Man shoots 14 year old son

So accidents have been increasing dramatically. We have more accidental firearm death than most countries have intentional homicides.

again so what?

And actually accidental gun deaths have decreased a couple years ago it was over 600 now it's 586

and again still a stellar safety record

Went from 505 to 586, that's a big gain. Nothing stellar about it, guns are simple. Most sit in storage. They are used very little.

So what?

Factoring in the number of guns and the number of gun owners and the fact that a lot of these accidents involve someone handling a gun without without the knowledge or permission of the owner still makes the chance of an accident unlikely

So accidents have been increasing dramatically. We have more accidental firearm death than most countries have intentional homicides.

again so what?

And actually accidental gun deaths have decreased a couple years ago it was over 600 now it's 586

and again still a stellar safety record

Went from 505 to 586, that's a big gain. Nothing stellar about it, guns are simple. Most sit in storage. They are used very little.

So what?

Factoring in the number of guns and the number of gun owners and the fact that a lot of these accidents involve someone handling a gun without without the knowledge or permission of the owner still makes the chance of an accident unlikely
Our accidental death rate is like the highest in the world, that is not stellar.

So accidents have been increasing dramatically. We have more accidental firearm death than most countries have intentional homicides.

again so what?

And actually accidental gun deaths have decreased a couple years ago it was over 600 now it's 586

and again still a stellar safety record

Went from 505 to 586, that's a big gain. Nothing stellar about it, guns are simple. Most sit in storage. They are used very little.

So what?

Factoring in the number of guns and the number of gun owners and the fact that a lot of these accidents involve someone handling a gun without without the knowledge or permission of the owner still makes the chance of an accident unlikely
Our accidental death rate is like the highest in the world, that is not stellar.

So what? I really don't give a flying fuck about the rest of the world so that argument has no traction
So accidents have been increasing dramatically. We have more accidental firearm death than most countries have intentional homicides.

again so what?

And actually accidental gun deaths have decreased a couple years ago it was over 600 now it's 586

and again still a stellar safety record

Went from 505 to 586, that's a big gain. Nothing stellar about it, guns are simple. Most sit in storage. They are used very little.

So what?

Factoring in the number of guns and the number of gun owners and the fact that a lot of these accidents involve someone handling a gun without without the knowledge or permission of the owner still makes the chance of an accident unlikely
Our accidental death rate is like the highest in the world, that is not stellar.

So what? I really don't give a flying fuck about the rest of the world so that argument has no traction

Yes what a hero you are.
again so what?

And actually accidental gun deaths have decreased a couple years ago it was over 600 now it's 586

and again still a stellar safety record

Went from 505 to 586, that's a big gain. Nothing stellar about it, guns are simple. Most sit in storage. They are used very little.

So what?

Factoring in the number of guns and the number of gun owners and the fact that a lot of these accidents involve someone handling a gun without without the knowledge or permission of the owner still makes the chance of an accident unlikely
Our accidental death rate is like the highest in the world, that is not stellar.

So what? I really don't give a flying fuck about the rest of the world so that argument has no traction

Yes what a hero you are.
Gee I don't live my life by statistics or by what other people do in other countries

Hard to imagine for someone like you isn't it?
it is the horror and tragedy that convinces me that people should not have guns-------TOO MANY SUCH ACCIDENTS----and they seem to get kids -----lots. The other 'accidents'---as in -----"I was cleaning the gun and suddenly it 'went off' " ----are probably murder
For Christ's sake more kids die falling down stairs than they do by gun accidents and even more die drowning in the home swimming pool

Accidents happen always have always will

If we eliminate stairs you can't get to the second floor. If we eliminate water we all die. If we eliminate guns most people wouldn't even notice. You are comparing necessary things to something unnecessary.

1,500,000 people a year would notice...since that is at least how many times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack.......

And Britain confiscated all of their guns...and their gun crime rate stayed the same.....and last year their violent crime rate rose 27%...and their gun crime rate rose 4%...... are wrong...

Your numbers are still a myth no matter how many times you repeat them. Nobody who can be taken seriously believes them.

How many accidental shooting deaths in Britain each year?

You have seen all of the both government and private researchers...trained researchers who specialize in research.....and then you deny it .....making you a troll and a liar.....

Accidental shooting deaths....doesn't matter.....Americans with 357,000,000 guns in private hands had 586 accidental gun deaths in 2014....

Car deaths, over 33,000......
And here is the reality.....

WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports

so, out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there was a grand total of 586 accidental gun deaths.....


accidental poisoning deaths......42,032

accidental car deaths.................33,736

accidental falling deaths..............31,959

accidental drowning deaths..........3,406

accidental machinery deaths............605

Accidental gun deaths.......................586

How many people die if they don't eat?

And of course let us examine the deaths 33,736...and we let 16 year olds drive without supervision on public roads........

And here is the reality.....

WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports

so, out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there was a grand total of 586 accidental gun deaths.....


accidental poisoning deaths......42,032

accidental car deaths.................33,736

accidental falling deaths..............31,959

accidental drowning deaths..........3,406

accidental machinery deaths............605

Accidental gun deaths.......................586
Stairs are sure necessary if you have a two story house, and we have lots of them. How do you elimate two stories in crowded areas? Many cities have neighborhoods filled with them and small yards.

How do you eliminate lakes and oceans? Very young children do not take showers.

Now getting rid of guns, that would be easy by comparison. Most wouldn't even notice. Are you not getting it yet?

No you're the one not getting it

You are never going to eliminate guns

but you go ahead and try

It does seem like people will always be buying "protection" that often kills them or their family.


Accidental gun deaths are actually quire rare

considering there are over 100 million people who own guns and about 600 accidental gun deaths per year that's .0006% of gun owners involved in an accidental death

If only everything had such a stellar safety record
Guns are very simple, don't point at someone and pull the trigger. Many of these accidental deaths happen while holstering or unholstering. They are like having a fatal accident while pulling your car out of the garage.

No there are not 100 million gun owners. It's like 30%of households, that is way less than 100 million.

OK so once again I actually did the math

In 2014 41% of households reported having at least one gun. The average household consists of 2.58 people. There were an estimated 124.6 million households in 2015

That's 321.468 million people

41% of them say they have a gun at home

that's 131.8 million

Thank a history major....math is scary......
But the declining rates of gun ownership across three major national surveys suggest a different explanation: that most of the rise in gun purchases is driven by existing gun owners stocking up, rather than by people buying their first gun. A Washington Post analysis last year found that the average American gun owner now owns approximately eight firearms, double the number in the 1990s.

American gun ownership drops to lowest in nearly 40 years

Again...the General Social an anti gun polling group, the guy who runs it stated he hopes by showing fewer people own guns will mean more gun control........
How many is many and how do you know that?

Seems to me "many" of these accidents happen when someone is careless. Oh, wait that's the very definition of accident isn't it?

And many happen like the OP, where the person claims to have trained in safety and yet someone still dead. But again people even get killed at concealed carry class. We don't need these people in public armed.

And professionally trained drivers still have accidents
Well trained air force pilots still have accidents

It's the human variable and accidents can and will happen to anyone who is careless at any time regardless of training and experience

You are comparing guns to cars and planes? You can't be serious.

No you fucking MORON I am telling you that "well trained" people no matter what they are trained in still have accidents

It is the human variable and as long as that variable is present accidents will occur.

Well moron, guns are extremely simple. Don't point and pull the trigger. Yet the people you want armed in public can't get through carry class without killing someone. Why is that?

357,000,000 guns in private hands twti.

13,000,000 Americans now have concealed carry permits...

Accidental gun deaths..... 586

Whey you pull crap out of your ass, does it still hurt?

So accidents have been increasing dramatically. We have more accidental firearm death than most countries have intentional homicides.

in 3012.....320,000,000 guns in private hands....505 accidental gun deaths....

in2014.....357,000,000 guns in private hands....586 accidental gun deaths....

and increase of 81 deaths for an increase in 37,000,000 guns in private hands.....

you are a troll, a liar and a vile person.

So accidents have been increasing dramatically. We have more accidental firearm death than most countries have intentional homicides.

again so what?

And actually accidental gun deaths have decreased a couple years ago it was over 600 now it's 586

and again still a stellar safety record

Went from 505 to 586, that's a big gain. Nothing stellar about it, guns are simple. Most sit in storage. They are used very little.

So what?

Factoring in the number of guns and the number of gun owners and the fact that a lot of these accidents involve someone handling a gun without without the knowledge or permission of the owner still makes the chance of an accident unlikely
Our accidental death rate is like the highest in the world, that is not stellar.

Wrong...we don't know the accidental gun death rate among the police and military allies of the drug cartels in Mexico....we do know that they murder 10s of thousands of Mexican citizens each year.....a lot more than 586 accidental gun deaths....not having guns is far more dangerous.....
In a country with 357,000,000 guns in private hands....

586 gun accidental deaths....

A country where civilians cannot have guns....Mexico.....police and the military working for the drug cartels.....164,000 unarmed people murdered between 2007-2014.....

I think we are far safer with guns than without.....

The Staggering Death Toll of Mexico's Drug War

Last week, the Mexican government released new data showing that between 2007 and 2014 — a period that accounts for some of the bloodiest years of the nation’s war against the drug cartels — more than 164,000 people were victims of homicide. Nearly 20,000 died last year alone, a substantial number, but still a decrease from the 27,000 killed at the peak of fighting in 2011.

Over the same seven-year period, slightly more than 103,000 died in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to data from the United Nations and the website Iraq Body Count.


Mexico... 27,000 murdered by police, military and the drug cartels.

America....586 accidental gun deaths...

Freedom isn't free ....and a society where only the military and police have guns...deadly...
Went from 505 to 586, that's a big gain. Nothing stellar about it, guns are simple. Most sit in storage. They are used very little.

So what?

