Man unable to speak, walk see or breathe days after getting flu shot

My first flu shot was 14 years ago. I’ve been getting them every year since and haven’t had any issues.

Despite being in close proximity of known flu patients, I can also say I’ve never had the flu. :)
Do Flu Vaccines Work?
Despite claims regarding its protective benefits, the flu vaccine is not as effective as health officials want you to think. Every year the CDC evaluates the previous season’s flu activity and how well the vaccine worked — or didn’t. The CDC’s conclusion for the 2017-2018 season was that the vaccine’s overall adjusted effectiveness was an abysmal 36 percent. Broken down by virus strain, the estimated effectiveness was:45

•25 percent effective against the A(H3N2) virus

•67 percent effective against A(H1N1)pdm09 virus

•42 percent effective against influenza B viruses

In 2015, a CDC analysis46 revealed that, between 2005 and 2015, the flu vaccine was LESS than 50 percent effective more than half the time, so the 2017-2018 numbers really were no great surprise. For the 2018-2019 season, the CDC says the vaccines have been updated to “better match circulating viruses,” so they are hopeful the numbers will be better; however, they admit that previous studies have shown the vaccine is still usually only 40 percent to 60 percent effective.47

Flu Shot: Potential Side Effects and Dangers
It's easy to find an article that supports anything you want to believe.

I've been getting flu shots for many years. Not only have I not had any issues with the shot, I've never had the flu. :)

It's easy not to be dumb and realize " not just any article do I Pick" . these are known sources, doctors, and can be Proven with document information directly from either CDC , Official Doctors et.

You can't possibly be one of those who can't disipher legit information in a LIBRARY BIGGER THAN THE WORLD" . that's a lame excuse ......

Because most types like you can be given information from the GOV, CDC etc which legally can't be pushed as bs lies because it's not allowed. Mean gov. documents, legal cases dip shits will say that is just any old article too gawd .

Gulf war veterans were guinea pigs for untested vaccines; ordered to inject chemical poisons to supposedly 'build immunity' against biological WMDs

Yeah we the Gov. are just going to come right on out and tell you these vaccines haven't been tested on one gawd dam person.

Jesus cripe are you seriously that uninformed.
Just look at the idiots who oppose flu vaccines. It's a roster of USMB morons.
I dont think anyone should be telling anyone else one way or another... 100% voluntary is the only way to go.
Just look at the idiots who oppose flu vaccines. It's a roster of USMB morons.
I dont think anyone should be telling anyone else one way or another... 100% voluntary is the only way to go.

Adult flu vaccine? That's reasonable.

CDC Immunization Schedule? Fuck off. Get your kid vaccinated so he or she doesn't endanger other kids. Ya fucking moron.
Just look at the idiots who oppose flu vaccines. It's a roster of USMB morons.
I dont think anyone should be telling anyone else one way or another... 100% voluntary is the only way to go.

Adult flu vaccine? That's reasonable.

CDC Immunization Schedule? Fuck off. Get your kid vaccinated so he or she doesn't endanger other kids. Ya fucking moron.
Hell no!
It should up to the parents, millions receive no benefit from flu shots... and many are harmed.
A Las Vegas man lost his vision, became partially paralyzed and has been unable to breathe without assistance since getting a flu shot last month.
Man Unable to Speak, Walk, See or Breathe Days After Getting Flu Shot
View attachment 232948
From the mouths of suckers, fools, idiots " oh it was just this batch" , or oh it was just him because of whatever. The biggest one nobody knows whose allergic to this shit or not morons!!

Nobody knows what goes into these vaccines in spite of the very fact YOU MORONS ARE TOLD WHAT'S IN IT, IT'S CALLED AN INSERT WITH EVERY FORM OF MEDICATION...............

it is called big pharma it is called you believe all the lies you are fed because you TRUST the wrong Government dumb asses.

Even many who work within don't know the damage of these vaccines until they step off the liberal train and investigate it themselves............
Likely just God being a dick again
This one wasn't Trumps fault but God's?
Just look at the idiots who oppose flu vaccines. It's a roster of USMB morons.
I dont think anyone should be telling anyone else one way or another... 100% voluntary is the only way to go.

Adult flu vaccine? That's reasonable.

CDC Immunization Schedule? Fuck off. Get your kid vaccinated so he or she doesn't endanger other kids. Ya fucking moron.
Hell no!
It should up to the parents, millions receive no benefit from flu shots... and many are harmed.

