Man killed wife for making vegetarian dinner


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Man killed wife for making vegetarian dinner: prosecutors | New York Post

An elderly Pakistani immigrant beat his wife to death with a stick after the doomed woman made the mistake of cooking him lentils for dinner instead of the hearty meal of goat meat that he craved, according to court papers.

Noor Hussein, 75, was so outraged over the prospect of eating the vegetarian fare that he pummeled his wife, Nazar Hussein, 66, inside their Brooklyn apartment until she was a
“bloody mess,” prosecutors said in opening statements of his murder trial Wednesday.

“Defendant asked [his wife] to cook goat and [his wife] said she made something else,” court papers said.

“The conversation got louder and [his wife] disrespected defendant by cursing at defendant and saying motherf–ker and that the defendant took a wooden stick and hit her with it on her arm and mouth.”

Defense attorney Julie Clark admitted Hussein beat his wife — but argued that he is guilty of only manslaughter because he didn’t intend to kill her. She said that in his home country, beating your wife is customary.


More justification from a member of the religion of peace. Spreading their peace around the world.
Man killed wife for making vegetarian dinner: prosecutors | New York Post

An elderly Pakistani immigrant beat his wife to death with a stick after the doomed woman made the mistake of cooking him lentils for dinner instead of the hearty meal of goat meat that he craved, according to court papers.

Noor Hussein, 75, was so outraged over the prospect of eating the vegetarian fare that he pummeled his wife, Nazar Hussein, 66, inside their Brooklyn apartment until she was a
“bloody mess,” prosecutors said in opening statements of his murder trial Wednesday.

“Defendant asked [his wife] to cook goat and [his wife] said she made something else,” court papers said.

“The conversation got louder and [his wife] disrespected defendant by cursing at defendant and saying motherf–ker and that the defendant took a wooden stick and hit her with it on her arm and mouth.”

Defense attorney Julie Clark admitted Hussein beat his wife — but argued that he is guilty of only manslaughter because he didn’t intend to kill her. She said that in his home country, beating your wife is customary.


More justification from a member of the religion of peace. Spreading their peace around the world.

Wow... This is despicable.

You don't murder your wife because she made lentils instead of goat. What a horrible human being this man is. And lentils aren't bad at all, and are a very good source of protein and fiber. This crap just gets me angry. I'd be damned happy to have a wife who loved me enough to make food for my dumb ass. Who the hell does he think he is to beat his wife to death because—oh my gosh—she gave him lentils! So what if she cursed at him? Be grateful for the food your wife makes for you.

And that little worm of a defense attorney should crawl back into her hole for saying what she did. He did intend to kill her based on, you know, beating her to death with a stick. Doing that takes a while—it's not like you get mad and pull a trigger. You keep striking and striking and breaking bone and skin until your victim bleeds out. I just want to push this evil old man off a cliff. What some backwards monsters do in his country have absolutely no bearing on how America is run.

Oh, and to be clear: not all Muslims are bad people. Judging a whole group of people because of the actions of a few is intellectually lazy and morally dishonest.
They were 75 and 66- I'm assuming they've been married for some time now. Over the course of all those years, she should have known he would become enraged by her actions. She should have cooked the f***ing goat meat and done it with a smile.

If she wanted out... she could have laced the goat meat with poison and got the hell out of there. Dumb b***h. She deserves no sympathy from me.
Defense attorney Julie Clark admitted Hussein beat his wife — but argued that he is guilty of only manslaughter because he didn’t intend to kill her. She said that in his home country, beating your wife is customary.

^ That paragraph ^ made me sick.
Pakistani customs are irrelevant in US courts, but maybe not for long. Like Mexicans, apparently Middle Eastern émigrés are refusing to assimilate, too.
Defense attorney Julie Clark admitted Hussein beat his wife — but argued that he is guilty of only manslaughter because he didn’t intend to kill her. She said that in his home country, beating your wife is customary.

^ That paragraph ^ made me sick.

Doesn't matter,if he beat her in bed. No way it was "discipline"

She cussed him out, they clearly had a volatile marriage
Reminds me of news stories where someone gets shot to death over 5 bucks, a pair of shoes, etc. Clearly it's not the object of dispute that causes this, but the control and authority issues between people. They already had internalized issues and were projecting them onto the next available conflict that escalated into violence against someone else.

Any person with that type of control issue can project for any reason onto any person in a conflict, and it can get out of hand, independent of religion or nationality.

However in the Pakistani culture where there are public customs and traditions of demeaning women, some of this is directly from cultural conditioning. A friend of mine from Pakistan told me she constantly got in trouble for things like asking a man what time it was, because she wasn't supposed to address a man in public; and she wasn't supposed to affiliate, associate, or socialize freely as a female because it wasn't proper.

When I asked a Muslim friend about honor killings, the first question out of his mouth:
Was it a Pakistani family? apparently the attitude enforced in their cultural traditions is well known, to the point it is expected.

Man killed wife for making vegetarian dinner: prosecutors | New York Post

An elderly Pakistani immigrant beat his wife to death with a stick after the doomed woman made the mistake of cooking him lentils for dinner instead of the hearty meal of goat meat that he craved, according to court papers.

Noor Hussein, 75, was so outraged over the prospect of eating the vegetarian fare that he pummeled his wife, Nazar Hussein, 66, inside their Brooklyn apartment until she was a
“bloody mess,” prosecutors said in opening statements of his murder trial Wednesday.

“Defendant asked [his wife] to cook goat and [his wife] said she made something else,” court papers said.

“The conversation got louder and [his wife] disrespected defendant by cursing at defendant and saying motherf–ker and that the defendant took a wooden stick and hit her with it on her arm and mouth.”

Defense attorney Julie Clark admitted Hussein beat his wife — but argued that he is guilty of only manslaughter because he didn’t intend to kill her. She said that in his home country, beating your wife is customary.


More justification from a member of the religion of peace. Spreading their peace around the world.

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