Man does not live on “critical theory” alone.


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
Critical Theory is the basis of the leftist ideology today. It’s important to understand because you then realize where the illogical logic is coming from. It posits that people atop of hierarchy’s structure them in a way to maintain their place at the top. It also then supposes that societal structure and influence has more of an effect on someone’s societal position in life than individual choices or psychology. Critical theory can be a useful tool when used along side of traditional theory. Traditional theory is just a term for reason used to analyze facts and stats in a neutral manner, or basically the scientific theory. Critical theory was never supposed to be used by itself. When it’s used just by itself, the only facts that matter are the one that are useful to explaining away the worlds problem on the “hegemony”, or the societal structure set up by those in power for those in power. Any other facts (not suppositions) that go against this theory are just an attempt by the hegemony to maintain the status quo, and should therefore just be discounted immediately. This puts science, history, and mathematics in direct conflict with critical theory. This is why we see things like the 1619 project. It is important for these leftist to make sure they frame America’s founding as only having one goal, to exploit blacks. The nuclear family that BLM has bizarrely come out against and declared as an evil, is because it’s apparently a patriarchal system designed to oppress women. This is why if you list the stats and facts to a BLM supporter, you are now a white supremacist, because the system we live in is a white supremacists system, and your facts and stats suggest you want to maintain the status quo of white supremacy.

Here’s the dumb part. If you were to set up a society that would fight against the “hegemony” would want justice to be blind. Social justice, by definition, cannot be blind. It needs to see race and creed. You would also want a system that limits power of those in high positions. If you limit their power, then they cannot use that power to oppress you. Better yet create multiple competing branches of government, with their own built in checks and balances against the other branches. Yeah basically our founders were already fighting against the hegemony before the Frankfurt school even came up with their theory. Of course the freedoms laid out didn’t immediately apply for all Americans at the same time, but that’s an evil we paid for dearly in the civil war....America’s most deadly war. But because of critical theory fomenting in universities without pushback, and devoid of traditional theory/science that needs to labeled as white supremacists, or oppressor theory...the very thing to uplift the common people, the enlightenment values that our constitution is based on, needs to also be labeled as a white supremacist/oppressor system.
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Its an amazing paradox in which these radicals repeatedly try to destroy a truth that led to the greatest country in the world. The ultimate lesson in such an experiment was our ability to right our wrongs as we traversed forward, always looking to rectify our sins of the past. Many men died fighting our revolution and our civil war. To drag that history into a future context in order to revise and cast our founders aside is an abomination. These people who do this are despicable, stupid, ignorant, and will reap the horrors of which they sow.
Its an amazing paradox in which these radicals repeatedly try to destroy a truth that led to the greatest country in the world. The ultimate lesson in such an experiment was our ability to right our wrongs as we traversed forward, always looking to rectify our sins of the past. Many men died fighting our revolution and our civil war. To drag that history into a future context in order to revise and cast our founders aside is an abomination. These people who do this are despicable, stupid, ignorant, and will reap the horrors of which they sow.
They will reap what they sow. Unfortunately they’ll bring down reaping upon all of us through their sowing.
Its an amazing paradox in which these radicals repeatedly try to destroy a truth that led to the greatest country in the world. The ultimate lesson in such an experiment was our ability to right our wrongs as we traversed forward, always looking to rectify our sins of the past. Many men died fighting our revolution and our civil war. To drag that history into a future context in order to revise and cast our founders aside is an abomination. These people who do this are despicable, stupid, ignorant, and will reap the horrors of which they sow.
They will reap what they sow. Unfortunately they’ll bring down reaping upon all of us through their sowing.