Learn to read.
A Las Vegas man lost his vision, became partially paralyzed and has been unable to breathe without assistance since getting a flu shot last month.
Man Unable to Speak, Walk, See or Breathe Days After Getting Flu Shot
View attachment 232948
From the mouths of suckers, fools, idiots " oh it was just this batch" , or oh it was just him because of whatever. The biggest one nobody knows whose allergic to this shit or not morons!!

Nobody knows what goes into these vaccines in spite of the very fact YOU MORONS ARE TOLD WHAT'S IN IT, IT'S CALLED AN INSERT WITH EVERY FORM OF MEDICATION...............

it is called big pharma it is called you believe all the lies you are fed because you TRUST the wrong Government dumb asses.

Even many who work within don't know the damage of these vaccines until they step off the liberal train and investigate it themselves............

The odds of that happening are one in a million.

Afraid of an Allergic Reaction to Vaccines? Chances are One in a Million | Shot of Prevention

I would say those are pretty fantastic odds for getting the shot.

I get a flu shot every reaction ever. But if someone told me the odds of a bad reaction were even one in 10,000 I would not be worried in the slightest.
But 1 in a million?
A Las Vegas man lost his vision, became partially paralyzed and has been unable to breathe without assistance since getting a flu shot last month.
Man Unable to Speak, Walk, See or Breathe Days After Getting Flu Shot
View attachment 232948
From the mouths of suckers, fools, idiots " oh it was just this batch" , or oh it was just him because of whatever. The biggest one nobody knows whose allergic to this shit or not morons!!

Nobody knows what goes into these vaccines in spite of the very fact YOU MORONS ARE TOLD WHAT'S IN IT, IT'S CALLED AN INSERT WITH EVERY FORM OF MEDICATION...............

it is called big pharma it is called you believe all the lies you are fed because you TRUST the wrong Government dumb asses.

Even many who work within don't know the damage of these vaccines until they step off the liberal train and investigate it themselves............

The odds of that happening are one in a million.

Afraid of an Allergic Reaction to Vaccines? Chances are One in a Million | Shot of Prevention

I would say those are pretty fantastic odds for getting the shot.

I get a flu shot every reaction ever. But if someone told me the odds of a bad reaction were even one in 10,000 I would not be worried in the slightest.
But 1 in a million?
Fine, don’t expect people to get flu shots than want nothing to do with them.
My first flu shot was 14 years ago. I’ve been getting them every year since and haven’t had any issues.

Despite being in close proximity of known flu patients, I can also say I’ve never had the flu. :)
Do Flu Vaccines Work?
Despite claims regarding its protective benefits, the flu vaccine is not as effective as health officials want you to think. Every year the CDC evaluates the previous season’s flu activity and how well the vaccine worked — or didn’t. The CDC’s conclusion for the 2017-2018 season was that the vaccine’s overall adjusted effectiveness was an abysmal 36 percent. Broken down by virus strain, the estimated effectiveness was:45

•25 percent effective against the A(H3N2) virus

•67 percent effective against A(H1N1)pdm09 virus

•42 percent effective against influenza B viruses

In 2015, a CDC analysis46 revealed that, between 2005 and 2015, the flu vaccine was LESS than 50 percent effective more than half the time, so the 2017-2018 numbers really were no great surprise. For the 2018-2019 season, the CDC says the vaccines have been updated to “better match circulating viruses,” so they are hopeful the numbers will be better; however, they admit that previous studies have shown the vaccine is still usually only 40 percent to 60 percent effective.47

Flu Shot: Potential Side Effects and Dangers
It's easy to find an article that supports anything you want to believe.

I've been getting flu shots for many years. Not only have I not had any issues with the shot, I've never had the flu. :)

It's easy not to be dumb and realize " not just any article do I Pick" . these are known sources, doctors, and can be Proven with document information directly from either CDC , Official Doctors et.

You can't possibly be one of those who can't disipher legit information in a LIBRARY BIGGER THAN THE WORLD" . that's a lame excuse ......

Because most types like you can be given information from the GOV, CDC etc which legally can't be pushed as bs lies because it's not allowed. Mean gov. documents, legal cases dip shits will say that is just any old article too gawd .

Gulf war veterans were guinea pigs for untested vaccines; ordered to inject chemical poisons to supposedly 'build immunity' against biological WMDs

Yeah we the Gov. are just going to come right on out and tell you these vaccines haven't been tested on one gawd dam person.

Jesus cripe are you seriously that uninformed.

