Man freed by DNA evidence after 20 years dies a year later

A white person wouldn't have been put in that situation...its easier to falsely accuse a negro.

Bill Cosby?
:lol: It's even easier to falsely accuse a rich man (not saying I think Bill is innocent). The only difference the rich man has legal resources and usually isn't stupid.
The more connections an attorney has, the more expensive he is. The reason being that he can get better deals for you because he knows all the prosecutors (and judges) on a personal basis whereas a shitty attorney isn't gonna make many friends and won't be able to get you a decent deal. Those are the ones poor people end up with, or even worse, a public defender. Those guys really suck. And like you said, the rich guy isn't as likely to be stupid. The poor guy (and his shitty lawyer) aren't likely to know all the legal technicalities that could be used to get the case thrown out.
That is true...except when a person is framed and railroaded as in many cases we see...even the best lawyer isn't gonna free an innocent black man when there is a conspiracy.

I realize you are a jailbird and know the ins and outs of the legal system ;) (had to)...

but you are white. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Hate to break it to you but that's a myth. The government is an equal opportunity railroader. You don't hear about these stories on the news because they can't sensationalize them like they can when blacks are railroaded. PS, there's no conspiracy against blacks, it's against all of us.
The government may be an equal opportunity railroader...but municipalities are not. There are too many stories throughout US history of black men being falsely convicted as a result of a prejudiced system and manufactured. Does it keep me awake at it is a reality. Back during the Jim Crow days...all it took was an accusation from a white person to convict a black person...evidence not could be manufactured or omitted.
Bill Cosby?
:lol: It's even easier to falsely accuse a rich man (not saying I think Bill is innocent). The only difference the rich man has legal resources and usually isn't stupid.
The more connections an attorney has, the more expensive he is. The reason being that he can get better deals for you because he knows all the prosecutors (and judges) on a personal basis whereas a shitty attorney isn't gonna make many friends and won't be able to get you a decent deal. Those are the ones poor people end up with, or even worse, a public defender. Those guys really suck. And like you said, the rich guy isn't as likely to be stupid. The poor guy (and his shitty lawyer) aren't likely to know all the legal technicalities that could be used to get the case thrown out.
That is true...except when a person is framed and railroaded as in many cases we see...even the best lawyer isn't gonna free an innocent black man when there is a conspiracy.

I realize you are a jailbird and know the ins and outs of the legal system ;) (had to)...

but you are white. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Hate to break it to you but that's a myth. The government is an equal opportunity railroader. You don't hear about these stories on the news because they can't sensationalize them like they can when blacks are railroaded. PS, there's no conspiracy against blacks, it's against all of us.
The government may be an equal opportunity railroader...but municipalities are not. There are too many stories throughout US history of black men being falsely convicted as a result of a prejudiced system and manufactured. Does it keep me awake at it is a reality. Back during the Jim Crow days...all it took was an accusation from a white person to convict a black person...evidence not could be manufactured or omitted.
Jim Crow is history. That shit rarely happens these days, and when it does, it's pounced upon immediately. The past is the past.
:lol: It's even easier to falsely accuse a rich man (not saying I think Bill is innocent). The only difference the rich man has legal resources and usually isn't stupid.
The more connections an attorney has, the more expensive he is. The reason being that he can get better deals for you because he knows all the prosecutors (and judges) on a personal basis whereas a shitty attorney isn't gonna make many friends and won't be able to get you a decent deal. Those are the ones poor people end up with, or even worse, a public defender. Those guys really suck. And like you said, the rich guy isn't as likely to be stupid. The poor guy (and his shitty lawyer) aren't likely to know all the legal technicalities that could be used to get the case thrown out.
That is true...except when a person is framed and railroaded as in many cases we see...even the best lawyer isn't gonna free an innocent black man when there is a conspiracy.

