Man gets two years probation for confronting foreigner with a Puerto Rican shirt on

ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

Puerto Ricans are Americans.
Why can’t they vote for the president ?

I would be embarrassed to show up at a message board every day and prove to everyone that my intense hatred for all things NOT conservative is based entirely on ignorance and stupidity.

cons have no shame
Do you live around a neighborhood taken over by Puerto Ricans they absolutely fucking destroyed my fucking city ! You traitors that are power hungry are sick
Because only white US citizens are allowed to live in "your" city?

Where is that Bigotville?
Where to begin. First of all, the guy in the article sounds like a complete idiot, and a hateful person, but that said, the whole concept of "hate crimes" is deceptive and Orwellian. It's just another way for authoritarians to continually chip away at free speech and freedom of thought. If a crime is committed, the ACTION is the crime. Not the thought or belief a person has, wrong as it may be.

Secondly, don't fall for this divide and conquer crap that is continually pushed on us, on a daily basis. Why is this even a news story? Stuff like this is designed to make people angry, and to pit groups against eachother.

Thirdly, as others have said, Puerto Rico is a US territory, they are Americans. But even if they weren't, why so much hatred for "foreigners"? I don't understand that, I never have and I never will. (This is directed to the guy who started this thread.)

Lastly, to whoever it was that said this is "conservative" thing, um, no. Don't lump in all conservatives with some drunk idiot like the guy in this article. No conservatives I know hate all "foreigners." Just because there are a handful of those types here on USMB doesn't mean that's the way it is. Yes, conservatives are opposed to illegal immigration, but don't twist that into something else entirely, for conservatives as a whole.
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt
Hello?? Puerto Rico is part of the US? Puerto Ricans are US citizens.
Would be like confronting a dude wearing a Confed flag T-shirt, right? No wait..because the Confederacy was a US enemy..and contemptible. Still...a person has the right to display it. speech..protected a knife that cuts all equally. No matter the nationality..which in this case--was American.
US citizens have a vote, Puerto Ricans do not.
Incorrect..any Puerto Rican on the mainland can register and vote in their State of residence...and they can vote in local elections on the Island. The level of pure ignorance on display is breathtaking!
US citizens have a vote, Puerto Ricans do not.
Wrong. Not all US citizens have a vote, as puerto ricans are, indeed, us citizens.

Exactly. If Godboy moved to Puerto Rico, he wouldn't get to vote for President either.

He'd be no less an American.

And a Puerto Rican moving to a State would get to vote to for President.

And they'd be no more an American for doing so.

As their status as citizen isn't dependent on whether they can vote for President. It never has been.
You know, while Puerto Rico may just be a territory, their people are citizens of the United States. And, interestingly enough, there are lots of people from Puerto Rico who volunteer to serve in the US military.

And no.......................the military doesn't care if Puerto Ricans wear clothing with their flag on it, we know that Puerto Rico is a US territory, and their people are US citizens.
Where to begin. First of all, the guy in the article sounds like a complete idiot, and a hateful person, but that said, the whole concept of "hate crimes" is deceptive and Orwellian. It's just another way for authoritarians to continually chip away at free speech and freedom of thought. If a crime is committed, the ACTION is the crime. Not the thought or belief a person has, wrong as it may be.

Secondly, don't fall for this divide and conquer crap that is continually pushed on us, on a daily basis. Why is this even a news story? Stuff like this is designed to make people angry, and to pit groups against eachother.

Thirdly, as others have said, Puerto Rico is a US territory, they are Americans. But even if they weren't, why so much hatred for "foreigners"? I don't understand that, I never have and I never will. (This is directed to the guy who started this thread.)

Lastly, to whoever it was that said this is "conservative" thing, um, no. Don't lump in all conservatives with some drunk idiot like the guy in this article. No conservatives I know hate all "foreigners." Just because there are a handful of those types here on USMB doesn't mean that's the way it is. Yes, conservatives are opposed to illegal immigration, but don't twist that into something else entirely, for conservatives as a whole.

How many conservatives do you know that hate fellow Ameircans?

As Puerto Ricans are as American as apple pie.
You know, while Puerto Rico may just be a territory, their people are citizens of the United States. And, interestingly enough, there are lots of people from Puerto Rico who volunteer to serve in the US military.

And no.......................the military doesn't care if Puerto Ricans wear clothing with their flag on it, we know that Puerto Rico is a US territory, and their people are US citizens.

Exactly. It would be like me wearing the flag of Texas or California. They're all the United States.
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

"How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?"


he should NOT have CONFRONTED her.

thats practically "assault"

he and you have every right to be worse than trump. you just can't go up to people and bother them.

