Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex

Think about it: "husband complains wife declines sex" is not a story.

Indeed it's not a story. What I'm not getting from you is why the man who suffers in silence is to be admired and the man who documents what his wife doesn't believe is to be ridiculed.
Think about it: "husband complains wife declines sex" is not a story.

So it's the spreadsheet that's got your panties all bunched up? If he had used NotePad and printed off a letter to her with all of the same information of date + excuse + outcome then you'd be fine with it?

Maybe he could use a little lesson in romancing her

Maybe he could, but probably not if we play the odds. As Pogo noted, wives refusing to have sex is not some startling news event. He probably does romance her. The most likely scenario in play here is that the wife is self-centered. Look at how she released the story into the public.

It's well known that many women have lower libidos as their marriages progress. That's not the husband's fault in most cases - it's internal to the woman.
Think about it: "husband complains wife declines sex" is not a story.

Indeed it's not a story. What I'm not getting from you is why the man who suffers in silence is to be admired and the man who documents what his wife doesn't believe is to be ridiculed.

Suffers in silence, shees.....meanwhile enters data concerning his wife.

He or you would not have to suffer in silence if you used a little thought, and did something romantic, instead of complaining, in a spreadsheet of all things :cuckoo:
With us, it was the opposite. I was the one with the high sex drive, and he was the one who was usually saying, "Let's just cuddle." Now that we're divorced, he keeps wanting to get frisky, and I resent being put in the position of having to say, "That ship has sailed, dude." He's still my best friend, but I got over being attracted to him ages ago.

Mine never wanted to just cuddle. Cuddle meant "fuck". If he touched me, it was not on the arm, or a quick hug or a pat on the hand in passing. Nope. His hand always went straight to my breast to knead, or on my crotch or aimed to my ass crack. I was a slab of meat and nothing more. And when I did relent, it was not me he was making love to. It was someone else in his fantasy land drunken stupor.
His best friend (the bottle) destroyed what little bit of love I had left and finally it was enough to kill it where there was not even a spark.
We are remarried. But we are just roommates. He is my best friend. Like my brother. If he wants sex....he knows he can go anywhere he wants to get it and I won't give a damn. Only rules I have are....don't bring her home and if he wants something more serious with whomever, TELL ME so I can make arrangements to leave. He has not brought anyone home....and he said he doesn't want me to leave. I am.

Honestly...that sounds like one of the most toxic relationships possible.

Well, you don't know either of us, now do you? It works for us. Thats all that matters.
He sounds very calculating. No wonder she doesn't want to have sex with him. He probably will send her an evaluation after the act, as to how her performance was. What a control freak.

What a dumb ass, women are slow cookers, not microwaves

Yes, which is why she did not have sex with him.....Would you have sex with a computer? A spreadsheet? :cuckoo:

Hey, it's what every woman wants --- to feel like an "X" on a graph of how many strokes are used on Wednesdays as compared to Mondays.
Nothing better to moisten the muffin. On your anniversary you get a powerpoint. :eusa_shifty:

Exactly.....Who wants to have sex with such an uptight asshole?

Okay. Sooo... Apparently, neither of you are big fans of men with personalities which fall in more on the "rational" and "systematic" rather than "emotional" and "impulsive" side of the spectrum. Duly noted.

So what?

It doesn't change the fact that she apparently liked this guy well enough to date him for three years, and remain married to him for another two. It also doesn't change the fact that she has a certain responsibility to uphold her end of the relationship, and that she is currently miserably failing to do so.

She needs to get her act together or just let the guy go, IMO. She's clearly got some issues with the relationship that she's not making known.
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Yes, which is why she did not have sex with him.....Would you have sex with a computer? A spreadsheet? :cuckoo:

Are you a woman? You don't seem to have a good grasp of logic. You're stating here that the wife didn't have sex with her husband because in the future he would compile a spreadsheet chronicling her refusals. That's logically incoherent.

Look, men have been arguing with women since time began. Men recognize that women have memories like elephants and can recall, when it suits them, the tiniest and most inconsequential details of interactions they've been involved in from years, even decades, in the past and zing the husband during an argument.

For this husband to feel he needed to document the outcomes of his sex appeals it's extremely likely that the wife didn't accept his claims that she was refusing him and his own memory couldn't list off the particulars that she demanded. So if the man can't rely on his memory to satisfy his wife's demand for proof, best document the refusals as they happen.

