Man threatens to commit mass murder against CNN


The male "knowingly and willfully transmitted in interstate and foreign commerce a cellular phone communication to Cable News Network (CNN), and that communication contained a threat to injure employees of CNN, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §875(c)."

Probable cause. Agent Smith found the number in an online database and analyzed the recorded audio.

Fucking idiots. Fake news, fake criminal charge.

Proper response: keep an eye on the situation for a while, try to find out why the man is so angry; maybe he had too much to drink or CNN spiked his coffee or something like that, or, like most Americans, he was angry at the fake news. If the man presents a credible threat, keep an eye on the general situation, not on him alone, and if not, drop it and move on, because you have more important work to do at the FBI.

CNN is a big company with plenty of competent private security and plenty of competent private investigators; they do not need to be molly-coddled by the FBI like some cute girl with a complaint that some guy is like sort of creepy and she just doesn't want to see him around her block.

The male "knowingly and willfully transmitted in interstate and foreign commerce a cellular phone communication to Cable News Network (CNN), and that communication contained a threat to injure employees of CNN, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §875(c)."

Probable cause. Agent Smith found the number in an online database and analyzed the recorded audio.

Fucking idiots. Fake news, fake criminal charge.

Proper response: keep an eye on the situation for a while, try to find out why the man is so angry; maybe he had too much to drink or CNN spiked his coffee or something like that, or, like most Americans, he was angry at the fake news. If the man presents a credible threat, keep an eye on the general situation, not on him alone, and if not, drop it and move on, because you have more important work to do at the FBI.

CNN is a big company with plenty of competent private security and plenty of competent private investigators; they do not need to be molly-coddled by the FBI like some cute girl with a complaint that some guy is like sort of creepy and she just doesn't want to see him around her block.
So then someone can threaten the occupants of the White House, because there are many Secret Service personnel around? That would seem to be your conclusion.
CNN is doing a great job killing itself! It has been in a ratings free-fall for the last year. Why fix something that is working?
So then someone can threaten the occupants of the White House,

The last time someone threatened a president, it was because he had some of his female family members lobotomized because their thinking was not in line with the Democratic Party.

Remember Rosemary Kennedy and Jackie Onassis? Lobotomized at JFK's orders.

because there are many Secret Service personnel around?

They're too busy chasing fake $100 bills after Kim Jong-Il and now Kim Jong-Un somehow obtained possession of the intaglio presses and special cotton rag paper, plastic strips, and holographic ink and all that paraphernalia from the Treasury Department so that they can now print undetectable illegitimate U.S. money with abandon, and meanwhile the Fed contemplates raising interest rates while denying that any inflation is taking place.

More fucking idiots flashing badges, and half of them are from Russia or China nowadays in our government, after they hacked OPM.

The male "knowingly and willfully transmitted in interstate and foreign commerce a cellular phone communication to Cable News Network (CNN), and that communication contained a threat to injure employees of CNN, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §875(c)."

Probable cause. Agent Smith found the number in an online database and analyzed the recorded audio.

Fucking idiots. Fake news, fake criminal charge.

Proper response: keep an eye on the situation for a while, try to find out why the man is so angry; maybe he had too much to drink or CNN spiked his coffee or something like that, or, like most Americans, he was angry at the fake news. If the man presents a credible threat, keep an eye on the general situation, not on him alone, and if not, drop it and move on, because you have more important work to do at the FBI.

CNN is a big company with plenty of competent private security and plenty of competent private investigators; they do not need to be molly-coddled by the FBI like some cute girl with a complaint that some guy is like sort of creepy and she just doesn't want to see him around her block.
And you can type all that shit with a straight face, can you?
CNN is doing a great job killing itself! It has been in a ratings free-fall for the last year. Why fix something that is working?


Trump is wrong. CNN's ratings are up.
You're the fool, fool. CNN hardly makes the top ten now.

Fox News Is Cable’s Most-Watched Network in Total Day; Hannity Is No. 1 on Cable News

Here’s a look at basic cable’s five-most-watched networks for the week of Sept. 25:

Basic Cable Top 5 – Prime Time (total viewers)

  1. ESPN (3,142,000)
  2. Fox News (2,290,000)
  3. MSNBC (1,676,000)
  4. USA (1,364,000)
  5. HGTV (1,160,000)
Basic Cable Top 5 – Total Day (total viewers

  1. Fox News (1,351,000)
  2. ESPN (1,038,000)
  3. Nickelodeon (979,000)
  4. MSNBC (921,000)
  5. Adult Swim (738,000)
Elsewhere in the cable news landscape, CNBC was a top 40 basic cable network in prime time this past week. The network posted +9 percent prime time viewer growth, and +1 percent total day viewer growth versus the same week last year.

