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Man Canvassing Neighborhood For GOP Candidate Got Arrested -- He Was Black

I can see your not a team player at all. You must have been a joy to work with. No, If I think a cop is doing what he thinks he needs to do and concern he's not really being an asshole , I'm going to cooperate because there is no reason not too. It's also not my job to make their job harder... this doesnt make any sense.
Those "cops" at the Bundy ranch were doing what they needed to do -- and other folks aimed weapons at them and threatened to kill them "for doing what they needed to do"

None of you folks who are always "I side with the cops" ever objected to these people aiming weapons at law enforcement -- and you folks defended it on the grounds of "patriotic Americans defending their rights"

But if a black kid (conservative) decides to defend his rights (without aiming a weapon at the cops) -- he is wrong? and you folks don't think white privilege exists...


And when you tell them how that is racist, they get all upset and offended.
---------------------------------------- nothing ILLEGAL with being RACIST in the USA just so their is no violence and calling the cops for any reason is perfectly fine no matter the reason . ------------- just a reminder !!

Actually you legally cannot practice racism.
-------------------------------------- depends on what PRACTICE means IM2 .
------------------------------------- ,
And of course there's no indication that it was a white person who called in the first place.

true, it could have been anyone... it's just assumed it was a white person.

Deny, deny, and ….deny.

What am I denying? it was most likely a white person. It also could have been someone Korean, or Chinese.

It was a white person and every time something like this happens it's the same old song. "It could have been anybody."
Do you have a pic to prove they were white? Or any sort of evidence at all?
------------------------------- might be privately felt racism on the cop callers part but can't be proven can it ?? And wouldn't be illegal for the cop caller to declare that the black person was Suspicious looking . And as i have said , every person in the USA has the RIGHT to be racist unless its illegal in some circumstances like denying housing or public accommodation . i think .
The us versus them attitude is juvenile nonsense that creates more problems than it solves.

WHO is primarily responsible for embracing and perpetuating the ignorant, divisive 'US vs Them' mentality?


(Fast forward to 7:59 to skip Lady Mocha's intro)

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men" ~BlacksUnited - Erika, Published on Mar 7, 2014

IM2, wrote, "Jarhman is a sad example of how racism traumatizes some blacks."

In your opinion, why does racism affect SOME black American or foreign born citizens, and not others?

Kendrick Lamar, Shawn Carter, Barack Obama RACISM.jpg

Bullshit. Unless the officer is investigating a crime you have no obligation to answer a cop. The best way to handle this is to ask the cop if you are being arrested or detained. If the answer is no you dont have to do shit.

The cop was sent out on a call, he wasnt just some random cop driving around. When I got searched there was no evidence of a crime either. A rat could have set off the building alarm or maybe there was no alarm at all and the cop just wanted to see who I was, I dont know. In this case though, being sent out on a call for a suspicious person, the cop is supposed to ask the guy some questions then let him go on his way. Thats how its supposed to work. It doesnt matter if the call was bullshit or not... the cop needs to determine that but if he doesnt at least stop the guy to ask questions he's not doing his job.
If you knew you rights you would know that unless you are being arrested or detained you dont have to cooperate with a cop. Your job is not to make the cops job easier.

I can see your not a team player at all. You must have been a joy to work with. No, If I think a cop is doing what he thinks he needs to do and concern he's not really being an asshole , I'm going to cooperate because there is no reason not too. It's also not my job to make their job harder... this doesnt make any sense.
Those "cops" at the Bundy ranch were doing what they needed to do -- and other folks aimed weapons at them and threatened to kill them "for doing what they needed to do"

None of you folks who are always "I side with the cops" ever objected to these people aiming weapons at law enforcement -- and you folks defended it on the grounds of "patriotic Americans defending their rights"

But if a black kid (conservative) decides to defend his rights (without aiming a weapon at the cops) -- he is wrong? and you folks don't think white privilege exists...


