Making Sense of Climate Change

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Is Obama's Climate Change Policy Doomed to Fail? Maybe Not.
What are the roadblocks that would prevent the president from addressing these priorities?

The key challenge is the unprecedented degree of political polarization that has paralyzed both houses of Congress. The numbers are dramatic. When the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, which established the landmark sulfur dioxide (SO2) allowance trading system, were being considered in the Congress, political support was not divided on partisan lines. Indeed, environmental and energy debates from the 1970s through much of the 1990s typically broke along geographic lines.
A Note from Paul Solman: A professor of environmental economics at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, Rob Stavins is one of the country's leading thinkers on climate policy. Climate wonks regularly read his blog, An Economic View of the Environment, as do I.

In the wake of President Obama's strong push for action on climate change during his second term, I asked Rob to comment for a broader audience here at the Business Desk. He was kind enough to do so.
Is Obama's Climate Change Policy Doomed to Fail? Maybe Not. | PBS NewsHour

link: On Becoming an Environmental Economist
Posted on February 19, 2013 by Robert Stavins
My essay this month represents a departure from my standard blog posts about a contemporary environmental policy issue. Rather, it is of a more personal nature, and stems from the fact that the second volume of my collected papers has just been published by Edward Elgar, Economics of Climate Change and Environmental Policy: Selected Papers of Robert N. Stavins, 2000-2011 (2013), a successor to the first volume, published in 2000, Environmental Economics and Public Policy: Selected Papers of Robert N. Stavins, 1988-1999.
Biggest Polluter in the World, China, is exempted from this.

Allowance Trading System = Carbon Trading System = Carbon Tax = Economic Death = Poverty and Misery and Death for 99% of the Worlds Population.
Which is worse, a gradual warming trend or a mini ice age? Which is more common, man made global warming or geologic scale ice ages? Anybody who has watched enough Nat-Geo stuff or the Science channel or the History channel knows that skilled narration, pseudo-science doubletalk and glitzy graphics can produce a convincing argument that Sasquatch exists and the earth was visited by ancient aliens from outer space. The exact same technique is being used to sell the fraudulent concept of man-made global warming. The proponents of climate change even have the argument surrounded by doubletalk. If it gets colder they say it is caused by global warming. I propose a theory that we are on the verge of another ice age and the perceived warming trend is actually an effect of the begining of an ice age.
Which is worse, a gradual warming trend or a mini ice age? Which is more common, man made global warming or geologic scale ice ages? Anybody who has watched enough Nat-Geo stuff or the Science channel or the History channel knows that skilled narration, pseudo-science doubletalk and glitzy graphics can produce a convincing argument that Sasquatch exists and the earth was visited by ancient aliens from outer space. The exact same technique is being used to sell the fraudulent concept of man-made global warming. The proponents of climate change even have the argument surrounded by doubletalk. If it gets colder they say it is caused by global warming. I propose a theory that we are on the verge of another ice age and the perceived warming trend is actually an effect of the begining of an ice age.

Ahhhh...jeeez, dude....too bad you're such a clueless delusional ask: "Which is more common, man made global warming or geologic scale ice ages?" and your blindness to the obvious fact that your question is utterly meaningless and completely idiotic just demonstrates how ignorant and out of your depth you are regarding anthropogenic global warming & climate changes. It's like asking - 'what is more common, nuclear explosions or geologic scale volcanic eruptions' - in some futile, retarded attempt to 'prove' that nuclear weapons don't exist. Mankind having an 'industrial revolution' and burning immense amounts of coal, oil, and natural gas, thus passing hundreds of billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, while simultaneously deforesting large areas of the planet, is definitely not "common"; in fact, it has never happened before. But that does not mean that it isn't actually happening, just because it is uncommon, as you so moronically assume.

If you can't tell the difference between rumors and hype surrounding "Sasquatch" & "ancient aliens" and the very real and significant consensus in the world scientific community on the reality and dangers of anthropogenic global warming and its associated climate changes, then you are truly lost in the ozone and completely out of touch with reality. Come back when you evolve enough to grow some kind of brain.
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By the way......I wanted to be the first to congratulate Rolling Thunder on completion of his emergency ark!!! Evidently, this is the first photo.......and pretty cool.......he already has some of the larger animals on board!!! Lets face facts......the guy is ready when the floods start.........


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