Factoring in the number of guns and the number of gun owners and the fact that a lot of these accidents involve someone handling a gun without without the knowledge or permission of the owner still makes the chance of an accident unlikely
Our accidental death rate is like the highest in the world, that is not stellar.

So what? I really don't give a flying fuck about the rest of the world so that argument has no traction

Yes what a hero you are.
Gee I don't live my life by statistics or by what other people do in other countries

Hard to imagine for someone like you isn't it?

I'm not surprised. Gun nuts are selfish with no concern for public safety.
it is the horror and tragedy that convinces me that people should not have guns-------TOO MANY SUCH ACCIDENTS----and they seem to get kids -----lots. The other 'accidents'---as in -----"I was cleaning the gun and suddenly it 'went off' " ----are probably murder
For Christ's sake more kids die falling down stairs than they do by gun accidents and even more die drowning in the home swimming pool

Accidents happen always have always will

If we eliminate stairs you can't get to the second floor. If we eliminate water we all die. If we eliminate guns most people wouldn't even notice. You are comparing necessary things to something unnecessary.

1,500,000 people a year would notice...since that is at least how many times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack.......

And Britain confiscated all of their guns...and their gun crime rate stayed the same.....and last year their violent crime rate rose 27%...and their gun crime rate rose 4%...... are wrong...

Your numbers are still a myth no matter how many times you repeat them. Nobody who can be taken seriously believes them.

How many accidental shooting deaths in Britain each year?

You have seen all of the both government and private researchers...trained researchers who specialize in research.....and then you deny it .....making you a troll and a liar.....

Accidental shooting deaths....doesn't matter.....Americans with 357,000,000 guns in private hands had 586 accidental gun deaths in 2014....

Car deaths, over 33,000......

Academics don't take your claims seriously either.
And here is the reality.....

WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports

so, out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there was a grand total of 586 accidental gun deaths.....


accidental poisoning deaths......42,032

accidental car deaths.................33,736

accidental falling deaths..............31,959

accidental drowning deaths..........3,406

accidental machinery deaths............605

Accidental gun deaths.......................586

How many people die if they don't eat?

And of course let us examine the deaths 33,736...and we let 16 year olds drive without supervision on public roads........

And here is the reality.....

WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports

so, out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there was a grand total of 586 accidental gun deaths.....


accidental poisoning deaths......42,032

accidental car deaths.................33,736

accidental falling deaths..............31,959

accidental drowning deaths..........3,406

accidental machinery deaths............605

Accidental gun deaths.......................586

And guns are by far the least used on the list.
In a country with 357,000,000 guns in private hands....

586 gun accidental deaths....

A country where civilians cannot have guns....Mexico.....police and the military working for the drug cartels.....164,000 unarmed people murdered between 2007-2014.....

I think we are far safer with guns than without.....

The Staggering Death Toll of Mexico's Drug War

Last week, the Mexican government released new data showing that between 2007 and 2014 — a period that accounts for some of the bloodiest years of the nation’s war against the drug cartels — more than 164,000 people were victims of homicide. Nearly 20,000 died last year alone, a substantial number, but still a decrease from the 27,000 killed at the peak of fighting in 2011.

Over the same seven-year period, slightly more than 103,000 died in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to data from the United Nations and the website Iraq Body Count.


Mexico... 27,000 murdered by police, military and the drug cartels.

America....586 accidental gun deaths...

Freedom isn't free ....and a society where only the military and police have guns...deadly...

As you already know, gun ownership is legal in Mexico.
it is the horror and tragedy that convinces me that people should not have guns-------TOO MANY SUCH ACCIDENTS----and they seem to get kids -----lots. The other 'accidents'---as in -----"I was cleaning the gun and suddenly it 'went off' " ----are probably murder
For Christ's sake more kids die falling down stairs than they do by gun accidents and even more die drowning in the home swimming pool

Accidents happen always have always will

Awesome. You find the statistics compelling. This time.
if we eliminate second floors we will never need stairs
One does not need a swimming pool to get a drink of water

swimming pools and second floors on houses are not necessary things

In many places second floors are necessary. Certainly if you have a two story you'd notice the stairs missing.

Many drown in lakes, ponds, and bathtubs. Bathing is far more a necessity than keeping around an suicide/accident machine.

second floors are not necessary

the abundance of single level dwellings tells us this

and I specifically mentioned swimming pools not lakes and rivers

and one does not need a tub as showers are always an option

Stairs are sure necessary if you have a two story house, and we have lots of them. How do you elimate two stories in crowded areas? Many cities have neighborhoods filled with them and small yards.

How do you eliminate lakes and oceans? Very young children do not take showers.

Now getting rid of guns, that would be easy by comparison. Most wouldn't even notice. Are you not getting it yet?
If they tried to confiscate guns, millions would die on both sides. dumb fucking moron

How is that? The gun nuts would kill themselves trying to draw?
Millions would die before allowing the Federal government to confiscate weapons, millions would trying to confiscate those who will die before allowing confiscation... Dip shit

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