Man Unable To Say "Muslim Terrorist Attack" Tells Israel No Ground Assault

[S'funny. You'd think that if Hamas were so concerned at innocent civilian casulaties they wouldn't be launching three to five hundred rockets a day into Israel from in the middle of where all these innocent civilians live.=

first... he did say "terrorist attack", you obama deranged toon.

second... even your article says the white house is "increasingly concerned" about the loss of life that would come from a ground war (as it should be) but says nothing about "TELLING" israel not to do what it has to do. trying to help de-escalate, for anyone normal, would be a positive thing.

but you aren't normal.

don't you people think it's time to get over the insanity?
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Terrorists from the Gaza Strip and West Bank shoot rockets into civilian areas to kill innocent civilians instead of taking on the IDF like real men. When the IDF roll in the tanks to fight them, the terrrorists then hide behind their women, children and world media daring the IDF to shoot back.

Meanwhile scum like this wannabe terrorist go on the internet lying about what is going on, just like what happened in Iraq. Saddam's goons and terrorists killed innocent Iraqis and blamed the US military...then scumbags like this wannabe terrorist went on Al Jazeera telling the world lies.

The wannabe terrorist doesn't know shit about the world outside his 7-11 job.

You're full of shit.

Israel launched this offensive, by assassinating a military chief and killing 8 Palestinians and hitting dozens of other places in Gaza. Two of them were children under the age of 5.

Palestinians have every right to respond and fire rockets back at Israel.

You're a coward and criminal supporting scum.

Fuck off!

after over 100 missiles hit israel.

maybe your people should stop firing at them.
The ring that Obama wears on his "ring finger' is an inscription of the Shahada, the Muslim declaration of faith." The Quran makes forty-three specific references to "Bani Isrāʾīl" (meaning: Muslims there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." Reference: Islam and antisemitism Wickopedia.
What do you expect Obama to do. But with 130 nuclear weapons, and a dozen German made nuclear missile bearing submarines, Israel is safe for now. In previous conflicts Israel has already made a commitment to go nuclear if their conventional forces can't hold an enemy invasion. With all of America's new armament Egypt is the concern. But if Egypt were successful against Israel on the ground. Her land forces would be vaporized. And if that was unsuccessful Alexandria and Cairo would be vaporized as well before Tel-Aviv or Jerusalem fell.
Obamination has no business telling Israel what to do.

They are being attacked by terrorists, so they have right to destroy the communities of those terrorists. Women and children living with their terrorist men need to suffer too.

In World War II we bombed the Nazi supporters, not just the Nazis. The war will never end when some of the enemy is protected from harm.

right because nothing is going to help us more in the Islamic World than women and children being blown up with American-Made bombs.
Actually, you're the tard. Hamas has been firing rockets into Israel to the tune of over 800 since 1/1/2012 alone.

Enough already.

Jew boy, use common sense and facts. Every time Hamas had fired rockets, it was in response to Israel attacks.

Israel fired thousands of missiles on Gaza this year. And they escalate the situation.

Quit lying to yourself. You're spoon fed by Fox News.

Bullshit sparky.

BBC has the time lines.

From Doctavian, Just a thought

In answer to your question "Just how militarily dominant, is Israel over her Muslim neighbors ?"

Good question:
I have had the pleasure to visit Israel. And the Israelis are some of the most decent people, that I have ever had the privilege to know. And they have a great respect for ALL human life. So they would NEVER EVER do this. But if they wanted to, by the proper placement and coordination of their Mediterranean, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf submarines,* and their airborne refuel-able fixed winged aircraft, (See Wickopedia, The Israeli Air force) They could vaporize every major city in (Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Lybia, Syria, and Iran) 30 targets versus 130 nuclear war heads, in under TEN MINUTES.