I realize you are a jailbird and know the ins and outs of the legal system ;) (had to)...

but you are white. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Hate to break it to you but that's a myth. The government is an equal opportunity railroader. You don't hear about these stories on the news because they can't sensationalize them like they can when blacks are railroaded. PS, there's no conspiracy against blacks, it's against all of us.
The government may be an equal opportunity railroader...but municipalities are not. There are too many stories throughout US history of black men being falsely convicted as a result of a prejudiced system and manufactured. Does it keep me awake at it is a reality. Back during the Jim Crow days...all it took was an accusation from a white person to convict a black person...evidence not could be manufactured or omitted.
Jim Crow is history. That shit rarely happens these days, and when it does, it's pounced upon immediately. The past is the past.
I agree...but It is recent history that has shaped the views of minorities throughout America. We are just learning about some of these injustices because of better racial relations...but most importantly because of advancement in science (DNA).
The more connections an attorney has, the more expensive he is. The reason being that he can get better deals for you because he knows all the prosecutors (and judges) on a personal basis whereas a shitty attorney isn't gonna make many friends and won't be able to get you a decent deal. Those are the ones poor people end up with, or even worse, a public defender. Those guys really suck. And like you said, the rich guy isn't as likely to be stupid. The poor guy (and his shitty lawyer) aren't likely to know all the legal technicalities that could be used to get the case thrown out.
That is true...except when a person is framed and railroaded as in many cases we see...even the best lawyer isn't gonna free an innocent black man when there is a conspiracy.

I realize you are a jailbird and know the ins and outs of the legal system ;) (had to)...

but you are white. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Hate to break it to you but that's a myth. The government is an equal opportunity railroader. You don't hear about these stories on the news because they can't sensationalize them like they can when blacks are railroaded. PS, there's no conspiracy against blacks, it's against all of us.
The government may be an equal opportunity railroader...but municipalities are not. There are too many stories throughout US history of black men being falsely convicted as a result of a prejudiced system and manufactured. Does it keep me awake at it is a reality. Back during the Jim Crow days...all it took was an accusation from a white person to convict a black person...evidence not could be manufactured or omitted.
Jim Crow is history. That shit rarely happens these days, and when it does, it's pounced upon immediately. The past is the past.
I agree...but It is recent history that has shaped the views of minorities throughout America. We are just learning about some of these injustices because of better racial relations...but most importantly because of advancement in science (DNA).
How recent? You know Al Sharpton and the other black self-appointed civil rights leaders continue to hold onto the past and desperately try to make us all believe that the same conditions of the 50's and 60's still exist. They don't, and these guys along with Obama are the ones keeping the races divided. Time to move on as a nation.
That is true...except when a person is framed and railroaded as in many cases we see...even the best lawyer isn't gonna free an innocent black man when there is a conspiracy.

I realize you are a jailbird and know the ins and outs of the legal system ;) (had to)...

