Make Democrats illegal; all the jobs come back from China?


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2011
Sad but true. If we had passed one of the many Republican Balanced Budget Amendments, that Democrats defeated, what would the Chinese and Japanese do with all their WalMart and Toyota dollars.

Answer: with no debt to buy they would have to buy our goods and services!
No, they could buy anything else denominated in dollars or exchange their dollars for any other currency.

They could, if they chosen to, have bought GM and Chrysler. Or mortgages nearing default, or quick deeds on distressed US homes, oil leases in the Gulf, commodities to stockpile and commodity futures etc.

They buy our debt because republicans and Obama are spendaholics and the Chinese are saving our bacon by keeping our nation afloat.

BTW Gary Locke, former Governator of WA, is gonna be the next US ambassador to China. Now there's a dem who can teach the republicans everything there is to know about balancing a budget. Hellava smart guy too.
skeptic: No, they could buy anything else denominated in dollars or exchange their dollars for any other currency.

Brutus: no one anywhere in the world will take even one US dollar unless they are sure it will buy something of value in the USA where it ultimately must be spent. If there were no Treasuries to buy it would would be spend it the USA very soon and cause a nice boom.

Skeptic: They could, if they chosen to, have bought GM and Chrysler. Or mortgages nearing default, or quick deeds on distressed US homes, oil leases in the Gulf, commodities to stockpile and commodity futures etc.

Brutus: why would they gamble on GM and Chrysler???

Skeptic: They buy our debt because republicans and Obama are spendaholics

Brutus: actually Republicans want a BBA to stop spending dead. Its been in all the papers

Skeptic: and the Chinese are saving our bacon by keeping our nation afloat.

Brutus: They have only $1 trillion in debt at the moment so hardly enough to keep economy "afloat". If they spend the trillion on our goods and services that would help keep it afloat. Loaning it to liberals, through treasurues, for one shot welfare payments hurts, not helps the real economy.

Skeptic: BTW Gary Locke, former Governator of WA, is gonna be the next US ambassador to China. Now there's a dem who can teach the republicans everything there is to know about balancing a budget. Hellava smart guy too.

Brutus: Republicans do know everything that is why they want to make deficits illegal.

The republicans are the world champions of deficit spending for 30 years and now that a small minority of republicans finally decide to lie to the electorate and pretend that they support balanced budgets you suddenly want to christen the repubs as the party of fiscal conservatives.

What a hoot!

Meanwhile Governor Gary Locke has been behind balanced budgets longer than everybody in the republican party combined.

If you head wasn't born in your ass you would know better than to post your bs. But you don't. Shame on you.

And I am no liberal, no democrat, no Obamabot. I just loathe partisan liars of both stripes.

You aren't even worth the water to flush you.
Skeptic: OH MY GOD! The republicans are the world champions of deficit spending for 30 years

Brutus: actually BO's deficits will be larger than all other American presidents combined. Plus Republicans since Jefferson have supported making deficits illegal. Last vote was last week. Only 10 Democrats suppported it in Senate!!

Skeptic: and now that a small minority of republicans finally decide to lie to the electorate and pretend that they support balanced budgets you suddenly want to christen the repubs as the party of fiscal conservatives.

What a hoot!

Brutus: as I said, from Jefferson to last week 100% of energy to make deficits illegal has come openly from Republicans and been openly opposed by Democrats.

Skeptic: Meanwhile Governor Gary Locke has been behind balanced budgets longer than everybody in the republican party combined.

Brutus: longer than Jefferson???

Skeptic: If you head wasn't born in your ass you would know better than to post your bs. But you don't. Shame on you.

Brutus: no need to be embarrassed, you're a liberal

Skeptic: And I am no liberal, no democrat, no Obamabot. I just loathe partisan liars of both stripes.

Brutus: so why be so afraid to list the biggest Republican lie for the whole world to see?

Skeptic: You aren't even worth the water to flush you.

Brutus: no need to be embarassed
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Skeptic: Meanwhile Governor Gary Locke has been behind balanced budgets longer than everybody in the republican party combined.

Brutus: longer than Jefferson???

Jefferson founded the Democratic party, idiot:

The Democratic Party evolved from Anti-Federalist factions that opposed the fiscal policies of Alexander Hamilton in the early 1790s. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison organized these factions into the Democratic-Republican Party. The party favored states' rights and strict adherence to the Constitution; it opposed a national bank and wealthy, moneyed interests. The Democratic-Republican Party ascended to power in the election of 1800. After the War of 1812, the party's chief rival, the Federalist Party disbanded.

Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Skeptic: If you head wasn't born in your ass you would know better than to post your bs. But you don't. Shame on you.

