Making Sanders Nervous! Nevada Hookers-4-Hillary For Pro-Health Care Inclusion


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
And a seriously healthy lot they look to be. The White House was probably not like this, last time Bill was there.

Hookers 4 Hillary Offers 'Extras' To Nevada Clinton Supporters

Older liberals can be on board with the Clinton Campaign, including any of them from Vermont! Health Care seems to be so very much an issue after all!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many young warriors maybe now asking, "They actually get paid for doing. . .what(?)!!! Soon they may all come around. . . or however that is said!)
Trump has clearly failed the "Mr. Gorbachev! Tear Down This Wall!" Foreign Affairs Test. You could say, "This is not your Holy Father's Republican Party, anymore(?)!"
The Deities themselves, clearly, tend to cluster. . . .or maybe line-up(?). . . .or something similar: At the Democratic Party!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not!"
(Many young enterprising youth on Lands of Many Nations asking: "Just How Much Do They. . . Get. . .To Enjoy Themselves?!)

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