Man shoots 14 year old son

. Emotion doesn't make everyone knee-jerk and become irrational? Who would have known

And yet the kid would still be alive if they had stayed away from guns.
Shit happens, it's no life going through life scared… Dumbass
now go hide

I'm not scared, I even go everywhere without a gun. Now the gun nuts, that is a scared and paranoid bunch. This guy was teaching his son he needed a gun for protection. That worked out well.

This guy was teaching his son he needed a gun for protection.

Where did you read that?

"He also enjoyed shooting, a skill he learned from his father, William Clayton Brumby. Target practice was one of those things Stephen was poised to surpass his father on at the gun range."

"He wanted to take us to the shooting range to spend time with us but also teach us how to be a man; how to protect the family when it needed to be protected," David said. "It was just a complete freak accident. I cried so much yesterday that my eyes were stinging."

Brother describes teen's accidental shooting death by dad at Florida gun range
second floors are not necessary

the abundance of single level dwellings tells us this

and I specifically mentioned swimming pools not lakes and rivers

and one does not need a tub as showers are always an option

Stairs are sure necessary if you have a two story house, and we have lots of them. How do you elimate two stories in crowded areas? Many cities have neighborhoods filled with them and small yards.

How do you eliminate lakes and oceans? Very young children do not take showers.

Now getting rid of guns, that would be easy by comparison. Most wouldn't even notice. Are you not getting it yet?

No you're the one not getting it

You are never going to eliminate guns

but you go ahead and try

It does seem like people will always be buying "protection" that often kills them or their family.


Accidental gun deaths are actually quire rare

considering there are over 100 million people who own guns and about 600 accidental gun deaths per year that's .0006% of gun owners involved in an accidental death

If only everything had such a stellar safety record
Guns are very simple, don't point at someone and pull the trigger. Many of these accidental deaths happen while holstering or unholstering. They are like having a fatal accident while pulling your car out of the garage.

No there are not 100 million gun owners. It's like 30%of households, that is way less than 100 million.

Wrong......people are no longer answering anonymous surveys about keeping a gun in the home......the count is never going to show the true level of ownership...sales numbers and NICS checks are a better indicator of gun ownership and they are through the roof....June was another sales record for guns...

And wasn't all just 2 guys in Idaho buying millions of guns....
"Because their parents keep guns in the home for self-defense, each of the seven Brumby children learned gun safety at an appropriate age, Clayton Brumby said."

But you, like Jillian, miss the point.

He's not blaming the firearm, he's blaming himself
For actual perspective.......357,000,000 guns in private hands....accidental gun deaths in 2015....586....

To imagine this...there are 320,000,000 people in the entire United take the U.S. and remove all of the people....from sea to shining sea....then put 586 people back the entire continent.....that is the reality of accidental gun deaths.....

Cars...accidentally kill 33,000 people in 2014.......

Knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014......

That is a little perspective....

and....guns are used by AMericans 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives....even in mass shootings....
It's an unimaginable tragedy in their family,

What part is "unimaginable"? You can find stories quite regularly about kids being shot accidentally with a parents gun. Sometimes the kid shoots a parent. Or another kid. Sometimes themselves.

It's not even close to being unimaginable

More kids die in car accidents.....and we let 16 year olds drive them unsupervised...on public roads, in traffic....
And here is the reality.....

WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports

so, out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there was a grand total of 586 accidental gun deaths.....


accidental poisoning deaths......42,032

accidental car deaths.................33,736

accidental falling deaths..............31,959

accidental drowning deaths..........3,406

accidental machinery deaths............605

Accidental gun deaths.......................586
if we eliminate second floors we will never need stairs
One does not need a swimming pool to get a drink of water

swimming pools and second floors on houses are not necessary things

In many places second floors are necessary. Certainly if you have a two story you'd notice the stairs missing.

Many drown in lakes, ponds, and bathtubs. Bathing is far more a necessity than keeping around an suicide/accident machine.

second floors are not necessary

the abundance of single level dwellings tells us this

and I specifically mentioned swimming pools not lakes and rivers

and one does not need a tub as showers are always an option

Stairs are sure necessary if you have a two story house, and we have lots of them. How do you elimate two stories in crowded areas? Many cities have neighborhoods filled with them and small yards.

How do you eliminate lakes and oceans? Very young children do not take showers.

Now getting rid of guns, that would be easy by comparison. Most wouldn't even notice. Are you not getting it yet?

No you're the one not getting it

You are never going to eliminate guns

but you go ahead and try

It does seem like people will always be buying "protection" that often kills them or their family.

