Making America Great Again: Trump Calls For Investigation Into The Clintons' Russian Ties


Flynn can take solace in that in his forced retirement

You lied that Flynn was "fired for treason."

Well, you're a fascist, we can NEVER expect integrity from you.
Ongoing investigation, cupcake. Rumors are that Flynn's singing like a canary. Probably in exchange for immunity.

flynn was a lobbyist for both russia & turkey without registering as a foreign agent which is a big bozo no no.... being that it's a federal crime, he most likely cut a deal with comey & indeed is coughing up all kinds of juicy info. that's why he got to register 'retroactively'....

Why do you fascists lie so much? No one believes you. Your fellow fascists may tell the same lies, but even they don't believe you.
There is such a thing as a MO or modus operandi.

Yes, and the MO of you fascists is to lie through your fucking teeth, about everything.

Look at what is going on in France. Le Pen is receiving Russian money in her campaign to be the French President. Her leading opponent has suffered numerous hacking attacks. Similar to what happened in the US. Le Pen has said that she could remove the sanctions against Russia as well.

The National Front taking a LOAN from the Czech bank is not "Putin funding Le Pen" as you lied, Herr Goebbels.

You're a lying fucking demagogue, you slander and libel, it's what fascist democrats do.
That would be some funny shit if this blew up in their face :badgrin:
Conservatives are 0 for their last 50 or so conspiracies. No reason to expect they won't whiff again.

Besides, Trump didn't call for anything. He just posted another embarrassing tweet from the shitter.
Hows that Russia conspiracy going bro? :rolleyes:
fuckin birthers :lol:
Surprisingly well. I thought it was nothing until Flynn was fired for possible treason and the unanimous report from 17 intel organizations. Trump's been on the ropes since day 1 and the U.S. is still standing because of it.

Whoa! When did 17 agencies examine the DNC server? And you are flat out lying about Flynn being fired for treason. Lies appear to be all you have these days.
Examination of a server is your ridiculous invention. They have concluded, obviously by using multiple sources, that this indeed occurred. They've released a report explaining their findings. You should read it.
Here is all the info anyone needs on Jean Camp who not only created the false Russian Narrative but hacked the Russian Bank and Trump Tower server and planted False Beacon Pings, and also may have "staged fake evidence" on the DNC Server.

Email her and ask her why she did it. Her email address and mailing address is in the first link.
Her email at Indiana University is in the 2nd link.


Profile : All People: School of Informatics and Computing: Indiana University

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Economics of Information Security | L. Jean Camp | Springer

Yes, that sounds much less complicated and more plausible than the simple truth. :cuckoo:
There is no Trump Russia collusion in the election and the democrats know it. If I were Trump I would turn the DOJ loose on the Clinton's big time.
I actually hoped the Dem party would reform after such a beating the last few years. But they are doubling down on stupid, and laid a trap for President Trump and have been hammering this narrative for 9 months and each time President Trump is being vindicated.

The Democrats used to stand for something. Sad to see them destroying themselves on a suicide mission.
and yet you are a libturd. hmmm seems they are one in the same. Seth Rich what a shame. He can't testify right?
If you could provide some objective data I would read it, but you can not. That is why you are restricted to respond with an insult post.
how can I respond with objective data when there is nothing. It's been brought up multiple times on Tucker Carlson show, and we got squat juice.

so why don't you post up something of fact russia vs trumpster? please I've been asking for seven months.
You got squat juice from Tucker Carlson's nonsense because as you admit, it is not objective. It is unproven silliness and partisan hackery. I haven't a clue as to what you are asking for in regards to "russia vs. trumpster". Can you be a bit more coherent?
EVIDENCE!!!! it's simple right?
Normal people understand that while investigations are taking place, evidence may not be available until the investigation is complete. There is in fact, circumstantial evidence, but even that is not discussed in detail by the investigators. A hint and example of circumstantial evidence is the dripping out of facts a little at a time. Why did a trump aide keep secret that he had received 10 million dollars a year from a Russian bank? Why did a fired high-ranking trump aide wait till he was caught and came under scrutiny to register as a foreign agent "retroactively? Why did trump's son in law withhold information with his meeting with a Russian bank? All kinds of circumstantial evidence like this is in the investigation.

I think the best is Stone talking to both the hacker and WL. Then knowing about the Podesta release before it happened.

