Man Eaten By Tiger At Indian Zoo


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2014
Man mauled to death by white tiger in Delhi Zoo - Telegraph

Man mauled to death by white tiger in Delhi Zoo


A young man has been mauled to death by a white tiger in an enclosure at a New Delhi zoo as staff and visitors watched on in horror.

According to eye witnesses, the man, believed to be 20 years old and named Maqsood, jumped a low barrier before scaling the enclosure’s safety wall to take photographs on his phone or throw stones at the endangered cat.

He then fell 18 feet, landed in a dry moat and within a few minutes was cowering on his haunches as the large white tiger stood over him.

Photographs appeared to show the man with his hands folded in a traditional Indian prayer gesture. Other eyewitnesses said the tiger did not attack until some visitors threw stones at him.

It is not clear whether the stones were thrown at the tiger to help the victim or to goad the animal, a common occurence in Indian zoos where little respect is shown to the animals.

“As he landed inside the enclosure, he saw the animal coming towards him,” one eyewitness told the Hindu newspaper.

“He sat with folded hands for the next few minutes as the animal kept watching him. Then all of a sudden, the tiger caught him by the neck and kept dragging before attacking with its claw.”

Other witnesses told local television channels they heard the victim’s screams and ran to the enclosure where they saw the man writhing “badly in pain” in the tiger’s jaws.

Officials did not attempt to rescue him and the man’s body remained in the enclosure for two hours after the attack. Police have since launched an investigation.

Zoo spokesman Riyaz Khan said police were investigating how the young man got into the enclosure.
“Apparently the boy has climbed the fencing and either jumped or fell into the enclosure and was attacked by the tiger,” he said.

“Our staff regularly move and caution the crowds from getting near the enclosures and they were doing it today also.”

Belinda Wright, India’s leading tiger conservationist, said the tiger should not be blamed for the incident.
“The tiger was just being a tiger. An unusual object fell into his domain... He’s a wild animal in captivity. It is certainly not the tiger’s fault”, she said.

Sources claim he was drunk. I can't believe that no one tried to help him, though, or that the zoo waited two hours before retrieving the body.

That pretty clearly needs to be investigated.

There were supposedly tranquiler guns just a few hundred feet away from the enclosure, and the stare-down lasted for almost twenty minutes before the tiger attacked. It sounds like they simply didn't care enough to try and save him.
We need to set this tiger and some of his buds on the loose near ISIS strongholds in Iraq.

Paws on the ground. :thup:
Brazil loves tigers!

"After Aryas Borges rescued two abused tigers from a circus in 2005, he got very close to his new pets. He started an improvised exotic animal sanctuary at his home in Maringa, Brazil, where he now owns seven tigers, two lions and one pet chihuahua named Little, according to ABC News.

"Everyone -- tigers included -- hangs out in the same house."

Brazilian Family Lives With SEVEN Tigers Because Six Isn t Enough PHOTOS
He did everything to indicate he was prey. If you are ever confronted by a big cat ie mountain lion, do not kneel down, even if you've dropped your firearm.....they see that as a signal you are prey and will come for you.
Man mauled to death by white tiger in Delhi Zoo - Telegraph

Man mauled to death by white tiger in Delhi Zoo


A young man has been mauled to death by a white tiger in an enclosure at a New Delhi zoo as staff and visitors watched on in horror.

According to eye witnesses, the man, believed to be 20 years old and named Maqsood, jumped a low barrier before scaling the enclosure’s safety wall to take photographs on his phone or throw stones at the endangered cat.

He then fell 18 feet, landed in a dry moat and within a few minutes was cowering on his haunches as the large white tiger stood over him.

Photographs appeared to show the man with his hands folded in a traditional Indian prayer gesture. Other eyewitnesses said the tiger did not attack until some visitors threw stones at him.

It is not clear whether the stones were thrown at the tiger to help the victim or to goad the animal, a common occurence in Indian zoos where little respect is shown to the animals.

“As he landed inside the enclosure, he saw the animal coming towards him,” one eyewitness told the Hindu newspaper.

“He sat with folded hands for the next few minutes as the animal kept watching him. Then all of a sudden, the tiger caught him by the neck and kept dragging before attacking with its claw.”

Other witnesses told local television channels they heard the victim’s screams and ran to the enclosure where they saw the man writhing “badly in pain” in the tiger’s jaws.

Officials did not attempt to rescue him and the man’s body remained in the enclosure for two hours after the attack. Police have since launched an investigation.

Zoo spokesman Riyaz Khan said police were investigating how the young man got into the enclosure.
“Apparently the boy has climbed the fencing and either jumped or fell into the enclosure and was attacked by the tiger,” he said.

“Our staff regularly move and caution the crowds from getting near the enclosures and they were doing it today also.”

Belinda Wright, India’s leading tiger conservationist, said the tiger should not be blamed for the incident.
“The tiger was just being a tiger. An unusual object fell into his domain... He’s a wild animal in captivity. It is certainly not the tiger’s fault”, she said.

Sources claim he was drunk. I can't believe that no one tried to help him, though, or that the zoo waited two hours before retrieving the body.

That pretty clearly needs to be investigated.

There were supposedly tranquiler guns just a few hundred feet away from the enclosure, and the stare-down lasted for almost twenty minutes before the tiger attacked. It sounds like they simply didn't care enough to try and save him.

I can see why they waited...India has plenty of replacements.
I hope that the zoo powers that be are prepared for a law suit because you know that they are going to be getting one.

God bless you always!!!

The tiger was just curious at first. He stood there ears back and tail lashing. That's indecision. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The man was acting like prey. The tiger knows that people are not prey. He was waiting for a cue. Like he gets from the zoo keepers. At that point instead of sitting, yelling and waiving his arms around the man probably could have gotten up and walked off. Instead he did the wounded gazelle thing.
Shoot, that's really violent.

They need better barriers. Gates where you literally have to climb about 20 feet up to get into the cage.
the shartling brothers traveling circus said:
Wonder what the brain trusts at PETA will have to say about this.

acerothstein said:
PETA? They are generally a bunch of idiots but the tiger isn't at fault here, the idiot who jumped into the tiger enclosure is.

No shit — REALLY, YA THINK?????
It's called "natural selection".
This is why Jurassic Park shouldn't become a reality.

Tigers like fast food, too.

If you don't want to die, don't enter the cage.

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