Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

I agree. If they are not dead, they have waited an inordinate amount of time to seek a ransom.
Would depend on the motives of the highjackers, I mean if that it is found to be the case.

I think it is an excuse to call off the search. The costs have to be mounting at this point.
I don't think they will call it off yet, because a jet like that is a lethal weapon, so the world wants to know where it is. I think once they check out all possible landing senario's, and possible landing strips within it's range, then they will call it off finally.
Here's what happens when you try to land a 777 on grass. (British Airways flt 38)




Fuel icing caused both engines to shut down on final approach.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.
Yes, but that is an emegency senario that had taken place, where as the brakes were applied so hard that the plane began digging in quickly and then coming apart as a result of. The key is that they made it, and that is all that counts. Now if a pilot or pilots were to glide in nose up without an emergency, and where cooler heads are used, then anything is possible.

It also depends on the season whether extremely dry and/or wet as to whether the plane would hold up on a runway (if it has mostly gone back to dirt over time) or if it wouldn't hold up. Anyone know the drought conditions in these areas of question ?

where as the brakes were applied so hard that the plane began digging

actually the nose gear collapsed
Came in hard...Yep
That plowed up field the jet encountered looks mighty wet to. That didn't help matters at all.
Would depend on the motives of the highjackers, I mean if that it is found to be the case.

I think it is an excuse to call off the search. The costs have to be mounting at this point.
I don't think they will call it off yet, because a jet like that is a lethal weapon, so the world wants to know where it is. I think once they check out all possible landing senario's, and possible landing strips within it's range, then they will call it off finally.

Of course they're not going to call it off....only a dumb person would think like that, the whole world is aware of it now.
Good the Malaysian plane would've been so important as to cause it to be the focus of satellite imagery before it disappeared?

All the planes are moving. The satellite is moving. The plane in question had its communication turned off.

To answer that question, you would have to think of the satellite as a computer and what its functions are as well as what kind of satellite it is. I have no clue as to its capabilities.

It depends on how sophisticated the satellite is, how old it is and how well functioning it is.

It is hard to say if these satellites have artificial intelligence but what is the bandwidth on these things? Is it busy routing telephone calls or television broadcasts and too busy with these things? I'm sure it is able to zoom in on images but what would you see? You would see an object and it would depend whether or not if it is focused on the object or not. If you saw a plane, what would it look like? It would look like a plane. With the communications gear turned off, would the satellite know which plane it was? Would the satellite be in range? It was trying to do a handshake and re-establish communications with the plane so with communications turned off, what do you know?

Does a satellite have radar?

These answers are more likely secret and you will never know because no one wants you to know.

Google earth caught some relatives standing out in their yard. Of course, Google Earth is not in real time, but they were still there in the shot and you could tell who they were. I would expect a satellite that can photograph every inch of this earth could find a plane that had crashed. It would not be moving.

Crashing has not yet been determined.
It's actually kind of being ruled out lately.
I think whoever hijacked the plane collected all of the cellphones so that wouldn't be a possibility. Those people are probably hostages as we speak.

More likely dead.

If they went to the trouble of hijacking the plane, it has to have some sort of payoff. They will need hostages.

Not necessarily.
Depends upon the ultimate goal.
I don't need hostages if my goal is terrorism. Dead people work much better in a terrorism goal.
Good the Malaysian plane would've been so important as to cause it to be the focus of satellite imagery before it disappeared?

All the planes are moving. The satellite is moving. The plane in question had its communication turned off.

To answer that question, you would have to think of the satellite as a computer and what its functions are as well as what kind of satellite it is. I have no clue as to its capabilities.

It depends on how sophisticated the satellite is, how old it is and how well functioning it is.

It is hard to say if these satellites have artificial intelligence but what is the bandwidth on these things? Is it busy routing telephone calls or television broadcasts and too busy with these things? I'm sure it is able to zoom in on images but what would you see? You would see an object and it would depend whether or not if it is focused on the object or not. If you saw a plane, what would it look like? It would look like a plane. With the communications gear turned off, would the satellite know which plane it was? Would the satellite be in range? It was trying to do a handshake and re-establish communications with the plane so with communications turned off, what do you know?

Does a satellite have radar?

These answers are more likely secret and you will never know because no one wants you to know.

Google earth caught some relatives standing out in their yard. Of course, Google Earth is not in real time, but they were still there in the shot and you could tell who they were. I would expect a satellite that can photograph every inch of this earth could find a plane that had crashed. It would not be moving.

