Man shoots up Florida School Board meeting

Stupidity? Please feel free to post your link to that information.

How many ex cops do you know? Every single cop and ex cop I know carries all the time, unless the law or their employment policy prohibits it, and sometimes even if it does. Since he was not openly carrying because he was not wearing a uniform the school board probably prohibited him from carrying in the office. Since Florida is a take your gun to work state (Unless you work at a place where concealed carrying is prohibited) the only conceivable reason for him not to carry at work is if it is policy for him not to.

This is known as deductive reasoning. It might not carry the force of a link, but it is just as valid.
Not really...the meeting was after hours and he may or may not have still been on duty. Or he may not have expected trouble so he took his gun off and stowed it.

I'd like to see the actual policy if you don't mind.

If you show me how to hack into their computers to find confidential school policy statements I will be glad to past it, otherwise you are going to have to look for yourself. Until then you will rely on my possibly wrong deductive reasoning.
How many ex cops do you know? Every single cop and ex cop I know carries all the time, unless the law or their employment policy prohibits it, and sometimes even if it does. Since he was not openly carrying because he was not wearing a uniform the school board probably prohibited him from carrying in the office. Since Florida is a take your gun to work state (Unless you work at a place where concealed carrying is prohibited) the only conceivable reason for him not to carry at work is if it is policy for him not to.

This is known as deductive reasoning. It might not carry the force of a link, but it is just as valid.
Not really...the meeting was after hours and he may or may not have still been on duty. Or he may not have expected trouble so he took his gun off and stowed it.

I'd like to see the actual policy if you don't mind.

If you show me how to hack into their computers to find confidential school policy statements I will be glad to past it, otherwise you are going to have to look for yourself. Until then you will rely on my possibly wrong deductive reasoning.
Also, the school board usually meets in an administrative building...not a school.
I don't believe the nutcase even wanted to hit anyone.

His entire Idea was suicide, he missed on purpose.

Of course I could be wrong, but his second shot was at the floor, then he was hit and fired 2 more shots, but not at the security guard who hit him, but at the wall where people were diving under the desk.
I don't believe the nutcase even wanted to hit anyone.

His entire Idea was suicide, he missed on purpose.

Of course I could be wrong, but his second shot was at the floor, then he was hit and fired 2 more shots, but not at the security guard who hit him, but at the wall where people were diving under the desk.

I think you are right that he missed on purpose. He could have stepped up to point blank range if he chose. I am not sure he knew the security guard was armed though, but the fact that he chose suicide while not badly wounded indicates his intent all along was to be killed
I don't believe the nutcase even wanted to hit anyone.

His entire Idea was suicide, he missed on purpose.

Of course I could be wrong, but his second shot was at the floor, then he was hit and fired 2 more shots, but not at the security guard who hit him, but at the wall where people were diving under the desk.

Well, I'm damn sure glad he got his Christmas wish.
Not really...the meeting was after hours and he may or may not have still been on duty. Or he may not have expected trouble so he took his gun off and stowed it.

I'd like to see the actual policy if you don't mind.

If you show me how to hack into their computers to find confidential school policy statements I will be glad to past it, otherwise you are going to have to look for yourself. Until then you will rely on my possibly wrong deductive reasoning.
Also, the school board usually meets in an administrative building...not a school.

School property is school property, or did you think that local politicians have more common sense? If you did I would point out that ConHog is a member of his local school board.
I don't believe the nutcase even wanted to hit anyone.

His entire Idea was suicide, he missed on purpose.

Of course I could be wrong, but his second shot was at the floor, then he was hit and fired 2 more shots, but not at the security guard who hit him, but at the wall where people were diving under the desk.

He wanted to hit them. He was a lousy shot. Thank goodness.
Makes no sense.

You can't eat a pen, a rock, a baseball bat or a plethora of other things. Are you telling me you never pick any of those things up?

A weapon is a tool nothing more. If you refuse to use a tool to protect yourself and your family from those that would do you or them harm, that's your choice. You have no business telling others they must follow your example.

I've had several friends killed by guns.

So it's my business to make sure that practice doesn't continue. I'm not resorting to violence. I am however..advocating an end to gun violence. Through my vote and voice.

And it's well within my rights.

Excuse me but they were killed by other people.

And if they were carrying they might not have been helpless victims. Typical of a libby though to want to deny everyone the right to protect themselves because they refuse to.

They weren't "helpless" victims. One guy beat the crap out his murderer..before the guy resorted to shooting him. And he had to shoot my friend several times before he stopped. The idiot was trying to rob my bad he was able to get control back of the gun.
I've had several friends killed by guns.

