Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

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Stop derailing this thread
Evidence shows plane changed direction and climbed to 45,000 feet

New Malaysian military radar evidence shows the plane climbed to 45,000ft - 2,000ft above a Boeing 777's recommended limit - which could have knocked its passengers unconscious in a deliberate attack.


Now, that IS an important detail, and shows a very deliberate plan. That's probably the easiest way to get everyone out of your way all at once if you are a terrorist. Use the laws of physics agaiinst them.
We still have little grass airfields in these parts. They are well used and packed very hard. A jet could not land on one. The plane is too heavy. Even the larger private planes don't use them. Those owners just drive a bit farther to get to a paved runway.
Weight has nothing to do with it... It is all in the approach, and the way you land the aircraft..

Untrue. Weight is a HUGE factor in landing on a grass airstrip. There are things you can do to make it better, such as balloon tires etc. but beyond 25,000 pounds, and you are not willingly landing on a grass strip.
Ok, so you are going to use the word "grass" as a way to argue your point over the idea of landing a craft of a certain weight upon the ground, but what you don't understand is that if it is drought time in a region, you would be quite surprised as to what you can drive on, and land on in certain terrains that are under certain conditions. Otherwise if the ground is good, dry and hard anything is possible. I know this, because I have driven vehicles on land that would have never supported the weight of the vehicle at certain times of the year, but because of the season, and then the ground being so dry and hard, you would be amazed as to what that ground can support. What about the ice on the show "Ice Road Truckers", so you think it not possible to land a plane on that ice maybe ? Sometimes the tonnage is astonishing as to what that ice can hold, but also the driver has to be aware as to the conditions of the ice, and where to or how to deal with it properly when driving on it or banging around on it. Engineers know what I am talking about.
I suspect that the passengers are all dead. Were ransom to be part of this, terrorists would have contacted someone by now, and to extract ransom, they would want to have live hostages.

What if terrorists killed the passengers and stole the plane to use it for an attack elsewhere?

Just an idea.
How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.
Weight has nothing to do with it... It is all in the approach, and the way you land the aircraft..

Untrue. Weight is a HUGE factor in landing on a grass airstrip. There are things you can do to make it better, such as balloon tires etc. but beyond 25,000 pounds, and you are not willingly landing on a grass strip.
Ok, so you are going to use the word "grass" as a way to argue your point over the idea of landing a craft of a certain weight upon the ground, but what you don't understand is that if it is drought time in a region, you would be quite surprised as to what you can drive on, and land on in certain terrains that are under certain conditions. Otherwise if the ground is good, dry and hard anything is possible. I know this, because I have driven vehicles on land that would have never supported the weight of the vehicle at certain times of the year, but because of the season, and then the ground being so dry and hard, you would be amazed as to what that ground can support. What about the ice on the show "Ice Road Truckers", so you think it not possible to land a plane on that ice maybe ? Sometimes the tonnage is astonishing as to what that ice can hold, but also the driver has to be aware as to the conditions of the ice, and where to or how to deal with it properly when driving on it or banging around on it. Engineers know what I am talking about.

These planes come in various lengths and sizes and can possibly hold up to a million pounds of weight. Landing on grass is not the ideal choice. Think about balancing a million pounds on the square surface of a landing gear and trying not to topple. Think a million pounds per square inch of landing gear. It is not my choice to land on grass.
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it was a terrorist attack, no doubt about that.

it's just that the way that they make fun of it its stupid,

nothing so hilarious about this plane tragedy.

but then.... what do I know.

Absolutely nothing - same as pretty much everyone else.
You have no idea it was a terrorist attack in exactly the same way as I have no idea it wasn't.

The only thing we know for sure is, there are massive holes in the whole story.

A passenger aircraft disappears but no one notices for hours.

An unidentified aircraft, with no IFF, wanders over Malaysia, close to Thailand, and through Indonesian airspace but no one questions the radar contact.

It then appears on Indian radar but no one mentions it for a week.

The Indian track is them discounted, but only sometimes, and the aircraft is given two possible courses, dependent on accepting the Indian radar evidence.

Tin foil hats aside, what the merry fuck is the real story here?
I know something else.
One of the stolen passports looks nothing like either of the people they say used them.
Does this mean eye tests are in order for security people in airports or is there some more bullshit being fed to us?
They aren't even the right skin colour or face shape.