Twti......357,000,000 guns in private hands and 586 accidental deaths.....any rational human being sees the truth in those numbers...Americans are incredibly, amazingly responsible when it comes to so much....
it is the horror and tragedy that convinces me that people should not have guns-------TOO MANY SUCH ACCIDENTS----and they seem to get kids -----lots. The other 'accidents'---as in -----"I was cleaning the gun and suddenly it 'went off' " ----are probably murder
For Christ's sake more kids die falling down stairs than they do by gun accidents and even more die drowning in the home swimming pool

Accidents happen always have always will

If we eliminate stairs you can't get to the second floor. If we eliminate water we all die. If we eliminate guns most people wouldn't even notice. You are comparing necessary things to something unnecessary.

1,500,000 people a year would notice...since that is at least how many times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack.......

And Britain confiscated all of their guns...and their gun crime rate stayed the same.....and last year their violent crime rate rose 27%...and their gun crime rate rose 4%...... are wrong...
Stairs are sure necessary if you have a two story house, and we have lots of them. How do you elimate two stories in crowded areas? Many cities have neighborhoods filled with them and small yards.

How do you eliminate lakes and oceans? Very young children do not take showers.

Now getting rid of guns, that would be easy by comparison. Most wouldn't even notice. Are you not getting it yet?

No you're the one not getting it

You are never going to eliminate guns

but you go ahead and try

It does seem like people will always be buying "protection" that often kills them or their family.


Accidental gun deaths are actually quire rare

considering there are over 100 million people who own guns and about 600 accidental gun deaths per year that's .0006% of gun owners involved in an accidental death

If only everything had such a stellar safety record
Guns are very simple, don't point at someone and pull the trigger. Many of these accidental deaths happen while holstering or unholstering. They are like having a fatal accident while pulling your car out of the garage.

No there are not 100 million gun owners. It's like 30%of households, that is way less than 100 million.

Wrong......people are no longer answering anonymous surveys about keeping a gun in the home......the count is never going to show the true level of ownership...sales numbers and NICS checks are a better indicator of gun ownership and they are through the roof....June was another sales record for guns...

And wasn't all just 2 guys in Idaho buying millions of guns....

It is all the same gun nuts buying more guns.
it is the horror and tragedy that convinces me that people should not have guns-------TOO MANY SUCH ACCIDENTS----and they seem to get kids -----lots. The other 'accidents'---as in -----"I was cleaning the gun and suddenly it 'went off' " ----are probably murder
For Christ's sake more kids die falling down stairs than they do by gun accidents and even more die drowning in the home swimming pool

Accidents happen always have always will

If we eliminate stairs you can't get to the second floor. If we eliminate water we all die. If we eliminate guns most people wouldn't even notice. You are comparing necessary things to something unnecessary.

1,500,000 people a year would notice...since that is at least how many times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack.......

And Britain confiscated all of their guns...and their gun crime rate stayed the same.....and last year their violent crime rate rose 27%...and their gun crime rate rose 4%...... are wrong...

Your numbers are still a myth no matter how many times you repeat them. Nobody who can be taken seriously believes them.

How many accidental shooting deaths in Britain each year?
In many places second floors are necessary. Certainly if you have a two story you'd notice the stairs missing.

Many drown in lakes, ponds, and bathtubs. Bathing is far more a necessity than keeping around an suicide/accident machine.

second floors are not necessary

the abundance of single level dwellings tells us this

and I specifically mentioned swimming pools not lakes and rivers

and one does not need a tub as showers are always an option

Stairs are sure necessary if you have a two story house, and we have lots of them. How do you elimate two stories in crowded areas? Many cities have neighborhoods filled with them and small yards.

How do you eliminate lakes and oceans? Very young children do not take showers.

Now getting rid of guns, that would be easy by comparison. Most wouldn't even notice. Are you not getting it yet?

No you're the one not getting it

You are never going to eliminate guns

but you go ahead and try

It does seem like people will always be buying "protection" that often kills them or their family.

Twti......357,000,000 guns in private hands and 586 accidental deaths.....any rational human being sees the truth in those numbers...Americans are incredibly, amazingly responsible when it comes to so much....

No, the vast majority of guns are just sitting in storage. Gun ranges aren't that plentiful and the few we have aren't that busy. Most your accidents are the equivalent of a fatal car accident while backing out of the garage. People even get shot and killed at concealed carry class.
And here is the reality.....

WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports

so, out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there was a grand total of 586 accidental gun deaths.....


accidental poisoning deaths......42,032

accidental car deaths.................33,736

accidental falling deaths..............31,959

accidental drowning deaths..........3,406

accidental machinery deaths............605

Accidental gun deaths.......................586

How many people die if they don't eat?
second floors are not necessary

the abundance of single level dwellings tells us this

and I specifically mentioned swimming pools not lakes and rivers

and one does not need a tub as showers are always an option

Stairs are sure necessary if you have a two story house, and we have lots of them. How do you elimate two stories in crowded areas? Many cities have neighborhoods filled with them and small yards.

