Man at Trump Rally Hits 2 Protesters in the Head

Later during the speech, a member of the audience appeared to faint not far from the stage upon which Trump was speaking.

Hillary was there?
Alt-Rights are swooning over their Orange

You fools. All you can do is call Trump orange, like the juvenile media fed imbeciles you are. And then you are going to vote for the lyingest whore of all time and her rapist husband. Yeah, you're someone I want OUT of my country. ASAP! I pray your criminal loving hide don't live near me.
Later during the speech, a member of the audience appeared to faint not far from the stage upon which Trump was speaking.

Hillary was there?
Alt-Rights are swooning over their Orange

You fools. All you can do is call Trump orange, like the juvenile media fed imbeciles you are. And then you are going to vote for the lyingest whore of all time and her rapist husband. Yeah, you're someone I want OUT of my country. ASAP! I pray your criminal loving hide don't live near me.

Demoquacks are easily sheep to the proverbial slaughter
while the left tried to murder Trump


stopped his rally


blocks highways to Trump rallies


mobs his motorcade


shot a Trump supporter, beat a Trump supporter?


threw eggs, bottles and punches at Trump supporters


And here we go again ---- you already tried this, remember? You LOST.
You cited all the same instances and at that time called them "democrats" [sic], not one of which you could prove or document. Now here you come again running the same play expecting different results. And you'll trot out the same links, and they'll all fail to make your case.

Are you retarded?

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat
while the left tried to murder Trump


stopped his rally


blocks highways to Trump rallies


mobs his motorcade


shot a Trump supporter, beat a Trump supporter?


threw eggs, bottles and punches at Trump supporters


And here we go again ---- you already tried this, remember? You LOST.
You cited all the same instances and at that time called them "democrats" [sic], not one of which you could prove or document. Now here you come again running the same play expecting different results. And you'll trot out the same links, and they'll all fail to make your case.

Are you retarded?

You were given the links...then you lied.....
The nazis were left wing socialists.....

No Dumbass --- they KILLED socialists. Killed Bernie Sanders' family among so many others. Go break open the piggy bank and buy a fucking history book.

Here's a taste of what you're in danger of finding out when you do that:

>> Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, and in March of that year the first Nazi concentration camp opened in the town of Dachau, just outside Munich, a major city in southern Germany. The camp initially housed political prisoners, and its first group of detainees consisted primarily of socialists and communists.

.... Also set for extermination were members of any group considered by Hitler to be ill-equipped to reside in the new Germany. Among them were artists, intellectuals and other independent thinkers; communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others who were ideologically opposed to the Nazi Party; homosexuals and others who were viewed as sexually deviant; Gypsies; the physically and mentally handicapped; and anyone else considered to be racially or physically impure. << ----
Going on the internet and trying to get away with the whole "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery" song and dance is only gonna make you look even more of a cretin than you already to. And let's not leave out the main one --- "Ignorance is Strength".



When MS-13 kills the Bloods in L.A....does that mean they aren't a drug gang because they are killing members of another drug gang?....moron....

The national socialists were fighting against the international socialists for control of Germany moron.....they put their rivals in prison and murdered them you idiot.....

What is it about that concept that is beyond you?

The Nazis *ALREADY HAD* power, you profound idiot. They weren't in any kind of power struggle by the time they started Dachau, and continued for the rest of their reign of terror. They targeted left-wingers intellectuals, socialists and communists, along with Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, artists and anyone else who opposed their right wing fascism. Because they feared their ideology and the influence it might have had AGAINST their wet dreams of ultra-right nationalistic/militaristic regimentation.


Moron...the national socialists were fighing it out in the streets with the communists since the end of World War some history you moron.....then hitler came along and the beat the international socialists and took control of the government, then sent their enemies to prison....
while the left tried to murder Trump


stopped his rally


blocks highways to Trump rallies


mobs his motorcade


shot a Trump supporter, beat a Trump supporter?


threw eggs, bottles and punches at Trump supporters


And here we go again ---- you already tried this, remember? You LOST.
You cited all the same instances and at that time called them "democrats" [sic], not one of which you could prove or document. Now here you come again running the same play expecting different results. And you'll trot out the same links, and they'll all fail to make your case.

Are you retarded?

You were given the links...then you lied.....

Ummmm no Sparkles. I threw the links back in your face challenging you to show where any of them --- even a single solitary one ---- demonstrated your fake point in any way. And you ran away. Which you had to do, because they DON'T.

Fucking lying hack.

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