That means, check in and at least two lots of security didn't look at the passport, just blindly accepted it without so much as a glance, even though the men would have had Iranian accents, nothing like any european looking man would have.
Perhaps the staff were all new, part of a program to get blind people into work.
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CaféAuLait;8780038 said:
Report on Captains:

Missing Malaysia jet pilots described as "humble" and "safety-conscious"

Missing Malaysia jet pilots described as "humble" and "safety-conscious" - CBS News

All I know is one of them were not safety conscious, the one who allowed passengers into the cockpit, Fariq Abdul Hamid.

The other captain posted YouTubes about home repairs, flying and discontent with atheists. Seems pretty innocuous.
The allowing of these females into the cockpit, it was against safety and protocal right, so did this happen in a plan that was later to be fully used, where as the cabin would again be breeched in this way, but this time it was for the terrorist acting as the women when the knock came on the door again ? This may suggest that at least one of the pilots were involved in the plan, but maybe not so much the others, yet they went along because the first time was just fooling around therefore loosening up the stringent cabin strict policy and protocal a bit. This could be when the women weren't actually women this time, but maybe terrorist accomplices who were waiting outside the door instead, and not those two women as it were before. Hmmmm.
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Untrue. Weight is a HUGE factor in landing on a grass airstrip. There are things you can do to make it better, such as balloon tires etc. but beyond 25,000 pounds, and you are not willingly landing on a grass strip.
Ok, so you are going to use the word "grass" as a way to argue your point over the idea of landing a craft of a certain weight upon the ground, but what you don't understand is that if it is drought time in a region, you would be quite surprised as to what you can drive on, and land on in certain terrains that are under certain conditions. Otherwise if the ground is good, dry and hard anything is possible. I know this, because I have driven vehicles on land that would have never supported the weight of the vehicle at certain times of the year, but because of the season, and then the ground being so dry and hard, you would be amazed as to what that ground can support. What about the ice on the show "Ice Road Truckers", so you think it not possible to land a plane on that ice maybe ? Sometimes the tonnage is astonishing as to what that ice can hold, but also the driver has to be aware as to the conditions of the ice, and where to or how to deal with it properly when driving on it or banging around on it. Engineers know what I am talking about.

These planes come in various lengths and sizes and can possibly hold up to a million pounds of weight. Landing on grass is not the ideal choice. Think about balancing a million pounds on the square surface of a landing gear and trying not to topple. Think a million pounds per square inch of landing gear. It is not my choice to land on grass.
No me neither.. However if we had to land in an emergency, I would hope that all conditions are just right for such a feet. The plane may be in thick jungle somewhere, and that will take sometime to find. Maybe an award will help them to get better info from a land search that involves many, otherwise if they issue an amount at this time. Couldn't hurt. Maybe $100,0000 to anyone who finds this plane?
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CaféAuLait;8780038 said:
Report on Captains:

Missing Malaysia jet pilots described as "humble" and "safety-conscious"

Missing Malaysia jet pilots described as "humble" and "safety-conscious" - CBS News

All I know is one of them were not safety conscious, the one who allowed passengers into the cockpit, Fariq Abdul Hamid.

The other captain posted YouTubes about home repairs, flying and discontent with atheists. Seems pretty innocuous.
The allowing of these females into the cockpit, it was against safety and protocal right, so did this happen in a plan that was later to be fully used, where as the cabin would again be breeched in this way, but this time it was for the terrorist acting as the women when the knock came on the door again ? This may suggest that at least one of the pilots were involved in the plan, but maybe not so much the others, yet they went along because the first time was just fooling around therefore loosening up the stringent cabin strict policy and protocal a bit. This could be when the women weren't actually women this time, but maybe terrorist accomplices who were waiting outside the door instead, and not those two women as it were before. Hmmmm.

Or beautiful, sweet, alluring, charming female terrorists who seduced their way into the cabin...working for evil not good.
CaféAuLait;8780038 said:
Report on Captains:

Missing Malaysia jet pilots described as "humble" and "safety-conscious"

Missing Malaysia jet pilots described as "humble" and "safety-conscious" - CBS News

All I know is one of them were not safety conscious, the one who allowed passengers into the cockpit, Fariq Abdul Hamid.