That goes beyond circumstantial. It proves a relationship and at least cooperation if not collusion.
Here is all the info anyone needs on Jean Camp who not only created the false Russian Narrative but hacked the Russian Bank and Trump Tower server and planted False Beacon Pings, and also may have "staged fake evidence" on the DNC Server.

Email her and ask her why she did it. Her email address and mailing address is in the first link.
Her email at Indiana University is in the 2nd link.


Profile : All People: School of Informatics and Computing: Indiana University

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Economics of Information Security | L. Jean Camp | Springer

Yes, that sounds much less complicated and more plausible than the simple truth. :cuckoo:

If this is such a "Crazy Scenario" why don't you explain to us, how and why a false beacon ping was planted between two hacked servers? Explain to us why such a Ping was planted between a Trump Server and Russian Alfa Bank Server and did absolutely nothing but draw obvious attention to itself!

And then explain to us why a RUSSIAN BANK would allow US INTELLIGENCE and THE FBI to look at their server when The DNC refuses to let anyone look at their server!

The FBI was allowed to look at Trump Tower Server, and Russian Alfa Bank Server but not THE DNC SERVER?

So what is THE DNC HIDING?

Explain to us for the first time in history why a Foreign Bank has invited the FBI and requested The FBI to look at their servers and why Russia is fully cooperating with The US Gov in this Investigation as is the Trump Administration, and why THE DNC is not cooperating.

The only motivation for doing what was done to these two servers was for the sole purpose to rig things to support a false narrative just like The DNC rigged their False Primary.

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Here is all the info anyone needs on Jean Camp who not only created the false Russian Narrative but hacked the Russian Bank and Trump Tower server and planted False Beacon Pings, and also may have "staged fake evidence" on the DNC Server.

Email her and ask her why she did it. Her email address and mailing address is in the first link.
Her email at Indiana University is in the 2nd link.


Profile : All People: School of Informatics and Computing: Indiana University

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Economics of Information Security | L. Jean Camp | Springer

Yes, that sounds much less complicated and more plausible than the simple truth. :cuckoo:

If this is such a "Crazy Scenario" why don't you explain to us, how and why a false beacon ping was planted between two hacked servers? Explain to us why such a Ping was planted between a Trump Server and Russian Alfa Bank Server and did absolutely nothing but draw obvious attention to itself?

And then explain to us why a RUSSIAN BANK would allow US INTELLIGENCE and THE FBI to look at their server when The DNC refuses to let anyone look at their server!

The FBI was allowed to look at Trump Tower Server, and Russian Alfa Bank Server but not THE DNC SERVER!

So what is THE DNC HIDING?

Explain to us for the first time in history why a Foreign Bank has invited the FBI and requested The FBI to look at their servers.

The only motivation for doing so was to rig things to support a false narrative just like The DNC rigged their False Primary.


I have no idea what you're talking about.
Show me where the intelligence agencies based their conclusion solely on the DNC server.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm not playing your game where you pretend to be ignorant and unaware of the facts of this situation.
I already posted numerous links. The more disturbing and troubling issue isn't The DNC hack, because that never occurred.
There is no proof of that because no one has been allowed to look at The DNC Server.

There is proof of (Jean Camp) Hillary's IT Adviser and Phd hacker and expert in Cyber Security, dreaming up The Russian Hacking Narrative, and she is the primary suspect in the Investigation to uncover who planted The False Pings on a Trump and Alfa Bank servers.

When the FBI says they are still looking at this......THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING AT. It has already been proven or if you want to rephrase, The Head of The National Intelligence (Clapper) stated that There was No Collusion.

Now what we are doing is looking at who was doing Unmasking, and who was hacking in to Trump Tower server, Alfa Server and planting a false beacon ping between the two.

Russia's Alfa Bank Says Cyberattacks Falsely Tie It to Trump
FBI probes ‘odd’ link between Trump server and Russia’s Alfa Bank - France 24
Russian Bank Claims Trump Server Story May Have Been a Hoax

And when they found out who did that, there is going to be an outcry to severely punish The DNC and everyone involved both in the leaking of classified information and in conducting illegal espionage and hacking on Trump Tower, and Russian Alfa Bank.