Didn't you also make a statement that if the plane struck the water intact it would be submerged with nothing showing? I guess if you submerge a house into the ocean, Google would still pick up the house number? And since Google is not in real time, maybe the plane (if it did crash) won't show up until later? :D
More likely dead.

If they went to the trouble of hijacking the plane, it has to have some sort of payoff. They will need hostages.

Not necessarily.
Depends upon the ultimate goal.
I don't need hostages if my goal is terrorism. Dead people work much better in a terrorism goal.

If terrorism is the goal, everyone is dead and the plane is crashed. There's no debris and that is key. There must be something floating somewhere right now if that plane went down.

If they saved the plane, terrorism isn't the goal.
If they went to the trouble of hijacking the plane, it has to have some sort of payoff. They will need hostages.

Not necessarily.
Depends upon the ultimate goal.
I don't need hostages if my goal is terrorism. Dead people work much better in a terrorism goal.

If terrorism is the goal, everyone is dead and the plane is crashed. There's no debris and that is key. There must be something floating somewhere right now if that plane went down.

If they saved the plane, terrorism isn't the goal.
Terrorism could easily have a larger goal involved Sarah, and this would mean that the plane has to be kept intact and in shape to fly again soon maybe. Why would you think that terrosim is limited in the way that you just spoke about it to be ? Just curious is all.
Not necessarily.
Depends upon the ultimate goal.
I don't need hostages if my goal is terrorism. Dead people work much better in a terrorism goal.

If terrorism is the goal, everyone is dead and the plane is crashed. There's no debris and that is key. There must be something floating somewhere right now if that plane went down.

If they saved the plane, terrorism isn't the goal.
Terrorism could easily have a larger goal involved Sarah, and this would mean that the plane has to be kept intact and in shape to fly again soon maybe. Why would you think that terrosim is limited in the way that you just spoke about it to be ? Just curious is all.

Nobody knows what happened, first off. This is just guessing. Terrorism to me means they took the plane just to show that they could. They don't need hostages to negotiate anything. If they saved the plane and people, then they have hostages to negotiate with.
If terrorism is the goal, everyone is dead and the plane is crashed. There's no debris and that is key. There must be something floating somewhere right now if that plane went down.

If they saved the plane, terrorism isn't the goal.
Terrorism could easily have a larger goal involved Sarah, and this would mean that the plane has to be kept intact and in shape to fly again soon maybe. Why would you think that terrosim is limited in the way that you just spoke about it to be ? Just curious is all.

Nobody knows what happened, first off. This is just guessing. Terrorism to me means they took the plane just to show that they could. They don't need hostages to negotiate anything. If they saved the plane and people, then they have hostages to negotiate with.

They may just want the plane to arm it with bombs and fly it somewhere where it can do a lot of damage, that would also be considered "terrorism"....the passengers would be of no importance to them....they would probably just kill them all. And, yes, it is all speculation, but you can put two and two together once you start getting some definites.
Yes, but that is an emegency senario that had taken place, where as the brakes were applied so hard that the plane began digging in quickly and then coming apart as a result of. The key is that they made it, and that is all that counts. Now if a pilot or pilots were to glide in nose up without an emergency, and where cooler heads are used, then anything is possible.

It also depends on the season whether extremely dry and/or wet as to whether the plane would hold up on a runway (if it has mostly gone back to dirt over time) or if it wouldn't hold up. Anyone know the drought conditions in these areas of question ?

We still have little grass airfields in these parts. They are well used and packed very hard. A jet could not land on one. The plane is too heavy. Even the larger private planes don't use them. Those owners just drive a bit farther to get to a paved runway.
Weight has nothing to do with it... It is all in the approach, and the way you land the aircraft..

I am suspicious of the hijacking sceenario. I think the search is incurring a lot of expenses and they want to call it off. It is in Malaysia. They will find whatever they want to find in the pilot's house. I would bet the cyber dollar on that. And a hijack will call a lot of people off.
Yes, but that is an emegency senario that had taken place, where as the brakes were applied so hard that the plane began digging in quickly and then coming apart as a result of. The key is that they made it, and that is all that counts. Now if a pilot or pilots were to glide in nose up without an emergency, and where cooler heads are used, then anything is possible.

It also depends on the season whether extremely dry and/or wet as to whether the plane would hold up on a runway (if it has mostly gone back to dirt over time) or if it wouldn't hold up. Anyone know the drought conditions in these areas of question ?

