Man Arrested A New Mexico Compound Was Teaching Kids To Be School Shooters

The main focus, even on Fox, was about starving kids.....not that they were planning on shooting up schools.
But I think Fox played it right by not exacerbating an already bad situation. They wouldn't want to give some would be school shooters or trainers any ideas. That's my take.
the minute i question a Muslim's goals, we dont have a conversation about his goals, we have a conversation about my bigotry.

"let's choose sides...Islam or the west.

pick a side.

we're at war!" - President Trump
Regardless, arming children is a pastime back home.
To be fair on that point, it seems to be a popular fetish here in the states, as well.
WTF is wrong with you?
You don't think Republican gun nuts want to arm kids?

Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Lawmakers to Support Arming Kids

I was armed since the age of 9.

I was armed since the age of 9.
Wow, you just made the point of that sick fuck....

I've been armed since I was 11. I had BB guns before that.
Last edited:
they cant destroy us without our permission. they cant destroy us without us letting them destroy us

the fundamental question of our time is whether the west has the will to survive
There was also an eviction warrant issued back in Feb, that a judge dismissed, even though they were living on the wrong land. No notes were found as to why the judge dismissed it.
Because they're *immigrants*.
Yep, I know the governor has declared it a sanctuary state, even though I don’t think it has passed there.

Do you even comprehend what it means to be a “sanctuary state” or a “sanctuary city?”

It doesn’t mean that immigrants are allowed to get away with shit. It means that if you are an illegal immigrant and you report you are a victim of crime, you won’t be arrested or deported.

This is to prevent criminals from taking advantage of illegal immigrants because of their fear of the cops. Sanctuary cities reduce crime against illegals.

I realize you right wingers don’t bother with real information or facts, especially those that challenge your hate of illegals but it’s time you got a clue. More than one would be even better.

Aren’t you ever embarrassed by your utter ignorance and stupidity?
Sure it does! The mayor of Philly danced at becoming a sanctuary city, his city turned loose a known illegal felon instead of telling ICE. Known felon then raped a 5 year old! So do not hand us that load of shit!
Regardless, arming children is a pastime back home.
To be fair on that point, it seems to be a popular fetish here in the states, as well.
WTF is wrong with you?
You don't think Republican gun nuts want to arm kids?

Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Lawmakers to Support Arming Kids

I was armed since the age of 9.

I was armed since the age of 9.
Wow, you just made the point of that sick fuck....

I've been armed since I was 11. I had BB guns before that.

Living in the boonies as a kid everyone had a rifle and a shotgun.
Watching NBC and the New York Times dance around the fact that this man is Muslim and has jihadi ties further demonstrates why there is a market for Fox News. If the man were White, NBC and The NY Times would be all over his background linking him to skinheads, nazis, white supremecists and somehow throwing in Christianity into the mix.

This isn’t a beat up on Muslim or cry for Christianity...... it’s an exposure on how inconsistent the Left’s preferred media is.
Even the not so boonies in TX. 4H taught gun safety in schools everywhere-


To be fair on that point, it seems to be a popular fetish here in the states, as well.
WTF is wrong with you?
You don't think Republican gun nuts want to arm kids?

Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Lawmakers to Support Arming Kids

I was armed since the age of 9.

I was armed since the age of 9.
Wow, you just made the point of that sick fuck....

I've been armed since I was 11. I had BB guns before that.

Living in the boonies as a kid everyone had a rifle and a shotgun.
The FBI refused to act on the terror camp of Linda Sarsour's buddies, who were killing kids and teaching them to shoot up schools....
So the local law took action.
And that's how it should always go.

"....the compound was first set up in late December. It is still unknown exactly why and when the spot was chosen. ...

..."A couple, Jason and Tanya Badger, went to the police in late April or early May once they did an internet search of Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and discovered he was a wanted a fugitive and the boy was missing.

..."The Badgers gave permission to the FBI to search the compound, as it was on their own private property."

"By early May, the FBI had strong evidence the fugitive believed to have the missing boy in custody was at the New Mexico compound. The legal owners of at least part of the land that the property was on had given permission for a search, making a “probable cause” standard for a search warrant unnecessary.

"The FBI also knew this compound was inhabited by Islamist extremists and they were probably acquiring weapons...The FBI did not act decisively, even as the compound prepared for war and the children were in peril, especially the missing boy who was almost certainly there and whom the FBI knew was in desperate need of medication.

"Yet instead of searching the property themselves, what did the FBI do?

"They asked the neighbor, Jason Badger, to wear a hidden camera and risk his life by approaching an armed, Islamic extremist compound.

"The FBI placed the compound under surveillance for at least two months before the raid, hoping to get a positive identification of the boy’s presence there—even though the extremists at the compound knew identification had to be prevented and had taken visible measures to make sure it didn’t happen.

"The Badgers didn’t like the idea of having Islamist extremist neighbors who illegally squatted on their property. They filed a petition to have them evicted.

"Their request for eviction—a very brazen move on the part of the Badgers—was rejected by a judge in June.

