Making America Great Again: Trump Calls For Investigation Into The Clintons' Russian Ties

Crooked Hillary needs to testify under oath as to her corrupt connections with Russia and other countries that payed to play! LOCK HER UP. Along with Obama!
Crooked Hillary needs to testify under oath as to her corrupt connections with Russia and other countries that payed to play! LOCK HER UP. Along with Obama!

Will it take another 8 Benghazi investigations before you're satisfied. Another Ken Starr special prosecutor, another $70 million of taxpayers money for naught?
Treeman can't/ won't explain why so many of the new guy's staff and cronies made B line's to Moscow before the election. What was the allure?
It's beyond suspicious now.
But we all know you don't want to know if your prez is a crook.

Nixon: The American people have a right to know if their president is a crook.
Crooked Hillary needs to testify under oath as to her corrupt connections with Russia and other countries that payed to play! LOCK HER UP. Along with Obama!
Why do you keep bringing up Hillary when it's your pussy grabber that is under investigation by the CIA for espionage?
How does ignoring or blocking a Troll work around here?

Never mind, I figured it out. I see no point in having discussions with Trolls who really aren't here to discuss anything.
Treeman can't/ won't explain why so many of the new guy's staff and cronies made B line's to Moscow before the election. What was the allure?
It's beyond suspicious now. .

This is a chicken or the egg question. Did Trump select Russian cronies, or did Trumps cronies select Russia?
There is no Trump Russia collusion in the election and the democrats know it. If I were Trump I would turn the DOJ loose on the Clinton's big time.
to be completely honest, I don't think they even know what they are talking about anymore. If there is no evidence that the russians changed a vote, how could they have colluded? I'm sorry, but i'm lost at what the issue actually is in english. Not demophopic.
We won't know the full extent of Crooked Hillary's corruption and the democrat party's attempt to rig the election without a full investigation. Crooked Hillary needs to testify under oath. Then LOCK HER UP!

Flynn can take solace in that in his forced retirement

You lied that Flynn was "fired for treason."

Well, you're a fascist, we can NEVER expect integrity from you.
Ongoing investigation, cupcake. Rumors are that Flynn's singing like a canary. Probably in exchange for immunity.

flynn was a lobbyist for both russia & turkey without registering as a foreign agent which is a big bozo no no.... being that it's a federal crime, he most likely cut a deal with comey & indeed is coughing up all kinds of juicy info. that's why he got to register 'retroactively'....

Why do you fascists lie so much? No one believes you. Your fellow fascists may tell the same lies, but even they don't believe you.

flynn admitted he was a foreign lobbyist you dolt.
If you could provide some objective data I would read it, but you can not. That is why you are restricted to respond with an insult post.
how can I respond with objective data when there is nothing. It's been brought up multiple times on Tucker Carlson show, and we got squat juice.

so why don't you post up something of fact russia vs trumpster? please I've been asking for seven months.
You got squat juice from Tucker Carlson's nonsense because as you admit, it is not objective. It is unproven silliness and partisan hackery. I haven't a clue as to what you are asking for in regards to "russia vs. trumpster". Can you be a bit more coherent?
EVIDENCE!!!! it's simple right?
Normal people understand that while investigations are taking place, evidence may not be available until the investigation is complete. There is in fact, circumstantial evidence, but even that is not discussed in detail by the investigators. A hint and example of circumstantial evidence is the dripping out of facts a little at a time. Why did a trump aide keep secret that he had received 10 million dollars a year from a Russian bank? Why did a fired high-ranking trump aide wait till he was caught and came under scrutiny to register as a foreign agent "retroactively? Why did trump's son in law withhold information with his meeting with a Russian bank? All kinds of circumstantial evidence like this is in the investigation.

I think the best is Stone talking to both the hacker and WL. Then knowing about the Podesta release before it happened.

That goes beyond circumstantial. It proves a relationship and at least cooperation if not collusion.

guliani is on their radar as well; having that ESP talent as well.... a few days b4 the duplicate emails from hillary showing up on weiner's computer....
Flynn Flynn Flynn Manafort Manafort Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia I'm going to laugh my ass off when this blows up the democrat party once and for all. They are on the edge now.
Flynn Flynn Flynn Manafort Manafort Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia I'm going to laugh my ass off when this blows up the democrat party once and for all. They are on the edge now.

lol.... ok, you convinced!!!!!!
flynn admitted he was a foreign lobbyist you dolt

guliani is on their radar as well; having that ESP talent as well.... a few days b4 the duplicate emails from hillary showing up on weiner's computer....
Oh do you mean Guliani got a leak from the FBI? So what, so has everyone else in DC. Comey has ruined a once great FBI. So your point is weak. It's a big yawn!
Flynn Flynn Flynn Manafort Manafort Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia I'm going to laugh my ass off when this blows up the democrat party once and for all. They are on the edge now.

It will prove,once and for all, to know what the Democrats/Liberals are doing, see what they blame the other side for.
It's time and long over due. This is a great step in making America great again. The Clintons' are on par with Julious and Ethel Rosenberg, both traitorous Jews, who sold our atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets putting our nation in peril ever since. What the Clintons have done to this once great nation has been totally unAmerican. Let's get behind our new glorious leader and help make this Investigation happen.

because, kkk boy, the orange sociopath always accuses others of doing what HE is guilty of.

but keep handing the country to putin, white trash loser
flynn admitted he was a foreign lobbyist you dolt

guliani is on their radar as well; having that ESP talent as well.... a few days b4 the duplicate emails from hillary showing up on weiner's computer....
Oh do you mean Guliani got a leak from the FBI? So what, so has everyone else in DC. Comey has ruined a once great FBI. So your point is weak. It's a big yawn!

Comey is bordering on psychotic.

It must be the pressure he took from the Democrats when he re-opened the investigation of Bill's wife.
because, kkk boy, the orange sociopath always accuses others of doing what HE is guilty of.

but keep handing the country to putin, white trash loser
White trash loser? Really? you are one sick hateful weird racist person.
It's time and long over due. This is a great step in making America great again. The Clintons' are on par with Julious and Ethel Rosenberg, both traitorous Jews, who sold our atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets putting our nation in peril ever since. What the Clintons have done to this once great nation has been totally unAmerican. Let's get behind our new glorious leader and help make this Investigation happen.

because, kkk boy, the orange sociopath always accuses others of doing what HE is guilty of.

but keep handing the country to putin, white trash loser

Now, isn't it stupid of you to bring up the KKK????

Did you know that is was the Democrats who created the KKK?

And FDR put a KKKer on the Supreme Court?

And Bill Clinton refused to remove the confederate flag throughout his governorship, and said that Obama was the sort who'd be carrying his bags?

Put your foot in your mouth, huh?

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