Man has sex change operation and chooses to fight women in MMA bouts

I love MMA fights. My husband and I used to watch them all the time. I was always able to pick the winner.

What makes allowing this man to fight women is tremendously unfair in more ways than one. It is a requirement that the women fighters have regular menstrual cycles. This is to guard against chemically stopping menstruation by the use of steroids or testosterone. Only this MAN would not have to comply with that rule. Does this mean that the rule will be abolished as being unfair to women? No.

I still dont get this..... why would a guy go to such extremes to become a girl and then fight a sport... frickin crazy. With that much clever talent he could of earned a decent buck in the real world.

Because he would be assured of winning.

Yea, but would you do that to get an edge? with me hell no, i like peeing standing up. this is the most crazy thing I heard of, to win. lol
I realize all the usual "Oh, my god, Men Dressed as Ladies" crowd is showing up here and stuff.

But frankly, I have to wonder about anyone who watches MMA with women. Is there someone getting turned on watching two women beat the hell out of each other?

Frankly, I have to wonder why people who don't read the comments on a thread feel qualified to actually speak on what people are saying. Then again, you always were arrogant.

frankly, I have to wonder why some crazy jackass gets on here without taking his medication like you do. But you always were crazy.

You know, those pills are your friends... the doctor gave them to you for a reason.
I realize all the usual "Oh, my god, Men Dressed as Ladies" crowd is showing up here and stuff.

But frankly, I have to wonder about anyone who watches MMA with women. Is there someone getting turned on watching two women beat the hell out of each other?

Sexist much?

No, not at all.

Can you answer the question. Who the hell is the audience for this sport?

Frankly, the ones with weird fetishes who get a case of droopy dick when they realize that chick used to be a dude!
if you wanna be transgendered, i say, you have to pay for it, and you have to fight other transgenders :cool:

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