Man crashes car after passing out from wearing mask

What are we NOT hearing about?

Man Wearing N95 Mask Passes Out While Driving Car, Crashing into Pole

A New Jersey man passed out and crashed into a telephone pole this week, and police believe the accident could have been avoided if he hadn’t worn an N95 mask while driving.

People around the country have been asked to wear facial coverings while out in public to help stop the spread of coronavirus. But according to the Lincoln Park Police Department, wearing an N95 mask too long can cause someone to inadvertently restrict their oxygen — which is what they believed happened to a man who crashed his car on Thursday.

“The LPPD responded to a lone occupant single car motor vehicle crash yesterday,” the department said in a post to their Facebook page on Friday. “The crash is believed to have resulted from the driver wearing an N95 mask for several hours and subsequently passing out behind the wheel due to insufficient oxygen intake/excessive carbon dioxide intake.”

Wearing a mask in his car?
The Darwin Committee has this case under review.
Please resume your Wuhanvirus activities.
Democrats aren’t known for having common sense.

They certainly do claim to be smarter than anyone else.

Hawaii senator Mazi Hirono said "We're smarter than Republicans and so we have to tell them."
Take the Unabomber, please. Math professor at UC Berkeley before resigning to live in his rathole shack in Montana, mailing package bombs to murder people he hated.

Bill Ayers, professor at University of Illinois, Chicago, he was a terrorist in Weathermen Underground, making bombs to kill police.

Ward Churchill, professor at University of Colorado: "The people who died on 9/11 were a bunch of little Eichmanns."

And on and on. Always idiot Leftists in academia.
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols?
Democrats aren’t known for having common sense.

They certainly do claim to be smarter than anyone else.

Hawaii senator Mazi Hirono said "We're smarter than Republicans and so we have to tell them."
Take the Unabomber, please. Math professor at UC Berkeley before resigning to live in his rathole shack in Montana, mailing package bombs to murder people he hated.

Bill Ayers, professor at University of Illinois, Chicago, he was a terrorist in Weathermen Underground, making bombs to kill police.

Ward Churchill, professor at University of Colorado: "The people who died on 9/11 were a bunch of little Eichmanns."

And on and on. Always idiot Leftists in academia.

Three data points, and no links to provide evidence that any of these quotes are accurate, and/or taken in the full context. Typical Right Wing effort; I call balderdash!

Why don't you look them up yourself. Stop being so lazy. Typical Leftist laziness, but I repeat myself.
Any reference provided to a Leftist is instantly dismissed anyway so why should anybody bother.

Say, was that you in the stocking cap, eyeglasses, and yellow jacket, crying loudly because Donald Trump won? Shrieking "NO, NO, NO, NO" and pounding the pavement?

Last edited:
What are we NOT hearing about?

Man Wearing N95 Mask Passes Out While Driving Car, Crashing into Pole

A New Jersey man passed out and crashed into a telephone pole this week, and police believe the accident could have been avoided if he hadn’t worn an N95 mask while driving.

People around the country have been asked to wear facial coverings while out in public to help stop the spread of coronavirus. But according to the Lincoln Park Police Department, wearing an N95 mask too long can cause someone to inadvertently restrict their oxygen — which is what they believed happened to a man who crashed his car on Thursday.

“The LPPD responded to a lone occupant single car motor vehicle crash yesterday,” the department said in a post to their Facebook page on Friday. “The crash is believed to have resulted from the driver wearing an N95 mask for several hours and subsequently passing out behind the wheel due to insufficient oxygen intake/excessive carbon dioxide intake.”
So he was by himself driving a car and still wearing his mask to the point where he passed out? I think the guy needs his head checked. Are you really trying to make this a mask problem?
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols?

McVeigh has been executed.
Nichols is doing life in prison.
Contrast this with YOUR evil friends.
Terrorist Bill Ayers was brainwashing impressionable students until he retired quite comfortably.
Ward Churchill was never charged for anything.
The investigation against Obama and Hillary and all the rest of the crooks is continuing now.
They all belong in prison for at least five years if there were justice.
But you don't give a shit about anything except power, and controlling others because YOU think YOU'RE so very smart.

Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols?

