Man at Trump Rally Hits 2 Protesters in the Head

Imaging how mad and violent these deplorable will be after the election, it will only get worse for them as the demographic leaves them behind

A man in the audience of a Trump rally in North Carolina Monday evening hit two male protesters in the head as they were being escorted out.

Man at Trump Rally Hits 2 Protesters in the Head

He must have learned from the Trump protesters.
Imaging how mad and violent these deplorable will be after the election, it will only get worse for them as the demographic leaves them behind

A man in the audience of a Trump rally in North Carolina Monday evening hit two male protesters in the head as they were being escorted out.

Man at Trump Rally Hits 2 Protesters in the Head

Imagine how dangerous they could be if it is proved the election was stolen? :eusa_think:
Setting up excuses early?

Nope, just pointing out facts. . . .

2016: The Year Americans Found out Our Elections Are Rigged

WATCH: Computer Programmer Testifies Under Oath He Coded Computers to Rig Elections
7,000 people at the rally, not including the over flow crowd outside.......and hateful, paid for, organized democrat assholes trying to cause a scene...and a 60 year old man hits two of them......

Vs. the organized attacks against Trump supporters....democrats really are vile...their cousins from the 1930s in Germany in their brown shirts would be proud of them....
Here you go...I'll start you out....

---Trump supporter shot in the leg...

Paul Jones, Trump supporter, shot at Cleveland bar during heated political debate
Already done. No mention of either "democrats" nor even "Democrats".
Strike one.

Now on to the edits you added later: Low hangin' fruit time. Yum.

Again, no mention of "democrats", "Democrats" or any political party. Further your own link's subline notes:
A waitress disputes the reason for the attack, saying the man in the Trump shirt called another man a slur
--- and goes on with that witness' description in detail. Again without any mention of "democrats". Or "Democrats".

Your own link.

Strike two.

---Female Trump supporter hit with eggs and bottle....

Female Trump Supporter Hit With Eggs, Bottles as California Protest Turns Violent — See What Was Caught on Video

SAN JOSE, Calif. (TheBlaze/AP) — A few hundred protesters are blocking traffic and some are scuffling with supporters of Donald Trump after the presidential candidate’s rally in San Jose, California.

Police were keeping their distance and not getting involved with the protesters marching in the streets outside of San Jose Convention Center on Thursday night.

One woman, a Trump supporter, was surrounded by protesters who allegedly threw eggs and bottles at her head, BuzzFeed reported.

---- and once again........ no mention of "democrats" or even "Democrats".

It's a pattern. Strike three.

---Moron democrats stop Trump rally in chicago [sic]

Rump called that rally off himself ----- after waiting for the crowd to collect inside the venue, so he could release them into the streets of a major city, en masse. In other words he was deliberately trying to start a riot. It didn't work.

Strike four. And by the way "Chicago" is a proper noun, gets capitalized. Like "Democrats".

Oh wait -- we're not done ................ YET AGAIN, all together now..... no mention of "democrats" or "Democrats"

Strike five.

--left wing socialist, a democrat supporter, tries to murder Trump...

Source: Man who grabbed gun wanted to kill Trump - CNN Video

(a), he did no such thing -- he claimed that was going to be his plan, IF he got his hands on the gun, which he didn't.
Talk is cheap --- ask Rump. You know -- the guy who promised he'd pay the legal fees of Quick Draw McGraw and his thugs in general.... and then backed out of doing it. That guy. You can claim you're going to do whatever you want to claim. Actually doing it is a whole 'nother smoke.

(b) he's a Brit, so he can't be a "Democrat".... although he could be a 'democrat' -- a distinction I have no doubt sails effortlessly over your pointed little head.

And (c) ---- you guessed it --- no mention of "democrats" or "Democrats" in the link. At all.

Strikes six, seven and eight.

---left wing democrats shut down Arizona highway to Trump rally....

'Shut Down Trump': Protesters Shut Down AZ Highway to Rally

Once again --- no mention of "democrats" nor of "Democrats". Strike nine.

Shall we go for double digits?

--democrats punch Trump supporters at same rally where they threw eggs and bottles at the woman....

Punches, eggs thrown as protesters attack Trump supporters outside San Jose rally

Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in downtown San Jose spun out of control Thursday night when some demonstrators attacked the candidate's supporters.

Protesters jumped on cars, pelted Trump supporters with eggs and water balloons, snatched signs, and stole "Make America Great" hats off supporters' heads before burning them and snapping selfies with the charred remains.

Several people were caught on camera punching Trump supporters. At least one attacker was arrested, according to CNN, although police did not release much information.

Bingo. Strike ten. Because........... once again...... NO MENTION OF "DEMOCRATS".

---democrat mob attacks Trump motorcade and supporters....

Mainstream media ignores anti-Trump mob in Minneapolis | Fox News

A violent mob terrorized Donald Trump donors but the Mainstream Media ignored the story. It happened Friday night at a fundraiser held at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Some of Trump’s supporters were punched and spat upon, The Hill reports. Others were pelted by garbage and taunted by the angry mob.

Click here to join Todd’s American Dispatch: a must-read for Conservatives!

The vicious thugs actually attacked elderly women. What kind of a lowlife does something like that?

Strike eleven Because.... well, you know. Same shit, different link.
Running the same fallacy over and over expecting different results: Priceless.