Fox Business Network continues to lead CNBC in total Business Day viewers, and it won the category this past week: 192,000 to 150,000.

CNN Now Losing To Nick-At-Nite In Prime Time Ratings War


Last week, more Americans tuned in to watch re-runs of “Yogi Bear,” “Full House,” and “Friends” on Nick At Nite than to watch Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon’s shows on CNN.

According to cable ratings from the week of June 26-July 2, CNN’s viewership of its primetime shows was ranked significantly lower than its competitors like Fox News and MSNBC, which place first and second respectively. Clocking in at No. 10 on the list, CNN fell behind HGTV, Nick At Nite, History Channel, and ESPN — the sports network that’s been hemorrhaging viewers for months.

The male "knowingly and willfully transmitted in interstate and foreign commerce a cellular phone communication to Cable News Network (CNN), and that communication contained a threat to injure employees of CNN, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §875(c)."

Probable cause. Agent Smith found the number in an online database and analyzed the recorded audio.

Fucking idiots. Fake news, fake criminal charge.

Proper response: keep an eye on the situation for a while, try to find out why the man is so angry; maybe he had too much to drink or CNN spiked his coffee or something like that, or, like most Americans, he was angry at the fake news. If the man presents a credible threat, keep an eye on the general situation, not on him alone, and if not, drop it and move on, because you have more important work to do at the FBI.

CNN is a big company with plenty of competent private security and plenty of competent private investigators; they do not need to be molly-coddled by the FBI like some cute girl with a complaint that some guy is like sort of creepy and she just doesn't want to see him around her block.

Acting on a threat of terrorism is not "molly-coddling" the recipients. Making terrorist threats is no laughing matter. I hope that they check his hard drive and electronic trail. He could be involved, but not necessarily, with a terrorist group.
Acting on a threat of terrorism is not "molly-coddling" the recipients. Making terrorist threats is no laughing matter.

A "threat" is an actual danger, alleged in good faith.

There is no good faith in these allegations. That CNN paper boy cried wolf already.

In the eighties, when I was a schoolchild, both boys and girls would yell things like, "You're dead meat!" or "I'm going to kill you for that!" Such phrases were more like an acknowledgement of a comeback for a joke than anything, and no one interpreted such common sayings as a "threat."

The eighties were kinder and gentler, and men still had freedom of speech back then. Nowadays, men are required to abide by the "reasonable whore" standard, whereby any speech that makes a "reasonable whore" feel scared or hurt is a felony threat.

Nowadays, men who say things like that, only jokingly are accused of "terrorism" which by definition is the crime of making a girl feel scared.

Listen, Ms. Howling Wolf, if an otherwise attractive man says something like, "I'm going to blow myself up and kill a bunch of people!" but makes no move to do so, then that person is not a threat.

Hang up the phone, bitch, stop eavesdropping, get out of the man's bed, let him have his space, stay off his property, and focus on actual threats to your own life and well-being, because there will be such if you don't stop this nonsense. And you cried wolf already, you don't get a law enforcement response for that.
Acting on a threat of terrorism is not "molly-coddling" the recipients. Making terrorist threats is no laughing matter.

A "threat" is an actual danger, alleged in good faith.

There is no good faith in these allegations. That CNN paper boy cried wolf already.

In the eighties, when I was a schoolchild, both boys and girls would yell things like, "You're dead meat!" or "I'm going to kill you for that!" Such phrases were more like an acknowledgement of a comeback for a joke than anything, and no one interpreted such common sayings as a "threat."

The eighties were kinder and gentler, and men still had freedom of speech back then. Nowadays, men are required to abide by the "reasonable whore" standard, whereby any speech that makes a "reasonable whore" feel scared or hurt is a felony threat.

Nowadays, men who say things like that, only jokingly are accused of "terrorism" which by definition is the crime of making a girl feel scared.

Listen, Ms. Howling Wolf, if an otherwise attractive man says something like, "I'm going to blow myself up and kill a bunch of people!" but makes no move to do so, then that person is not a threat.

