Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

Why fly for seven hours?

To burn off fuel for a crash landing?

Or was everyone dead from decompression, and the plane was just flying itself?

I don't think they were dead from decompression. The plane was flying a flight path which would have required precise input or maneuvers by whomever was piloting the plane.

Huffpo and CNN explain it pretty good in the articles here:

Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Evidence Points To Takeover

Pilot: Whoever changed flight path was an expert -
Apparently they now know it climbed to 45,000 feet, which is so high that the air would thin, which could kill the passengers, then it descended to 23,000 feet, then back up to about 30,000 feet. At that point it made its u-turn. That plane is rated with a ceiling of 43,000.

At 45,000 feet, a 777 would be tough to control. Its window for proper speed would be really small. In other words, if 500 mph was the perfect speed for a 777 at 45,000 feet, at 505 mph it would shudder uncontrollably, and at 495 it would stall. So if the pilot took it that high, he was desperate. Maybe someone was trying to enter the cockpit. It seems like they were eventually successful, or maybe the climb to 45,000 feet was designed to kill the passengers, in which case the culprit was already in control of the plane.

We got it you are a Kelly Files fan. Just because some old guy admitted he could not control a 777 at that altitude means no one could.

I wasn't saying it couldn't be done. Im saying that its a desperate move, assuming that the maneuvering was intended to stop an intruder from breaking into the cabin.

i am a pilot and I can tell you no one with a brain would choose that course of action.

Then again I have met very few people with a brain so.....:eek:
Yes, but that is an emegency senario that had taken place, where as the brakes were applied so hard that the plane began digging in quickly and then coming apart as a result of. The key is that they made it, and that is all that counts. Now if a pilot or pilots were to glide in nose up without an emergency, and where cooler heads are used, then anything is possible.

It also depends on the season whether extremely dry and/or wet as to whether the plane would hold up on a runway (if it has mostly gone back to dirt over time) or if it wouldn't hold up. Anyone know the drought conditions in these areas of question ?

We still have little grass airfields in these parts. They are well used and packed very hard. A jet could not land on one. The plane is too heavy. Even the larger private planes don't use them. Those owners just drive a bit farther to get to a paved runway.
Weight has nothing to do with it... It is all in the approach, and the way you land the aircraft..

weight has everything to do with it
Yes, but that is an emegency senario that had taken place, where as the brakes were applied so hard that the plane began digging in quickly and then coming apart as a result of. The key is that they made it, and that is all that counts. Now if a pilot or pilots were to glide in nose up without an emergency, and where cooler heads are used, then anything is possible.

It also depends on the season whether extremely dry and/or wet as to whether the plane would hold up on a runway (if it has mostly gone back to dirt over time) or if it wouldn't hold up. Anyone know the drought conditions in these areas of question ?

where as the brakes were applied so hard that the plane began digging

actually the nose gear collapsed
Came in hard...Yep

sure in that case

however if a large jet just steps off the runway onto grass

they end up stuck

We still have little grass airfields in these parts. They are well used and packed very hard. A jet could not land on one. The plane is too heavy. Even the larger private planes don't use them. Those owners just drive a bit farther to get to a paved runway.
Weight has nothing to do with it... It is all in the approach, and the way you land the aircraft..

Untrue. Weight is a HUGE factor in landing on a grass airstrip. There are things you can do to make it better, such as balloon tires etc. but beyond 25,000 pounds, and you are not willingly landing on a grass strip.


i have seen a old dc-3 land on grass

and c-130s but they are designed to do so

there was a 727 that was retrofitted with balloon tires for off runway landings

but i do not know what became of it
Police have reportedly raided the home of one of the pilots.
Both the pilots are Muslims?

Neither of the pilots were muslim. One pilot let a bimbo into the cockpit a couple of years ago. They'll do anything to avoid confronting the two guys who paid cash for one way tickets and we're traveling on stolen passports.

i read that at least one of them is
If you mean would I prefer to have a pilot who is a muslim, considering the more then 24,000 terror attacks committed somewhere across the planet SINCE 911, my answer would be no, thank you, I'll take a Jones or a Smith for a pilot.

However, that has nothing to do with our President. You are aware that Pres. Obama is a Christian, right? Or did that fact somehow slip past you the last 6 years or so? Hmmmmm..... things that make you go hmmmm.....

And I would say it is a HUGE coincidence. Or are you trying to insinuate that our President somehow directly had something to do with the fate of that plane? Really?

Yes, someone must begin connecting the dots.....

You certainly aren't capable of connecting any've been drinking too much of the KoolAid.

Fact: The US military is supposedly heavily involved in the "search" yet has not found anything.....

Fact: Barak Hussein Obama is the Commander In Chief of the US Military

Fact: Barak Hussein is a Muslim name

Fact: Muslim's have hijcked aircraft

The Facts speak for themselves as much as any other facts related to this thread.
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Evidence shows plane changed direction and climbed to 45,000 feet

New Malaysian military radar evidence shows the plane climbed to 45,000ft - 2,000ft above a Boeing 777's recommended limit - which could have knocked its passengers unconscious in a deliberate attack.


you can knock off the passengers at a much lower altitude than that
How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.

