Man Sentenced to Jail for Registering Dead People as Democratic Party Voters

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and....

I'm most likely registered in three states. It's what one does when one moves to a new state. Didn't you know that? Do you think the state you move from removes your name? I don't think so. it is truly amazing the lack of logic all you fks have.

Very refreshing to see a devoted Trump Chump call his dear leader a "fk" with an amazing lack of logic.

So refreshing.

There's hope for America yet!
I'm most likely registered in three states. It's what one does when one moves to a new state. Didn't you know that? Do you think the state you move from removes your name? I don't think so. it is truly amazing the lack of logic all you fks have.
Hey dumbshit. I do know that. Because I'm not Trump.

It's TRUMP, you dumb fuck, who said being registered in two states is voter fraud.

So let's hear you tell us how it is Trump who has an amazing lack of logic.

I'll wait here.
I believe he stated they voted twice.

Tell us what an amazing lack of logic Trump-fk has. You thought I was saying it and got all nasty.

So tell us.

You're busted once again being a raging hypocrite.
well post his quote. and the only thing busted are the snaps on my slacks from laughing at you so hard

What do you think you uncovered here, specifically, with this tweet from January?
Why is the VA Democratic Party handing out sheets listing the non-living?
They know how the dead vote.
As I said before people registered to vote die all the time. They don't usually vote unless some cat named Jesus is in town and performs a repeat of the Lazarus Effect. Now I do admit, there are a lot of Hispanics named one of them might pull it off. :lol:
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and....

I'm most likely registered in three states. It's what one does when one moves to a new state. Didn't you know that? Do you think the state you move from removes your name? I don't think so. it is truly amazing the lack of logic all you fks have.

Very refreshing to see a devoted Trump Chump call his dear leader a "fk" with an amazing lack of logic.

So refreshing.

There's hope for America yet!
so I'm not sure what your point is. Again, as I stated already, he wanted to see if people registered in two states voted in both states. What is so difficult with that?
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and....

I'm most likely registered in three states. It's what one does when one moves to a new state. Didn't you know that? Do you think the state you move from removes your name? I don't think so. it is truly amazing the lack of logic all you fks have.

Very refreshing to see a devoted Trump Chump call his dear leader a "fk" with an amazing lack of logic.

So refreshing.

There's hope for America yet!
so I'm not sure what your point is. Again, as I stated already, he wanted to see if people registered in two states voted in both states. What is so difficult with that?
No, he said the mere act of being registered to vote in two states is voter fraud. He did not say "voted in two states". He said "registered to vote in two states".

You just called the love of your life a "fk" with an amazing lack of logic.

It's a beautiful day!
I bet that whistle blowing employee who caught this was fired the next day and black balled from getting a gov job in the future.

He just stopped 100 Democrat votes in a swing state!

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Barely a slap on the wrist for something so serious. A Republican would have gotten the maximum sentence.

100 days to which he will probably serve 50 in a minimum security prison.

Not a peep from the mainstream media.

If a conservative was caught doing this it would be plaster for weeks on the 24/7 news cycles and the kid would get 5 yrs!

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Been through this one already

The guy was being paid for every registration he turned in. To pad his numbers, he pulled registrations from a list of residents he found. Some of those residents turned out to be dead

It is a case of registration fraud not voter fraud

Smoky they only reason he got caught is he registered the deceased father of an employee. This is how easy it is to fraudulently register people and that is the hard part. Actually casting the votes is the easy part. You can do it yourself or hire a fee illegals!

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Been through this one already

The guy was being paid for every registration he turned in. To pad his numbers, he pulled registrations from a list of residents he found. Some of those residents turned out to be dead

It is a case of registration fraud not voter fraud

why would these idiots ever know the difference? complex thought escapes them.

Oh STFU! This is the HARD part and this kid did it easy! Imagine what the Corrupt Union hacks and SJWs do! I guarantee it happens a million times over

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