Making America Great Again: Trump Calls For Investigation Into The Clintons' Russian Ties

I really think liberals have gone completely insane. I think they want to fight us and kill us. Their hatred is burning their heart and soul right from their bodies. The lies and the lengths they will go to to try and bring down our president is unmatched in our nations history.
I really think liberals have gone completely insane. I think they want to fight us and kill us. Their hatred is burning their heart and soul right from their bodies. The lies and the lengths they will go to to try and bring down our president is unmatched in our nations history.
Nonsense, trump was going to prove he was not an incompetent asshole when he became President and he failed. Instead he confirmed and reinforced the fact that he is an incompetent asshole. The dunce has called for this investigation and most people just shake their heads and roll their eyes. Think about that. His lies and constant spouting off misinformation and stupid stuff has made his credibility such a joke that as a President, he is laughed at for calling for a criminal investigation.
'this is what a cover up looks like'.
Well if a democrat knew what a cover up looked like the country would be in a better place today. Democrats wouldn't know a cover up from a kitchen sink. Democrats have become corrupt from the top to the bottom right into their rank and file.
'this is what a cover up looks like'.
Well if a democrat knew what a cover up looked like the country would be in a better place today. Democrats wouldn't know a cover up from a kitchen sink. Democrats have become corrupt from the top to the bottom right into their rank and file.


'this is what a cover up looks like'.
Well if a democrat knew what a cover up looked like the country would be in a better place today. Democrats wouldn't know a cover up from a kitchen sink. Democrats have become corrupt from the top to the bottom right into their rank and file.




I speaking of today's democrat they have become so hateful and excepting of bad behavior on the part of democrats in office that they have become a national joke. Today's dems are an embarrassment and can't compare with the 60's democrats. The 60's dems were patriots today's dems are as far from patriotic as one can get.
'this is what a cover up looks like'.
Well if a democrat knew what a cover up looked like the country would be in a better place today. Democrats wouldn't know a cover up from a kitchen sink. Democrats have become corrupt from the top to the bottom right into their rank and file.




I speaking of today's democrat they have become so hateful and excepting of bad behavior on the part of democrats in office that they have become a national joke. Today's dems are an embarrassment and can't compare with the 60's democrats. The 60's dems were patriots today's dems are as far from patriotic as one can get.

says the poster who is defending treason & the so called ' GOP' that is allowing it as long as they can suck off their share of the teat.
says the poster who is defending treason & the so called ' GOP' that is allowing it as long as they can suck off their share of the teat.
If you show me proof of any treason I will change my mind on a dime. You have the rest of the night.
says the poster who is defending treason & the so called ' GOP' that is allowing it as long as they can suck off their share of the teat.
If you show me proof of any treason I will change my mind on a dime. You have the rest of the night.

the investigation isn't over yet. but will you admit that anybody & everybody up to & including trump that has colluded with russia is a treasonous bastard if found guilty?
National Security
Flynn offers to testify in Trump-Russia probe in exchange for immunity
Published March 30, 2017
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Former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn is in discussions with the House and Senate intelligence committees to receive immunity from prosecution in exchange for questioning about potential ties between Russia and officials in President Donald Trump's campaign, his lawyer said Thursday.

In a statement, Flynn's attorney Robert Kelner said the retired Army lieutenant general "certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit."

The discussions were first reported by the Wall Street Journal. The report cited officials who said that Flynn has made offers to the FBI and the House and Senate intelligence committees though Kelner but has so far found no takers.

Jack Langer, a spokesman for House intelligence committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said Flynn had not offered to testify before the committee in exchange for immunity. However, Langer did not say whether or not Flynn had spoken to committee members about a possible deal.

In his statement, Kelner said that "no reasonable person ... would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution."

Flynn was fired from his job as President Donald Trump's first national security adviser after it was disclosed that he misled the vice president about a conversation he had with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. during the transition.