The other captain posted YouTubes about home repairs, flying and discontent with atheists. Seems pretty innocuous.
The allowing of these females into the cockpit, it was against safety and protocal right, so did this happen in a plan that was later to be fully used, where as the cabin would again be breeched in this way, but this time it was for the terrorist acting as the women when the knock came on the door again ? This may suggest that at least one of the pilots were involved in the plan, but maybe not so much the others, yet they went along because the first time was just fooling around therefore loosening up the stringent cabin strict policy and protocal a bit. This could be when the women weren't actually women this time, but maybe terrorist accomplices who were waiting outside the door instead, and not those two women as it were before. Hmmmm.

Or beautiful, sweet, alluring, charming female terrorists who seduced their way into the cabin...working for evil not good.
That to, but highly unlikely I would think.
So now, it would seem that after they investigate the pilots, they will be investigating the passengers and likely the passengers' families. They will not have a minute's peace for months on end. And just because of the luck of the draw their family member was on that plane.

As for those on here who keep throwing out the bait that America has made the accusation of terrorism, I would remind you that Kuala Lumpur is not in America, and the determination that this is terrorism came from Kuala Lumpur. Just sayin'.
Somebody willingly turned off the transponder beacons. If that isn't nefarious I don't know what is. Somebody took the plane off course for hours thereafter. This has sinister written all over it.

My only wish is that the Saudi's are somehow behind this. Some kind of false flag to blame Iran, but who knows.
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Somebody willingly turned off the transponder beacons. If that isn't nefarious I don't know what is. Somebody took the plane off course for hours thereafter. This has sinister written all over it.

My only wish is that the Saudi's are somehow behind this. Some kind of false flag to blame Iran, but who knows.

Well, it seems easy enough to say that the pilot isn't likely the terrorist, but there was a doctor at Ford Hood who supposedly wasn't either. You just never know. Anytime you board a plane, you should be watching everyone who boards with you, even the staff.
I know something else.
One of the stolen passports looks nothing like either of the people they say used them.
Does this mean eye tests are in order for security people in airports or is there some more bullshit being fed to us?
They aren't even the right skin colour or face shape.



That means, check in and at least two lots of security didn't look at the passport, just blindly accepted it without so much as a glance, even though the men would have had Iranian accents, nothing like any european looking man would have.
Perhaps the staff were all new, part of a program to get blind people into work.

The other thing that gets me is Malaysian officials said that the above men ( before their photos were released) looked like Mario Balotelli, implying they were black. Those men look nothing like Balotelli and the implication was ridiculous.

Mario Balotelli:

Did the world receive misinformation or was the investigation incompetent?
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Somebody willingly turned off the transponder beacons. If that isn't nefarious I don't know what is. Somebody took the plane off course for hours thereafter. This has sinister written all over it.

My only wish is that the Saudi's are somehow behind this. Some kind of false flag to blame Iran, but who knows.

Well, it seems easy enough to say that the pilot isn't likely the terrorist, but there was a doctor at Ford Hood who supposedly wasn't either. You just never know. Anytime you board a plane, you should be watching everyone who boards with you, even the staff.

I've flown enough for 1 lifetime. Me doesn't like flying anymore. Sum ting willy wong with this tale as Elmer Fudd would say.
Somebody willingly turned off the transponder beacons. If that isn't nefarious I don't know what is. Somebody took the plane off course for hours thereafter. This has sinister written all over it.

My only wish is that the Saudi's are somehow behind this. Some kind of false flag to blame Iran, but who knows.

Well, it seems easy enough to say that the pilot isn't likely the terrorist, but there was a doctor at Ford Hood who supposedly wasn't either. You just never know. Anytime you board a plane, you should be watching everyone who boards with you, even the staff.

CNN said that Malaysia is sensitive after 9-11 because two of the 9-11 Hijackers were Malaysian.
Somebody willingly turned off the transponder beacons. If that isn't nefarious I don't know what is. Somebody took the plane off course for hours thereafter. This has sinister written all over it.

My only wish is that the Saudi's are somehow behind this. Some kind of false flag to blame Iran, but who knows.

Well, it seems easy enough to say that the pilot isn't likely the terrorist, but there was a doctor at Ford Hood who supposedly wasn't either. You just never know. Anytime you board a plane, you should be watching everyone who boards with you, even the staff.

CNN said that Malaysia is sensitive after 9-11 because two of the 9-11 Hijackers were Malaysian.

I hope that 'sensitivity' did not impede this investigation, but given the above reporting perhaps it did. I hope they did not wish to keep the possibility there may be suspected terrorist act committed by Malaysians under the radar. If anything was kept from investigators which may have helped to locate this plane and its precious cargo, it would be an abomination.

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