Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

Weight has nothing to do with it... It is all in the approach, and the way you land the aircraft..

You must be kidding. Show me where a jumbo jet has landed on a grass airstrip, and I'll show you a wreck.
That plane in the river was still intact, passengers survived, no one hurt, so it's all in the landing skills of the pilot, and again weight has nothing to do with it, but it is likely that if terrorism is present, then the terrorist or highjacker pilots would not possess such skills maybe, but who knows really ?

It depends on your insurance. Clubs or individuals have rules against landing on grass or gravel. When you have a million dollar plane, you don't want people to land on something that isn't a sure thing. If you have a million dollar plane, you can land it wherever you want but other people won't lend it out.

I don't know what the center of gravity would be for a large plane like a 747 or 777.
A large plane like that needs a mile to land. Where are you going to find a mile of flat or even grass?

Let's say that the gear on your airplane won't extend. You've tried everything and nothing works. You've even tried the thing you do in your doctor's office during your medical exam: you jumped up and down on one foot for 20 seconds directly over the main gear attempting to dislodge the recalcitrant assembly (didn't know that was a standard in-flight maneuver, did you?). The gear won't extend and now you must land. Should you make the gear-up landing on the runway or on the grass (i.e. sod, dirt, etc.) next to the runway?

Here's the answer, short and sweet. Statistics suggest that putting the airplane on the asphalt is likely to cause less damage to you and your airplane than putting it on the grass.

Gear-up Landings - Asphalt or Grass? - Flight Training

This counters the major soft-field bugaboo — the tendency of the nosewheel to dig in on a soft landing surface, with results that can be unpleasant.

- Flight Training
Satellites Unlikely To Find Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777

“Satellite imagery is really only of potential use if the search is for debris somewhere in the ocean,” said Weeden. “ Satellite imagery is often not a precise science, particularly when you don’t know what you’re looking for. All you can really [hope for] are blobs that may be something; and if they are something, [they] may not be correlated to the missing aircraft.”

Satellites Unlikely To Find Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 - Forbes
We still have little grass airfields in these parts. They are well used and packed very hard. A jet could not land on one. The plane is too heavy. Even the larger private planes don't use them. Those owners just drive a bit farther to get to a paved runway.
Weight has nothing to do with it... It is all in the approach, and the way you land the aircraft..

Untrue. Weight is a HUGE factor in landing on a grass airstrip. There are things you can do to make it better, such as balloon tires etc. but beyond 25,000 pounds, and you are not willingly landing on a grass strip.

I've seen tractor trailers sink through the asphalt when it is hot.
I think the plane is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.... all gone of course... a hijacking gone wrong by some passenger or crew, or some form of terrorism brought it down.... they might find the wreckage soon or it might take a couple of years to find it..... but no way the miracle happened and they are all still alive somewhere out there.

I am 100% sure that's what it is....sadly, at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
I'd like to know how much money has been spent on 239 dead people. Curious, that none of the 239 had a cell phone to call home to say goodbye.

I think whoever hijacked the plane collected all of the cellphones so that wouldn't be a possibility. Those people are probably hostages as we speak.

That would mean there were more than one hijacker. To insure that all 239 passengers gave up their cell phones would take a bunch unless they killed them all, while one or two were in the cockpit.
How much money do you think has been spent on this?
I think the plane is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.... all gone of course... a hijacking gone wrong by some passenger or crew, or some form of terrorism brought it down.... they might find the wreckage soon or it might take a couple of years to find it..... but no way the miracle happened and they are all still alive somewhere out there.

I am 100% sure that's what it is....sadly, at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

Remember the five military planes that disappeared in the Bermuda triangle? After 50 years they've never been found. Aliens took them, and flight 370.
The movie MILLENNIUM starring Chris Christofferson and Sheryl Ladd explains it perfectly.
if you get CNN they are running continuous coverage

IMO the passengers are dead
I think the plane is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.... all gone of course... a hijacking gone wrong by some passenger or crew, or some form of terrorism brought it down.... they might find the wreckage soon or it might take a couple of years to find it..... but no way the miracle happened and they are all still alive somewhere out there.

I am 100% sure that's what it is....sadly, at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

Remember the five military planes that disappeared in the Bermuda triangle? After 50 years they've never been found. Aliens took them, and flight 370.
The movie MILLENNIUM starring Chris Christofferson and Sheryl Ladd explains it perfectly.

