Making sense of race


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017

Race has become the central issue of our times yet it is still a taboo topic.....those on the left are so obsessed with their false narrative their minds are closed to the truth.

Barry Obama says that race is just a "social construct"........and yet he is obsessed with race.
It's not the Republicans who are obsessed with race, it's the Democrats.
People who are obsessed with race are racist.
Race based organizations are racist, and the Democrats have 100% of them.
An excellent introduction to the article

The first chapter of Making Sense of Race ends with these words: “Clearly, race is a biological reality. It needs to be understood. The most up-to-date research on it needs to be widely known. Its implications need to be explored. That is the purpose of this book.” It would be hard to think of a more worthy goal, and Edward Dutton, who teaches evolutionary psychology at Asbiro University in Poland, achieves it admirably. The pity is that books like this are shoved into obscurity, so the people who need to read it won’t.
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Race has become the central issue of our times yet it is still a taboo topic.....those on the left are so obsessed with their false narrative their minds are closed to the truth.

Means nothing in the US. We have a Constitution. What is not covered by our Ten simple Amendments?

This is what we are supposed to be bearing True witness to: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
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Race has become the central issue of our times yet it is still a taboo topic.....those on the left are so obsessed with their false narrative their minds are closed to the truth.

Means nothing in the US. We have a Constitution. What is not covered by our Ten simple Amendments?

This is what we are supposed to be bearing True witness to: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The problem with the constitution is that it is open to interpetation and change.....aka it is pretty clear to most of us that constitutionally we have a right to own firearms.....yet the liberals disagree and thus interpet the constitution differently.

Thus Constitutional gurantees can be subverted....that is why it is so critical for Conservatives to always have a majority on the Supreme Ct.

As the nation grows more diverse and certain minority groups increase their political representation....the constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.
This article is a joke ! Here let me show you one example:

People who deny race point out that there is more genetic variation within members of the same race than between races — but that’s true for dog breeds, and not many people think the difference between a terrier and a pug is all in our minds. As with humans, the DNA that varies most within a breed make little or no genetic difference. The 30 percent of the dog genome — about 15 percent in the case of humans — where we find patterns of difference between subspecies are the parts that produce physical and temperamental differences. In the case of dogs, these are the traits breeders cared about; in the cases of humans, they are the traits that had evolutionary importance.

Sports fans note race differences all the time. The last time a white man won the 100-meter dash in the Olympics was in 1980 (he was a Scot named Allan Wells). Even then, men of West African origin dominated the sprints. Likewise, every winner in the World’s Strongest Man competition, held each year since 1977, has been white. There are very few black swim champions; their bones are denser so they float lower in the water, which increases drag. The best ping pong players are Asians, probably because the sport requires such quick reactions. Of all the races, Asians have the quickest reaction times and the highest intelligence. Blacks have the slowest and the lowest.

The average black defensive lineman could win a strongmans contest. Larry Allen, an NFL Hall of fame offensive lineman benched 800 pounds, squated over 1,000 and ran a 4.8 40 at around 330 pounds. He could easily have won the strongman. Sports are about training and when you talk about qiuck reaction, quick thinking and intelligence, look no further than basketball, not ping pong.This article is retarded and if you seriously think this is legitimate, you are retarded too.

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