Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

This is a guy that was court ordered to have a mental health assessment. He had a restraining order.
And ???

And enough people were aware.
Ok so besides his momma and his daddy who is really going to care ??

I'm thinking when he started heading for his ex-girlfriend she might have cared quite a bit.
Sorry, you lost me again here.

I'm just a dumb guy.

We think linearly and logically.

So please try explaining again, sil vous plait.
I think that needs to be balanced with the fact that in those days people could be institutionalized for life with few rights or appeals or, in some cases, even a real mental illness. Acting out as a child could earn you a lobotamy.

That was over fifty years ago. It was about shifting them back into local areas rather than have it taken care of by the state.

There is merit in shifting a portion back into local areas instead of large scale institutions, but in many cases, the states never funded it, they just shifted the money elsewhere. There are some people that need to be institutionalized. There are many however, who can function well in a semi-independent setting that is not an institution. The trick is balancing rights with needs and safety. And, providing money to support it.

And that hasn't happened yet and they have been saying this since the 50s. There is no money in it. Meanwhile we have a lot of mentally ill people that need this desperately.

Yes, there is no money in it. It takes a mass killing to kick the public's attention towards mental illness and even then it's hit or miss. There are no cute mental illness poster kids. What do you propose?

That's not my field of expertise, for sure. At least there could be state mental hospitals with a few outpatient programs. Also some inpatient ones. ;)

Inpatient for sure. They keep cutting beds and that is an issue.
That was over fifty years ago. It was about shifting them back into local areas rather than have it taken care of by the state.

There is merit in shifting a portion back into local areas instead of large scale institutions, but in many cases, the states never funded it, they just shifted the money elsewhere. There are some people that need to be institutionalized. There are many however, who can function well in a semi-independent setting that is not an institution. The trick is balancing rights with needs and safety. And, providing money to support it.

And that hasn't happened yet and they have been saying this since the 50s. There is no money in it. Meanwhile we have a lot of mentally ill people that need this desperately.

Yes, there is no money in it. It takes a mass killing to kick the public's attention towards mental illness and even then it's hit or miss. There are no cute mental illness poster kids. What do you propose?

That's not my field of expertise, for sure. At least there could be state mental hospitals with a few outpatient programs. Also some inpatient ones. ;)

Inpatient for sure. They keep cutting beds and that is an issue.
Deficit spending.

High taxes.

No money no honey.
Pretending it didn't happen is no help. Nor is it morbid to open a conversation about the lack of affordable and easily available mental health treatment in the US. Sadly, it IS a partisan issue but it doesn't have to be.

As with all mental illness, there are many victims in this wretched story - his family as well as the poor woman he did not kill.

I wonder if he had a gun. It's legal now for the mentally ill to have guns, a fact that strikes terror into a lot of abused women. Last I read, men who murder their abused wives get an average of 7 years in prison while women get life or the death penalty.

Will we ever face the issues of domestic abuse and mental illness?

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This is a guy that was court ordered to have a mental health assessment. He had a restraining order.
And ???

And enough people were aware.
Ok so besides his momma and his daddy who is really going to care ??

I'm thinking when he started heading for his ex-girlfriend she might have cared quite a bit.
Sorry, you lost me again here.

I'm just a dumb guy.

We think linearly and logically.

So please try explaining again, sil vous plait.

He demonstrated behavior that caused enough concern to both her and others regarding his behavior. He targeted his girlfriend in the bar and was going to take her down as well. Multiple times prior to this the police were called about him. It isn't a lack of awareness. It's a no place to take him.
There is merit in shifting a portion back into local areas instead of large scale institutions, but in many cases, the states never funded it, they just shifted the money elsewhere. There are some people that need to be institutionalized. There are many however, who can function well in a semi-independent setting that is not an institution. The trick is balancing rights with needs and safety. And, providing money to support it.

And that hasn't happened yet and they have been saying this since the 50s. There is no money in it. Meanwhile we have a lot of mentally ill people that need this desperately.

Yes, there is no money in it. It takes a mass killing to kick the public's attention towards mental illness and even then it's hit or miss. There are no cute mental illness poster kids. What do you propose?

