Making America Great Again: Trump Calls For Investigation Into The Clintons' Russian Ties

Ongoing investigation, cupcake. Rumors are that Flynn's singing like a canary. Probably in exchange for immunity.

Lying through your fucking teeth isn't the answer, Comrade Brown Shirt.

You lied, you got caught. You HAVE to be used to it by now.
No I didn't, cupcake. Flynn's possible treason is being investigated as we speak. :thup:

No Comrade Brown Shirt, it sure isn't. You're just lying as you fascists do.

Question: how is it possible for all of us to have access to the same information and yet, you RWNJ traitors never know wth is going on?

Flynn is not just being investigated, he offered to turn on the cheeto.

Indeed, they're falling all over each other to tattle on drumpf.
well fine, then just post up the link we all missed.
Actually, it was the US intelligence community that started what you call "bullshit". What you are claiming is that Americans who believe the 17 US Intelligence Agencies and a huge compilation of fake news and propaganda from Russian-controlled media are being foolish, while the trump supporters are smarter and better informed than all those intelligence agencies and the propaganda coming out via Russian media is true and accurate.

That is an old lie that was debunked long ago, yet you fascists repeat it with no regard;

What Clinton said was false and misleading. First of all, only two intelligence entities – the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – have weighed in on this issue, not 17 intelligence agencies. And what they said was ambiguous about Russian involvement. An unclassified October 7, 2016 joint DNI-DHS statement on this issue said the hacks . . .

are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow — the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europa and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

Read more at: No, Hillary, 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Did Not Say Russia Hacked Dem E-mails}

All you do is repeat conspiracy shit from the Soros hate sites.

Even AFTER being proven false;
Sorry, I do not pay much attention to conspiracy theories, especially the ones that seem to come from the nut job tin foil world.
and yet you are a libturd. hmmm seems they are one in the same. Seth Rich what a shame. He can't testify right?
If you could provide some objective data I would read it, but you can not. That is why you are restricted to respond with an insult post.
how can I respond with objective data when there is nothing. It's been brought up multiple times on Tucker Carlson show, and we got squat juice.

so why don't you post up something of fact russia vs trumpster? please I've been asking for seven months.
You got squat juice from Tucker Carlson's nonsense because as you admit, it is not objective. It is unproven silliness and partisan hackery. I haven't a clue as to what you are asking for in regards to "russia vs. trumpster". Can you be a bit more coherent?
EVIDENCE!!!! it's simple right?
Normal people understand that while investigations are taking place, evidence may not be available until the investigation is complete. There is in fact, circumstantial evidence, but even that is not discussed in detail by the investigators. A hint and example of circumstantial evidence is the dripping out of facts a little at a time. Why did a trump aide keep secret that he had received 10 million dollars a year from a Russian bank? Why did a fired high-ranking trump aide wait till he was caught and came under scrutiny to register as a foreign agent "retroactively? Why did trump's son in law withhold information with his meeting with a Russian bank? All kinds of circumstantial evidence like this is in the investigation.
It's time and long over due. This is a great step in making America great again. The Clintons' are on par with Julious and Ethel Rosenberg, both traitorous Jews, who sold our atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets putting our nation in peril ever since. What the Clintons have done to this once great nation has been totally unAmerican. Let's get behind our new glorious leader and help make this Investigation happen.

Only despots and tyrants go after their political rivals after an election. You're one dumb fuck.
You do realize that the ongoing Investigation has found nothing for 8 months and now they have began looking at Clinton's IT hacker who hacked Trump Tower and Russia's Alpha Bank and planted false beacon pings on those servers, do you not?

And Clapper who is the head of 17 Intelligence agencies said not one of them found evidence of Russian Collusion with Trump.

Why do you worship Satan?


Flynn can take solace in that in his forced retirement

You lied that Flynn was "fired for treason."

Well, you're a fascist, we can NEVER expect integrity from you.
Ongoing investigation, cupcake. Rumors are that Flynn's singing like a canary. Probably in exchange for immunity.
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That's from weeks before he was fired, cupcake. What did they find during that time? We'll find out once the criminal investigation is over. :thup:

False, you're lying again.

Hey, this is real simple, just post evidence that "Flynn as fired for TREASON and is under investigation."

But you won't, because you're a fucking liar, and we ALL know it.
It's time and long over due. This is a great step in making America great again. The Clintons' are on par with Julious and Ethel Rosenberg, both traitorous Jews, who sold our atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets putting our nation in peril ever since. What the Clintons have done to this once great nation has been totally unAmerican. Let's get behind our new glorious leader and help make this Investigation happen.