No, actually I think Bundy should have been arrested. Your right, the cops were doing what they were supposed to be doing. Bundy however had a sepperate issue over land and cattle grazing. Honestly I didn't follow that too closely at the time because I had a lot of other things going on around that time. But yeah, I wouldn't have cared if they were arrested for pointing guns at police... all the other issues he had could just have been solved in court.
I can't even tell you how the whole thing played out,

But in the case now of the young man walking through the neighborhood, yes, It sucks that a black man doing nothing wrong walking down the sidewalk has to draw a phone call to the cops. Where I live it's not uncommon to see anyone of any race going door to door for some reason or another, you might be judged more by what you were wearing or your body language or the way you were driving your car down the street... whites included.

So, again this kid and the cop,.. A cop does have the right to detain, (not arrest) a person deemed suspicious. I would say the guy was NOT suspicious except for the fact some anonymous person made a phonecall.
The problem is, the cop doesnt necessarily know the reason why the person called in. He can't just assume the caller called because he or she saw a black man walking down the street. The cop still has to determine if the call of a suspicion person has any warrant to it... therefore he has to at least detain the guy long enough to ask questions. If you don't want that , than don't have police, and don't call them if you have a problem. Then they wont be forced to make some kind of a judgment call when they get to to your house.

You can probably argue that from a legal aspect and win that the kid shouldnt have been detained.. that may be true. But the real life problem is if a cop was to dismiss every person without question when there was a phone call in, then maybe someone would get their house broken into or something worse. Now the kid got arrested, and legally that may have been wrong too, but he wasnt arrested for walking down the street black.. he got arrested for argueing with a cop. The same thing happens to white people
My problem is not with the police officer -- my problem is with a society who continues to try to coddle racist bigots to where they feel emboldened to call the cops for every little thing if its against a person of color -- just earlier this week -- a college professor called the cops on one of her students for kicking her feet up during class -- an auditorium style classroom like this one -- the woman was not causing a disturbance and yet the police were called

There are tons of instances were police have been called on people of color for trying to enter their own gated community, or neighborhood pool, having a picnic, etc --- and by the grace of a camera and social media, we now have a way to fight back against it -- before this, it was just the word of the white person who called the police and that was gospel.

It was the racist bigots like this guy (Ronald Ritchie) who called the police on a man for threatening people inside of a Walmart with a gun, the man claimed John Crawford was loading up his gun and pointing the gun at people -- NONE OF THIS WAS TRUE -- but the cops didn't know so they responded under false circumstances and shot the guy dead -- even tho the guy was holding a BB gun that he picked up at the same Walmart he was shot in. There is talk that the 911 caller could face charges for making a false allegation -- but of course, he wasn't charged -- even tho his actions led to this man's death.

Now again, like you said about the Bundy case, you didn't really follow it and you didn't know all that went into it -- well this may also be something that you didn't follow -- but there are plenty of people of color who followed this and were outraged --- and when the court refused to charge a guy who ADMITTED he made the whole thing up, people of color were outraged as should any person be --- but there is more....When a person called the police on Tamir Rice, they lied in that case too -- they said the 12 yr old boy was actually a grown man and he was at a park threatening people with a gun -- the police arrived on the scene, pulled up along the side of Tamir and shot him dead within seconds -- they didn't even get out of the car to do it.

So when people of color bring up these incidents of people calling the police on them for no reason -- they do it with the knowledge that based on whatever that 911 caller claims is happening, they too can be shot dead based on a lie -- so what do we do about it, expose these people every time they try it until they realize this country won't tolerate it or make excuses for their bigotry any longer.
Black Man Canvassing for GOP Congressman Stopped, Arrested by Police After Call of a 'Suspicious Person'"

So a brave black conservative (Keilon Hill) who decided to walk away from the democrat plantation ended up going to Iowa to canvass for a GOP congressman, Rep. David Young for last week's mid-terms. The police was called on him because he is black and therefore suspicious -- the young man recorded his encounter with the police officer. In the video, the campaign worker is heard telling the officer he isn’t breaking any laws and that the cop has no right to detain him.

The police officer says that people in the neighborhood felt the man was suspicious because he walking thru their neighborhood canvassing for republicans -- in case you need a visual of how suspicious that looks -- see photo ----> View attachment 228925 Pretty scary

The young man was canvassing on behalf of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement -- too bad the citizens in that neighborhood didn't think his presence there was community improvement -- he was ultimately arrested and charged with some shit the cop made up and the charges were later dropped. Determined to show support for his candidate, he returned the next day to canvass Iowa neighborhoods and again, the police were called -- the second time, a nice woman invited the young man into her home so the police would leave him alone.

