Mall brawls...

These are reported to be juvie mouse packs.

Looks really "dark" to me too.

Organized looting at the mall.
Blacks have made this behavior popular with the White trash
I don't blame them for mankind landing on the moon
It's kind of a hard thing to control without accusations of racism.

The Beechwood incident is about ten minutes from my home on the highway. Beechwood used to be an upper scale suburb until blacks moved in and incidents like this became the norm. A lot of our Jewish community lives in that area.

In Akron, the owners of a mall got sick of similar incidents. So they created new rules. Anybody under the age of 18 had to be with an adult to enter the mall. The blacks went crazy saying such a regulation was racist. The law mentioned no race, gender or religion.
Of course the news showed and affirmed the brawls were primarily started by blacks with whites happily jumping in and robbing stores
cross creek mall in fayetteville go to mall when i was growing up in fayetteville....totally blacks raising hell then looting or shop lifting ....

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