but you are white. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Hate to break it to you but that's a myth. The government is an equal opportunity railroader. You don't hear about these stories on the news because they can't sensationalize them like they can when blacks are railroaded. PS, there's no conspiracy against blacks, it's against all of us.
The government may be an equal opportunity railroader...but municipalities are not. There are too many stories throughout US history of black men being falsely convicted as a result of a prejudiced system and manufactured. Does it keep me awake at it is a reality. Back during the Jim Crow days...all it took was an accusation from a white person to convict a black person...evidence not could be manufactured or omitted.
Jim Crow is history. That shit rarely happens these days, and when it does, it's pounced upon immediately. The past is the past.
I agree...but It is recent history that has shaped the views of minorities throughout America. We are just learning about some of these injustices because of better racial relations...but most importantly because of advancement in science (DNA).
How recent? You know Al Sharpton and the other black self-appointed civil rights leaders continue to hold onto the past and desperately try to make us all believe that the same conditions of the 50's and 60's still exist. They don't, and these guys along with Obama are the ones keeping the races divided. Time to move on as a nation.
A generation ago...that was our parents! And if you think that institutionalized racism ended in the 60' are crazy.
Hate to break it to you but that's a myth. The government is an equal opportunity railroader. You don't hear about these stories on the news because they can't sensationalize them like they can when blacks are railroaded. PS, there's no conspiracy against blacks, it's against all of us.
The government may be an equal opportunity railroader...but municipalities are not. There are too many stories throughout US history of black men being falsely convicted as a result of a prejudiced system and manufactured. Does it keep me awake at it is a reality. Back during the Jim Crow days...all it took was an accusation from a white person to convict a black person...evidence not could be manufactured or omitted.
Jim Crow is history. That shit rarely happens these days, and when it does, it's pounced upon immediately. The past is the past.
I agree...but It is recent history that has shaped the views of minorities throughout America. We are just learning about some of these injustices because of better racial relations...but most importantly because of advancement in science (DNA).
How recent? You know Al Sharpton and the other black self-appointed civil rights leaders continue to hold onto the past and desperately try to make us all believe that the same conditions of the 50's and 60's still exist. They don't, and these guys along with Obama are the ones keeping the races divided. Time to move on as a nation.
A generation ago...that was our parents! And if you think that institutionalized racism ended in the 60' are crazy.
It ended with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Martin Luther King's dream was realized at that time. Blacks failed to seize the opportunities that law provided. Instead they were hoodwinked by the Democratic Party and went for the free ride instead (not all of them but most). It's the Al Sharptons that struggle to keep the "struggle" alive. Otherwise, they have no career (or income). Yes, there are still pockets of resistance but it's nothing like it was in the 60's. If it were, Obama could have never gotten the nomination, let alone be elected twice, and there would be no blacks in Congress. The struggle is over, it's time to reap the benefits. Don't squander the opportunity for some romantic desire to keep the struggle alive. You won, time to move on.
The government may be an equal opportunity railroader...but municipalities are not. There are too many stories throughout US history of black men being falsely convicted as a result of a prejudiced system and manufactured. Does it keep me awake at it is a reality. Back during the Jim Crow days...all it took was an accusation from a white person to convict a black person...evidence not could be manufactured or omitted.
Jim Crow is history. That shit rarely happens these days, and when it does, it's pounced upon immediately. The past is the past.
I agree...but It is recent history that has shaped the views of minorities throughout America. We are just learning about some of these injustices because of better racial relations...but most importantly because of advancement in science (DNA).
How recent? You know Al Sharpton and the other black self-appointed civil rights leaders continue to hold onto the past and desperately try to make us all believe that the same conditions of the 50's and 60's still exist. They don't, and these guys along with Obama are the ones keeping the races divided. Time to move on as a nation.
A generation ago...that was our parents! And if you think that institutionalized racism ended in the 60' are crazy.
It ended with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Martin Luther King's dream was realized at that time. Blacks failed to seize the opportunities that law provided. Instead they were hoodwinked by the Democratic Party and went for the free ride instead (not all of them but most). It's the Al Sharptons that struggle to keep the "struggle" alive. Otherwise, they have no career (or income). Yes, there are still pockets of resistance but it's nothing like it was in the 60's. If it were, Obama could have never gotten the nomination, let alone be elected twice, and there would be no blacks in Congress. The struggle is over, it's time to reap the benefits. Don't squander the opportunity for some romantic desire to keep the struggle alive. You won, time to move on.
Sure, governmental sanctioned institutionalized racism ended in 1964...but racism did not. But I agree...its a new world and has been for a while...nonetheless, how can you expect all blacks to immediately reap the benefits of true freedom when they were only granted it a generation ago? My father did not have the same opportunities as your father. My grandfather had even less opportunity. Its not about keeping the struggle alive - not for me...Jesse and Al...sure, they are professional hustlers.

But the recent past cannot be ignored and MUST be factored into one's thought process when attacking an entire race. There is history, that is what causes the friction. It's hard to forget when blacks weren't allowed in hotels, when you were spit on, threatened, jailed for no reason, not allowed in town after dark, refused jobs...straight up treated in the nastiest of ways. Do you expect that generation to just forget and not react when race issues arise?