Hang up the phone, bitch, stop eavesdropping, get out of the man's bed, let him have his space, stay off his property, and focus on actual threats to your own life and well-being, because there will be such if you don't stop this nonsense. And you cried wolf already, you don't get a law enforcement response for that.

You are completely weird. According to the article, he made 22 calls to the CNN offices. The FBI apparently found probable cause to arrest him. Why does this have anything to do with sex, with me or anyone else? You seem to have a sex hang-up of some sort. You should see someone about that.
According to the article, he made 22 calls to the CNN offices.

In this case law enforcement also failed in their duty to warn. They could have paid the man a polite visit and warned him of CNN's intention to file criminal charges. Otherwise, well, CNN could have simply blocked his number if the calls were distracting them from their work. This failure of the duty to warn implies permission from both CNN and law enforcement to make the communications that he made.

Furthermore, the man's communications were apparently directed at a corporation, not to any specific natural person.

A corporation cannot legitimately be the victim of harassing or threatening communications, nor can several girls who all know each other suddenly "come forward" at the same time with vaguely criminal accusations that they feel "threatened" by "that guy" who "keeps calling," and expect to meet the standard of probable cause on their testimony, after having already discussed their prospective testimony and agreed on their story among themselves.

That would constitute perjury, false swearing, and obstruction of justice.

Finally, well, good luck getting news tips from the general public, if you are simply going to record the calls and turn them over to the police :/

The FBI apparently found probable cause to arrest him.

The original recording of calls took place without a warrant and without any bona fide investigation of possible actual terrorist activity, limiting the investigation to some communication that was possibly perceived to be threatening. Wholesale warrantless surveillance is inadmissible in court.

You are completely weird. ... Why does this have anything to do with sex, with me or anyone else? You seem to have a sex hang-up of some sort. You should see someone about that.

At least *I* am not trolling this forum for dates or sexual partners. I am simply not in mood for it until I can get all you creepy lezbo fascist communists off my back and out of my hair for good. Whether I am seeing someone or not is none of your business, and my relationship status is definitely not up for grabs.
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According to the article, he made 22 calls to the CNN offices.

In this case law enforcement also failed in their duty to warn. They could have paid the man a polite visit and warned him of CNN's intention to file criminal charges. Otherwise, well, CNN could have simply blocked his number if the calls were distracting them from their work. This failure of the duty to warn implies permission from both CNN and law enforcement to make the communications that he made.

Furthermore, the man's communications were apparently directed at a corporation, not to any specific natural person.

A corporation cannot legitimately be the victim of harassing or threatening communications, nor can several girls who all know each other suddenly "come forward" at the same time with vaguely criminal accusations that they feel "threatened" by "that guy" who "keeps calling," and expect to meet the standard of probable cause on their testimony, after having already discussed their prospective testimony and agreed on their story among themselves.

That would constitute perjury, false swearing, and obstruction of justice.

Finally, well, good luck getting news tips from the general public, if you are simply going to record the calls and turn them over to the police :/

The FBI apparently found probable cause to arrest him.

The original recording of calls took place without a warrant and without any bona fide investigation of possible actual terrorist activity, limiting the investigation to some communication that was possibly perceived to be threatening. Wholesale warrantless surveillance is inadmissible in court.

You are completely weird. ... Why does this have anything to do with sex, with me or anyone else? You seem to have a sex hang-up of some sort. You should see someone about that.

At least *I* am not trolling this forum for dates or sexual partners. I am simply not in mood for it until I can get all you creepy lezbo fascist communists off my back and out of my hair for good. Whether I am seeing someone or not is none of your business, and my relationship status is definitely not up for grabs.

I am simply not in mood for it until I can get all you creepy lezbo fascist communists off my back and out of my hair for good.
And you say that you don't have a sex problem! You are the one who wrote about "getting out of the man's bed" as such. Nobody else did. [Ref. Your post #16]

Your contentions are moronic. The FBI has no "duty to warn." You are misapplying the legal definition. It has to do with tort law, not criminal law enforcement. Outside of your wild imagination, I happen to be heterosexual, I am not a communist (you might want to look up the definition), and I only believe in socialism in a hybrid mix of socialism and capitalism.
This clown threatened to kill CNN employees, the "cast," who are natural persons. It is evident that you did not read the probable-cause affidavit. Also, any operator at CNN can recount what was said during the call to law-enforcement officers.
Why are you so intent on defending such a little bitch like this in the first place?
Stop slinging around legal terminology when you haven't any idea of what the terms mean.

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