Only despots and tyrants go after their political rivals after an election. You're one dumb fuck.
Sucks to be a Democrat going after Trump with Fake News, and fake accusations, that are currently poised to blow the entire Dem Criminal Establishment to bits.
and yet you are a libturd. hmmm seems they are one in the same. Seth Rich what a shame. He can't testify right?
If you could provide some objective data I would read it, but you can not. That is why you are restricted to respond with an insult post.
how can I respond with objective data when there is nothing. It's been brought up multiple times on Tucker Carlson show, and we got squat juice.

so why don't you post up something of fact russia vs trumpster? please I've been asking for seven months.
You got squat juice from Tucker Carlson's nonsense because as you admit, it is not objective. It is unproven silliness and partisan hackery. I haven't a clue as to what you are asking for in regards to "russia vs. trumpster". Can you be a bit more coherent?
EVIDENCE!!!! it's simple right?
Normal people understand that while investigations are taking place, evidence may not be available until the investigation is complete. There is in fact, circumstantial evidence, but even that is not discussed in detail by the investigators. A hint and example of circumstantial evidence is the dripping out of facts a little at a time. Why did a trump aide keep secret that he had received 10 million dollars a year from a Russian bank? Why did a fired high-ranking trump aide wait till he was caught and came under scrutiny to register as a foreign agent "retroactively? Why did trump's son in law withhold information with his meeting with a Russian bank? All kinds of circumstantial evidence like this is in the investigation.
have you seen any evidence? you sure post like you have. in fact you have squat juice.
It's time and long over due. This is a great step in making America great again. The Clintons' are on par with Julious and Ethel Rosenberg, both traitorous Jews, who sold our atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets putting our nation in peril ever since. What the Clintons have done to this once great nation has been totally unAmerican. Let's get behind our new glorious leader and help make this Investigation happen.

Only despots and tyrants go after their political rivals after an election.
Thanks for confirming what Obama truly is!
If you could provide some objective data I would read it, but you can not. That is why you are restricted to respond with an insult post.
how can I respond with objective data when there is nothing. It's been brought up multiple times on Tucker Carlson show, and we got squat juice.

so why don't you post up something of fact russia vs trumpster? please I've been asking for seven months.
You got squat juice from Tucker Carlson's nonsense because as you admit, it is not objective. It is unproven silliness and partisan hackery. I haven't a clue as to what you are asking for in regards to "russia vs. trumpster". Can you be a bit more coherent?
EVIDENCE!!!! it's simple right?
Normal people understand that while investigations are taking place, evidence may not be available until the investigation is complete. There is in fact, circumstantial evidence, but even that is not discussed in detail by the investigators. A hint and example of circumstantial evidence is the dripping out of facts a little at a time. Why did a trump aide keep secret that he had received 10 million dollars a year from a Russian bank? Why did a fired high-ranking trump aide wait till he was caught and came under scrutiny to register as a foreign agent "retroactively? Why did trump's son in law withhold information with his meeting with a Russian bank? All kinds of circumstantial evidence like this is in the investigation.
have you seen any evidence? you sure post like you have. in fact you have squat juice.
I listed some of the circumstantial evidence. Of course, you did not address any of it. The world is waiting to see where the investigations will go. Maybe they will end up going nowhere. Who knows why you think you, an anonymous poster on a public message board should get details about the investigation that nobody else gets other than the investigators and people with a need to know intelligence clearance.
The fact-hating Canadian thinks she's smarter than 17 intelligence organizations :cuckoo:
Clapper the head of all 17 Intelligence Agencies said there was no Russian Collusion with President Trump.
So are you smarter than 17 Intelligence Agencies?
Sorry it's an ongoing investigation, sweetheart

You're a lying motherfucker.

{The FBI has reviewed intercepted phone calls between national security adviser Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the US and has found no evidence of wrongdoing, it was revealed Monday.}

Typical Fascist pile of shit.
The fact-hating Canadian thinks she's smarter than 17 intelligence organizations :cuckoo:
Clapper the head of all 17 Intelligence Agencies said there was no Russian Collusion with President Trump.
So are you smarter than 17 Intelligence Agencies?
Sorry it's an ongoing investigation, sweetheart

You're a lying motherfucker.

{The FBI has reviewed intercepted phone calls between national security adviser Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the US and has found no evidence of wrongdoing, it was revealed Monday.}

Typical Fascist pile of shit.
That's from weeks before he was fired, cupcake. What did they find duri g that time? We'll find out once the criminal investigation is over.
what criminal investigation? what is the crime? post a link please.:link::link::link:

Investigating why every single cheeto staff lied about talking to, going to, getting money from, sucking off Poooting.

How about you just start withe that?
Clapper the head of all 17 Intelligence Agencies said there was no Russian Collusion with President Trump.
So are you smarter than 17 Intelligence Agencies?
Sorry it's an ongoing investigation, sweetheart

You're a lying motherfucker.

{The FBI has reviewed intercepted phone calls between national security adviser Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the US and has found no evidence of wrongdoing, it was revealed Monday.}

Typical Fascist pile of shit.
Clapper the head of all 17 Intelligence Agencies said there was no Russian Collusion with President Trump.
So are you smarter than 17 Intelligence Agencies?
Sorry it's an ongoing investigation, sweetheart

You're a lying motherfucker.