That's not my field of expertise, for sure. At least there could be state mental hospitals with a few outpatient programs. Also some inpatient ones. ;)

Inpatient for sure. They keep cutting beds and that is an issue.
Deficit spending.

High taxes.

No money no honey.

Find it.
And that hasn't happened yet and they have been saying this since the 50s. There is no money in it. Meanwhile we have a lot of mentally ill people that need this desperately.

Yes, there is no money in it. It takes a mass killing to kick the public's attention towards mental illness and even then it's hit or miss. There are no cute mental illness poster kids. What do you propose?

That's not my field of expertise, for sure. At least there could be state mental hospitals with a few outpatient programs. Also some inpatient ones. ;)

Part of the problem is in the laws. It's extremely hard to forceably commit an adult unless he is a danger to himself or others, and that definition is very restrictive.
Yet another instance of you not doing your job.

This has NOTHING to do with politics yet here you are posting rather than moving the thread.

It is NOW lol
Yes, there is no money in it. It takes a mass killing to kick the public's attention towards mental illness and even then it's hit or miss. There are no cute mental illness poster kids. What do you propose?

That's not my field of expertise, for sure. At least there could be state mental hospitals with a few outpatient programs. Also some inpatient ones. ;)

Part of the problem is in the laws. It's extremely hard to forceably commit an adult unless he is a danger to himself or others, and that definition is very restrictive.
Yet another instance of you not doing your job.

This has NOTHING to do with politics yet here you are posting rather than moving the thread.

It is NOW lol

It was long before you posted that last message because that retard had a knipshit earlier.
That's not my field of expertise, for sure. At least there could be state mental hospitals with a few outpatient programs. Also some inpatient ones. ;)

Part of the problem is in the laws. It's extremely hard to forceably commit an adult unless he is a danger to himself or others, and that definition is very restrictive.
Yet another instance of you not doing your job.

This has NOTHING to do with politics yet here you are posting rather than moving the thread.

It is NOW lol

It was long before you posted that last message because that retard had a knipshit earlier.
English please
Part of the problem is in the laws. It's extremely hard to forceably commit an adult unless he is a danger to himself or others, and that definition is very restrictive.
Yet another instance of you not doing your job.

This has NOTHING to do with politics yet here you are posting rather than moving the thread.

It is NOW lol

It was long before you posted that last message because that retard had a knipshit earlier.
English please

It had already been moved long before you posted that last message due to the fucking retard that had a knipshit earlier.
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

Yes, the left isn't politicising mental health in the case of Donald Trump.

Can you clowns ever keep your stories straight ?
And that hasn't happened yet and they have been saying this since the 50s. There is no money in it. Meanwhile we have a lot of mentally ill people that need this desperately.

Yes, there is no money in it. It takes a mass killing to kick the public's attention towards mental illness and even then it's hit or miss. There are no cute mental illness poster kids. What do you propose?

That's not my field of expertise, for sure. At least there could be state mental hospitals with a few outpatient programs. Also some inpatient ones. ;)

Inpatient for sure. They keep cutting beds and that is an issue.
Deficit spending.

High taxes.

No money no honey.

Find it.
The Fed's have already spent all their money.

They are not going to start spending more on retards now.

They need to CUT spending NOT spend MORE.

Sad but true.
That's not my field of expertise, for sure. At least there could be state mental hospitals with a few outpatient programs. Also some inpatient ones. ;)

Part of the problem is in the laws. It's extremely hard to forceably commit an adult unless he is a danger to himself or others, and that definition is very restrictive.
Yet another instance of you not doing your job.

This has NOTHING to do with politics yet here you are posting rather than moving the thread.

It is NOW lol

It was long before you posted that last message because that retard had a knipshit earlier.

You are the retard.

You don't draw peoples attention to mental health by forcing them to watch horror videos of people burning themselves alive, that will only result in traumatising the people and them switching off.

You draw attention by educating society better about both mental health issues and the stigma that surrounds mental health issues. One of the main reasons for negative attitudes and judgemental behaviour towards people with mental illness is lack of knowledge and also a fear of the unknown.