Progress isn't magical, it takes time. Spewing hate, like the USMB hate squad, Al and Jesse only stops growth and breeds division, resentment, and hate. You should quit looking at only the black racists and think about the white ones too. They are both a cancer.
The same tactics would have been used to get a confession if he had been white.
A white person wouldn't have been put in that situation...its easier to falsely accuse a negro.
Want a fricking tissue?
Amazing how the white feral racists do everything but address the point.
Agreed. Let's address it. Shit happens.
Racist shit happens. Not acceptable to me.
The same tactics would have been used to get a confession if he had been white.
I would agree. This is just common police practice. Lots of folks of all colors get railroaded. More of a class thing. If they were wealthy and had good legal representation, this probably wouldn't have happened.
Yeah if they didn't rely on government and got an education. Maybe they would have money, but liberals can't have that. You know they are the house nig@ers.
Another case of Black people being railroaded. This guy was exonerated but dies. I hope the family has grounds to sue whoever sent him to prison.

Man freed by DNA evidence after 20 years dies a year later -

Wilson was arrested in June 1992, along with his friend Anthony Yarbough, in the slaying of Yarbough's 40-year-old mother, Yarbough's 12-year-old sister and 12-year-old cousin in a Coney Island housing project.

Yarbough was just 18, and Wilson only 15, when they were accused of murder.

Brooklyn detectives placed Yarbough and Wilson into separate interview rooms and coerced false confessions from the two teens, who were later convicted in separate trials."

So the dude was around 38 when he died?
So what killed him? Did he party to hard on with the big payday he received?
Shot by one of his hommies?
Another case of Black people being railroaded. This guy was exonerated but dies. I hope the family has grounds to sue whoever sent him to prison.

Man freed by DNA evidence after 20 years dies a year later -

Wilson was arrested in June 1992, along with his friend Anthony Yarbough, in the slaying of Yarbough's 40-year-old mother, Yarbough's 12-year-old sister and 12-year-old cousin in a Coney Island housing project.

Yarbough was just 18, and Wilson only 15, when they were accused of murder.

Brooklyn detectives placed Yarbough and Wilson into separate interview rooms and coerced false confessions from the two teens, who were later convicted in separate trials."

So the dude was around 38 when he died?
So what killed him? Did he party to hard on with the big payday he received?
Shot by one of his hommies?
I don't remember, where you the nigg3r lover or the wetback humper?
If he had white privilege he would be alive today
What is "white privilege"?

Wealthy 16-year-old who killed 4 in drunken crash spared jail - NY Daily News

Defense attorneys said the boy suffered from 'affluenza' and blamed the boy's parents, saying they gave him everything he wanted and didn't teach him about consequences.

During the trial, prosecutors said Couch and his pals had been partying with beer they stole from Walmart, and were on another booze run when the crash occurred.

Thats not white privilege you doofuss. Thats affluenza just as the article states.
Another case of Black people being railroaded. This guy was exonerated but dies. I hope the family has grounds to sue whoever sent him to prison.

Man freed by DNA evidence after 20 years dies a year later -

Wilson was arrested in June 1992, along with his friend Anthony Yarbough, in the slaying of Yarbough's 40-year-old mother, Yarbough's 12-year-old sister and 12-year-old cousin in a Coney Island housing project.

Yarbough was just 18, and Wilson only 15, when they were accused of murder.

Brooklyn detectives placed Yarbough and Wilson into separate interview rooms and coerced false confessions from the two teens, who were later convicted in separate trials."

So the dude was around 38 when he died?
So what killed him? Did he party to hard on with the big payday he received?
Shot by one of his hommies?
I know you are borderline retarded but I cant read for you. I can only supply the link.
Another case of Black people being railroaded. This guy was exonerated but dies. I hope the family has grounds to sue whoever sent him to prison.

Man freed by DNA evidence after 20 years dies a year later -

Wilson was arrested in June 1992, along with his friend Anthony Yarbough, in the slaying of Yarbough's 40-year-old mother, Yarbough's 12-year-old sister and 12-year-old cousin in a Coney Island housing project.

Yarbough was just 18, and Wilson only 15, when they were accused of murder.

Brooklyn detectives placed Yarbough and Wilson into separate interview rooms and coerced false confessions from the two teens, who were later convicted in separate trials."

So the dude was around 38 when he died?
So what killed him? Did he party to hard on with the big payday he received?
Shot by one of his hommies?
I don't remember, where you the nigg3r lover or the wetback humper?

No surprise there...your mental deficiency is obvious.
Another case of Black people being railroaded. This guy was exonerated but dies. I hope the family has grounds to sue whoever sent him to prison.