McVeigh has been executed.
Nichols is doing life in prison.
Contrast this with YOUR evil friends.
Terrorist Bill Ayers was brainwashing impressionable students until he retired quite comfortably.
Ward Churchill was never charged for anything.
The investigation against Obama and Hillary and all the rest of the crooks is continuing now.
They all belong in prison for at least five years if there were justice.
But you don't give a shit about anything except power, and controlling others because YOU think YOU'RE so very smart.

Bad people are on both sides of the aisle. It's up to those in the middle to keep them in-check. Well, maybe not you.
That explains why doctors & dentists pass out when they put on their masks at work.
That, and the fact that they usually don't wear the masks for hours unless they're performing a lengthy surgery. They're not wearing that type of mask either.
That explains why doctors & dentists pass out when they put on their masks at work.
Has such a thing ever really taken place with a doctor or dentist? I wonder how old the man is and how hot the temperature was where his accident happened. The write up doesn't say. Yesterday afternoon it got as hot as 101 here in my area. An old enough person, a mask, and a scorching temperature you know is not a good combination.

God bless you and the man always!!!

Democrats aren’t known for having common sense.

They certainly do claim to be smarter than anyone else.

Hawaii senator Mazi Hirono said "We're smarter than Republicans and so we have to tell them."
Take the Unabomber, please. Math professor at UC Berkeley before resigning to live in his rathole shack in Montana, mailing package bombs to murder people he hated.

Bill Ayers, professor at University of Illinois, Chicago, he was a terrorist in Weathermen Underground, making bombs to kill police.

Ward Churchill, professor at University of Colorado: "The people who died on 9/11 were a bunch of little Eichmanns."

And on and on. Always idiot Leftists in academia.

Three data points, and no links to provide evidence that any of these quotes are accurate, and/or taken in the full context. Typical Right Wing effort; I call balderdash!

Why don't you look them up yourself. Stop being so lazy. Typical Leftist laziness, but I repeat myself.
Any reference provided to a Leftist is instantly dismissed anyway so why should anybody bother.

Say, was that you in the stocking cap, eyeglasses, and yellow jacket, crying loudly because Donald Trump won? Shrieking "NO, NO, NO, NO" and pounding the pavement? View attachment 364107

Deflection wrapped in an ad hominem ^^^. So typical of a Trumpanzee.
What are we NOT hearing about?

Man Wearing N95 Mask Passes Out While Driving Car, Crashing into Pole

A New Jersey man passed out and crashed into a telephone pole this week, and police believe the accident could have been avoided if he hadn’t worn an N95 mask while driving.

People around the country have been asked to wear facial coverings while out in public to help stop the spread of coronavirus. But according to the Lincoln Park Police Department, wearing an N95 mask too long can cause someone to inadvertently restrict their oxygen — which is what they believed happened to a man who crashed his car on Thursday.

“The LPPD responded to a lone occupant single car motor vehicle crash yesterday,” the department said in a post to their Facebook page on Friday. “The crash is believed to have resulted from the driver wearing an N95 mask for several hours and subsequently passing out behind the wheel due to insufficient oxygen intake/excessive carbon dioxide intake.”
What is your point. NJ does not require masks at all times in public. They are only required when you cant appropriately distance from other. Secondly, I have N95 masks and they do not cause me to pass out. They are a bit uncomfortable but that is all. This guy probably have some pulmonary issues.

There are a lot of people walking around with pulmonary issues. Watch TV for 30 minutes and there will be an ad for the latest cure-all for COPD or BPH. Yet, these people aren't exempt for the face mask rules- so we can expect a lot more of this, at least for the next 10-12 years of this Corona Panic.
Actually they are exempt . You're either getting faulty information or, as usual, just making shit up. And, no body in New Jersey as I pointed out, is required to use a mask when alone in a car
Bad people are on both sides of the aisle.

Wow, deep! No, really. Such wisdom.

It's up to those in the middle to keep them in-check. Well, maybe not you.

And you pretend that YOU are "in the middle"? How laughable. You're obviously a far left wacko.
I am with the Founding Fathers, libertarians. Even so, I do not keep anybody in check. Nor do you, unfortunately not even yourself.

Now to my Ignore List you go as well.

“The amount of energy necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.” – Brandolini’s Law

ciao brutto

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