We still have little grass airfields in these parts. They are well used and packed very hard. A jet could not land on one. The plane is too heavy. Even the larger private planes don't use them. Those owners just drive a bit farther to get to a paved runway.
Weight has nothing to do with it... It is all in the approach, and the way you land the aircraft..

You must be kidding. Show me where a jumbo jet has landed on a grass airstrip, and I'll show you a wreck.
Would depend on the motives of the highjackers, I mean if that it is found to be the case.

I think it is an excuse to call off the search. The costs have to be mounting at this point.
I don't think they will call it off yet, because a jet like that is a lethal weapon, so the world wants to know where it is. I think once they check out all possible landing senario's, and possible landing strips within it's range, then they will call it off finally.

I think it will be quickly forgotten.
Your house isn't moving at 500 mph though.
Just saying.

Neither is crashed jet.

Were you not talking about a moving jet?
No proof yet exists that it crashed.

No, I said crashed and I meant crashed. Past tense. As in lying on the ground in pieces or burning. Or with parts floating on the ocean. Of course there is no proof, they haven't found a crash site. My post was merely to point out that a satellite does have capability to find said missing jet if it crashed.
All the planes are moving. The satellite is moving. The plane in question had its communication turned off.

To answer that question, you would have to think of the satellite as a computer and what its functions are as well as what kind of satellite it is. I have no clue as to its capabilities.

It depends on how sophisticated the satellite is, how old it is and how well functioning it is.

It is hard to say if these satellites have artificial intelligence but what is the bandwidth on these things? Is it busy routing telephone calls or television broadcasts and too busy with these things? I'm sure it is able to zoom in on images but what would you see? You would see an object and it would depend whether or not if it is focused on the object or not. If you saw a plane, what would it look like? It would look like a plane. With the communications gear turned off, would the satellite know which plane it was? Would the satellite be in range? It was trying to do a handshake and re-establish communications with the plane so with communications turned off, what do you know?

Does a satellite have radar?

These answers are more likely secret and you will never know because no one wants you to know.

Google earth caught some relatives standing out in their yard. Of course, Google Earth is not in real time, but they were still there in the shot and you could tell who they were. I would expect a satellite that can photograph every inch of this earth could find a plane that had crashed. It would not be moving.

Crashing has not yet been determined.
It's actually kind of being ruled out lately.

I didn't say a crash had been determined. I was addressing the capability of a satellite to find things.
More likely dead.

If they went to the trouble of hijacking the plane, it has to have some sort of payoff. They will need hostages.

Not necessarily.
Depends upon the ultimate goal.
I don't need hostages if my goal is terrorism. Dead people work much better in a terrorism goal.

But the discussion of this set of posts was hostages and the payoff. I did not say they did or did not. I merely said they have waited a long time if the plan is to use hostages. Of course, they could have them somewhere roughing them up for some videos to post on the web for families. And that would entice the payoff.
We still have little grass airfields in these parts. They are well used and packed very hard. A jet could not land on one. The plane is too heavy. Even the larger private planes don't use them. Those owners just drive a bit farther to get to a paved runway.
Weight has nothing to do with it... It is all in the approach, and the way you land the aircraft..

You must be kidding. Show me where a jumbo jet has landed on a grass airstrip, and I'll show you a wreck.
That plane in the river was still intact, passengers survived, no one hurt, so it's all in the landing skills of the pilot, and again weight has nothing to do with it, but it is likely that if terrorism is present, then the terrorist or highjacker pilots would not possess such skills maybe, but who knows really ?
Yes, but that is an emegency senario that had taken place, where as the brakes were applied so hard that the plane began digging in quickly and then coming apart as a result of. The key is that they made it, and that is all that counts. Now if a pilot or pilots were to glide in nose up without an emergency, and where cooler heads are used, then anything is possible.

It also depends on the season whether extremely dry and/or wet as to whether the plane would hold up on a runway (if it has mostly gone back to dirt over time) or if it wouldn't hold up. Anyone know the drought conditions in these areas of question ?

We still have little grass airfields in these parts. They are well used and packed very hard. A jet could not land on one. The plane is too heavy. Even the larger private planes don't use them. Those owners just drive a bit farther to get to a paved runway.
Weight has nothing to do with it... It is all in the approach, and the way you land the aircraft..

Untrue. Weight is a HUGE factor in landing on a grass airstrip. There are things you can do to make it better, such as balloon tires etc. but beyond 25,000 pounds, and you are not willingly landing on a grass strip.

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