Man freed by DNA evidence after 20 years dies a year later -

Wilson was arrested in June 1992, along with his friend Anthony Yarbough, in the slaying of Yarbough's 40-year-old mother, Yarbough's 12-year-old sister and 12-year-old cousin in a Coney Island housing project.

Yarbough was just 18, and Wilson only 15, when they were accused of murder.

Brooklyn detectives placed Yarbough and Wilson into separate interview rooms and coerced false confessions from the two teens, who were later convicted in separate trials."

So the dude was around 38 when he died?
So what killed him? Did he party to hard on with the big payday he received?
Shot by one of his hommies?
I know you are borderline retarded but I cant read for you. I can only supply the link.

Holy shit!! That guy could be Eric Garners brother!!
Sucks he was wrongly convicted but the guys death was his own doing.
Jim Crow is history. That shit rarely happens these days, and when it does, it's pounced upon immediately. The past is the past.
I agree...but It is recent history that has shaped the views of minorities throughout America. We are just learning about some of these injustices because of better racial relations...but most importantly because of advancement in science (DNA).
How recent? You know Al Sharpton and the other black self-appointed civil rights leaders continue to hold onto the past and desperately try to make us all believe that the same conditions of the 50's and 60's still exist. They don't, and these guys along with Obama are the ones keeping the races divided. Time to move on as a nation.
A generation ago...that was our parents! And if you think that institutionalized racism ended in the 60' are crazy.
It ended with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Martin Luther King's dream was realized at that time. Blacks failed to seize the opportunities that law provided. Instead they were hoodwinked by the Democratic Party and went for the free ride instead (not all of them but most). It's the Al Sharptons that struggle to keep the "struggle" alive. Otherwise, they have no career (or income). Yes, there are still pockets of resistance but it's nothing like it was in the 60's. If it were, Obama could have never gotten the nomination, let alone be elected twice, and there would be no blacks in Congress. The struggle is over, it's time to reap the benefits. Don't squander the opportunity for some romantic desire to keep the struggle alive. You won, time to move on.
Sure, governmental sanctioned institutionalized racism ended in 1964...but racism did not. But I agree...its a new world and has been for a while...nonetheless, how can you expect all blacks to immediately reap the benefits of true freedom when they were only granted it a generation ago? My father did not have the same opportunities as your father. My grandfather had even less opportunity. Its not about keeping the struggle alive - not for me...Jesse and Al...sure, they are professional hustlers.

But the recent past cannot be ignored and MUST be factored into one's thought process when attacking an entire race. There is history, that is what causes the friction. It's hard to forget when blacks weren't allowed in hotels, when you were spit on, threatened, jailed for no reason, not allowed in town after dark, refused jobs...straight up treated in the nastiest of ways. Do you expect that generation to just forget and not react when race issues arise?

Progress isn't magical, it takes time. Spewing hate, like the USMB hate squad, Al and Jesse only stops growth and breeds division, resentment, and hate. You should quit looking at only the black racists and think about the white ones too. They are both a cancer.
But blacks have to be willing to put the past behind them. The institutional racism is a thing of the past, and they can never move on unless they let go of it. Life sucks sometimes but blaming everything on racism after 50 years of legislated equality is now simply an excuse for not trying. Yes, it took a while but the days of the Jim Crow south are over. Sure, some whites are still racist but no more than there are still blacks like Asswipe who are just plain racist and neither are the majority.