You are 100 percent correct........and thats the sad part.
Its an amazing paradox in which these radicals repeatedly try to destroy a truth that led to the greatest country in the world. The ultimate lesson in such an experiment was our ability to right our wrongs as we traversed forward, always looking to rectify our sins of the past. Many men died fighting our revolution and our civil war. To drag that history into a future context in order to revise and cast our founders aside is an abomination. These people who do this are despicable, stupid, ignorant, and will reap the horrors of which they sow.
They will reap what they sow. Unfortunately they’ll bring down reaping upon all of us through their sowing.
Critical Theory is the basis of the leftist ideology today. It’s important to understand because you then realize where the illogical logic is coming from. It posits that people atop of hierarchy’s structure them in a way to maintain their place at the top. It also then supposes that societal structure and influence has more of an effect on someone’s societal position in life than individual choices or psychology. Critical theory can be a useful tool when used along side of traditional theory. Traditional theory is just a term for reason used to analyze facts and stats in a neutral manner, or basically the scientific theory. Critical theory was never supposed to be used by itself. When it’s used just by itself, the only facts that matter are the one that are useful to explaining away the worlds problem on the “hegemony”, or the societal structure set up by those in power for those in power. Any other facts (not suppositions) that go against this theory are just an attempt by the hegemony to maintain the status quo, and should therefore just be discounted immediately. This puts science, history, and mathematics in direct conflict with critical theory. This is why we see things like the 1619 project. It is important for these leftist to make sure they frame America’s founding as only having one goal, to exploit blacks. The nuclear family that BLM has bizarrely come out against and declared as an evil, is because it’s apparently a patriarchal system designed to oppress women. This is why if you list the stats and facts to a BLM supporter, you are now a white supremacist, because the system we live in is a white supremacists system, and your facts and stats suggest you want to maintain the status quo of white supremacy.

Here’s the dumb part. If you were to set up a society that would fight against the “hegemony” would want justice to be blind. Social justice, by definition, cannot be blind. It needs to see race and creed. You would also want a system that limits power of those in high positions. If you limit their power, then they cannot use that power to oppress you. Better yet create multiple competing branches of government, with their own built in checks and balances against the other branches. Yeah basically our founders were already fighting against the hegemony before the Frankfurt school even came up with their theory. Of course the freedoms laid out didn’t immediately apply for all Americans at the same time, but that’s an evil we paid for dearly in the civil war....America’s most deadly war. But because of critical theory fomenting in universities without pushback, and devoid of traditional theory/science that needs to labeled as white supremacists, or oppressor theory...the very thing to uplift the common people, the enlightenment values that our constitution is based on, needs to also be labeled as a white supremacist/oppressor system.

Excellent and educational post. Critical theory and Deconstructionism were introduced to the American educational system through early Postmodernism, which is the meta-philosophy or arch-ideology driving the radicalized American Left. Postmodernism proposes that every possible aspect and object and living thing in existence is nothing more than a social construct—constructs which can be reconstructed at will simply by thinking or saying so. Also hidden under the belt of postmodernism are sadism, moral and factual relativism and absolute subjectivism. Further, postmodernism posits that no belief or philosophy or epistemology or dialectic or religion can be absolutely true, but then concludes that postmodernism itself is the absolute truth of the cosmos. In essence, postmodernism is the grand radical left meta-ideology of CONTRADICTION. Postmodernism is also an ideological/political cult of suicide, for no man or women or graven image or deity can be absolutely acceptable or without flaw, so must eventually be destroyed, even the idols of postmodernism, in order to fit its grand narrative.

Le Marquis de Sade was an early harbinger of modern postmodernism in countless ways, really, and yet no conservative or even simply rational thinker hardly ever writes or speaks about him as apropos to today's violent radical left movements or connects his dark personal ideology to violent radical leftism. De Sade was a man who used his intellect to justify violent humiliation of other men, of women and of children, and was an early advocate of state sponsored elective abortion. He engaged in rape, torture sex, bestiality and much worse forms of debauchery unmentionable even on this message board.

Suffice it to say that the ideology driving the mob violence and cultural revolution across our nation today is purely anti-civilization, anti-American, anti-human and anti-Christ. This ideology, this postmodernism and all its subclass philosophies and epistemologies such as critical theory, critical race theory, deconstructionism, sadism, violent atheism and many others, seek but one goal: to justify the murder of the human race and then devise the means to do so and then finally, carry them out on a global scale. Fun stuff . . .

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