In a statement, Hill said he hoped sharing his story will help prevent another minority from encountering a similar situation; he said “Within five days of my stay in Des Moines, I had two police encounters, with one ending in an arrest. These encounters happened while I was out working in affluential, Caucasian neighborhoods. I had work materials with me. I stood up for myself because I had the right to.” -- unfortunately, most of the people in that republican district you were canvassing, disagree with you.

Wait, I watched that video. Yes it sucks someone called the cops on that guy because he was black, If some old white lady gets scarred because she sees a black guy walking around, there's not much you can do to stop her from calling the police. What you don't know for fact is whether the caller was a democrat or a republican.

Furthermore, the black guy did what I would never do. If a cop asks me to stop I'm going to stop and let him do his job... not be a jackass about it and keep arguing with a cop over whatever reason. The cop didnt arrest him for walking while black.... he arrested him for repeatedly arguing with a cop. The cop decided to go by the book, but he offered every chance for the black guy to cooperate.
If a cop goes out on a call, its his responsibility to complete the report. If he goes back to the station and says... "oh yeah, I let the guy walk because he looked legit and said he didnt want to be questioned"
The cop would look like a fucking fool, because its his job to ask the questions once he goes on call.

Why is that so Fucking Hard to understand? The racism part... in the first place.. yeah I agree thats sad but those are two seperate issues.

When I was working in Reno on a night shift in a machine shop, i went on a break for lunch down to the 7-11 on my walk back up the hill a cop car speeds up behind me with his lights turned out because there was a silent alarm in one of the commercial buildings.... long story short, he pushes me up against the fence and searches me for weapons only 30 yards from where I worked... now I could have been a Jackass and tried to argue with him and try to say.. I didnt do nothing wrong and work right here... But I understand the cop has to do what he has to do.
I understand though.. if I was black I might think he just stopped me because I was black. But the fact is , none of us can help that. Cops still have to be hired, they still have to do whtever the hell it is they are trained to do and if you dont cooperate, things will go sideways
Bullshit. Unless the officer is investigating a crime you have no obligation to answer a cop. The best way to handle this is to ask the cop if you are being arrested or detained. If the answer is no you dont have to do shit.

The cop was sent out on a call, he wasnt just some random cop driving around. When I got searched there was no evidence of a crime either. A rat could have set off the building alarm or maybe there was no alarm at all and the cop just wanted to see who I was, I dont know. In this case though, being sent out on a call for a suspicious person, the cop is supposed to ask the guy some questions then let him go on his way. Thats how its supposed to work. It doesnt matter if the call was bullshit or not... the cop needs to determine that but if he doesnt at least stop the guy to ask questions he's not doing his job.
If you knew your rights you would know that unless you are being arrested or detained you dont have to cooperate with a cop. Your job is not to make the cops job easier.

The us versus them attitude is juvenile nonsense that creates more problems than it solves. And, it is definitely every citizens duty to make the cops job easier. Treat others as you would like them to treat you, and you will have a lot fewer adverse encounters with a police officer.

A month ago, I had a blowout on the freeway. I managed to get my truck over to the edge of the freeway. A cop stopped, used his patrol car as a safety barrier, and actually helped me change the tire. Good cops consider themselves to be public servants and do their best to be good servants.

I had a police officer assist me when my car had a blow out -- that is part of their job, to serve and protect -- I know this because not only is my Uncle the former Dallas police chief, but I have two other relatives who is a Dallas a police officer and the other was a former Dallas prosecutor -- AND BOTH OF THEM will still tell you that helping someone on the side of the road has ZERO to do with racist bigots calling police on people of color doing nothing.

Now if I had a blow out on the side of the road, started to change my tire -- then cops roll up on me and shoot me because they think I car-jacked someone and I was armed and dangerous just because someone decided it would be fun to call 911 and make that allegation against me -- how could I have made the cop's job easier? We entrust police officers with great RESPONSIBILITY, we assume police officers will do their jobs with a high sense of PROFESSIONALISM --- majority of the times they do, when they don't -- that is a problem.