Flynn's ties to Russia have been scrutinized by the FBI and are under investigation by the House and Senate intelligence committees.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Flynn in talks to testify in Trump-Russia probe if assured of immunity

^^^ BOOM! there it is, flynn has flipped ^^^
the investigation isn't over yet. but will you admit that anybody & everybody up to & including trump that has colluded with russia is a treasonous bastard if found guilty?
The investigation started 7 months ago, if they had anything we would have heard it by now. It's a witch hunt not an investigation and you know what history did to the witch hunters. The dems are hurting their chance to ever come back to political glory.
flynn admitted he was a foreign lobbyist you dolt

guliani is on their radar as well; having that ESP talent as well.... a few days b4 the duplicate emails from hillary showing up on weiner's computer....
Oh do you mean Guliani got a leak from the FBI? So what, so has everyone else in DC. Comey has ruined a once great FBI. So your point is weak. It's a big yawn!

Comey is bordering on psychotic.

It must be the pressure he took from the Democrats when he re-opened the investigation of Bill's wife.

you couldn't tell psychotic with a roadmap. :rofl:

if you could, you'd know the Donald is clearly a sociopath.

but it's so cute how you defend the lunatic. you...and the rest of the bottom of the bell curve
flynn admitted he was a foreign lobbyist you dolt

guliani is on their radar as well; having that ESP talent as well.... a few days b4 the duplicate emails from hillary showing up on weiner's computer....
Oh do you mean Guliani got a leak from the FBI? So what, so has everyone else in DC. Comey has ruined a once great FBI. So your point is weak. It's a big yawn!

Comey is bordering on psychotic.

It must be the pressure he took from the Democrats when he re-opened the investigation of Bill's wife.

you couldn't tell psychotic with a roadmap. :rofl:

if you could, you'd know the Donald is clearly a sociopath.

but it's so cute how you defend the lunatic. you...and the rest of the bottom of the bell curve

It is central to the issue, as it is the nexus of the DNC, Bill's wife, CrowdStrike, Comey and the FBI. you ready to bring something to the want to defend Comey?
Here's your chance.

....let's get to this dispositive element of the episode....

All the 'hacking' mythology is based on a CrowdStrikd report.
All of this is based on a report from CrowdStrike, hired by the Clintons, and not any government agency.....not the NSA, not the FBI

AND.....CrowdStrike has now been forced to admit that their report was BOGUS!!!

"The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation.

....That's all we have."

Answer that question.

Or...admit you are a dunce who lives to assume the marching orders of the Left.
It's time and long over due. This is a great step in making America great again. The Clintons' are on par with Julious and Ethel Rosenberg, both traitorous Jews, who sold our atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets putting our nation in peril ever since. What the Clintons have done to this once great nation has been totally unAmerican. Let's get behind our new glorious leader and help make this Investigation happen.

It would be interesting to find out if Russia made a contribution to the Clinton Foundation in order to get Hillary to sign off on the sale of 20% of our uranium production to Russia!
the investigation isn't over yet. but will you admit that anybody & everybody up to & including trump that has colluded with russia is a treasonous bastard if found guilty?
The investigation started 7 months ago, if they had anything we would have heard it by now. It's a witch hunt not an investigation and you know what history did to the witch hunters. The dems are hurting their chance to ever come back to political glory.

Voters are tired of both sides. A recent poll said that over half of the people surveyed want a select committee to investigate. They also disapprove of Trump's handling of Russia. A criminal case and a assessment are 2 different animals. A criminal case has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Even if a criminal case cannot be made does not mean it did not happen.

Nunes has run a partisan investigation from the start. The latest is that the White House is the source for his claim that incidental surveillance,. Clearly Nunes has been protecting Trump.
I listened to Nunes today on local radio and I would bet my farm that someone close to Obama will be going to jail.
I listened to Nunes today on local radio and I would bet my farm that someone close to Obama will be going to jail.
Breaking Update: You're Right

Story just broke~ They've confirmed who did the Unmaskings.

I think this is why Obama is staying out of the country and out of range of TV cameras. He can't honestly answer any questions without perjuring himself. Where is that idiot anyway? Some tropical gay mens retreat?
I listened to Nunes today on local radio and I would bet my farm that someone close to Obama will be going to jail.
Breaking Update: You're Right

Story just broke~ They've confirmed who did the Unmaskings.

I think this is why Obama is staying out of the country and out of range of TV cameras. He can't honestly answer any questions without perjuring himself. Where is that idiot anyway? Some tropical gay mens retreat?
He's on Marlon Brando's private Island in Tahiti staying at the resort 'The Brando' that Marlon built after filming 'Mutiny on the Bounty'. Ironic that it's about to be confirmed Obama tried to pull a Mutiny against President Trump.

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