Man shoots 14 year old son

And professionally trained drivers still have accidents
Well trained air force pilots still have accidents

It's the human variable and accidents can and will happen to anyone who is careless at any time regardless of training and experience

You are comparing guns to cars and planes? You can't be serious.

No you fucking MORON I am telling you that "well trained" people no matter what they are trained in still have accidents

It is the human variable and as long as that variable is present accidents will occur.

Well moron, guns are extremely simple. Don't point and pull the trigger. Yet the people you want armed in public can't get through carry class without killing someone. Why is that?

357,000,000 guns in private hands twti.

13,000,000 Americans now have concealed carry permits...

Accidental gun deaths..... 586

Whey you pull crap out of your ass, does it still hurt?
Of those 586 deaths, how many envolve innocent kids either being killed or doing the killing? At the end of the day you gun worshiping maggot, guns kill...end of fuckin story!!!
Funny how you say people with guns worship them

My guns are tools
Potentially dangerous tools but then again all my power tools are potentially dangerous as well

But I don't really think about them. I've had a gun since I was 16 (air guns since I was 8) and have been shooting since I was 8

I had safety drilled into me by my ex marine uncle to the point that even now over 30 years later it's second nature

When they're put away I don't think about them
When I use them at the range I am the safest guy I know
Sure sometimes people get careless and make mistakes but people do that with everything and accidents happen

That's life
No you fucking MORON I am telling you that "well trained" people no matter what they are trained in still have accidents

It is the human variable and as long as that variable is present accidents will occur.

Well moron, guns are extremely simple. Don't point and pull the trigger. Yet the people you want armed in public can't get through carry class without killing someone. Why is that?

357,000,000 guns in private hands twti.

13,000,000 Americans now have concealed carry permits...

Accidental gun deaths..... 586

Whey you pull crap out of your ass, does it still hurt?
Of those 586 deaths, how many envolve innocent kids either being killed or doing the killing? At the end of the day you gun worshiping maggot, guns kill...end of fuckin story!!!

Of the 586 Accidental gun deaths....48 were is in fact a number that is going down......compared to drowning...keep the gun, get rid of the large body of water in your yard....

Broker Version 9.4

Accidental death by cause for 2014.....ages <1-14. ( 320 million guns in private hands in 2013) (74.2 million children 2010 census)

Accidental gun...48 ( 2013...69) ( 2012...58) ( 2011...74)
Accidental drowning...647
Accidental car deaths...1,083
Accidental falls...53
1 person dying by a gun accidently, is one too other words, tell somebody that gives a damn about your stats, I don't!!

That's an unrealistic way to live your life

Is one person drowning in a pool one too many?
Is one person dying from falling down stairs one too many?

Less than 600 accidental deaths a year involving guns is a stellar record when you factor in the number of gun owners and the number of guns in this country

If only everything had such a record

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