Your homework was to look up "False Dichotomy". You didn't do it.
Note how Pogo has no problem with a pattern of Democrat supported and paid for violence at Trump rallies which has gone on all year, but has a big problem with one incident of a Trump supporter doing violence.

Notice how Pogo has yet to see documentation thereof, but has noticed a deflection attempt based on a False Dichotomy.

Hey -- don't wanna get busted for fallacies? Then don't commit them.
He posted links for every incident he mentioned. Stop lying.
Pogo is in denial that his own party is the instigator of the overwhelming majority of the violence.
Pogo is in denial that his own party is the instigator of the overwhelming majority of the violence.

Pogo doesn't have a "party". Pogo has logic. Works far better.

Like to see how that works? Watch this.

The guy coming in from the left...
--- is he a "Republican"?

How 'bout these guys?

-- or these?

-- what about this guy? "Republican"?

Is this a "Republican"?

How 'bout this?
That a "Republican" right there? I don't see the evidence.

This one's got a different hat ---

--- izzat a "Republican"?​

I don't know and I don't care. Because labels are fucking stupid, and using them for Blanket Generalizations and Association Fallacies is BIGLY stupid..

Does the OP or the link in it say anything about "Republican hits 2 protesters"?

Get it yet?
Last edited:
Note how Pogo has no problem with a pattern of Democrat supported and paid for violence at Trump rallies which has gone on all year, but has a big problem with one incident of a Trump supporter doing violence.

Notice how Pogo has yet to see documentation thereof, but has noticed a deflection attempt based on a False Dichotomy.

Hey -- don't wanna get busted for fallacies? Then don't commit them.
He posted links for every incident he mentioned. Stop lying.

And not a single one of them supported his claim.

Not one.
Note how Pogo has no problem with a pattern of Democrat supported and paid for violence at Trump rallies which has gone on all year, but has a big problem with one incident of a Trump supporter doing violence.

Notice how Pogo has yet to see documentation thereof, but has noticed a deflection attempt based on a False Dichotomy.

Hey -- don't wanna get busted for fallacies? Then don't commit them.
He posted links for every incident he mentioned. Stop lying.

And not a single one of them supported his claim.

Not one.
You're in denial about reality, but the rest of us don't have to join you in your delusionary world where facts don't matter.
Imaging how mad and violent these deplorable will be after the election, it will only get worse for them as the demographic leaves them behind

A man in the audience of a Trump rally in North Carolina Monday evening hit two male protesters in the head as they were being escorted out.

Man at Trump Rally Hits 2 Protesters in the Head

He was escorted out though right? everyone else there looked peaceful, so if you want to use the worse example as a stereo type, you know the same thing can be done to Hillary voters, there are plenty of worse examples to be had.
Pogo is in denial that his own party is the instigator of the overwhelming majority of the violence.
actually he doesn't understand that the protestors are not Trump supporters. And he doesn't understand the opposition that would do protesting would be democrats. intelligent he's not.
I mean so what? They probably deserved a lot worse.
There you go.....pretty much sums up today's Alt-Right Drumpf supporter. Deplorable indeed.
I'm actually quite done with people who wish to impose their views at the other party's events. It's voter intimidation at its finest and I don't care if they get hurt at all. Just saying, open up and the consequences are all yours.
I mean so what? They probably deserved a lot worse.
There you go.....pretty much sums up today's Alt-Right Drumpf supporter. Deplorable indeed.
I'm actually quite done with people who wish to impose their views at the other party's events. It's voter intimidation at its finest and I don't care if they get hurt at all. Just saying, open up and the consequences are all yours.
Of, because you are "quite done with people" you say that "they probably deserved a lot worse".....sums it up as I said before.
I mean so what? They probably deserved a lot worse.
There you go.....pretty much sums up today's Alt-Right Drumpf supporter. Deplorable indeed.
I'm actually quite done with people who wish to impose their views at the other party's events. It's voter intimidation at its finest and I don't care if they get hurt at all. Just saying, open up and the consequences are all yours.
Of, because you are "quite done with people" you say that "they probably deserved a lot worse".....sums it up as I said before.
I agree, one gets what one deserves to say it better. And so?
Imaging how mad and violent these deplorable will be after the election, it will only get worse for them as the demographic leaves them behind

A man in the audience of a Trump rally in North Carolina Monday evening hit two male protesters in the head as they were being escorted out.

Man at Trump Rally Hits 2 Protesters in the Head

Disrupters who show up at a private event should expect to get bitchslapped. They don't have a right to protest and disrupt an event they aren't paying for. If you want to protest do it outside the venue on the sidewalk.

The only real deplorables are the progressive turds that plant themselves inside such events just to disrupt it. Liberals can't stand free speech and will do anything to stop the opposition from having such events.
Imaging how mad and violent these deplorable will be after the election, it will only get worse for them as the demographic leaves them behind

A man in the audience of a Trump rally in North Carolina Monday evening hit two male protesters in the head as they were being escorted out.

Man at Trump Rally Hits 2 Protesters in the Head

Disrupters who show up at a private event should expect to get bitchslapped. They don't have a right to protest and disrupt an event they aren't paying for. If you want to protest do it outside the venue on the sidewalk.

The only real deplorables are the progressive turds that plant themselves inside such events just to disrupt it. Liberals can't stand free speech and will do anything to stop the opposition from having such events.
yep ^^^^^^^This^^^^^ Exactly what I'm saying.

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