* See the u-tube "U 31 German Navy submarines" (Which are the type employed by the Israeli Navy) And since they are propelled by the energy derived from the oxygenation of hydrogen, they are even more quiet than American submarines. But because of their smaller size, they can only carry a fraction of the number of nuclear war heads that American subs can.)
Obamination has no business telling Israel what to do.

They are being attacked by terrorists, so they have right to destroy the communities of those terrorists. Women and children living with their terrorist men need to suffer too.

In World War II we bombed the Nazi supporters, not just the Nazis. The war will never end when some of the enemy is protected from harm.

Just a couple of thoughts on the topic: Yours Doctavian

The ring that Obama wears on his "ring finger' is an inscription of the Shahada, the Muslim declaration of faith." The Quran makes forty-three specific references to "Bani Isrāʾīl" (meaning: Muslims there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." Islam and antisemitism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What do you expect Obama to do. But with 130 nuclear weapons, and a dozen German made German nuclear missile bearing submarines, Israel is safe for now. In previous conflicts Israel has already made a commitment to go nuclear if their conventional forces can't hold an enemy invasion. With all of America's new armament Egypt is the concern. But if Egypt were successful against Israel on the ground. Her land forces would be vaporized. And if that was unsuccessful Alexandria and Cairo would be vaporized as well before Tel-Aviv or Jerusalem fell.


From Doctavian

One other thought.
In answer to your question "Just how militarily dominant, is Israel over her Muslim neighbors ?"

Good question:
I have had the pleasure to visit Israel. And the Israelis are some of the most decent people, that I have ever had the privilege to know. And they have a great respect for ALL human life. So they would NEVER EVER do this. But if they wanted to, by the proper placement and coordination of their Mediterranean, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf submarines,* and their airborne refuel-able fixed winged aircraft, (See Wickopedia, The Israeli Air force) They could vaporize every major city in (Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Lybia, Syria, and Iran) thats 30 targets versus 130 nuclear war heads, in under TEN MINUTES.

* See the u-tube "U 31 German Navy submarines" (Which are the type employed by the Israeli Navy) And since they are propelled by the energy derived from the oxygenation of hydrogen, they are even more quiet than American submarines. But because of their smaller size, they can only carry a fraction of the number of nuclear war heads that American subs can.)
The question I always ask whenever the Zionists get into a fight with their neighbors...

Why is this our problem again?
It will be interesting to see what the clown in the white house will do as this ecsalates. We he be following the words in his book "Dreams from my Father" ?
Terrorists from the Gaza Strip and West Bank shoot rockets into civilian areas to kill innocent civilians instead of taking on the IDF like real men. When the IDF roll in the tanks to fight them, the terrrorists then hide behind their women, children and world media daring the IDF to shoot back.

Meanwhile scum like this wannabe terrorist go on the internet lying about what is going on, just like what happened in Iraq. Saddam's goons and terrorists killed innocent Iraqis and blamed the US military...then scumbags like this wannabe terrorist went on Al Jazeera telling the world lies.

The wannabe terrorist doesn't know shit about the world outside his 7-11 job.

You're full of shit.

Israel launched this offensive, by assassinating a military chief and killing 8 Palestinians and hitting dozens of other places in Gaza. Two of them were children under the age of 5.

Palestinians have every right to respond and fire rockets back at Israel.

You're a coward and criminal supporting scum.

Fuck off!

after over 100 missiles hit israel.

maybe your people should stop firing at them.

Jillian, be honest with yourself for oneself.

Israel killed 4 civilians before that and killed a 12 year old boy before that.

Be honest with yourself. I'm losing respect for the Jewish community every time you people keep lying.

My neighbors in Gaza right behind my home there all got killed. Grandpa, family, all 4 children.

You target children and kill them.

Your country is a satanic country.
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All I see Jewish people denying their criminal actions, people, most of the people on any Israel related form on this board are Jewish.

Keep that in mind.
If anyone wans to know what the clown in the white house will do as this escalates, just read "Dreams from my Father"

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