Man kicked out of town meeting for refusingto stand for Pledge

What good is a pledge if you are forced to give it?

Any pledge should by definition, be voluntary
He was asked to stand, not recite it.
so what
You cant have your own facts. The ops facts are what matters

Ok and? He still had his rights violated. Sadly you people do not see this. So in reality who gives a shit about your opinion. I have zero use for authoritative, absolutism with patriotism.

what rights?
yeah...i know...its hard to argue and look like you are the right side when you are against the 1st amendment.
You clearly don't understand the 1st Amendment and seem incapable of comprehending a discussion.

No matter how many times I say it was wrong, you simply want to fight for the sake of fighting. This makes you automatically wrong and unworthy as an American. Americans have a tradition of actually listening to the people they talk to.

Now, I'm going to remedy your problem for you. Say goodbye.
If this part of the story is true

Rees told the Sentinel that because Richardson has previously come and left after the prayer and invocation,

Then I do not care one fucking bit about this asshole's rights. It's beyond obvious that he is just there to make trouble if he's doing shit like that.
What good is a pledge if you are forced to give it?

Any pledge should by definition, be voluntary
He was asked to stand, not recite it.
so what
You cant have your own facts. The ops facts are what matters

Ok and? He still had his rights violated. Sadly you people do not see this. So in reality who gives a shit about your opinion. I have zero use for authoritative, absolutism with patriotism.

what rights?
sigh, his 1st amendment.
What good is a pledge if you are forced to give it?

Any pledge should by definition, be voluntary
He was asked to stand, not recite it.

The presumptive Precedence here will be a 1942 case where SCOTUS rules that school children can not be forced to stand.

The only thing now is does the Mayor have the right to kick anyone out of a council meeting who he so desires. In our town the answer is yes.
yeah...i know...its hard to argue and look like you are the right side when you are against the 1st amendment.
You clearly don't understand the 1st Amendment and seem incapable of comprehending a discussion.

No matter how many times I say it was wrong, you simply want to fight for the sake of fighting. This makes you automatically wrong and unworthy as an American. Americans have a tradition of actually listening to the people they talk to.

Now, I'm going to remedy your problem for you. Say goodbye.

blah blah you are reduced to just copying me...Koshergirl puts up a better fight than this
I don't pledge my allegiance to a symbol. My allegiance is to America and our people.

I don't need a symbol of our nation. I've got the real thing here everyday. I have traveled to almost all of our nation and guess what? America is a great nation. We have great people. Great places and such beauty that it's literally breath taking. We have people who are so wonderful it moves me.

No piece of cloth can symbolize America to me. I like the real thing.

If you need that cloth symbol, have at it. Knock yourself out.

Just leave me alone while I sit quietly.
Like I said, lacking education.

You can post that until the end of time but it won't be any less of a lie than it is now.

All you're doing is classic "projection." You're projecting your beliefs and yourself on me. That is taught in every psychology 101 class in America. If you were educated you would know this.

You're also showing that you don't have any logical or mature response to what I posted.

Anyone who doesn't know that it's my constitutional right to not stand and say that pledge is lacking education. That simple concept is taught in every US History, government, civics and politics classes in America. Every child in high school has to take that class to graduate.

If you were educated you would know that.
I don't pledge my allegiance to a symbol. My allegiance is to America and our people.

I don't need a symbol of our nation. I've got the real thing here everyday. I have traveled to almost all of our nation and guess what? America is a great nation. We have great people. Great places and such beauty that it's literally breath taking. We have people who are so wonderful it moves me.

No piece of cloth can symbolize America to me. I like the real thing.

If you need that cloth symbol, have at it. Knock yourself out.

Just leave me alone while I sit quietly.
Like I said, lacking education.

You can post that until the end of time but it won't be any less of a lie than it is now.

All you're doing is classic "projection." You're projecting your beliefs and yourself on me. That is taught in every psychology 101 class in America. If you were educated you would know this.

You're also showing that you don't have any logical or mature response to what I posted.

Anyone who doesn't know that it's my constitutional right to not stand and say that pledge is lacking education. That simple concept is taught in every US History, government, civics and politics classes in America. Every child in high school has to take that class to graduate.

If you were educated you would know that.
LOL...if you say so marcy...

I'll wager money that you haven't even bothered to look at symbolism in human history.

Yet, you continue to make these weird statements about physcology as if you think you know what you're talking about.
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from

A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Forces Man To Leave Public Meeting Because He Won t Stand During Prayer ThinkProgress

A Florida mayor ejected one of his constituents from a City Commission meeting on Thursday because he declined to stand during the invocation and pledge to the flag at the beginning of the meeting.
Winter Garden Mayor John Rees, a nonpartisan official leading an Orlando suburb of about 37,000, was caught on video demanding that an audience member stand for a prayer, which thanked God for “allowing us to live in a country where we’re free to believe, think, and pray.”
The audience member responded, “I don’t believe I have to do that, thank you.” After the prayer, Rees again instructed the constituent, identified by the Orlando Sentinel as Joseph Richardson, to stand for the pledge to the flag as “children have to in school.” Richardson again politely declined.
“Okay. I asked him to either stand or please be escorted out as we do the Pledge,” Rees says in the video. “It’s just not fair to our troops and people overseas, sir.”
City police then enforced the mayor’s demand and Richardson left.

"Either you stand up and say a prayer to thank God for allowing us to live in a country where you're free to choose whether you'll stand or not, or I'm kicking you out for not standing up and praying in order to thank God for your freedoms."
I don't pledge my allegiance to a symbol. My allegiance is to America and our people.