How do you eliminate lakes and oceans? Very young children do not take showers.

Now getting rid of guns, that would be easy by comparison. Most wouldn't even notice. Are you not getting it yet?

No you're the one not getting it

You are never going to eliminate guns

but you go ahead and try

It does seem like people will always be buying "protection" that often kills them or their family.


Accidental gun deaths are actually quire rare

considering there are over 100 million people who own guns and about 600 accidental gun deaths per year that's .0006% of gun owners involved in an accidental death

If only everything had such a stellar safety record
Guns are very simple, don't point at someone and pull the trigger. Many of these accidental deaths happen while holstering or unholstering. They are like having a fatal accident while pulling your car out of the garage.

No there are not 100 million gun owners. It's like 30%of households, that is way less than 100 million.
How many is many and how do you know that?

Seems to me "many" of these accidents happen when someone is careless. Oh, wait that's the very definition of accident isn't it?
second floors are not necessary

the abundance of single level dwellings tells us this

and I specifically mentioned swimming pools not lakes and rivers

and one does not need a tub as showers are always an option

Stairs are sure necessary if you have a two story house, and we have lots of them. How do you elimate two stories in crowded areas? Many cities have neighborhoods filled with them and small yards.

How do you eliminate lakes and oceans? Very young children do not take showers.

Now getting rid of guns, that would be easy by comparison. Most wouldn't even notice. Are you not getting it yet?

No you're the one not getting it

You are never going to eliminate guns

but you go ahead and try

It does seem like people will always be buying "protection" that often kills them or their family.


Accidental gun deaths are actually quire rare

considering there are over 100 million people who own guns and about 600 accidental gun deaths per year that's .0006% of gun owners involved in an accidental death

If only everything had such a stellar safety record
Guns are very simple, don't point at someone and pull the trigger. Many of these accidental deaths happen while holstering or unholstering. They are like having a fatal accident while pulling your car out of the garage.

No there are not 100 million gun owners. It's like 30%of households, that is way less than 100 million.

Sorry but you're wrong

in 2015 41% of US households surveyed said they had a gun
now how many of those that had a gun said they didn't?
Stairs are sure necessary if you have a two story house, and we have lots of them. How do you elimate two stories in crowded areas? Many cities have neighborhoods filled with them and small yards.

How do you eliminate lakes and oceans? Very young children do not take showers.

Now getting rid of guns, that would be easy by comparison. Most wouldn't even notice. Are you not getting it yet?

No you're the one not getting it

You are never going to eliminate guns

but you go ahead and try

It does seem like people will always be buying "protection" that often kills them or their family.


Accidental gun deaths are actually quire rare

considering there are over 100 million people who own guns and about 600 accidental gun deaths per year that's .0006% of gun owners involved in an accidental death

If only everything had such a stellar safety record
Guns are very simple, don't point at someone and pull the trigger. Many of these accidental deaths happen while holstering or unholstering. They are like having a fatal accident while pulling your car out of the garage.

No there are not 100 million gun owners. It's like 30%of households, that is way less than 100 million.
How many is many and how do you know that?

Seems to me "many" of these accidents happen when someone is careless. Oh, wait that's the very definition of accident isn't it?

And many happen like the OP, where the person claims to have trained in safety and yet someone still dead. But again people even get killed at concealed carry class. We don't need these people in public armed.
if we eliminate second floors we will never need stairs
One does not need a swimming pool to get a drink of water

swimming pools and second floors on houses are not necessary things

In many places second floors are necessary. Certainly if you have a two story you'd notice the stairs missing.

Many drown in lakes, ponds, and bathtubs. Bathing is far more a necessity than keeping around an suicide/accident machine.

second floors are not necessary

the abundance of single level dwellings tells us this

and I specifically mentioned swimming pools not lakes and rivers

and one does not need a tub as showers are always an option

Stairs are sure necessary if you have a two story house, and we have lots of them. How do you elimate two stories in crowded areas? Many cities have neighborhoods filled with them and small yards.

How do you eliminate lakes and oceans? Very young children do not take showers.

Now getting rid of guns, that would be easy by comparison. Most wouldn't even notice. Are you not getting it yet?
If they tried to confiscate guns, millions would die on both sides. dumb fucking moron

How is that? The gun nuts would kill themselves trying to draw?
never seen it happen and I have seen thousands of draws from holsters
The fact is it doesn't happen that often

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