and with good reason.

And they would all have to remain silent.
Not all but many have. They know they can be rubbed out and nothing will happen.

troofers don't pass the comon sense test.
Not a true statement, but the same can be said of OCTASSes. When you look at things objectively and start connecting things together, taking past history into account. Follow the money is a good way to start, who benefited the most from 9-11, besides the people who made the put options? Folks that refuse to acknowledge what is right in front of them suffer from normalcy bias but need to get over it and face reality.
What goes on inside the Pentagon is classified. We won't see that film ever for any reason
Did releasing what they did endanger national security? No. We don't have to see what goes on inside, we just want to see the damned plane hit the building. Come to think of it..they have shown some of what happened inside.This excuse fails.

Watch the 9/11 stories on History or Discovery. You can see how it could only be a plane. They even show you small parts that blew off the jet.
I can't recall seeing these films you mention, if you have a link I'll take a look.
I don't think it would require as many people to pull it off. It would necessitate having people in positions of high authority that the ones under them would not question, and the ones below them would just do their jobs and move on. Money yes, lots of money to pay people off and swear to secrecy for life, and intimidation. There are many people that have died mysteriously, or committed suicide that were connected to 9-11 in some way. The grunts would be terrified about losing jobs, their well being and their families, and with good reason.

And they would all have to remain silent.
Not all but many have. They know they can be rubbed out and nothing will happen.

troofers don't pass the comon sense test.
Not a true statement, but the same can be said of OCTASSes. When you look at things objectively and start connecting things together, taking past history into account. Follow the money is a good way to start, who benefited the most from 9-11, besides the people who made the put options? Folks that refuse to acknowledge what is right in front of them suffer from normalcy bias but need to get over it and face reality.

Okay, tell us; what else could knock down light poles 100' apart on the approach path besides a plane dipshit?

They know they can be rubbed out...get a fucking clue already; people who supposedly murder 3,000 people are not that easily intimidated yet somehow these guys are being kept silent? You're full of shit.

Lastly, the 9/11 Commission Report makes 100% perfect sense; nothing you say does. Please tell us what in the report doesn't make sense to you and we'll try to show you the light although it is going to be quite a challenge.

Bush won Ohio twice. Up yours bitch!

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