Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

I was speaking to bianco's fear, shared by many, of Islamically named Pilots.

It is no coincidence that these pilots and our president have Muslim names.

If you mean would I prefer to have a pilot who is a muslim, considering the more then 24,000 terror attacks committed somewhere across the planet SINCE 911, my answer would be no, thank you, I'll take a Jones or a Smith for a pilot.

However, that has nothing to do with our President. You are aware that Pres. Obama is a Christian, right? Or did that fact somehow slip past you the last 6 years or so? Hmmmmm..... things that make you go hmmmm.....

And I would say it is a HUGE coincidence. Or are you trying to insinuate that our President somehow directly had something to do with the fate of that plane? Really?

Yes, someone must begin connecting the dots.....

You certainly aren't capable of connecting any've been drinking too much of the KoolAid.
CBS News has described Obama as "humble" and Safety-conscious."

Another conicidence? I think not.

uhhh, Obama is not mentioned in the article.

Different article.


You truly are deranged. I've never seen anyone with such a thick dose of the syndrome as seem extremely paranoid and confused.....

How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.
The longer this goes on the more inclined I am to believe you are right, Gracie. It might be these 239 passengers will be presented as hostages.
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CaféAuLait;8780867 said:
Did the world receive misinformation or was the investigation incompetent?

I'm unsure.
Information is confirmed, denied, then acted upon.
Either blithering idiots from all over the world are spouting any old crap that pops into their heads, or someone is playing silly fuckers, deliberately trying to confuse as much as possible.
How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.

Afraid so. And more than likely over US airspace.

And of course , the powers-that-be will claim that they have no idea why someone would try to attack us.

How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.

Afraid so. And more than likely over US airspace.

And of course , the powers-that-be will claim that they have no idea why someone would try to attack us.


I wonder which coast will see it arrive? I'm thinking west coast this go round. :(
How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.

Afraid so. And more than likely over US airspace.

And of course , the powers-that-be will claim that they have no idea why someone would try to attack us.


IDk if this plane is not crashed in the ocean or land, I could see terrorists trying to make a run for London or Paris as well, maybe Israel, it would be closer than the near 8,000 miles to the US. It would make a statement and France has really taken the whole burka thing to the next level.
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Depends on where the plane is being stashed. Whatever country with infidels is closest will be getting the surprise.
CNN said that Malaysia is sensitive after 9-11 because two of the 9-11 Hijackers were Malaysian.

Are you sure?

September 11th Hijackers Fast Facts -

Hijackers by Airplane:

American Airlines Flight 11
Mohamed Atta - Egypt, tactical leader of 9/11 plot and pilot
Abdul Aziz al Omari - Saudi Arabia
Wail al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Waleed al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Satam al Suqami - Saudi Arabia

United Airlines Flight 175
Fayez Banihammad - United Arab Emirates
Ahmed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Hamza al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Marwan al Shehhi - United Arab Emirates, pilot
Mohand al Shehri - Saudi Arabia

American Airlines Flight 77
Hani Hanjour - Saudi Arabia, pilot
Nawaf al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Salem al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Khalid al Mihdhar - Saudi Arabia
Majed Moqed - Saudi Arabia

United Airlines Flight 93
Saeed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Ahmad al Haznawi - Saudi Arabia
Ziad Jarrah - Lebanon, pilot
Ahmed al Nami - Saudi Arabia

CNN has a bit of a rep for being a bunch of wankers but this is a load of pure bollocks.
Depends on where the plane is being stashed. Whatever country with infidels is closest will be getting the surprise.

True, I thought at the beginning of this entire ordeal they said the plane only had 8 hours of fuel, so my assumption was based that it is probably in the ME.
How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.

Afraid so. And more than likely over US airspace.

And of course , the powers-that-be will claim that they have no idea why someone would try to attack us.


For that, you have to assume the aircraft was taken over and landed safely.
We have no idea if that's the case or not.
If they can take over an aircraft so easily, why store it instead of just attacking something immediately?
Hang on, I get it.
They'll repaint it and hope the Jewish state won't kill Jews when they try to destroy something in Israel.

CaféAuLait;8781609 said:
Depends on where the plane is being stashed. Whatever country with infidels is closest will be getting the surprise.

True, I thought at the beginning of this entire ordeal they said the plane only had 8 hours of fuel, so my assumption was based that it is probably in the ME.

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Cairo, Egypt,+Malaysia/to/Iran

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How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.

Afraid so. And more than likely over US airspace.

And of course , the powers-that-be will claim that they have no idea why someone would try to attack us.


For that, you have to assume the aircraft was taken over and landed safely.
We have no idea if that's the case or not.
If they can take over an aircraft so easily, why store it instead of just attacking something immediately?

I asked the same question, and the response I got from a few people discussing this disaster was to fit it with dirty bombs or radioactive materials of some sort. Or to refuel and then attack since the plane was not carrying enough fuel.

IDK what happened, just some speculation IF the plane did not crash.
CaféAuLait;8781609 said:
Depends on where the plane is being stashed. Whatever country with infidels is closest will be getting the surprise.

True, I thought at the beginning of this entire ordeal they said the plane only had 8 hours of fuel, so my assumption was based that it is probably in the ME.

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Cairo, Egypt

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Iran


Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China

Or only 5:47 hours to Lahore, Pakistan, add the additional 40 minutes heading to HCMC and they still would have had enough fuel.

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Lahore, Pakistan

Like I said, I have no clue. Just discussing possibilities. It being reported this flight flew for an additional 7 hours.
Weight has nothing to do with it... It is all in the approach, and the way you land the aircraft..

Untrue. Weight is a HUGE factor in landing on a grass airstrip. There are things you can do to make it better, such as balloon tires etc. but beyond 25,000 pounds, and you are not willingly landing on a grass strip.
Ok, so you are going to use the word "grass" as a way to argue your point over the idea of landing a craft of a certain weight upon the ground, but what you don't understand is that if it is drought time in a region, you would be quite surprised as to what you can drive on, and land on in certain terrains that are under certain conditions. Otherwise if the ground is good, dry and hard anything is possible. I know this, because I have driven vehicles on land that would have never supported the weight of the vehicle at certain times of the year, but because of the season, and then the ground being so dry and hard, you would be amazed as to what that ground can support. What about the ice on the show "Ice Road Truckers", so you think it not possible to land a plane on that ice maybe ? Sometimes the tonnage is astonishing as to what that ice can hold, but also the driver has to be aware as to the conditions of the ice, and where to or how to deal with it properly when driving on it or banging around on it. Engineers know what I am talking about.

I'm a pilot. I land on grass occasionally.... there is NO way in hell that you could land a 777 on dirt...even hard packed dirt...and have it land intact. The landing gear is not stressed for it, the tires are not at a proper pressure for it, and the engines are at severe risk to ingest crap that will destroy them.

There is a world of difference between an 80,000 pound truck driving at 50 mph on an iced over lake and a 350,000+ pound aircraft landing at 170 knots on anything other than a massively reinforced concrete runway.
Why fly for seven hours?

To burn off fuel for a crash landing?

Or was everyone dead from decompression, and the plane was just flying itself?

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