Man has sex change operation and chooses to fight women in MMA bouts

Put Dennis Rodman in a dress, he would dominate the WNBA. Put a skirt on Tiger Woods and he would massacre every female golfer.

Genetically this person is a man, and has no place competing in any sport as a woman.

I would be interested to see what her testosterone levels are in comparison to the women she is fighting.

That's interesting. Perhaps he would be better matched against a women taking testosterone or steroids. After all, if HE is taking female hormones, shouldn't HE be matched with a woman taking male hormones? Of course it's totally illegal for a competitor to take steroids. Maybe it shouldn't be. It would just be leveling the playing field.

Put HIM up against one of these babes trained as an MMA fighter.

[ame=]Female Bodybuilders on Steroids. Pro bodybuilders before steroids Part 4 - YouTube[/ame]
She would not be able to compete in the Olympics as a woman because they actually require a genetic test, why should she be able to compete in professional sports as a woman? She has the superior strength of man which means she is effectively punching below her weight class.
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Put Dennis Rodman in a dress, he would dominate the WNBA. Put a skirt on Tiger Woods and he would massacre every female golfer.

Genetically this person is a man, and has no place competing in any sport as a woman.

Genetically, there is no difference between men and women.

Varying levels of hormones are what separates men from women.

It would be more accurate to call him/her an artificially maintained woman.

And that's the science lesson for today, folks.

Congratulations. This is absolutely without doubt the dumbest thing I have ever read, and it will absolutely never be topped in stupidity.
The looney left states they have a civil right to be whatever they want. I think it's funny. This is what we get when liberals are in charge. God forbid if they would try to fix the economy.

The economy went in the tank when conservatives were in charge.

It got better when "the loony left" were voted into office.

Maybe you should read a newspaper instead of swallowing everything Fox News spews.

Youre an liar....

2003-2006 Republican Congress Vs 2007-2010 Democrat Congress

2003-2006 Republican Congress Vs. 2007-2010 Democrat Congress

________Unemployment Rate________

Democrat Congress Present Data July 2010--------9.5%

Republican Congress December 2006 Final Month---4.5%

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

________Total Number of Unemployed________

Democrat Congress Present Data July 2010-------14.6 Million

Republican Congress December 2006 Final Month---7.0 Million

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Total Deficits Democrats 2007-2010--Republicans 2003-2006

Democrat Congress 4 Yearly Deficits------------$3 Trillion, 374 Billion

Republican Congress 4 Yearly Deficits-----------$1 Trillion, 356 Billion

Source: Budget of the United States, Office of the President

Increase or Decrease In Revenues To Government

Republican Congress 2003-2006 (+) Plus $830.3 Billion

Democrat Congress 2007 To Present (-) Minus $281.2 Billion

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis-Dept. of Commerce

Increase in Disposable Income -Inflation Adjusted

Republican Congress December 2003-2006-------$1820

Democrat Congress 2007-2010------------------$ 427

________Black Unemployment________

Democrats-----July 2010-------15.6%

Republicans----Dec. 2006--------8.4%

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

________Hispanic Unemployment________

Democrats----------July 2010--12.1%

Republicans--------Dec. 2006--4.9%

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

________Teen Unemployment________

Democrats----------July 2010---26.1%

Republicans--------Dec. 2006---15.2

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

You understand you are trying to reason with someone that thinks men and women are genetically identical, don't you?

In other words, this person is absolutely too stupid to understand sex, you cannot expect them to deal with anything as complicated as reality.
Genetically, there is no difference between men and women.

Varying levels of hormones are what separates men from women.

It would be more accurate to call him/her an artificially maintained woman.

And that's the science lesson for today, folks.

You're quite the retard.

If you had made it all the way to second grade, you may have been introduced to the concept of "gender."

You voted for Obama, dinja?
Here is what liberals and PC nutz won't accept in this case, there are PHYSICAL difference btw men and women. This guy might have committed gential mutilation, but his physical body is that of a man and the simple fact is men are STRONGER than women and more prone to muscle. Yes there are always exception. I saw this musclar women at the gym benching 185 lb on a 130 lb frame! Very strong! However, men will dominate sports that rely on strength and power.

Think about it. Why have their never been any professional women football, baseball, MIXED MARITAL ARTS, Soccer etc. players in pro or college level? The fact is these sports rely on strength and power and women can't compete.

What this guy did was gentially mutilate himself in order to beat up on women! We consider men that beat women some of the biggest cowards in society, but since he gentially mutilated himself, liberals will except this and conservatives won't speak up over fear of the Lesbian and Gay community's response. It's bull shit.