Brutus: no need to be embarrassed, you're a liberal

I am probably to the right of you. But then again you are an abject idiot.

5.5 million – the number of manufacturing jobs lost in the last decade – roughly one-third of the manufacturing workforce.
51,000 – the number of manufacturing plants shuttered in the last decade.
2.4 million – the number of American jobs lost or displaced between 2001-2008 due to our massive and growing trade deficit with China.

China’s Growing Economic Clout Underscores Importance of US Manufacturing : Yakima County Development Association – Yakima, WA

Republicans blocked legislation that would bring jobs back to this country.

What else can you say? The truth is the truth. The crazy Republican base hands the gun to their leadership pleading, "Shoot me, please".
5.5 million – the number of manufacturing jobs lost in the last decade – roughly one-third of the manufacturing workforce.
51,000 – the number of manufacturing plants shuttered in the last decade.
2.4 million – the number of American jobs lost or displaced between 2001-2008 due to our massive and growing trade deficit with China.

China’s Growing Economic Clout Underscores Importance of US Manufacturing : Yakima County Development Association – Yakima, WA

Republicans blocked legislation that would bring jobs back to this country.

What else can you say? The truth is the truth. The crazy Republican base hands the gun to their leadership pleading, "Shoot me, please".
Obama has done nothing to bring those jobs back because he doesn't care either. Wake up.
Mad Scientist: Obama has done nothing to bring those jobs back because he doesn't care either. Wake up.

Brutus: here are some things BO could do if he was a Republican:
1) Make unions illegal
2) make minimum wage illegal
3) end business taxation
4) make inflation illegal
5) make Federal debt illegal
6) close borders to illegals
7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution
8) cut pay of government workers in half
9) Make health insurance competition legal
10) end needless business regulations
11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP
12) support unlimited free trade
13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.
14) privatize education, social security
15) end payroll taxes
Mad Scientist: Obama has done nothing to bring those jobs back because he doesn't care either. Wake up.

Brutus: here are some things BO could do if he was a Republican:
1) Make unions illegal
2) make minimum wage illegal
3) end business taxation
4) make inflation illegal
5) make Federal debt illegal
6) close borders to illegals
7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution
8) cut pay of government workers in half
9) Make health insurance competition legal
10) end needless business regulations
11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP
12) support unlimited free trade
13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.
14) privatize education, social security
15) end payroll taxes

Yeah, because after 230 years the republicans have never managed to do one of these....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

what a tard.
Mad Scientist: Obama has done nothing to bring those jobs back because he doesn't care either. Wake up.

Brutus: here are some things BO could do if he was a Republican:
1) Make unions illegal
2) make minimum wage illegal
3) end business taxation
4) make inflation illegal
5) make Federal debt illegal
6) close borders to illegals
7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution
8) cut pay of government workers in half
9) Make health insurance competition legal
10) end needless business regulations
11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP
12) support unlimited free trade
13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.
14) privatize education, social security
15) end payroll taxes

Yeah, because after 230 years the republicans have never managed to do one of these....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

what a tard.

Brutus: remember 1) capitalism drives profits to 0 and, 2) Republicans would do those things if Democrats, Independents, and the electorate suppported them. And now even you can understand it.
Brutus: remember 1) capitalism drives profits to 0 and, 2) Republicans would do those things if Democrats, Independents, and the electorate suppported them. And now even you can understand it.

You think that because you are tarded.

In 230 years the republicans have never done any of those things and they never will, never would and clearly don't want to today. 90% of the time there is no difference whatsoever between republicans and democrats.

But you wouldn't know that because you are a tardo.

BTW if capitalism drives profits to zero why are there 1200 billionaires in the world? And why are American corporations sitting on 1.5 trillion in cash? And why are Milton Friedman, Anna Schwartz and Adam Smith pointing at you and laughing hysterically?

Did you even know that capitalism is a myth, that there is no capitalism in the world today, just like there are no free markets.
Sad but true. If we had passed one of the many Republican Balanced Budget Amendments, that Democrats defeated, what would the Chinese and Japanese do with all their WalMart and Toyota dollars.

Answer: with no debt to buy they would have to buy our goods and services!

Rightly said,the Chinese and Japanese would have to rely on us.
Sad but true. If we had passed one of the many Republican Balanced Budget Amendments, that Democrats defeated, what would the Chinese and Japanese do with all their WalMart and Toyota dollars.

Answer: with no debt to buy they would have to buy our goods and services!

Rightly said,the Chinese and Japanese would have to rely on us.

Yes, the liberals delivered us right into their hands, and what do they want even today? More and more debt with no end in sight!

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