I'm sure if I went right up to YOU and said "go back to russia you fascist nazi piece of trump loving garbage" you would have shot me dead and claimed "I was standing my ground"

well....the piece of conservative garbage assaulted her
she stood her ground
and now he has legal problems
But your antifa goons do it all the time and get away with it.
Are you saying Trybus is an example of all Trumpians?

Whataboutism is a dual edged sword.
I’d like to think we should get a vote if we are going to add a foreign island to our constitution.. call me crazy they kinda destroyed many inner cities across America

We didn't add 'foreign islands to our constitution'. We added territory to the United States. And the US has always been the States and Territories.
It’s a foreign island lol

Nope. Its a US territory. And everyone in it is an American.

The US is the States and Territories.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.
So you’re claiming Puerto Rico is not an island is that right Lol

Laughing...that's what you read? Try again, this time reading for comprehension:

Nope. Its a US territory. And everyone in it is an American.

The US is the States and Territories.
But it’s a island.. sorry but that’s a fact
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?
By making that person feel reasonably physically threatened. Duh. What a stupid question.

I wonder if this drunk moron reacts the same way to the traitor nonamerican, that is, the confederate flag? Something tells me he doesn't.
Did you see the free speech rally? Democrats were screaming at the speakers
We didn't add 'foreign islands to our constitution'. We added territory to the United States. And the US has always been the States and Territories.
It’s a foreign island lol

Nope. Its a US territory. And everyone in it is an American.

The US is the States and Territories.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.
So you’re claiming Puerto Rico is not an island is that right Lol

Laughing...that's what you read? Try again, this time reading for comprehension:

Nope. Its a US territory. And everyone in it is an American.

The US is the States and Territories.
But it’s a island.. sorry but that’s a fact

Hawaii is an island too, but they are also a state and can vote. Simply being an island isn't a qualification to be able to vote or not vote.

Lots of Puerto Ricans volunteer to serve in the military. I know because I served alongside many of them over my 20 years in the Navy. Just out of curiosity, how many years have you served in the military?
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

Yeah, but that's our fault. We should put Puerto Rico up to an ultimatum. You either become a state, or we cut you loose. We really should do that.

But you really can't complain about Puerto Ricans taking our welfare money, because it's not their fault we're stupid enough to pour money all over them. That's our fault for being stupid.

I don't scream and yell at people on welfare, because it's not their fault that our idiotic government is taking my money and throwing it at losers who refuse to work. It's the politicians fault, and the public's fault for voting in those politicians.

That said, I like Puerto Rico. We should have them join as a state.

I'm more concerned about the openly anti-American people here, from say..... Palestine. That bothers me. I was at chipotle the other night, and there were a half dozen obviously foreign girls in line behind me, all wearing "Loyal to my Soil" With Palestine written in Arabic.

Now that is not just a flag for Puerto Rico.... Because Puerto Rico is like a state. You know I can wear an Ohio State flag shirt? Doesn't mean I don't support the US, because Ohio is part of the US, right? Well Puerto Rico is part of the US as well. It might not be a full state, but it is most certainly under our domain.

Palestine is not, and Loyal to the Soil, is openly saying they are not loyal to the US.

The shirts are ironic given Omar claiming Jews of dual loyalty, and I don't see Loyal to Israel shirts, but I do see loyal to Palestine shirts.

Screenshot_2019-10-21 Loyal to my soil ( Palestine ).png

The one I saw had Arabic on it as well.
Yeah, but that's our fault. We should put Puerto Rico up to an ultimatum. You either become a state, or we cut you loose.
Well that would be utterly moronic and would get you laughed out of the room, as they have been trying to become a State for decades.
We didn't add 'foreign islands to our constitution'. We added territory to the United States. And the US has always been the States and Territories.
It’s a foreign island lol

Nope. Its a US territory. And everyone in it is an American.

The US is the States and Territories.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.
So you’re claiming Puerto Rico is not an island is that right Lol

Laughing...that's what you read? Try again, this time reading for comprehension:

Nope. Its a US territory. And everyone in it is an American.

The US is the States and Territories.
But it’s a island.. sorry but that’s a fact you really think that playing dumb and pretending the 'island' part of 'foreign island' is what I'm somehow going to add to your claims?

Puerto Rico a US territory. And everyone in it is an American.

The US is the States and Territories.

Get used to the idea.
All of this could have been avoided if this ignorant goon would've just minded his own damn business.
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

Yeah, but that's our fault. We should put Puerto Rico up to an ultimatum. You either become a state, or we cut you loose. We really should do that.

But you really can't complain about Puerto Ricans taking our welfare money, because it's not their fault we're stupid enough to pour money all over them. That's our fault for being stupid.

If you wanted to 'cut lose' regions of the US that were getting more welfare than they were adding, you'd lose a LOT of red states.

These are Americans. And we take care of our own.

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