Afraid so. And more than likely over US airspace.

And of course , the powers-that-be will claim that they have no idea why someone would try to attack us.


Tell me, do you think the powers-that-be did that last time?
How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.

Afraid so. And more than likely over US airspace.

And of course , the powers-that-be will claim that they have no idea why someone would try to attack us.


The Powers That Be.

You mean President of the USA.

Barak Hussein Obama.....
How fast can someone kill 200+ passengers once they are knocked out?
Begs the question on how they got rid of them all...and where they put them once done.

I still think that plane is in a hangar somewhere and this was all planned out in advance. Maybe even for years. And we WILL see that plane again, eventually.

without supplemental oxygen at

18 thousand feet you are incapable of any useful function

20 thousand feet if you are not unconsciousness you will be shortly

at this point prolonged exposure may result in death

25 thousand feet 3 minutes unconscious death follows

for pilots in un pressurized cabins

from 12500 ft to 13999 ft a pilot must use supplemental oxygen if at that level for 30

minutes or more

at 14000 ft the essential crew must use supplemental oxygen continuously

at 15000 ft the crew must offer supplemental oxygen to the passengers
I'm going to put another theory forward.
Perhaps the aircraft flew near the Spratly island and the Americans shot it down, mistaking it for a foreign fighter jet.
They do have a history of this.
Once again, America is sticking its fat nose into politics on the other side of the world and, as they've done this before, we can't discount the possibility.

Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm going to put another theory forward.
Perhaps the aircraft flew near the Spratly island and the Americans shot it down, mistaking it for a foreign fighter jet.
They do have a history of this.
Once again, America is sticking its fat nose into politics on the other side of the world and, as they've done this before, we can't discount the possibility.

Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Americans don't just shoot planes down without some direction from the White House.

Where Barak Hussein Obama is President.
CaféAuLait;8781627 said:
Afraid so. And more than likely over US airspace.

And of course , the powers-that-be will claim that they have no idea why someone would try to attack us.


For that, you have to assume the aircraft was taken over and landed safely.
We have no idea if that's the case or not.
If they can take over an aircraft so easily, why store it instead of just attacking something immediately?

I asked the same question, and the response I got from a few people discussing this disaster was to fit it with dirty bombs or radioactive materials of some sort. Or to refuel and then attack since the plane was not carrying enough fuel.

IDK what happened, just some speculation IF the plane did not crash.

it takes about 45 thousand gallons of fuel to re fuel it

why save it or later

to arm it with some device

and fly it into or over a city

probably the closest target is Israel
I'm going to put another theory forward.
Perhaps the aircraft flew near the Spratly island and the Americans shot it down, mistaking it for a foreign fighter jet.
They do have a history of this.
Once again, America is sticking its fat nose into politics on the other side of the world and, as they've done this before, we can't discount the possibility.

Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Americans don't just shoot planes down without some direction from the White House.

Where Barak Hussein Obama is President.

Don't they?

Iran Air Flight 655.

An American ship, invading foreign waters, shot down a civilian aircraft that was transmitting all the proper signals and was on the correct flight path.

Given America is trying to build a base in disputed islands not far from the possible loss, and there is so much confusion, more so since American investigators entered the case, I'm wondering if your guys have done it again and are trying to cover it up.
CaféAuLait;8781657 said:
CaféAuLait;8781609 said:
True, I thought at the beginning of this entire ordeal they said the plane only had 8 hours of fuel, so my assumption was based that it is probably in the ME.

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Cairo, Egypt

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Iran


Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China

Or only 5:47 hours to Lahore, Pakistan, add the additional 40 minutes heading to HCMC and they still would have had enough fuel.

Flight Time from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Lahore, Pakistan

Like I said, I have no clue. Just discussing possibilities. It being reported this flight flew for an additional 7 hours.

time it takes to get a plane from one location to another is not that simple

one has to take into account fuel burn rate

the lower the altitude the higher the burn rate

another factor in burn rate is the winds aloft
I'm a pilot. I land on grass occasionally.....

Or, if this version of events is true, a abandoned airbase, built for heavy bombers.

US Reconstructs Former Military Bases Across Asia-Pacific -- News from

Plenty around.


the plane could make a short landing in 5000 ft range

but it needs more for take off

i suppose if the conditions are right they could use ground effect for a portion of the take off

You can bank on our satellite imagery scanning for fresh landing marks on any abandoned

landing strips out that way at this very moment
where as the brakes were applied so hard that the plane began digging

actually the nose gear collapsed
Came in hard...Yep

sure in that case

however if a large jet just steps off the runway onto grass

they end up stuck


If they took the time to plan a hijacking, they would surely have planned a place to land the plane. Just because they had a 777, doesn't mean they need a landing strip that's exactly to specifications for a plane that big.

Remember, as someone else already pointed out, Sully landed his big plane in the Hudson River.
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