Man kicked out of town meeting for refusingto stand for Pledge

Oh, I think the 1st amendment activist was a dick for doing what he did.

Only, he has a right to do it.

Gunnutz should be defending this guy to the hilt.

The Mayor had the right to have him escorted out too.

It was a public meeting. Under what grounds did the mayor have that right? Because he felt offended or because the mayor can do whatever he wants?
I assume the guy has the right to not say the pledge and not stand up while others do, at least I hope he does. If so, he should have been left alone even though I don't agree with his positions.

The First Amendment protects the right of individuals to not be compelled by the state to take oaths or make acknowledgments, whether reciting or standing for the Pledge, it makes no difference.
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A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

This country would be a lot better off if people realized that just b/c they CAN do something, doesn't mean they SHOULD do it.

I'll compare it to open carrying in cities.

Hey fuck heads knock it off, you're scaring people. DUH

Like carrying guns.
Good, get the fuck out.

The Dem Party should have had a similar policy with this scumbag. Had Richardson kicked Obama in the ass, I would have voted for him


Indeed. A person who won't stand during the singing of the National Anthem, or refuses to recite the Pledge, or won't be man or woman enough to cover their heart when the Colors are presented - are scum.

This country and her people had better come to terms with their "feelings" about the United States and they had better do it quickly because their resolve is about to be tested mightily.

What do I tell these assholes? You hate this country so damned much? Get the fuck out of it. But disrespect the flag in front of me and I will knock the shit out of you. punk ass clowns piss me off.

Excuse me but if you are violent and physically attack me, I'll be on the phone to the police to have you arrested and drag you to jail. It's called "assault and battery." I will show up in court to testify so that I make sure you're put in prison for your crime.

I will then find the best lawyer possible to sue you for everything you have.

I will win because the constitution protects everyone from people like you.

WAA WAAA WAAA WAAA....Typical Nazi liberal - you detest the law until you can use it against someone, I'kll say it again - disrespect the flag in front of me and I';; slap the shit out of you. I'll take my chances in a court of law, Nazi.

And you wonder why this country is going to hell............
Physical violence is the only solution for you, isn't it?

It gets the job done. You see, asshole, when you disrespect the flag - you are disrespecting me. When you disrespect me, I will disrespect you. Get it now?'s all about the physical violence for you. Do you get off on it as a bonus?
more likely he resorts to violence because he knows he will surely lose an intellectual debate.

You have no case for "intellectual debate" you clown. As a matter of fact - fuck you AND your debate. You are a traitor to the United States of America. It really is just that simple. End of debate. If you can't be bothered to show a little respect for this country then fuck you. It can't get any more simple than that.

Now go and plead your bullshit case with someone who gives a shit.
Care for a tissue, tough guy?
To whom is this directed?
This country would be a lot better off if people realized that just b/c they CAN do something, doesn't mean they SHOULD do it.

This country would be a lot better off if elected officials were knowledgeable about the Constitution and its case law, respected the rights of citizens as a consequence of that case law, and stopped trying to compel citizens to do things in violation of their civil liberties for unwarranted, subjective, and partisan reasons.
^ case in point :lol:

RFlagg sure wants to fuck a lot of people on this thread. I bet that must tire him out. Why, he may end up being too tired to stand-up to recite the pledge of allegiance next time!!

It's also very creepy and since Yurt is the creepy police here in USMB, he should be sauntering by any moment now to tell us all how creepy RFlagg is.

Yeah, right...
Ibentoken said:

Next time you're in a courtroom and the judge enters the room, remain seated. Let us know how that goes.

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The law affords judges the authority to make these determinations in their courtrooms, which is in no way related to citizens participating in a public forum where a mayor has no such authority.

This country would be a lot better off if people realized that just b/c they CAN do something, doesn't mean they SHOULD do it.

This country would be a lot better off if elected officials were knowledgeable about the Constitution and its case law, respected the rights of citizens as a consequence of that case law, and stopped trying to compel citizens to do things in violation of their civil liberties for unwarranted, subjective, and partisan reasons.
^ that
This kind of reminds me of when I graduated from college, in 1968. Word came down that if anyone failed to show up at the graduation ceremony, without an authorized excuse, they would not get a diploma.

It had not really occurred to me not to attend. However, it was going to be held outdoors in the August heat in Atlanta, complete with endless speeches by people I did not care about. However, having gotten the message that I would not get my diploma after five years of night classes, while working full time during the day, well, then, naturally I did not show up. Three days later I went by to pick up my diploma. They gave it to me, with a look that said, "goddamned hippie..."

I felt vindicated.

who the hell skips their graduation?
Goddamned hippies!
Why does he HAVE to stand? His RIGHTS were being infringed. Perhaps I will now sit next time the national anthem is played at our Friday night High school football game. I have a hard time standing but can if I feel I need to... so I may very well chose to sit. Its my RIGHT.

If you did that in front of my Sister she would Patton Slap you
And then she'd be charged with assault.
And if she did it to you, she would be charged with a hate crime. Blows the fact that queers do not want special treatment out of the water.
I've got to post this. The thread screams for it.

Oh, I think the 1st amendment activist was a dick for doing what he did.

Only, he has a right to do it.

Gunnutz should be defending this guy to the hilt.

The Mayor had the right to have him escorted out too.

It was a public meeting. Under what grounds did the mayor have that right? Because he felt offended or because the mayor can do whatever he wants?

The Mayor has the right to keep order in his city

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