Making America Great Again! Forbes Thinks GOP Is Really Pro-Union?


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The unique Minority Right protection built into the Electoral College: Is widely regarded to have created an upset in the recent National Elections. Midwestern white working family households decided that the unpredictable Entertainer/Mogul was for them. We now call this, "Health Insurance For Everyone," "Infrastructure Jobs Spending," "Restricted Payments to Allies," and a complete rejection of the usual Republican Brand in the primary.

The usual reliance on bigotry and intolerance does explain "USA" to millions, and worldwide. Even President Truman had to explain himself to his less than Civil Rights supportive friends and supporters. That part has long been accepted as normal USA(?), notable exceptions appearing on the East and Western seaboard communities.

Forbes Magazine, only two years ago, had the similar message: Put in the context of the demise of the Labor Union movement. 35% of workers in Labor Unions would be said--not in the article--to be the standard of "Making America Great Again!" That was only a few decades ago. Forbes produced an article, lauding the Unions for creating a Middle Class. Now less than 12% of US labor is protected in a CBA. Without the CBA protections, then no Middle Class would be expected. It is not at clear the Mainstream GOP has ever in its history, been on board with that.

The Decline Of Unions Is A Middle Class Problem

What did the Electoral College more likely expose? A longing for the comfy old CBA protected, wages, benefits, job protections, workplace rules, and safety attention that used to be commonplace, for the people who turned the tide for Trump. They don't have that, even in Wisconsin(?)!

"Again," however: Was never a part of the Republican agenda in the Primary. In the General, mostly Republican office-holders avoided Trump. Clinton v. Trump was left to happen.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Making Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," blessed on Lands of Many Nations!)
Matter Shown!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations: Often now celebrate, "Right to Party," better understanding White Eyes even now(?)!)

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