The cop problem is a different thing altogether. There may be a lot of racist cops but racism is not the heart of the problem. The problem is that the system allows corrupt people to become cops. Until that changes, we will have hateful cops, whether the hate is directed at blacks, hispanics, or just people whose looks they don't like. And the higher ups don't help their profession when they protect the bastards who break the law and violate people's rights.
I agree...but It is recent history that has shaped the views of minorities throughout America. We are just learning about some of these injustices because of better racial relations...but most importantly because of advancement in science (DNA).
How recent? You know Al Sharpton and the other black self-appointed civil rights leaders continue to hold onto the past and desperately try to make us all believe that the same conditions of the 50's and 60's still exist. They don't, and these guys along with Obama are the ones keeping the races divided. Time to move on as a nation.
A generation ago...that was our parents! And if you think that institutionalized racism ended in the 60' are crazy.
It ended with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Martin Luther King's dream was realized at that time. Blacks failed to seize the opportunities that law provided. Instead they were hoodwinked by the Democratic Party and went for the free ride instead (not all of them but most). It's the Al Sharptons that struggle to keep the "struggle" alive. Otherwise, they have no career (or income). Yes, there are still pockets of resistance but it's nothing like it was in the 60's. If it were, Obama could have never gotten the nomination, let alone be elected twice, and there would be no blacks in Congress. The struggle is over, it's time to reap the benefits. Don't squander the opportunity for some romantic desire to keep the struggle alive. You won, time to move on.
Sure, governmental sanctioned institutionalized racism ended in 1964...but racism did not. But I agree...its a new world and has been for a while...nonetheless, how can you expect all blacks to immediately reap the benefits of true freedom when they were only granted it a generation ago? My father did not have the same opportunities as your father. My grandfather had even less opportunity. Its not about keeping the struggle alive - not for me...Jesse and Al...sure, they are professional hustlers.

But the recent past cannot be ignored and MUST be factored into one's thought process when attacking an entire race. There is history, that is what causes the friction. It's hard to forget when blacks weren't allowed in hotels, when you were spit on, threatened, jailed for no reason, not allowed in town after dark, refused jobs...straight up treated in the nastiest of ways. Do you expect that generation to just forget and not react when race issues arise?

Progress isn't magical, it takes time. Spewing hate, like the USMB hate squad, Al and Jesse only stops growth and breeds division, resentment, and hate. You should quit looking at only the black racists and think about the white ones too. They are both a cancer.
But blacks have to be willing to put the past behind them. The institutional racism is a thing of the past, and they can never move on unless they let go of it. Life sucks sometimes but blaming everything on racism after 50 years of legislated equality is now simply an excuse for not trying. Yes, it took a while but the days of the Jim Crow south are over. Sure, some whites are still racist but no more than there are still blacks like Asswipe who are just plain racist and neither are the majority.
Asclepias is not racist...he simply enjoys getting a rise out of racists. It is entertainment for the most part, and if you tried to have a civil conversation with him, he would respond in kind.

You are right institutionalized racism is over...but how does the old saying go...forgive but don't forget...and to add - never let it happen again. In the end...opportunity is made and race should not be a factor. Whites say blacks make it a factor and blacks say whites make it a factor. That is the result of self segregation.

I remember a long time ago...I challenged white Christians to attend a black church and vice versa for one would even consider it. If we can't worship together...we will never be able to live together.

We agree for the most part. I just think that you hold blacks to a higher standard than whites and refuse to acknowledge the past and how it has formed attitudes today. I think that you look at the ghetto and assign those values to all blacks as opposed to the middle class blacks who have achieved so much in such a short period of time.
The cop problem is a different thing altogether. There may be a lot of racist cops but racism is not the heart of the problem. The problem is that the system allows corrupt people to become cops. Until that changes, we will have hateful cops, whether the hate is directed at blacks, hispanics, or just people whose looks they don't like. And the higher ups don't help their profession when they protect the bastards who break the law and violate people's rights.
You treat a cop with respect, they won't fuck with you and you won't die. I have little sympathy for any criminal. Nonetheless, it is hard for ANYONE, despite race, to control themselves when they feel they are being harassed or wrongfully accused.

