Man Sentenced to Jail for Registering Dead People as Democratic Party Voters

Weird, I was told this never happens.

Who told you that fraud never happens?

Does Faux News ever show you when Republicans commit voter fraud?

Of course not. Because that's not what your propagandists want you tards to parrot.

Here, let me help you:

Lincoln Wilson, a registered Republican from Hale, in Northeast Colorado, is accused of voting in both Colorado and Kansas in 2010, 2012 and again in 2014. Wilson told CBS4 he voted in both states, but only “voted on local issues” and “didn’t vote twice for President.”

Kansas has also charged James Criswell, a Republican from Douglas County, and Sharon Farris, a Republican from Denver, with double voting. Their cases have not been resolved yet.

Yet, some people, like Bruce Rickey, are being prosecuted for voting twice in Colorado. Rickey, who is a registered Republican, was charged with trying to vote twice in the 2015 Colorado election.
Dems’ Voter-Fraud Denial

EDITORIAL: Democrats deny voter fraud. Ask North Carolina

Democrats Still Deny Proven Voter Fraud
So your proof that Democrats deny fraud exists is to quote conservatives who make the same stupid claim?

From one of dipshit's links:

“you’re more likely to get hit by lightning than find a case of prosecutorial voter fraud,”

When dipshit read this, he sees, "There is no fraud."

Can you blame me for calling these people retards?
Weird, I was told this never happens.

Who told you that fraud never happens?

Does Faux News ever show you when Republicans commit voter fraud?

Of course not. Because that's not what your propagandists want you tards to parrot.

Here, let me help you:

Lincoln Wilson, a registered Republican from Hale, in Northeast Colorado, is accused of voting in both Colorado and Kansas in 2010, 2012 and again in 2014. Wilson told CBS4 he voted in both states, but only “voted on local issues” and “didn’t vote twice for President.”

Kansas has also charged James Criswell, a Republican from Douglas County, and Sharon Farris, a Republican from Denver, with double voting. Their cases have not been resolved yet.

Yet, some people, like Bruce Rickey, are being prosecuted for voting twice in Colorado. Rickey, who is a registered Republican, was charged with trying to vote twice in the 2015 Colorado election.
and those are examples of voter fraud, whereas the OP is about registration fraud.
It's true, by the way. More people were hit by lightning in 2016 than have been convicted of voter fraud in the 2016 election.
My ex-father-in-law was involved in voter fraud for the dimocrats in Chicago and Cook County for years and he was just one of God only knows how many others.
Put down your tin foil helmets.

Turn off Faux News.

Clean the wax out of your ears.

Remove your hands from your eyes.

Okay. Ready?

Voter fraud is RARE.

Now watch the retards. What they just saw in that sentence is "There is no voter fraud."

Show me all the people convicted of voter fraud in the 2016 election.

All of them.

Give me a number. A total.
39 people were killed by lightning in 2016. That's not the total number of people hit by lightning. That's how many were killed.

Show me more than 39 people were convicted of voter fraud in the 2016 election.

Go ahead.

NWS Lightning Fatalities
According to that link: The most high-profile instances of election fraud this cycle have been committed by Republicans in states with new voting restrictions.

Duh. I have been pointing that out for years. I have said countless times, "Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur."

Every time I say that, the tards hear, "There is no voter fraud."

And almost every time a tard provides an example of voter fraud to justify Voter ID, it turns out the fraud was committed in a Voter ID state.

Oh. That remind me. Virginia requires photo ID to vote. That's the state the OP story is from.

You see? There's a reason I call these people retards.
bla diddy bla bla bla

Trump isnt doing a fucking thing about it because his family MEMBERS was registered in TWO STATES ...
"Voter fraud is so rare"...........that doesn't mean NEVER.

"It's an article of faith of the Democrats that voter fraud is nothing to worry about because it never happens".....a quote from a RW source that gives NO link to any Democrat actually saying that.

Your third link cannot be reached so I cannot comment on that one.

Care to try again proving that anyone said voter fraud NEVER happens?
Spieles admitted he prepared all 18 of the false voter registration forms by obtaining information from “walk sheets” given to him by the Virginia Democratic Party. Spieles said no one else participated in the crime
Wait, he just admitted that the VA Democratic Party participated in the crime. How many thousands of others like Spieles were working with the Dems?????
Only Soros knows.
Ah Soros....code for that Evil Jewish Overlord Conspirator.......also J. Kushner's BFF.

Nine convictions. It does not say whether all 9 were for 2016, or cumulative. It does not say what the mix of Democrats and Republicans those were.

But let's pretend all 9 were for 2016.

There are 1.8 million registered voters in Kansas. 9 out of 1.8 million = 5 ten-thousandths of one percent.

Kansas Election Results 2016: President Live Map by County, Real-Time Voting Updates

1,471,143 votes cast in the 2016 election.

9 out 1,471,143 = 7 ten-thousandths of one percent.

Rebekah Joy Paul
False Registrations
Rebekah Joy Paul pleaded guilty to falsifying voter registrations prior
to the 2012 general election. While employed as a voter registration
worker with a political consulting firm hired by the Republican Party,
she created false voter registrations. She and her co-conspirator
admitted to faking 27 registrations for Duval County. She was
sentenced to community service.

Christian David Price
False Registrations
Christian David Price, a campaign worker in Florida, pleaded guilty
to falsifying voter registrations in the 2012 election. While employed
as voter registration worker with a political consulting firm hired by
the Republican Party, he created false voter registrations. He and his
co-conspirator admitted to faking 27 registrations for Duval County.
He was sentenced to community service


Nine convictions. It does not say whether all 9 were for 2016, or cumulative. It does not say what the mix of Democrats and Republicans those were.

But let's pretend all 9 were for 2016.

There are 1.8 million registered voters in Kansas. 9 out of 1.8 million = 5 ten-thousandths of one percent.

Kansas Election Results 2016: President Live Map by County, Real-Time Voting Updates

1,471,143 votes cast in the 2016 election.

9 out 1,471,143 = 7 ten-thousandths of one percent.

i completely agree. i also agree with calling kobach javert. lol

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