Make America Great Again

Trump says he will make Mexico pay for The Wall® through tariffs.

That will drive more jobs out of the US.
Oreo, like a lot of candy companies, left the US because US government sugar subsidies have driven the price of domestic sugar so high they were going broke.

That's what protectionism does, Trump!

??? Say what? I think you may want to issue a correction. That's what tariffs do, not what subsidies do.

Economic impact of a Subsidy

Sorry. I meant to say tariffs.

U.S. tariffs on sugar drive up costs for American manufacturers and consumers

“The manufacturer of Oreo cookies recently announced plans to move production of Oreos from Chicago to Mexico, resulting in a loss of 600 U.S. jobs. This should be a wake-up call to defenders of the U.S. sugar program and other job-destroying trade barriers.

No problem, and no need to apologize; we all make mistakes. The correction alone is quite adequate. Moreover, the sugar industry is not the simplest (nor the most complex) to evaluate as it's got a triad of economic protections in play: subsidies, tariffs, and quotas.

It's worth noting that while the article you cite isn't wrong about the U.S. "Sugar Program's" effects -- that the tariffs and quotas outweigh in impact the subsidies to sugar producers -- the TPP isn't the cause of that. The U.S. "Sugar Program" is the cause. The tariffs, quotas and subsidies have been in place since at least the 1930s, most recently having been continued in 2008. What the TPP does is, well, it does nothing to remove the program of quotas, tariffs and subsidies, but it's not the "thing" that put those measures in place either.

What I'm saying is that if one wants to decry or denounce the TPP, fine, but doing so on the basis of the impact on sugar, sugar prices, sugar industry jobs, etc., the U.S. "Sugar Program," is wholly without merit.

FWIW, if you are interested in what would happen to the sugar industry and the people who depend on it, there's an rigorous and excellent in depth empirical study on precisely that: The Impact of the U.S. Sugar Program Redux. The study specifically examines the impact of the 2008 renewal of the "Sugar Program."

If the matter of economic protections and their impacts are of particular interest to you, there are plenty of economic websites that discuss them, but a great video of their impact is here. There is also a Congressional Research Service study of the economic impacts of NAFTA that is well worth reading. For a somewhat more generalized discussion of what protections do and don't do, I suggest this: The Effects of Protection on Domestic Output.
about 98% of the board see themselves as economic pundits. I'M NOT ONE OF THEM, and neither is Trump.

you don't need to be an expert to figure out adding $12 trillion to the deficit, deporting 5% of the work force, starting trade wars, printing $$$$ to offset debt, and basically screwing every country that buys our debt is anything BUT sound economics that would support growth ...
Make Trump bring HIS business back to America. Hire American workers.

Here is a spread sheet proving his hypocrisy ...

and he won't eat Oreo cookies because they're made in Mexico? ... gimme a F'n break.

Trump Outsourcing original

Trumpbots are too damn stupid to read a spread sheet, so for the rest of you enjoy.
Did you hear Trump's new slogan on making healthcare great? Now he adds "if we get it done. And if we don't that'll just be something we don't like and that's ok.

Put that on a hat
Make Trump bring HIS business back to America. Hire American workers.

Here is a spread sheet proving his hypocrisy ...

and he won't eat Oreo cookies because they're made in Mexico? ... gimme a F'n break.

Trump Outsourcing original

Trumpbots are too damn stupid to read a spread sheet, so for the rest of you enjoy.
Did you hear Trump's new slogan on making healthcare great? Now he adds "if we get it done. And if we don't that'll just be something we don't like and that's ok.

Put that on a hat
Donald Trump...Knute Rockne

Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.
Only when American workers learn to accept wages comparable to their foreign counterparts will America be great again.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

or we begin to impose larger tariffs on imported items that out-compete american products due to wage differentials.
Make Trump bring HIS business back to America. Hire American workers.

Here is a spread sheet proving his hypocrisy ...

and he won't eat Oreo cookies because they're made in Mexico? ... gimme a F'n break.

Trump Outsourcing original

Trumpbots are too damn stupid to read a spread sheet, so for the rest of you enjoy.
Did you hear Trump's new slogan on making healthcare great? Now he adds "if we get it done. And if we don't that'll just be something we don't like and that's ok.

Put that on a hat
Donald Trump...Knute Rockne

Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.

The new hat will read

"This will be great if we get it done and if we don't get it done it's going to be something that we're not going to like and that's OK and I can understand that."

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