I literally just got back from some recreational oyster harvesting. It is legal in the right places. We were in the wrong place - but didn't know because there were no signs. I treated the rangers with respect..received no ticket and had a nice conversation with the friend (who is white) got a ticket...simply because he was an asshole to the cops. If it weren't for me....he probably would have gone to jail.
How recent? You know Al Sharpton and the other black self-appointed civil rights leaders continue to hold onto the past and desperately try to make us all believe that the same conditions of the 50's and 60's still exist. They don't, and these guys along with Obama are the ones keeping the races divided. Time to move on as a nation.
A generation ago...that was our parents! And if you think that institutionalized racism ended in the 60' are crazy.
It ended with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Martin Luther King's dream was realized at that time. Blacks failed to seize the opportunities that law provided. Instead they were hoodwinked by the Democratic Party and went for the free ride instead (not all of them but most). It's the Al Sharptons that struggle to keep the "struggle" alive. Otherwise, they have no career (or income). Yes, there are still pockets of resistance but it's nothing like it was in the 60's. If it were, Obama could have never gotten the nomination, let alone be elected twice, and there would be no blacks in Congress. The struggle is over, it's time to reap the benefits. Don't squander the opportunity for some romantic desire to keep the struggle alive. You won, time to move on.
Sure, governmental sanctioned institutionalized racism ended in 1964...but racism did not. But I agree...its a new world and has been for a while...nonetheless, how can you expect all blacks to immediately reap the benefits of true freedom when they were only granted it a generation ago? My father did not have the same opportunities as your father. My grandfather had even less opportunity. Its not about keeping the struggle alive - not for me...Jesse and Al...sure, they are professional hustlers.

But the recent past cannot be ignored and MUST be factored into one's thought process when attacking an entire race. There is history, that is what causes the friction. It's hard to forget when blacks weren't allowed in hotels, when you were spit on, threatened, jailed for no reason, not allowed in town after dark, refused jobs...straight up treated in the nastiest of ways. Do you expect that generation to just forget and not react when race issues arise?

Progress isn't magical, it takes time. Spewing hate, like the USMB hate squad, Al and Jesse only stops growth and breeds division, resentment, and hate. You should quit looking at only the black racists and think about the white ones too. They are both a cancer.
But blacks have to be willing to put the past behind them. The institutional racism is a thing of the past, and they can never move on unless they let go of it. Life sucks sometimes but blaming everything on racism after 50 years of legislated equality is now simply an excuse for not trying. Yes, it took a while but the days of the Jim Crow south are over. Sure, some whites are still racist but no more than there are still blacks like Asswipe who are just plain racist and neither are the majority.
Asclepias is not racist...he simply enjoys getting a rise out of racists. It is entertainment for the most part, and if you tried to have a civil conversation with him, he would respond in kind.

You are right institutionalized racism is over...but how does the old saying go...forgive but don't forget...and to add - never let it happen again. In the end...opportunity is made and race should not be a factor. Whites say blacks make it a factor and blacks say whites make it a factor. That is the result of self segregation.

I remember a long time ago...I challenged white Christians to attend a black church and vice versa for one would even consider it. If we can't worship together...we will never be able to live together.

We agree for the most part. I just think that you hold blacks to a higher standard than whites and refuse to acknowledge the past and how it has formed attitudes today. I think that you look at the ghetto and assign those values to all blacks as opposed to the middle class blacks who have achieved so much in such a short period of time.
The cop problem is a different thing altogether. There may be a lot of racist cops but racism is not the heart of the problem. The problem is that the system allows corrupt people to become cops. Until that changes, we will have hateful cops, whether the hate is directed at blacks, hispanics, or just people whose looks they don't like. And the higher ups don't help their profession when they protect the bastards who break the law and violate people's rights.
You treat a cop with respect, they won't fuck with you and you won't die. I have little sympathy for any criminal. Nonetheless, it is hard for ANYONE, despite race, to control themselves when they feel they are being harassed or wrongfully accused.

I literally just got back from some recreational oyster harvesting. It is legal in the right places. We were in the wrong place - but didn't know because there were no signs. I treated the rangers with respect..received no ticket and had a nice conversation with the friend (who is white) got a ticket...simply because he was an asshole to the cops. If it weren't for me....he probably would have gone to jail.
No, I'm trying to hold them to the SAME standard, which is what they've always claimed to want since MLK's speech. Yet, how many times have they lobbied for lowering standards for testing and AA programs for hiring? Looks to me like they clearly expect to be held to a lower standard. Do they want equality or do they want a legislated advantage? And it's not the past that has formed the attitudes of today because the attitudes have gotten worse as their rights have increased. The attitudes of today is a direct result of politicians (Democrats) stirring the pot for political gain and of course the race hustlers. Gotta run, I'll check back in later.

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