The fact that the man felt it necessary to document these events strongly suggests that the wife refused to believe him when he was offering his recollection of the events that transpired between them. That was the wife's first mistake. Anyone who is married should recognize that impressions count just as much as reality - a misunderstanding can be as hurtful as an intended action. If the husband was feeling that they weren't having sex frequently enough that right there is problem that needs to be addressed rather than dismissed. Clearly it was dismissed, leading him to feeling the need to actually document their history.

Sex is not logical. That is the point, at least in my opinion. Yes, I am definitely a woman

Romance is part of sex. I think the poor logical guy forgot the logic in that

Eggs ackley. That's why I keep saying this guy left-brained the shit out of this thing.
Think about it: "husband complains wife declines sex" is not a story.

So it's the spreadsheet that's got your panties all bunched up? If he had used NotePad and printed off a letter to her with all of the same information of date + excuse + outcome then you'd be fine with it?

Maybe he could use a little lesson in romancing her

Jim Jeffries asks why it's his responsibility to romance the woman. Be warned, rough language in the video.

[ame=]Jim Jefferies - Foreplay - YouTube[/ame]
He sounds very calculating. No wonder she doesn't want to have sex with him. He probably will send her an evaluation after the act, as to how her performance was. What a control freak.

What a dumb ass, women are slow cookers, not microwaves

Yes, which is why she did not have sex with him.....Would you have sex with a computer? A spreadsheet? :cuckoo:

Hey, it's what every woman wants --- to feel like an "X" on a graph of how many strokes are used on Wednesdays as compared to Mondays.
Nothing better to moisten the muffin. On your anniversary you get a powerpoint. :eusa_shifty:

Exactly.....Who wants to have sex with such an uptight asshole?

Okay. Sooo... Apparently, neither of you are big fans of men with personalities which fall in more on the "rational" rather than "emotional" side of the spectrum. Duly noted.

So what?

It doesn't change the fact that she apparently liked this guy well enough to date him for three years, and remain married to him for another two. It also doesn't change the fact that she has a certain responsibility to uphold her end of the relationship, and that she is currently miserably failing to do so.

She needs to get her act together or just let the guy go, IMO.

So there is a rule that says she has to have sex with him a certain amount of times per week and if she doesn't it falls on her... only? Gotcha :thup:
So there is a rule that says she has to have sex with him a certain amount of times per week and if she doesn't it falls on her... only? Gotcha :thup:

If she wants him to stick around, there certainly is. :lol:

If not, she needs to do everyone a favor and just break things off.
He sounds very calculating. No wonder she doesn't want to have sex with him. He probably will send her an evaluation after the act, as to how her performance was. What a control freak.

What a dumb ass, women are slow cookers, not microwaves

Yes, which is why she did not have sex with him.....Would you have sex with a computer? A spreadsheet? :cuckoo:

Hey, it's what every woman wants --- to feel like an "X" on a graph of how many strokes are used on Wednesdays as compared to Mondays.
Nothing better to moisten the muffin. On your anniversary you get a powerpoint. :eusa_shifty:

Exactly.....Who wants to have sex with such an uptight asshole?

Okay. Sooo... Apparently, neither of you are big fans of men with personalities which fall in more on the "rational" and "systematic" rather than "emotional" and "impulsive" side of the spectrum. Duly noted.

So what?

So what? So it's not going to work to get him what he wants because sex is in the realm of the emotional/impusive, and not the rational/systematic. So it tells us a lot about why he's prolly not getting what he wants. That's what.

It doesn't change the fact that she apparently liked this guy well enough to date him for three years, and remain married to him for another two. It also doesn't change the fact that she has a certain responsibility to uphold her end of the relationship, and that she is currently miserably failing to do so.

Again -- we don't know that's true. We have a statement from the plaintiff. That's it.

Watch this:
"Sgt_Gath eats babies"

Ooh, look at that. It would appear you need to stop eating babies.

As for "doesn't change the fact" -- well, actually maybe it does. Women aren't machines. But they do need lubrication.
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A phone call to say hi, in the middle of the day, "Hey baby, I was thinking about how your skin feels against mine."

Sending flowers for no reason...just because....

Making dinner reservations at her fav restaurant...

are you getting my drift?