I don't need a symbol of our nation. I've got the real thing here everyday. I have traveled to almost all of our nation and guess what? America is a great nation. We have great people. Great places and such beauty that it's literally breath taking. We have people who are so wonderful it moves me.

No piece of cloth can symbolize America to me. I like the real thing.

If you need that cloth symbol, have at it. Knock yourself out.

Just leave me alone while I sit quietly.
Like I said, lacking education.

You can post that until the end of time but it won't be any less of a lie than it is now.

All you're doing is classic "projection." You're projecting your beliefs and yourself on me. That is taught in every psychology 101 class in America. If you were educated you would know this.

You're also showing that you don't have any logical or mature response to what I posted.

Anyone who doesn't know that it's my constitutional right to not stand and say that pledge is lacking education. That simple concept is taught in every US History, government, civics and politics classes in America. Every child in high school has to take that class to graduate.

If you were educated you would know that.
LOL...if you say so marcy...

Darwin, go read the 1942 case and you will see Plasma is correct, I was wrong. SCOTUS HAS extended the first amendment to mean you can't be forced to stand during the pledge.

Obviously it could be reversed , but that is unlikely. However, that does not mean this guy couldn't be asked to leave the meeting. Those are two different arguments.
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I don't pledge my allegiance to a symbol. My allegiance is to America and our people.

I don't need a symbol of our nation. I've got the real thing here everyday. I have traveled to almost all of our nation and guess what? America is a great nation. We have great people. Great places and such beauty that it's literally breath taking. We have people who are so wonderful it moves me.

No piece of cloth can symbolize America to me. I like the real thing.

If you need that cloth symbol, have at it. Knock yourself out.

Just leave me alone while I sit quietly.
Like I said, lacking education.

You can post that until the end of time but it won't be any less of a lie than it is now.

All you're doing is classic "projection." You're projecting your beliefs and yourself on me. That is taught in every psychology 101 class in America. If you were educated you would know this.

You're also showing that you don't have any logical or mature response to what I posted.

Anyone who doesn't know that it's my constitutional right to not stand and say that pledge is lacking education. That simple concept is taught in every US History, government, civics and politics classes in America. Every child in high school has to take that class to graduate.

If you were educated you would know that.
LOL...if you say so marcy...

Darwin, go read the 1942 case and you will see Plasma is correct, I was wrong. SCOTUS HAS extended the first amendment to mean you can't be forced to stand during the pledge.

Obviously it could be reversed , but that is unlikely. However, that does not mean this guy couldn't be asked to leave the meeting. Those are two different arguments.
I never argued he could be forced to stand. And I am on the record as saying that what happened to him was wrong.
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from

A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Forces Man To Leave Public Meeting Because He Won t Stand During Prayer ThinkProgress

A Florida mayor ejected one of his constituents from a City Commission meeting on Thursday because he declined to stand during the invocation and pledge to the flag at the beginning of the meeting.
Winter Garden Mayor John Rees, a nonpartisan official leading an Orlando suburb of about 37,000, was caught on video demanding that an audience member stand for a prayer, which thanked God for “allowing us to live in a country where we’re free to believe, think, and pray.”
The audience member responded, “I don’t believe I have to do that, thank you.” After the prayer, Rees again instructed the constituent, identified by the Orlando Sentinel as Joseph Richardson, to stand for the pledge to the flag as “children have to in school.” Richardson again politely declined.
“Okay. I asked him to either stand or please be escorted out as we do the Pledge,” Rees says in the video. “It’s just not fair to our troops and people overseas, sir.”
City police then enforced the mayor’s demand and Richardson left.

Some politicians think it is their job to cram religion down people's throats, for instance:

"My German Volksgenossen, we have a great deal to rectify before our own history and before our eternal Lord. Providence had withdrawn its protection from us. Our Volk had fallen, plunging to a depth to which a Volk has rarely fallen before. In this difficult plight we have once again learned how to pray; we have learned to respect our Lord; we have regained our faith in the virtues of a Volk, and have endeavored to be better again."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Cologne (March 28, 1936)

Oh, I think the 1st amendment activist was a dick for doing what he did.

Only, he has a right to do it.

Gunnutz should be defending this guy to the hilt.

The Mayor had the right to have him escorted out too.

Only if it is expressly written in that town's ordinances, and then, it could be easily challenged in court and would surely lose.
Next time you're in a courtroom and the judge enters the room, remain seated. Let us know how that goes.
Part of living in a civilized society is not being an obstinate ass just because. If you aren't crippled, stand up and be quiet.

What if he's from a country that Bush or some other Wrongpublican illegally bombed for no reason? You shouldn't assume you know everything about someone's circumstances, xxxxxx.
Then why the hell is he here? My gosh, we have an absolute failure in office now, but I would still stand up and say the pledge.
In my community, I am a free man, and I do not have to stand, salute, or pledge anything to anybody. If the mayor and his council have a public meeting, I am guest of honor, as a citizen of my community, and the town officials are my servants. My fellow citizens and I have paid employees that work for us. They are called "law enforcement". They do not work for my servants, the mayor, and his council. If my employees in law enforcement get out of line, I will introduce them to my other servents, the judicial court system.

Way too many people don't understand the above.
What good is a pledge if you are forced to give it?

Any pledge should by definition, be voluntary
He was asked to stand, not recite it.
so what
You cant have your own facts. The ops facts are what matters

Ok and? He still had his rights violated. Sadly you people do not see this. So in reality who gives a shit about your opinion. I have zero use for authoritative, absolutism with patriotism.
You must really hate Democrats then.
and punt....i see you have nothing left.
There is nothing to say to an apt description of progressives. Everyone already knows it.
neat story..You don't like other people to have their rights. You would rather violate them in order get your way.
Kinda like a certain bakers religious right was violated?

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