{The FBI has reviewed intercepted phone calls between national security adviser Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the US and has found no evidence of wrongdoing, it was revealed Monday.}

Typical Fascist pile of shit.
That's from weeks before he was fired, cupcake. What did they find duri g that time? We'll find out once the criminal investigation is over.
what criminal investigation? what is the crime? post a link please.:link::link::link:

Investigating why every single cheeto staff lied about talking to, going to, getting money from, sucking off Poooting.

How about you just start withe that?

Hillary Clinton took $125 Million from Putin and Obama Bin Lying got $64 Million.

What size strap on does Hillary Clinton wear when she is fucking you in the ass?
Because you sound like Clinton's Bitch.
More likely you are Stalin's Bitch.

Are you even an American Citizen?

Flynn can take solace in that in his forced retirement

You lied that Flynn was "fired for treason."

Well, you're a fascist, we can NEVER expect integrity from you.
Ongoing investigation, cupcake. Rumors are that Flynn's singing like a canary. Probably in exchange for immunity.

flynn was a lobbyist for both russia & turkey without registering as a foreign agent which is a big bozo no no.... being that it's a federal crime, he most likely cut a deal with comey & indeed is coughing up all kinds of juicy info. that's why he got to register 'retroactively'....

Flynn can take solace in that in his forced retirement

You lied that Flynn was "fired for treason."

Well, you're a fascist, we can NEVER expect integrity from you.
Ongoing investigation, cupcake. Rumors are that Flynn's singing like a canary. Probably in exchange for immunity.

there wouldn't be any if it's

A) an ongoing investigation
B) speculation based on deductive reasoning.
Trump Calls For Investigation Into The Clinton's Russian Ties

Yes, anything that takes the spotlight off of his idiocy, if even for five minutes...

I can't stand Hillary, and I like her husband only a little more than her, but it's about time for our President man-child to log off of Twitter, forget about his personal vendettas, pull up his big boy pants and start taking his job seriously. Christ, people are going to say shit about you that you're not going to like, suck it up and quit looking to strike back.
There is such a thing as a MO or modus operandi. Look at what is going on in France. Le Pen is receiving Russian money in her campaign to be the French President. Her leading opponent has suffered numerous hacking attacks. Similar to what happened in the US. Le Pen has said that she could remove the sanctions against Russia as well.
It's time and long over due. This is a great step in making America great again. The Clintons' are on par with Julious and Ethel Rosenberg, both traitorous Jews, who sold our atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets putting our nation in peril ever since. What the Clintons have done to this once great nation has been totally unAmerican. Let's get behind our new glorious leader and help make this Investigation happen.

LOL--Anything Trump can do to deflect the attention away from himself--he'll do. But in reality he's just digging a much deeper hole for himself.:dig:

CLEVELAND during the RNC Convention: July 2016 Trump advisers admit to meeting with Russian ambassador (after Jeff Sessions was accused of lying under oath to congress.)

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.

We know that the Trump administration (5 times) denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Jeff Sessions accused of lying under oath during his confirmation hearing. According to a source it's not unusual for member on the armed service committee to meet with Foreign ambassadors, but none of the other 13 on this committee had met with the Russian ambassador, only Sessions did twice during the campaign season.Sessions also filled out a questionaire prior to the confirmation hearing and stated that he had no contact with any Russians and signed it. Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation.
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations -

When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

General Flynn also lied under oath to the FBI. Stating he did not have a conversation with the Russian Ambassador regarding the new sanctions that Obama was imposing on Russia for hacking into the election. Obviously the conversation was wiretapped. Flynn gone.Over this weekend we learned that General Flynn was also a paid lobbyist for Turkey being paid over 500K for his services.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

FBI Director Comey testified that Trump and his campaign surrogates have been under investigation since July, 2016 and Russian phone lines were wiretaped--and out comes this information.

We know that Obama ordered this investigation to be done BEFORE he left office, and that he had "preserved intelligence."

citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.
According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some
"damning" evidence.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Comey testified last week that they are investigating collusion with Trump surrogates and Russia. Last week during his testimony he made a remarkable statement: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing. They've been caught.

Then this comes out this week. Adam Schiff--House intelligence committee co-chair.


Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON, punishable by a life sentance in a Federal Prison. (We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century Act of War.)
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That would be some funny shit if this blew up in their face :badgrin:
Conservatives are 0 for their last 50 or so conspiracies. No reason to expect they won't whiff again.

Besides, Trump didn't call for anything. He just posted another embarrassing tweet from the shitter.
Hows that Russia conspiracy going bro? :rolleyes:
fuckin birthers :lol:
Surprisingly well. I thought it was nothing until Flynn was fired for possible treason and the unanimous report from 17 intel organizations. Trump's been on the ropes since day 1 and the U.S. is still standing because of it.

How is the money laundering Clinton foundation doing now that the Clinton's are out of public life?
Who cares?

The Clinton's care. What is obvious to the most casual observer is the money rolled in as long as the Clinton's were in a position to hand out favors with US taxpayers money.
Making America Great Again: Trump Calls For Investigation Into The Clintons' Russian Ties

Aww....poor Donny is feeling put upon.

They had many, many chances at the Clintons and failed every time.

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