Man kicked out of town meeting for refusingto stand for Pledge

Why does he HAVE to stand? His RIGHTS were being infringed. Perhaps I will now sit next time the national anthem is played at our Friday night High school football game. I have a hard time standing but can if I feel I need to... so I may very well chose to sit. Its my RIGHT.

If you did that in front of my Sister she would Patton Slap you

I would point out that not standing and reciting the pledge is not illegal or unconstitutional

Assaulting someone is illegal. It's call "assault and battery." Hitting someone to force them to stand and say the pledge is a violation of the constitution.

The person who claims to be so patriotic is the person who is the criminal and violating the constitution. People who violate our laws and constitution are not patriotic. They're just common criminals.

Your sister would be put in jail for assault and battery and then probably sued by the person she assaulted.
Why does he HAVE to stand? His RIGHTS were being infringed. Perhaps I will now sit next time the national anthem is played at our Friday night High school football game. I have a hard time standing but can if I feel I need to... so I may very well chose to sit. Its my RIGHT.

crusaderfrank said:
If you did that in front of my Sister she would Patton Slap you

dana7360 said:
I would point out that not standing and reciting the pledge is not illegal or unconstitutional

Assaulting someone is illegal. It's call "assault and battery." Hitting someone to force them to stand and say the pledge is a violation of the constitution.

The person who claims to be so patriotic is the person who is the criminal and violating the constitution. People who violate our laws and constitution are not patriotic. They're just common criminals.

Your sister would be put in jail for assault and battery and then probably sued by the person she assaulted.

I take it that Dana hasn't yet read the USMB rulebook about "family attacks". :badgrin:
Oh, I think the 1st amendment activist was a dick for doing what he did.

Only, he has a right to do it.

Gunnutz should be defending this guy to the hilt.

The Mayor had the right to have him escorted out too.

Only if it is expressly written in that town's ordinances, and then, it could be easily challenged in court and would surely lose.

There has to be a "Town ordinance" before the Mayor can act?

The protester was being disruptive. Personally I would have had the family of active service members escort the guy out

No, the MAYOR was showboating and being disruptive.
Why does he HAVE to stand? His RIGHTS were being infringed. Perhaps I will now sit next time the national anthem is played at our Friday night High school football game. I have a hard time standing but can if I feel I need to... so I may very well chose to sit. Its my RIGHT.

If you did that in front of my Sister she would Patton Slap you

And she would go to jail for it! Honestly, in that situation...she deserves a punch to the face. (Try it on my wife, and she'll get one, possibly along with a boot to the kneecap.)
Good, get the fuck out.

The Dem Party should have had a similar policy with this scumbag. Had Richardson kicked Obama in the ass, I would have voted for him


Indeed. A person who won't stand during the singing of the National Anthem, or refuses to recite the Pledge, or won't be man or woman enough to cover their heart when the Colors are presented - are scum.

This country and her people had better come to terms with their "feelings" about the United States and they had better do it quickly because their resolve is about to be tested mightily.

What do I tell these assholes? You hate this country so damned much? Get the fuck out of it. But disrespect the flag in front of me and I will knock the shit out of you. punk ass clowns piss me off.

Excuse me but if you are violent and physically attack me, I'll be on the phone to the police to have you arrested and drag you to jail. It's called "assault and battery." I will show up in court to testify so that I make sure you're put in prison for your crime.

I will then find the best lawyer possible to sue you for everything you have.

I will win because the constitution protects everyone from people like you.

WAA WAAA WAAA WAAA....Typical Nazi liberal - you detest the law until you can use it against someone, I'kll say it again - disrespect the flag in front of me and I';; slap the shit out of you. I'll take my chances in a court of law, Nazi.

And you wonder why this country is going to hell............
Indeed. A person who won't stand during the singing of the National Anthem, or refuses to recite the Pledge, or won't be man or woman enough to cover their heart when the Colors are presented - are scum.

This country and her people had better come to terms with their "feelings" about the United States and they had better do it quickly because their resolve is about to be tested mightily.

What do I tell these assholes? You hate this country so damned much? Get the fuck out of it. But disrespect the flag in front of me and I will knock the shit out of you. punk ass clowns piss me off.
Good, get the fuck out.

The Dem Party should have had a similar policy with this scumbag. Had Richardson kicked Obama in the ass, I would have voted for him


Indeed. A person who won't stand during the singing of the National Anthem, or refuses to recite the Pledge, or won't be man or woman enough to cover their heart when the Colors are presented - are scum.

This country and her people had better come to terms with their "feelings" about the United States and they had better do it quickly because their resolve is about to be tested mightily.

What do I tell these assholes? You hate this country so damned much? Get the fuck out of it. But disrespect the flag in front of me and I will knock the shit out of you. punk ass clowns piss me off.

What, are you the etiquette police? Have you considered just grunting real loud? It would have the same effect.

And wow, who would have ever thought you would want to recite a pledge that had been written by a socialist.