Nope, no aliens, the plane is resting at the bottom of the Indian Ocean somewhere.
If the plane is at the bottom of the ocean it has to he completely intact or something would have floated up. It wouldn't have crashed.
If the plane is at the bottom of the ocean it has to he completely intact or something would have floated up. It wouldn't have crashed.

and that's the mystery.... but I put my money ,like I said, in the ocean .....or perhaps just perhaps in the middle of the jungle in one of those islands .....totally destroyed with all dead.

but, is in the Indian Ocean where it really is.
Police have reportedly raided the home of one of the pilots.
Both the pilots are Muslims?
Police have reportedly raided the home of one of the pilots.
Both the pilots are Muslims?

Neither of the pilots were muslim. One pilot let a bimbo into the cockpit a couple of years ago. They'll do anything to avoid confronting the two guys who paid cash for one way tickets and we're traveling on stolen passports.
if you get CNN they are running continuous coverage

IMO the passengers are dead

I was thinking that until I read this from CNN a few moments ago.

That last communication, Najib said, was in one of two possible traffic corridors shown on a map released to the press. A northern arc stretches from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to northern Thailand, and a southern arc spans from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean.

The other thing was they are now saying that the plane was taken before the pilot ( presumably) made his last transmission of " "All right, good night."

Malaysian jet's disappearance a 'deliberate' action, PM says -

I wonder if it was possible if the plane made it to land in one of those countries and the passengers are being held? Although I realize this might be too much of a push. I guess I've been hoping they had some chance.
Police have reportedly raided the home of one of the pilots.
Both the pilots are Muslims?

Neither of the pilots were muslim. One pilot let a bimbo into the cockpit a couple of years ago. They'll do anything to avoid confronting the two guys who paid cash for one way tickets and we're traveling on stolen passports.

Both pilots, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, and Fariq Abdul Hamid were Muslims.

Fariq is a "good boy, a good Muslim, humble and quiet," said Ahmad Sarafi Ali Asrah, the head of a community mosque about 100 meters from Fariq's two-story home in a middle class neighborhood on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur.
Police have reportedly raided the home of one of the pilots.
Both the pilots are Muslims?

Neither of the pilots were muslim. One pilot let a bimbo into the cockpit a couple of years ago. They'll do anything to avoid confronting the two guys who paid cash for one way tickets and we're traveling on stolen passports.

Apparently there are more reports of his allowing passengers into the cockpit aside from those two SF girls. I wondered earlier if the wrong people knew of this habit of his and he allowed the wrong person into the cockpit.
Has anyone asked "where was Barak Obama," 8 days ago whilst the plane was going over his childhood home in Indonesia?

It seems clear that Obama is connected to the plane's disappearance.
Police have reportedly raided the home of one of the pilots.
Both the pilots are Muslims?

Neither of the pilots were muslim. One pilot let a bimbo into the cockpit a couple of years ago. They'll do anything to avoid confronting the two guys who paid cash for one way tickets and we're traveling on stolen passports.

At least one is;

Missing Malaysia Airlines plane pilots under police investigation amid hijacking fears | Mail Online

Pilots who were flying missing Malaysian jet under police investigation amid fears the plane was hijacked by people with aviation training

. Officers investigating Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, and Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27
. They will have their psychological background and family life probed
. Evidence today emerged suggesting plane continued to be flown by people with aviation experience after it disappeared from radar systems
. Shah is so enthusiastic about flying he built his own simulator at home
. Photos from 2011 found of Hamid inviting two women into his cockpit
. However no evidence links the men directly to any wrongdoing
. Family and neighbours have defended the reputations of the men
. Hamid was described as a 'good boy, a good Muslim, humble and quiet'
. Shah meanwhile was described as 'very friendly and safety-conscious'
CaféAuLait;8780038 said:
Report on Captains:

Missing Malaysia jet pilots described as "humble" and "safety-conscious"

Missing Malaysia jet pilots described as "humble" and "safety-conscious" - CBS News

All I know is one of them were not safety conscious, the one who allowed passengers into the cockpit, Fariq Abdul Hamid.

The other captain posted YouTubes about home repairs, flying and discontent with atheists. Seems pretty innocuous.

CBS News has described Obama as "humble" and Safety-conscious."

Another conicidence? I think not.

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