Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

some say

it was nothing more then a simple robbery

perhaps Malaysia or someone was transferring a bunch of gold

or some other highly valuable items to china

the crew knew of it

and took the plane to get its contents

Came in hard...Yep

sure in that case

however if a large jet just steps off the runway onto grass

they end up stuck


If they took the time to plan a hijacking, they would surely have planned a place to land the plane. Just because they had a 777, doesn't mean they need a landing strip that's exactly to specifications for a plane that big.

Remember, as someone else already pointed out, Sully landed his big plane in the Hudson River.

doesn't mean they need a landing strip that's exactly to specifications for a plane that big.

of course but that takes out the getting it aloft again

which would fit into a robbery scenario

in which the crew knew of something valuable in the cargo hold
I go along with Jon Bezerk that Israel is the likely target. It will take some time to load the plane with WMD and they will be on their way as long as they can get off the ground again. without being noticed. I know that we have to be on top alert.
CaféAuLait;8780867 said:
Did the world receive misinformation or was the investigation incompetent?

I'm unsure.
Information is confirmed, denied, then acted upon.
Either blithering idiots from all over the world are spouting any old crap that pops into their heads, or someone is playing silly fuckers, deliberately trying to confuse as much as possible.

That's how it's done these days. In order to keep the show going 24/7, the media has to become part of the show and that means the 'information' is pretty much all crap. Think about it. How can something like this search that has netted nothing new for 9 days play 24/7 without a lot of made up shit!
CaféAuLait;8781609 said:
Depends on where the plane is being stashed. Whatever country with infidels is closest will be getting the surprise.

True, I thought at the beginning of this entire ordeal they said the plane only had 8 hours of fuel, so my assumption was based that it is probably in the ME.

According to today's report, the plane only had enough fuel to reach its destination.

The Boeing 777-200 ER disappeared on March 8, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The airline's CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said Sunday the missing passenger jet took off with its normal amount of fuel needed for the route, and did not have extra fuel on board that could have extended its range.

Search for Malaysia Airline plane widens, becomes more difficult -

If that is true, then this lends itself more to a crash or hijack attempt gone bad, although it could have made it to the middle east. If it was a hijacking it would seen the pilots would know there wasn't enough fuel to make it across the sea somewhere. But then the theory of the plan turning and heading out to sea is just speculation, still. If it was a hijacking, there are plenty of places to put down between Kuala Lumpur and China.


Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: As U.S. role expands, so do search area and suspicion of foul play - CBS News

If they did indeed head west they could have made it to the middle east with the fuel they had, but barely. So, it could be parked in Pakistan easily, and Saudi theoretically. They would have been given clearance to land but the people who gave clearance would have had to be in on the hijacking to have stayed mum about it for 9 days. But an airport that could take in a plane that big would have many people working and someone would have spilled by now. Airports everywhere large enough to handle that kind of traffic are pretty much the same.
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CaféAuLait;8781609 said:
Depends on where the plane is being stashed. Whatever country with infidels is closest will be getting the surprise.

True, I thought at the beginning of this entire ordeal they said the plane only had 8 hours of fuel, so my assumption was based that it is probably in the ME.

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Cairo, Egypt

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Iran

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China

I've been in Cairo International. I don't think a hijacked plane could have landed there without a big hoo ha over it.


That would be like saying a hijacked plane landed at LAX and no one said anything. Didn't happen. That plane didn't land in Cairo.
CaféAuLait;8781657 said:
CaféAuLait;8781609 said:
True, I thought at the beginning of this entire ordeal they said the plane only had 8 hours of fuel, so my assumption was based that it is probably in the ME.

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Cairo, Egypt

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Iran


Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China

Or only 5:47 hours to Lahore, Pakistan, add the additional 40 minutes heading to HCMC and they still would have had enough fuel.

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Lahore, Pakistan

Like I said, I have no clue. Just discussing possibilities. It being reported this flight flew for an additional 7 hours.

Yes, it was headed to China. Plenty of places in between, but whoever cleared the plan to land if it was a major airport had to be in on it and everyone in the place had to be blind or in on it as well. Not likely.
Untrue. Weight is a HUGE factor in landing on a grass airstrip. There are things you can do to make it better, such as balloon tires etc. but beyond 25,000 pounds, and you are not willingly landing on a grass strip.
Ok, so you are going to use the word "grass" as a way to argue your point over the idea of landing a craft of a certain weight upon the ground, but what you don't understand is that if it is drought time in a region, you would be quite surprised as to what you can drive on, and land on in certain terrains that are under certain conditions. Otherwise if the ground is good, dry and hard anything is possible. I know this, because I have driven vehicles on land that would have never supported the weight of the vehicle at certain times of the year, but because of the season, and then the ground being so dry and hard, you would be amazed as to what that ground can support. What about the ice on the show "Ice Road Truckers", so you think it not possible to land a plane on that ice maybe ? Sometimes the tonnage is astonishing as to what that ice can hold, but also the driver has to be aware as to the conditions of the ice, and where to or how to deal with it properly when driving on it or banging around on it. Engineers know what I am talking about.