Also suicide in itself is a dark subject for most of society to cope with discussing openly, this is because the ability to destroy yourself is within anyone and everyone including children and it can be triggered at any moment by a variety of personal crisis, people don't want to talk about that because they have to face that they themselves for any reason could become a suicide and/or a suicide attempt themselves, it's one of the darkest parts of a human psyche, it's understandable that people don't want to go there.

You have to educate society more to have a better understanding of these complex issues that are not in black and white and are also multi-faceted.

I understand that education isn't your strong point being such a complete fool.

I repeat this has nothing to do with politics, it is not a political issue, it's a human issue.

And enough people were aware.
Ok so besides his momma and his daddy who is really going to care ??

I'm thinking when he started heading for his ex-girlfriend she might have cared quite a bit.
Sorry, you lost me again here.

I'm just a dumb guy.

We think linearly and logically.

So please try explaining again, sil vous plait.

He demonstrated behavior that caused enough concern to both her and others regarding his behavior. He targeted his girlfriend in the bar and was going to take her down as well. Multiple times prior to this the police were called about him. It isn't a lack of awareness. It's a no place to take him.
Well like I have always said -- the police cannot protect you.

The police can only write up the after action report so your name ends up on the local evening news.

Everyone needs to defend themselves. This includes also from unrequited lovers. They are as bad or worse than the Negroes who want to rape you. (Remember Kitty Genovese in NYC?)
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

Ok. You see how you just shifted away from mental illness?

Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

"I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue."

They absolutely not should keep the live streaming up, only the perverted would want to watch someone elses torment and horrific death.

Keeping the live streaming up has little in any way to contribute to drawing attention to the souls who have mental health issues.

Sure it will.

No, I'm still talking about mental illness. I'm sorry you don't get it.

I'll explain again.

With the political system as it is, with two parties controlling everything, with a few very rich people pumping money into the political system, with people being told what to think, mental illness ends up being brushed aside, or even worse, used for negative policies, as I explain before with the level of prisoners in the US at such a high level and about 50% of those people having mental illness, compared to the 25% rate of mental illness among the general population.

If you want to solve the problem of mental illness in the US, there is only one way. That way is to change the way people vote.

This is my opinion, you don't like it, you think it's off topic, you want to ignore, whatever, I don't care. This is my view on this issue.
Coyote said:
There is merit in shifting a portion back into local areas instead of large scale institutions, but in many cases, the states never funded it, they just shifted the money elsewhere. There are some people that need to be institutionalized. There are many however, who can function well in a semi-independent setting that is not an institution. The trick is balancing rights with needs and safety. And, providing money to support it.

And that hasn't happened yet and they have been saying this since the 50s. There is no money in it. Meanwhile we have a lot of mentally ill people that need this desperately.

Yes, there is no money in it. It takes a mass killing to kick the public's attention towards mental illness and even then it's hit or miss. There are no cute mental illness poster kids. What do you propose?

That's not my field of expertise, for sure. At least there could be state mental hospitals with a few outpatient programs. Also some inpatient ones. ;)

Part of the problem is in the laws. It's extremely hard to forceably commit an adult unless he is a danger to himself or others, and that definition is very restrictive.
Yet another instance of you not doing your job.

This has NOTHING to do with politics yet here you are posting rather than moving the thread.

Yeah Coyote.
I'm afraid we no longer need your services. You may leave your super decoder ring and beating stick at the door.
I had a crazy aunt. She spent half her life in one nutso hospital after another.
I'm pretty sure they changed her from run of the mill nutso to extra deluxe and scary nutso
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

This has nothing to do with politics you partisan hack.

I'm on the Right and I would never and have never and will never dismiss the important issue of mental health and I have never advocated putting those with mental health issues in prison.

So take your partisan hack buttocks elsewhere.

Ah, throwing insults in place of an argument. Well done... I'm sure the Austrian govt is proud to have spent so much money on your education to produce something that doesn't even come up with an argument.

Perhaps you could try again without the insults.

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