Majority of the time the DOJ and FBI do their jobs with PROFESSIONALISM -- but according to most of your Trump supporters, they are the most corrupt organization in US history just because they are investigating your cult leader --- but not one FBI official or DOJ official shot, beat up or racially profiled ANYONE in the Trump administration
so what Biff , with the aid of cameras and other high tech you got the ASSUMED Racists by the nutz . And its the people of color that you mention that are saying that there is NO REASON to call the cops . If you aren't aware , all criminals of all colors always say , no reason to call the cops . But what can you do , take them to court , go ahead as i hope that people continue to call the cops when they see a suspicious person in their neighborhood Biff .
so what Biff , with the aid of cameras and other high tech you got the ASSUMED Racists by the nutz . And its the people of color that you mention that are saying that there is NO REASON to call the cops . If you aren't aware , all criminals of all colors always say , no reason to call the cops . But what can you do , take them to court , go ahead as i hope that people continue to call the cops when they see a suspicious person in their neighborhood Biff .
You are a racist -- so your opinion aint really worth much...

In fact, your opinions will become more desperate and more delusional the more you realize you and your idiot ilk are dying out and ARE NOT being replaced with equally depraved and delusional people.....

ashes to ashes and dust to dust to all of you insecure racist cucks...
it seems to me that some of YOU PEOPLE want to make people afraid of calling the cops because they might OFFEND some types of people that they call the cops on . To me that sounds like the calls by some criminal type youngsters or what i call 'hip hoppers' who don't want people carrying guns because the 'hip hoppers' prefer to commit crimes with no opposition Biff .
say what you like as it makes me smile :afro:as i encourage good people of ALL colors to call the cops on who ever they deem to be SUSPICIOUS Biff .
And of course there's no indication that it was a white person who called in the first place.

true, it could have been anyone... it's just assumed it was a white person.

Deny, deny, and ….deny.

What am I denying? it was most likely a white person. It also could have been someone Korean, or Chinese.

It was a white person and every time something like this happens it's the same old song. "It could have been anybody."
Do you have a pic to prove they were white? Or any sort of evidence at all?

“I do not live in this community, but I felt compelled to share my experience,” the Louisiana resident said. “Within five days of my stay in Des Moines, I had two police encounters, with one ending in an arrest. These encounters happened while I was out working in affluential, Caucasian neighborhoods. I had work materials with me. I stood up for myself because I had the right to.”
it seems to me that some of YOU PEOPLE want to make people afraid of calling the cops because they might OFFEND some types of people that they call the cops on . To me that sounds like the calls by some criminal type youngsters or what i call 'hip hoppers' who don't want people carrying guns because the 'hip hoppers' prefer to commit crimes with no opposition Biff .

Another stupid ass comment from some dumb ass white idiot.
He didn't have to. He was not breaking any law. You a not for the rule of law. That cop violated that mans constitutional rights.
-------------------------- let him Sue IM2 !!

Mr. Hill declined to speak with Officer Ray further because he knew Iowa law does not require a person to identify themselves unless there is reasonable suspicion that criminal activity is afoot, and Mr. Hill was not up to anything illegal,” the press release stated."

You really don't want him to sue.

obviously the kid was doing nothing wrong. absolutely, but the cop still has an obligation when he has a call in for a suspicious person. He cant assume the call was just because it was a racist white person who is afraid of blacks, and therefore I guess your going to have situations like this. So maybe the cop made a mistake? fine. Sue them all and lets have our cops back off more and more. Nothing bad ever happens in the hood.

This happened in a white neighborhood in Iowa. And the cop can roil up on a situation and see it is not worth wasting time on.
--------------------------------- cop can't just roll up and ASSUME as he'd have to at least investigate IM2 .

And the cop can roil up on a situation and see it is not worth wasting time on.
-------------------------- let him Sue IM2 !!

Mr. Hill declined to speak with Officer Ray further because he knew Iowa law does not require a person to identify themselves unless there is reasonable suspicion that criminal activity is afoot, and Mr. Hill was not up to anything illegal,” the press release stated."