I accept gays, but transgender individuals are sick people. We as a society should promote them seeking mental health assistance.
Put Dennis Rodman in a dress, he would dominate the WNBA. Put a skirt on Tiger Woods and he would massacre every female golfer.

Genetically this person is a man, and has no place competing in any sport as a woman.

Genetically, there is no difference between men and women.

Varying levels of hormones are what separates men from women.

It would be more accurate to call him/her an artificially maintained woman.

And that's the science lesson for today, folks.

That's incorrect. A man's physical body, bone density and muscle development is greater than a woman's.
Put Dennis Rodman in a dress, he would dominate the WNBA. Put a skirt on Tiger Woods and he would massacre every female golfer.

Genetically this person is a man, and has no place competing in any sport as a woman.

I would be interested to see what her testosterone levels are in comparison to the women she is fighting.

From what I understand, her testosterone levels are lower than the average woman. Perhaps one-tenth of what a typical female athlete would have.

(I remember the one-tenth from earlier reading. Not going to go regoogle it now.)
espnW -- Dispelling the mischaracterizations of mixed martial arts fighter Fallon Fox - espnW

So far this he/she is 5-0 and has knocked out 5 women in less than a minute.

I don't care what anybody says...this is unfair and misleading to the public.

The bouts should be advertised as man vs. woman fights.

To hell with political correctness.

Are you dating Novasteve? If not, you should hit "him" up. It sounds like the two of you have a lot in common.

I'm married. If I wasn't married, I'd have sex with a transsexual as long as they were attractive. Fallon Fox looks too much like a man for my tastes, however.

Well, thanks for being honest. Too bad you're married. I hear Novasteve is quite attractive in a dress.
Are you dating Novasteve? If not, you should hit "him" up. It sounds like the two of you have a lot in common.

I'm married. If I wasn't married, I'd have sex with a transsexual as long as they were attractive. Fallon Fox looks too much like a man for my tastes, however.

Well, thanks for being honest. Too bad you're married. I hear Novasteve is quite attractive in a dress.

Seeing the sexual advances and comments you have made toward me, you are no more that homo pig with lipstick.

Truth hurts huh
Genetically this person is a man, and has no place competing in any sport as a woman.

I would be interested to see what her testosterone levels are in comparison to the women she is fighting.

From what I understand, her testosterone levels are lower than the average woman. Perhaps one-tenth of what a typical female athlete would have.

(I remember the one-tenth from earlier reading. Not going to go regoogle it now.)

Men with low T do not become women.
I would be interested to see what her testosterone levels are in comparison to the women she is fighting.

From what I understand, her testosterone levels are lower than the average woman. Perhaps one-tenth of what a typical female athlete would have.

(I remember the one-tenth from earlier reading. Not going to go regoogle it now.)

Men with low T do not become women.

People with 1/10 of the testosterone of a typical female lose muscle mass/tone quickly and have to work especially hard to fight against atrophy.

If I understand correctly.
I dont even get the OP. just a question? If a guy wants to get his wee wee cut off and grow boobs, wouldnt he/she want to dress up as Barbie, cook, clean and play house? instead of do a masculine sport as this?
I dont even get the OP. just a question? If a guy wants to get his wee wee cut off and grow boobs, wouldnt he/she want to dress up as Barbie, cook, clean and play house? instead of do a masculine sport as this?

It's sexist to call MMA masculine. Are women who do MMA unwomanly?
I guess we should just do away with title Nine now?

Seems now longer needed.
Genetically this person is a man, and has no place competing in any sport as a woman.

I would be interested to see what her testosterone levels are in comparison to the women she is fighting.

From what I understand, her testosterone levels are lower than the average woman. Perhaps one-tenth of what a typical female athlete would have.

(I remember the one-tenth from earlier reading. Not going to go regoogle it now.)

But it dont matter Amelia, A womans strength and her bone structure is focused around her midsection to give birth. A guys strength and bone structure is in the upper body. just biology. nothing to do with testerone.
I dont even get the OP. just a question? If a guy wants to get his wee wee cut off and grow boobs, wouldnt he/she want to dress up as Barbie, cook, clean and play house? instead of do a masculine sport as this?

It's sexist to call MMA masculine. Are women who do MMA unwomanly?

Of course not. But this is like Billy Jean King playing that idiot,... forgot his name. I am sure their is woman that do it and can be femine after a fight. But a guy that cuts his wee wee off instead of being a barbie doll and playing house, is just cheating...
I dont even get the OP. just a question? If a guy wants to get his wee wee cut off and grow boobs, wouldnt he/she want to dress up as Barbie, cook, clean and play house? instead of do a masculine sport as this?

It's sexist to call MMA masculine. Are women who do MMA unwomanly?

and UGH!!!..... I am one of Danica Patricks biggest fan in Nascar....

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