So it's my business to make sure that practice doesn't continue. I'm not resorting to violence. I am however..advocating an end to gun violence. Through my vote and voice.

And it's well within my rights.

Excuse me but they were killed by other people.

And if they were carrying they might not have been helpless victims. Typical of a libby though to want to deny everyone the right to protect themselves because they refuse to.

They weren't "helpless" victims. One guy beat the crap out his murderer..before the guy resorted to shooting him. And he had to shoot my friend several times before he stopped. The idiot was trying to rob my bad he was able to get control back of the gun.
I doubt that criminal legally owned and carried his firearm.

Obviously he didn't.

I'm no fan of guns, but we need to get a grip on illegal possession and carry and leave law abiding citizens alone.
Crime & Courts
Fla. School Official: God Protected Me During Shooting

A gunman calmly walked to a podium, spray painted a red "V'' with a circle around it on a wall and opened fire at Panama City school board members Tuesday, sending people scrambling and diving for cover.

So what was that "V" supposed to mean anyway...???

I don't know. I can tell you that the guy who shot him is a local hero before this happened. He's an ex cop who spends all his spare time re furbishing bikes for kids that don't have them. He was working as a security officer at the school board and was sitting in his office. He had to leave his office and go outside to his car to get his gun and his vest. See? The criminals are the only one's who are allowed on school property with a gun. That's just bullshit.

Our school has armed police on campus............ They don't have to leave their weapon in their vehicle, oh and I'm armed (usually) when I'm on campus to.
I've had several friends killed by guns.

So it's my business to make sure that practice doesn't continue. I'm not resorting to violence. I am however..advocating an end to gun violence. Through my vote and voice.

And it's well within my rights.

Excuse me but they were killed by other people.

And if they were carrying they might not have been helpless victims. Typical of a libby though to want to deny everyone the right to protect themselves because they refuse to.

They weren't "helpless" victims. One guy beat the crap out his murderer..before the guy resorted to shooting him. And he had to shoot my friend several times before he stopped. The idiot was trying to rob my bad he was able to get control back of the gun.

Yeah, I've had friends killed by guns too, and I carry more often than not.
Not really...the meeting was after hours and he may or may not have still been on duty. Or he may not have expected trouble so he took his gun off and stowed it.

I'd like to see the actual policy if you don't mind.

If you show me how to hack into their computers to find confidential school policy statements I will be glad to past it, otherwise you are going to have to look for yourself. Until then you will rely on my possibly wrong deductive reasoning.
Also, the school board usually meets in an administrative building...not a school.

Actually, an administration building is still considered to be part of the school for purposes of rules.

I would say the reason he had to go to his vehicle to get his gun is that his job requirements don't call for him to be carrying a weapon but he has one in his personal vehicle anyway. That is not the same as saying the school had a policy dictating that he COULDN'T carry one.

AND for your information, MANY active duty detectives do not carry a weapon in their day to day duties. They have one in their vehicle in case they need one, but they don't carry one. Reason being, they are usually in soft clothes, and carrying a concealed weapon is not comfortable.
If you show me how to hack into their computers to find confidential school policy statements I will be glad to past it, otherwise you are going to have to look for yourself. Until then you will rely on my possibly wrong deductive reasoning.
Also, the school board usually meets in an administrative building...not a school.

School property is school property, or did you think that local politicians have more common sense? If you did I would point out that ConHog is a member of his local school board.
:lol: That's funny.

I was told by Willow that he couldn't carry a gun at school. I am still waiting to see proof of that.

And no, and administrative building is not a school.
Also, the school board usually meets in an administrative building...not a school.

School property is school property, or did you think that local politicians have more common sense? If you did I would point out that ConHog is a member of his local school board.
:lol: That's funny.

I was told by Willow that he couldn't carry a gun at school. I am still waiting to see proof of that.

And no, and administrative building is not a school.

Laws which apply to school apply to school property, not just the actual classroom area. Example, you can't smoke on school property, including the football stadium.
School property is school property, or did you think that local politicians have more common sense? If you did I would point out that ConHog is a member of his local school board.
:lol: That's funny.

I was told by Willow that he couldn't carry a gun at school. I am still waiting to see proof of that.

And no, and administrative building is not a school.

Laws which apply to school apply to school property, not just the actual classroom area. Example, you can't smoke on school property, including the football stadium.
What law? This is Florida and I doubt there is such a law.
:lol: That's funny.

I was told by Willow that he couldn't carry a gun at school. I am still waiting to see proof of that.

And no, and administrative building is not a school.

Laws which apply to school apply to school property, not just the actual classroom area. Example, you can't smoke on school property, including the football stadium.
What law? This is Florida and I doubt there is such a law.

Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994

However, there are of course exceptions, LEO for example.

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