You really don't want him to sue.

obviously the kid was doing nothing wrong. absolutely, but the cop still has an obligation when he has a call in for a suspicious person. He cant assume the call was just because it was a racist white person who is afraid of blacks, and therefore I guess your going to have situations like this. So maybe the cop made a mistake? fine. Sue them all and lets have our cops back off more and more. Nothing bad ever happens in the hood.

This happened in a white neighborhood in Iowa. And the cop can roil up on a situation and see it is not worth wasting time on.
I'm still trying to figure out what you have to do to be "suspicious" other than be Black.
----------------------------------- an unusual , unrecognized person in the neighborhood can be reason to be suspicious for some people so just call the cops , nothing to it Ace .

The usual excuses from the fascists .
true, it could have been anyone... it's just assumed it was a white person.

Deny, deny, and ….deny.

What am I denying? it was most likely a white person. It also could have been someone Korean, or Chinese.

It was a white person and every time something like this happens it's the same old song. "It could have been anybody."
Do you have a pic to prove they were white? Or any sort of evidence at all?

“I do not live in this community, but I felt compelled to share my experience,” the Louisiana resident said. “Within five days of my stay in Des Moines, I had two police encounters, with one ending in an arrest. These encounters happened while I was out working in affluential, Caucasian neighborhoods. I had work materials with me. I stood up for myself because I had the right to.”
2 - 3 police encounters per week seems about par for the course while canvassing, unless you are rude to people.
-------------------------- let him Sue IM2 !!

Mr. Hill declined to speak with Officer Ray further because he knew Iowa law does not require a person to identify themselves unless there is reasonable suspicion that criminal activity is afoot, and Mr. Hill was not up to anything illegal,” the press release stated."

You really don't want him to sue.

obviously the kid was doing nothing wrong. absolutely, but the cop still has an obligation when he has a call in for a suspicious person. He cant assume the call was just because it was a racist white person who is afraid of blacks, and therefore I guess your going to have situations like this. So maybe the cop made a mistake? fine. Sue them all and lets have our cops back off more and more. Nothing bad ever happens in the hood.

This happened in a white neighborhood in Iowa. And the cop can roil up on a situation and see it is not worth wasting time on.
--------------------------------- cop can't just roll up and ASSUME as he'd have to at least investigate IM2 .

And the cop can roil up on a situation and see it is not worth wasting time on.
--------------------------- no cop has that authority , after his INVESTIGATION and report he can leave the scene but if cop had arrived as result of responding to a complaint then everything is in the computer and phone recordings IM2 .
but lets have MORE of these whining and crying threads about ASSUMED Racism as being the reason for calling the cops on a Suspicious person eh . ------------ And OFF Topic but did you guys hear ?? Unconfirmed Rumor has it that 'black panther stacy abrams' of Georgia has Maybe lost the Governors race to American Gun Owner 'Brian Kemp' Gents .
but lets have MORE of these whining and crying threads about ASSUMED Racism as being the reason for calling the cops on a Suspicious person eh . ------------ And OFF Topic but did you guys hear ?? Unconfirmed Rumor has it that 'black panther stacy abrams' of Georgia has Maybe lost the Governors race to American Gun Owner 'Brian Kemp' Gents .

While I think the cop was put in a spot here as well, we gotta be honest here. The black kid wasn't doing anything wrong, he was on legitimate business but happened to be black in a mostly white, higher end neighborhood.
When people call the cops on someone these days they need to realize the climate in which we live as well. Just randomly calling the police on someone can be a waste of their time and in the case of this kid, you have to realize
it was probably a painful experience for him. Did he deserve that? I think the answer is an obvious no.
Its not enough to call the police on someone just for being there, this caller if they felt something was suspicious shouldnt have been so lazy as to just make the call from the comfort of their home. If they are willing to ruin someone else's day, then they should have gone outside, sat in their car and watched the guy... or drove around the block and see if something actually suspicious was going on, because if they did then they would have seen he was just handing out election material. I would say in most cases like this people don't do their due diligence as a citizen.

Then again,.... the caller may have been a Democrat who was pissed he he was canvassing for a Republican

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