I'm a pilot. I land on grass occasionally.... there is NO way in hell that you could land a 777 on dirt...even hard packed dirt...and have it land intact. The landing gear is not stressed for it, the tires are not at a proper pressure for it, and the engines are at severe risk to ingest crap that will destroy them.

There is a world of difference between an 80,000 pound truck driving at 50 mph on an iced over lake and a 350,000+ pound aircraft landing at 170 knots on anything other than a massively reinforced concrete runway.

We still have a few grass runways in these parts. My brother used one until he got a slightly larger plane. Then he went to a place that has a concrete runway. 777 didn't land intact on sand or grass. Didn't happen.
I'm a pilot. I land on grass occasionally.....

Or, if this version of events is true, a abandoned airbase, built for heavy bombers.

US Reconstructs Former Military Bases Across Asia-Pacific -- News from

Plenty around.

I can accept that as a possibility. But where are the people? Did Americans on those bases give clearance to land and then stay mum about it for 9 days? Not likely.

I mean think about it. For this plane to have come to rest in an airport large enough to handle the load someone would have spilled it by now. Someone.
Yes, someone must begin connecting the dots.....

You certainly aren't capable of connecting any've been drinking too much of the KoolAid.

Fact: The US military is supposedly heavily involved in the "search" yet has not found anything.....

Fact: Barak Hussein Obama is the Commander In Chief of the US Military

Fact: Barak Hussein is a Muslim name

Fact: Muslim's have hijcked aircraft

The Facts speak for themselves as much as any other facts related to this thread.


You are the master of satire. This forum would be lacking without you! :badgrin:
How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.

without supplemental oxygen at

18 thousand feet you are incapable of any useful function

20 thousand feet if you are not unconsciousness you will be shortly

at this point prolonged exposure may result in death

25 thousand feet 3 minutes unconscious death follows

for pilots in un pressurized cabins

from 12500 ft to 13999 ft a pilot must use supplemental oxygen if at that level for 30

minutes or more

at 14000 ft the essential crew must use supplemental oxygen continuously

at 15000 ft the crew must offer supplemental oxygen to the passengers

Not to mention that a 777 isn't a fighter jet and simply doesn't have the extreme range of motions those planes have. People think all planes are the same, but they are not. Speaking of fighter jets, pilots in fighter jets wear pressure suits that compress the lower extremities at certain altitudes in order to maintain blood flow to their brains. 777 pilots wear no such gear.
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I'm going to put another theory forward.
Perhaps the aircraft flew near the Spratly island and the Americans shot it down, mistaking it for a foreign fighter jet.
They do have a history of this.
Once again, America is sticking its fat nose into politics on the other side of the world and, as they've done this before, we can't discount the possibility.

Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A fighter jet looks nothing like a 777. And there were Americans on board. So, we have every right to 'stick our noses in it.'
You certainly aren't capable of connecting any've been drinking too much of the KoolAid.

Fact: The US military is supposedly heavily involved in the "search" yet has not found anything.....

Fact: Barak Hussein Obama is the Commander In Chief of the US Military

Fact: Barak Hussein is a Muslim name

Fact: Muslim's have hijcked aircraft

The Facts speak for themselves as much as any other facts related to this thread.


You are the master of satire. This forum would be lacking without you! :badgrin:

Then it has to be in the not free world for it to be kept a secret.
CaféAuLait;8781657 said:

Or only 5:47 hours to Lahore, Pakistan, add the additional 40 minutes heading to HCMC and they still would have had enough fuel.

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Lahore, Pakistan

Like I said, I have no clue. Just discussing possibilities. It being reported this flight flew for an additional 7 hours.

time it takes to get a plane from one location to another is not that simple

one has to take into account fuel burn rate

the lower the altitude the higher the burn rate

another factor in burn rate is the winds aloft

Apparently they watch too much TV in Indonesia as well! ;)
How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.

without supplemental oxygen at

18 thousand feet you are incapable of any useful function

20 thousand feet if you are not unconsciousness you will be shortly

at this point prolonged exposure may result in death

25 thousand feet 3 minutes unconscious death follows

for pilots in un pressurized cabins

from 12500 ft to 13999 ft a pilot must use supplemental oxygen if at that level for 30

minutes or more

at 14000 ft the essential crew must use supplemental oxygen continuously

at 15000 ft the crew must offer supplemental oxygen to the passengers

Not to mention that a 777 isn't a fighter jet and simply doesn't have the range of motions those planes have. People think all planes are the same, but they are not. Speaking of fighter jets, pilots in fighter jets wear pressure suits that compress the lower extremities at certain altitudes in order to maintain blood flow to their brains. 777 pilots wear no such gear.