Did you also know that the first salute that was required for the pledge looked exactly like the nazi salute? Well, well, well, a couple of smart people caught that one in 1942 and changed that....

Fuck you nazi. How is that for proper "form"? You don't like this country? get the fuck out piss ant.

Oh, you are just sooo scary!!! Mebbe you should just grunt louder: TEA!!! TEA!!! TEA!!!

Once more for the cheap seats - FUCK YOU NAZI
The very act of sitting was making a spectacle of himself.

No, it was the people there who act just like you and can't control their emotions who caused the problem. Exercising my rights is not predicated upon you not being offended by it.

So , we can conclude that you SUPPORT the open carry loons?

The straw man fallacy occurs in the following pattern of argument:

  1. Person 1 asserts proposition X.
  2. Person 2 argues against a false but superficially similar proposition Y, as if that were an argument against Person 1's position.
This reasoning is a fallacy of relevance: it fails to address the proposition in question by misrepresenting the opposing position.
The very act of sitting was making a spectacle of himself.

No, it was the people there who act just like you and can't control their emotions who caused the problem. Exercising my rights is not predicated upon you not being offended by it.

So , we can conclude that you SUPPORT the open carry loons?

The straw man fallacy occurs in the following pattern of argument:

  1. Person 1 asserts proposition X.
  2. Person 2 argues against a false but superficially similar proposition Y, as if that were an argument against Person 1's position.
This reasoning is a fallacy of relevance: it fails to address the proposition in question by misrepresenting the opposing position.

It is NOT a fallacy to suggest that a person who would support one right being exercised should support ALL rights being exercised.

The fallacy is yours. If you support one loon exercising his rights whether it offends or upsets people or not, you should support ANY loon doing so, regardless of what that right might be.

For example, I think both this loon and the loons who open carry are within their rights, but I'd kick the shit out of both of them anyway.

You want to be a hypocrite and call it a fallacy go ahead, doesn't make it true.
Why does he HAVE to stand? His RIGHTS were being infringed. Perhaps I will now sit next time the national anthem is played at our Friday night High school football game. I have a hard time standing but can if I feel I need to... so I may very well chose to sit. Its my RIGHT.

If you did that in front of my Sister she would Patton Slap you
And then she'd be charged with assault.
And if she did it to you, she would be charged with a hate crime. Blows the fact that queers do not want special treatment out of the water.
The very act of sitting was making a spectacle of himself.

No, it was the people there who act just like you and can't control their emotions who caused the problem. Exercising my rights is not predicated upon you not being offended by it.

So , we can conclude that you SUPPORT the open carry loons?

The straw man fallacy occurs in the following pattern of argument:

  1. Person 1 asserts proposition X.
  2. Person 2 argues against a false but superficially similar proposition Y, as if that were an argument against Person 1's position.
This reasoning is a fallacy of relevance: it fails to address the proposition in question by misrepresenting the opposing position.

It is NOT a fallacy to suggest that a person who would support one right being exercised should support ALL rights being exercised.

The fallacy is yours. If you support one loon exercising his rights whether it offends or upsets people or not, you should support ANY loon doing so, regardless of what that right might be.

For example, I think both this loon and the loons who open carry are within their rights, but I'd kick the shit out of both of them anyway.

You want to be a hypocrite and call it a fallacy go ahead, doesn't make it true.

If you want to talk about the open carry loons start a new thread.
Good, get the fuck out.

The Dem Party should have had a similar policy with this scumbag. Had Richardson kicked Obama in the ass, I would have voted for him

Indeed. A person who won't stand during the singing of the National Anthem, or refuses to recite the Pledge, or won't be man or woman enough to cover their heart when the Colors are presented - are scum.

This country and her people had better come to terms with their "feelings" about the United States and they had better do it quickly because their resolve is about to be tested mightily.

What do I tell these assholes? You hate this country so damned much? Get the fuck out of it. But disrespect the flag in front of me and I will knock the shit out of you. punk ass clowns piss me off.
Pipe down Francis:drillsergeant: :eusa_hand: I used to pass people like you through my stool back in the day and STILL, no doubt, could do it to a blowhard such as yourself.
I don't pledge my allegiance to a symbol. My allegiance is to America and our people.

I don't need a symbol of our nation. I've got the real thing here everyday. I have traveled to almost all of our nation and guess what? America is a great nation. We have great people. Great places and such beauty that it's literally breath taking. We have people who are so wonderful it moves me.

No piece of cloth can symbolize America to me. I like the real thing.

If you need that cloth symbol, have at it. Knock yourself out.

Just leave me alone while I sit quietly.
Like I said, lacking education.

You can post that until the end of time but it won't be any less of a lie than it is now.

All you're doing is classic "projection." You're projecting your beliefs and yourself on me. That is taught in every psychology 101 class in America. If you were educated you would know this.

You're also showing that you don't have any logical or mature response to what I posted.

Anyone who doesn't know that it's my constitutional right to not stand and say that pledge is lacking education. That simple concept is taught in every US History, government, civics and politics classes in America. Every child in high school has to take that class to graduate.