Your gooses are cooked but you are too caught up in this to realize that you are caught in the very web of lies and deceit you wove for another.
Clinton Ally Michael Morell says no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion

Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell, who endorsed Hillary Clinton and called Donald Trump a dupe of Russia, cast doubt Wednesday night on allegations that members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

Morell, who was in line to become CIA director if Clinton won, said he had seen no evidence that Trump associates cooperated with Russians. He also raised questions about the dossier written by a former British intelligence officer, which alleged a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Full Clapper: 'No Evidence' of Collusion Between Trump and Russia
Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion
Intelligence Chiefs say NO Evidence of Trump-Russia Connection
Former acting CIA Director and Hillary Clinton supporter Michael Morrell told an audience at an event for the intelligence website Cipher Brief that there was simply no evidence whatsoever to connect President Trump to the Russian government.
Morrell wrote an op-ed for the New York Times back in August where he both announced his support for Hillary Clinton and argued that Trump was a puppet of Vladimir Putin, “In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.” However, he’s now changed his tune and believes that Mr. Trump is not only innocent of any collaboration with Russia but he further argued that the “Trump dossier” released a few months ago is likely a fraud.

Intelligence Chiefs say NO Evidence of Trump-Russia Connection
I'm not playing your game where you pretend to be ignorant and unaware of the facts of this situation.
I already posted numerous links. The more disturbing and troubling issue isn't The DNC hack, because that never occurred.
There is no proof of that because no one has been allowed to look at The DNC Server.

There is proof of (Jean Camp) Hillary's IT Adviser and Phd hacker and expert in Cyber Security, dreaming up The Russian Hacking Narrative, and she is the primary suspect in the Investigation to uncover who planted The False Pings on a Trump and Alfa Bank servers.

When the FBI says they are still looking at this......THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING AT. It has already been proven or if you want to rephrase, The Head of The National Intelligence (Clapper) stated that There was No Collusion.

Now what we are doing is looking at who was doing Unmasking, and who was hacking in to Trump Tower server, Alfa Server and planting a false beacon ping between the two.

Russia's Alfa Bank Says Cyberattacks Falsely Tie It to Trump
FBI probes ‘odd’ link between Trump server and Russia’s Alfa Bank - France 24
Russian Bank Claims Trump Server Story May Have Been a Hoax

And when they found out who did that, there is going to be an outcry to severely punish The DNC and everyone involved both in the leaking of classified information and in conducting illegal espionage and hacking on Trump Tower, and Russian Alfa Bank.

Your gooses are cooked but you are too caught up in this to realize that you are caught in the very web of lies and deceit you wove for another.

There is no proof of that because no one has been allowed to look at The DNC Server.

Who has said the server is the answer to anything? You don't believe that the combined intelligence capacity of those agencies could not reasonably conclude that Russia was behind it without the actual server?

The server means nothing. It's a made up point of contention.
Clinton Ally Michael Morell says no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion

Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell, who endorsed Hillary Clinton and called Donald Trump a dupe of Russia, cast doubt Wednesday night on allegations that members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

Morell, who was in line to become CIA director if Clinton won, said he had seen no evidence that Trump associates cooperated with Russians. He also raised questions about the dossier written by a former British intelligence officer, which alleged a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Full Clapper: 'No Evidence' of Collusion Between Trump and Russia
Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion
Intelligence Chiefs say NO Evidence of Trump-Russia Connection
You love to play ostrich with the facts and your red herring is comical.17 intelligence agencies have clearly said Russia interfered in our election in order to get the pussy grabber elected.
Clinton Ally Michael Morell says no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion

Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell, who endorsed Hillary Clinton and called Donald Trump a dupe of Russia, cast doubt Wednesday night on allegations that members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

Morell, who was in line to become CIA director if Clinton won, said he had seen no evidence that Trump associates cooperated with Russians. He also raised questions about the dossier written by a former British intelligence officer, which alleged a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Full Clapper: 'No Evidence' of Collusion Between Trump and Russia
Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion
Intelligence Chiefs say NO Evidence of Trump-Russia Connection
Those are referring to evidence collected last summer. And one referenced that there is no evidence "as yet" in the ONGOING INVESTIGATION.
I will be surprised if they find any evidence of collusion, but you guys need to stop making these claims that there is no evidence as if it were a done deal. The FBI is still investigating and you and I both need to wait for their report.

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