How hard is it twydo acquire surplus?
Fact: The US military is supposedly heavily involved in the "search" yet has not found anything.....

Fact: Barak Hussein Obama is the Commander In Chief of the US Military

Fact: Barak Hussein is a Muslim name

Fact: Muslim's have hijcked aircraft

The Facts speak for themselves as much as any other facts related to this thread.


You are the master of satire. This forum would be lacking without you! :badgrin:

Then it has to be in the not free world for it to be kept a secret.


There is no way that plane landed at an international airport anywhere in the middle east or southeast Asia. People from all over work in those places. Someone would have spilled it by now.
IF the plane was hijacked, which I doubt, the people who did it were planning on living. IF the plane was blown up by suicide terrorists whose who did it would have happily taken credit for it. They would have told some one or left a message.
There's no way the 777 could have landed on some "abandoned" air base with those in charge planning to "refuel" and take off again to "blow up" Israel. How the hell do you secretly stash away 40,000+ gallons of jet fuel? Any abandoned air base isn't going to have ANY! technology intact to store/transfer the fuel. Every abandoned air base in that part of the world has been literally stripped of any bit of metal/wire/equipment by the locals long long ago.
The planes Captain had a homemade 777 simulator in his home. Complete with the toggles which turn off the electronics needed to send location signals meaning the only way of locating the plane was/is from local radar.
It's like two people with walkie talkies and one of them turns theirs off.
without supplemental oxygen at

18 thousand feet you are incapable of any useful function

20 thousand feet if you are not unconsciousness you will be shortly

at this point prolonged exposure may result in death

25 thousand feet 3 minutes unconscious death follows

for pilots in un pressurized cabins

from 12500 ft to 13999 ft a pilot must use supplemental oxygen if at that level for 30

minutes or more

at 14000 ft the essential crew must use supplemental oxygen continuously

at 15000 ft the crew must offer supplemental oxygen to the passengers

Not to mention that a 777 isn't a fighter jet and simply doesn't have the range of motions those planes have. People think all planes are the same, but they are not. Speaking of fighter jets, pilots in fighter jets wear pressure suits that compress the lower extremities at certain altitudes in order to maintain blood flow to their brains. 777 pilots wear no such gear.

How hard is it twydo acquire surplus?

Possible, not probable, IMO. Just do an image search of fighter pilot's pressure suit. (On a side note, it is pretty clear that Jimmy Fallon had a wet suit on under his suit when he did the polar bear water thingy in Chicago.) I don't think a commercial pilot outfit would look very natural over a pressure suit.
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without supplemental oxygen at

18 thousand feet you are incapable of any useful function

20 thousand feet if you are not unconsciousness you will be shortly

at this point prolonged exposure may result in death

25 thousand feet 3 minutes unconscious death follows

for pilots in un pressurized cabins

from 12500 ft to 13999 ft a pilot must use supplemental oxygen if at that level for 30

minutes or more

at 14000 ft the essential crew must use supplemental oxygen continuously

at 15000 ft the crew must offer supplemental oxygen to the passengers

Not to mention that a 777 isn't a fighter jet and simply doesn't have the range of motions those planes have. People think all planes are the same, but they are not. Speaking of fighter jets, pilots in fighter jets wear pressure suits that compress the lower extremities at certain altitudes in order to maintain blood flow to their brains. 777 pilots wear no such gear.

How hard is it twydo acquire surplus?
Wake up all you dumb-dumbs. Commercial airline pilots aren't pulling any 'Gs'. That is the ONLY reason fighter jet pilots wear those suits. Commercial pilots have redundant oxygen masks that automatically drop from above the pilots heads when certain altitudes are reached. Fighter pilots wear an oxygen mask at all times when flying. The cockpit as well as the whole interior of every commercial airliner is automatically pressurized according to the altitude. This pressurization system also has redundancy.
The "Americans" didn't shoot it down by mistake.
IF the plane was hijacked, which I doubt, the people who did it were planning on living. IF the plane was blown up by suicide terrorists whose who did it would have happily taken credit for it. They would have told some one or left a message.
There's no way the 777 could have landed on some "abandoned" air base with those in charge planning to "refuel" and take off again to "blow up" Israel. How the hell do you secretly stash away 40,000+ gallons of jet fuel? Any abandoned air base isn't going to have ANY! technology intact to store/transfer the fuel. Every abandoned air base in that part of the world has been literally stripped of any bit of metal/wire/equipment by the locals long long ago.
The planes Captain had a homemade 777 simulator in his home. Complete with the toggles which turn off the electronics needed to send location signals meaning the only way of locating the plane was/is from local radar.
It's like two people with walkie talkies and one of them turns theirs off.

Exactly. And landing it at an international airport is equally unlikely. There is plenty of land within the flight distance the plane had with the allotted fuel. Rule out international airports, rule out abandoned airports, rule out sand and grass. What's left? What rogue nation would have entertained this folly?

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