Sending her a spreadsheet, is not on the list of romantic destinations or acts
A phone call to say hi, in the middle of the day, "Hey baby, I was thinking about how your skin feels against mine."

Sending flowers for no reason...just because....

Making dinner reservations at her fav restaurant...

are you getting my drift?

Sending her a spreadsheet, is not on the list of romantic destinations or acts

I'm pretty sure that it was meant to be more of an ultimatum than a romantic gesture.

He was basically telling her that he had enough.
Again -- we don't know that's true. We have a statement from the plaintiff. That's it.

Watch this:
"Sgt_Gath eats babies"

Ooh, look at that. It would appear you need to stop eating babies.

She hasn't tried to deny it. Someone posted one of her justifications earlier.

The gist of it basically boiled down to "I felt fat and gross, so I started going to the gym a lot. Now I'm too tired to have sex."

It honestly sounds like she's got some self-esteem issues more than anything else.
So there is a rule that says she has to have sex with him a certain amount of times per week and if she doesn't it falls on her... only? Gotcha :thup:

If she wants him to stick around, there certainly is. :lol:

If not, she needs to do everyone a favor and just break things off.

If he want HER to stick around and have sex with her at his beckon call, then maybe he should use a little common sense
My husband certainly knew how to romance. It was probably one of his best qualities. It is about love too ya know, AKA.. mutual respect and admiration.
A phone call to say hi, in the middle of the day, "Hey baby, I was thinking about how your skin feels against mine."

Sending flowers for no reason...just because....

Making dinner reservations at her fav restaurant...

are you getting my drift?

Sending her a spreadsheet, is not on the list of romantic destinations or acts

I'm pretty sure that it was meant to be more of an ultimatum than a romantic gesture.

He was basically telling her that he had enough.

He was telling her that their relationship was about sex, nothing more nothing less
It's interesting to watch how so many women stick together and blame the man for failing his wife when the only evidence in this news story is the women continually rejecting her husband's sexual advances.

Women can never be in the wrong.
If he want HER to stick around and have sex with her at his beckon call, then maybe he should use a little common sense
My husband certainly knew how to romance. It was probably one of his best qualities. It is about love too ya know, AKA.. mutual respect and admiration.

That's your personal preference, and there's nothing wrong with that. Again, however, it doesn't change the fact of who this woman chose to marry.

If she made a deliberate choice to marry someone who doesn't have the qualities she wants in a partner, and now regrets that decision, the blame for it is entirely on her. No one forced her into that decision.

The husband, for his own part, certainly seems to find her desirable enough, and he certainly seems to have put plenty of effort into extending his affections towards her. She's simply not reciprocating those advances.

Like I said, she really just needs to make up her mind here one way or the other.

Should he stay, or should he go? :lol:
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A phone call to say hi, in the middle of the day, "Hey baby, I was thinking about how your skin feels against mine."

Sending flowers for no reason...just because....

Making dinner reservations at her fav restaurant...

are you getting my drift?

Sending her a spreadsheet, is not on the list of romantic destinations or acts

I'm pretty sure that it was meant to be more of an ultimatum than a romantic gesture.

He was basically telling her that he had enough.

He was telling her that their relationship was about sex, nothing more nothing less

About sex and even more -- about statistics.

Presumably there was some break-even point at which his LSQ (Libido Satisfaction Quotient, see footnote 31 in subsection 8 paragraph 22 of Article VII) would be sated.

Damn, what woman could resist when it's put like that... :rolleyes:
It's interesting to watch how so many women stick together and blame the man for failing his wife when the only evidence in this news story is the women continually rejecting her husband's sexual advances.

Women can never be in the wrong.

I am not sticking together with anyone. I happen to think for myself. I have not even read any of this thread, other than the OP and a bunch of guys being well, guys. Goes right over your heads

Maybe she is to blame, I don't know, and I don't care. But never ever send me a spreadsheet unless you are my boss :evil:

What would you think if a best bud sent you a spreadsheet on your behavior? Is that friendship, or a merger and acquisition? The spreadsheet is the problem. It was ALL about sex, and nothing else
He was telling her that their relationship was about sex, nothing more nothing less

He told her it would be nice if a couple of 26 year olds, who have no kids, and have only been married for two years could have sex more than 3 times every 6 weeks. I certainly saw that much.

I didn't see anything saying that the relationship was all "about sex," however.

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