If you were educated you would know that.
LOL...if you say so marcy...

Darwin, go read the 1942 case and you will see Plasma is correct, I was wrong. SCOTUS HAS extended the first amendment to mean you can't be forced to stand during the pledge.

Obviously it could be reversed , but that is unlikely. However, that does not mean this guy couldn't be asked to leave the meeting. Those are two different arguments.
I never argued he could be forced to stand. And I am on the record as saying that what happened to him was wrong.

Can you believe these air-headed Nazis? Like anyone is FORCING them to do something as terrible as taking 30 seconds and showing respect to a country (and it's people) that have given these brain dead assholes everything they have in life.

I LOVE standing for the National Anthem and hold my hand over my heart (hat in hand). I used to LOVE 5PM everyday on a Post while in the Army - I LOVED saluting the flag. I miss those days. I LOVE to recite the pledge. It reminds me that I am a part of something much bigger than myself - something that the world has attempted to emulate since 1776 . I am damned PROUD to be an American. I am PROUD that I went to Viet Nam and fought. I am PROUD that my Father was one of the first Black men to achieve the rank of Brigidier General in the US Air Force. I am PROUD that my Brother served in the Marines, that both my Son and my Daughter served in the Navy. I would die for this country in a heartbeat. Not bad for a black man, huh?

Funny....what the fuck are liberal Nazis "proud" of? That they can get away with spitting on our flag - our country - and our way of life. Not one of these pussies are man or women enough to leave this great nation - no. They are happy to bitch and moan at every junction. FUCK THEM.
The very act of sitting was making a spectacle of himself.

No, it was the people there who act just like you and can't control their emotions who caused the problem. Exercising my rights is not predicated upon you not being offended by it.

So , we can conclude that you SUPPORT the open carry loons?

The straw man fallacy occurs in the following pattern of argument:

  1. Person 1 asserts proposition X.
  2. Person 2 argues against a false but superficially similar proposition Y, as if that were an argument against Person 1's position.
This reasoning is a fallacy of relevance: it fails to address the proposition in question by misrepresenting the opposing position.

It is NOT a fallacy to suggest that a person who would support one right being exercised should support ALL rights being exercised.

The fallacy is yours. If you support one loon exercising his rights whether it offends or upsets people or not, you should support ANY loon doing so, regardless of what that right might be.

For example, I think both this loon and the loons who open carry are within their rights, but I'd kick the shit out of both of them anyway.

You want to be a hypocrite and call it a fallacy go ahead, doesn't make it true.

If you want to talk about the open carry loons start a new thread.

In other words , you have no logical basis for the discrepancy in your position.

Carry on then.
I have no problem saluting the flag. I am proud to do it. My step-father, who fought in WW2 used to weep while doing it. I will continue to feel that way----until they tell me that it is no longer a choice, but that I am legally required to. On that day, I will stop doing it.
Good, get the fuck out.

The Dem Party should have had a similar policy with this scumbag. Had Richardson kicked Obama in the ass, I would have voted for him


Indeed. A person who won't stand during the singing of the National Anthem, or refuses to recite the Pledge, or won't be man or woman enough to cover their heart when the Colors are presented - are scum.

This country and her people had better come to terms with their "feelings" about the United States and they had better do it quickly because their resolve is about to be tested mightily.

What do I tell these assholes? You hate this country so damned much? Get the fuck out of it. But disrespect the flag in front of me and I will knock the shit out of you. punk ass clowns piss me off.

Excuse me but if you are violent and physically attack me, I'll be on the phone to the police to have you arrested and drag you to jail. It's called "assault and battery." I will show up in court to testify so that I make sure you're put in prison for your crime.

I will then find the best lawyer possible to sue you for everything you have.

I will win because the constitution protects everyone from people like you.

WAA WAAA WAAA WAAA....Typical Nazi liberal - you detest the law until you can use it against someone, I'kll say it again - disrespect the flag in front of me and I';; slap the shit out of you. I'll take my chances in a court of law, Nazi.

And you wonder why this country is going to hell............

Prove that you have ever slapped the shit out of anyone, Nancy.
Why does he HAVE to stand? His RIGHTS were being infringed. Perhaps I will now sit next time the national anthem is played at our Friday night High school football game. I have a hard time standing but can if I feel I need to... so I may very well chose to sit. Its my RIGHT.

crusaderfrank said:
If you did that in front of my Sister she would Patton Slap you

dana7360 said:
I would point out that not standing and reciting the pledge is not illegal or unconstitutional

Assaulting someone is illegal. It's call "assault and battery." Hitting someone to force them to stand and say the pledge is a violation of the constitution.

The person who claims to be so patriotic is the person who is the criminal and violating the constitution. People who violate our laws and constitution are not patriotic. They're just common criminals.

Your sister would be put in jail for assault and battery and then probably sued by the person she assaulted.

I take it that Dana hasn't yet read the USMB rulebook about "family attacks". :badgrin:
Feel free to report him for replying to CF's comment about his own sister.

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