"During an August 7 news conference, a reporter asked why that wasn’t enough for the authorities to go in. The police spokesperson said it was a civil matter and not grounds for a search warrant. The extremists and starving children got to stay.

"The trigger for the raid was when the New Mexico police were provided a message by the authorities in Georgia.

"A message had come out of the compound. It said the children were starving and they needed food and water."

I bet they received thousands per month in foodstamps and other subsidies and entitlements.

Which I guarantee went directly to funding, and abroad.

NM Tragedy: Could the FBI Have Saved the Boy?
Regardless, arming children is a pastime back home.
To be fair on that point, it seems to be a popular fetish here in the states, as well.
WTF is wrong with you?
You don't think Republican gun nuts want to arm kids?

Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Lawmakers to Support Arming Kids


Army of Orphans Thirsty for Revenge : News ISIS Propaganda Video Shows

And the LEFT PUKES want this in our COUNTRY because LEFTIST are a littel to retarded to realize this is reality not a movie..



Obama’s Arms to Syrian Terrorists Leads to Recruitment of Child Soldiers
Regardless, arming children is a pastime back home.
To be fair on that point, it seems to be a popular fetish here in the states, as well.
WTF is wrong with you?
You don't think Republican gun nuts want to arm kids?

Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Lawmakers to Support Arming Kids


Army of Orphans Thirsty for Revenge : News ISIS Propaganda Video Shows

And the LEFT PUKES want this in our COUNTRY because LEFTIST are a littel to retarded to realize this is reality not a movie..



Obama’s Arms to Syrian Terrorists Leads to Recruitment of Child Soldiers

Yea well god knows what will come from Trump selling arms to Ukraine. And it wasn't very popular with Trump supporters either.

The Trump administration notified leading congressional committees of the sale on Dec. 13 but didn’t make any public announcements, which some say reflects the sensitivity of the decision and concern about how it will be received by Trump supporters who long opposed the move, as well as by Putin.

“The way it was not rolled out tells you something, that they are concerned about the perception of this. They are not trumpeting this as a major policy shift or signature policy priority,” said Samuel Charap, senior political scientist at the Rand Corporation.

I guess Trump did it because he knows more than you do. Same reason Obama armed Syrians fighting Assad.

Opinion | Trump administration approves lethal arms sales to Ukraine
Regardless, arming children is a pastime back home.
To be fair on that point, it seems to be a popular fetish here in the states, as well.
WTF is wrong with you?
You don't think Republican gun nuts want to arm kids?

Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Lawmakers to Support Arming Kids


Army of Orphans Thirsty for Revenge : News ISIS Propaganda Video Shows

And the LEFT PUKES want this in our COUNTRY because LEFTIST are a littel to retarded to realize this is reality not a movie..



Obama’s Arms to Syrian Terrorists Leads to Recruitment of Child Soldiers

Trump considered arming Syrian rebels too.

Donald Trump scraps covert CIA program to arm Syrian rebels
US President Donald Trump has decided to end a secret CIA operation to support Syrian rebels fighting the regime of Bashar al-Assad, US media reported. The decision is an acknowledgement of the situation on the ground.

Run in coordination with Jordan, Gulf Arab states and Turkey, the CIA program gave the United States influence on the ground and, importantly, some sway over its regional allies' policies in Syria.

Detractors of the decision to drop the CIA program argue that it will strengthen extremist factions at the expense of more moderate groups, who may now be forced to ally with the better-armed al-Qaeda and other hardline groups.

It could also see the US lose some influence over what weapons systems end up in the hands of rebels through its allies. Saudi Arabia, for example, has expressed a desire to provide rebels with MANPADS to shoot down Russian and Syrian jets, something the US has so far been able to block.
Regardless, arming children is a pastime back home.
To be fair on that point, it seems to be a popular fetish here in the states, as well.
WTF is wrong with you?
You don't think Republican gun nuts want to arm kids?

Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Lawmakers to Support Arming Kids


Army of Orphans Thirsty for Revenge : News ISIS Propaganda Video Shows

And the LEFT PUKES want this in our COUNTRY because LEFTIST are a littel to retarded to realize this is reality not a movie..



Obama’s Arms to Syrian Terrorists Leads to Recruitment of Child Soldiers

Don't we have freedom of religion in this country? Look, I don't like any Religions but I like freedom of religion and freedom from religion so I have to say I don't want muslims here but I don't want us all to be forced to be Christian either.

And so, if you want all Americans to be gun totting nuts then I guess that includes are Muslim brothers and sisters.

Well, he is the victim. He is a black man, isn't he?

Poor negro. Cannot help it.

Yo, no, he is Muslim, must be working for the Nazi Democrat Party!

We are atheists. Muslims are closer to Christians than they are us. So, Muslims are Conservative Republicans. Or they would be if you didn't use them to divide us. They hate gays too. They hate atheists too. They think people who don't believe in god are going to hell too. They are against abortion, pre marital sex, cheating on your wife (stormy daniels).

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