You don't know his medical history and if he got the shot from his doctor. Since we have no indication of what meds he is on or knowledge of his medical history, perhaps he is immunocompromised. Some people that have a low depressed bone marrow are not even aware of it. The point, always go to your doctor to get a vaccine or flu shot.

I do hope you are not spreading this crap about vaccines and flu shots everywhere.
My first flu shot was 14 years ago. I’ve been getting them every year since and haven’t had any issues.

Despite being in close proximity of known flu patients, I can also say I’ve never had the flu. :)

Well here's my flu shot story. In my family of four, our daughter was heavily guilt tripped into getting the flu shot a couple of years ago. None of the rest of us did. She was then the ONLY one who got the flu, officially dx at the dr's office. None of the rest of us got it.

I'm not completely anti-vax; for some diseases it's worth the risk. Not for the flu though. As you see above, the vaccine is not even very effective.
My first flu shot was 14 years ago. I’ve been getting them every year since and haven’t had any issues.

Despite being in close proximity of known flu patients, I can also say I’ve never had the flu. :)
Do Flu Vaccines Work?
Despite claims regarding its protective benefits, the flu vaccine is not as effective as health officials want you to think. Every year the CDC evaluates the previous season’s flu activity and how well the vaccine worked — or didn’t. The CDC’s conclusion for the 2017-2018 season was that the vaccine’s overall adjusted effectiveness was an abysmal 36 percent. Broken down by virus strain, the estimated effectiveness was:45

•25 percent effective against the A(H3N2) virus

•67 percent effective against A(H1N1)pdm09 virus

•42 percent effective against influenza B viruses

In 2015, a CDC analysis46 revealed that, between 2005 and 2015, the flu vaccine was LESS than 50 percent effective more than half the time, so the 2017-2018 numbers really were no great surprise. For the 2018-2019 season, the CDC says the vaccines have been updated to “better match circulating viruses,” so they are hopeful the numbers will be better; however, they admit that previous studies have shown the vaccine is still usually only 40 percent to 60 percent effective.47

Flu Shot: Potential Side Effects and Dangers
It's easy to find an article that supports anything you want to believe.

I've been getting flu shots for many years. Not only have I not had any issues with the shot, I've never had the flu. :)

I haven’t ever had a flu shot and the last time I had the flu was back in the 90’s.
We can just call vaccine pushers 'anti's' and fascist as they despise health freedom and other liberties we are provided for in the natural law of liberty by being born American citizens.
We can just call vaccine pushers 'anti's' and fascist as they despise health freedom and other liberties we are provided for in the natural law of liberty by being born American citizens.

Please, if you do not have your children get childhood vaccines, do not send them to daycare or school.
We can just call vaccine pushers 'anti's' and fascist as they despise health freedom and other liberties we are provided for in the natural law of liberty by being born American citizens.

Please, if you do not have your children get childhood vaccines, do not send them to daycare or school.
The only time my children ever went to a daycare (once) they got super sick. Daycares are breeding grounds for germs and diseases. Even so if you vaccinate your children you shouldn't be worried about other people who do not desire to vaccinate (poison) theirs.
We can just call vaccine pushers 'anti's' and fascist as they despise health freedom and other liberties we are provided for in the natural law of liberty by being born American citizens.

Please, if you do not have your children get childhood vaccines, do not send them to daycare or school.
The only time my children ever went to a daycare (once) they got super sick. Daycares are breeding grounds for germs and diseases. Even so if you vaccinate your children you shouldn't be worried about other people who do not desire to vaccinate (poison) theirs.

Needs to be a law everywhere, which is why you said , daycares are breeding grounds for germs and so are schools.
Daycares and schools and all places where people congregate in closed quarters are breeding grounds for communicable diseases. Children are still forming immune systems apart from the residual immunity conferred by mother, so of course they get sick more often - and studies show children who get dirty, play outdoors and attend school and/or daycare build stronger immune systems for life than children who are coddled at home and kept from the herd.

Herd immunity via vaccination is vital because it protects those - the very young, the very elderly, and the immunosuppressed - from being exposed to illness that they are not capable of surviving as a healthier person might. In the face of this reality and social responsibility, it is unconscionable to choose not to vaccinate one’s children. The scaremongers and anti-science idiots who promote anti-vaccination mentality should all be stricken with very serious cases of measles or have to watch their children die from same.

Influenza is no joke; 36,000+ people DIE from the flu every year in the US. The flu was the cause of the last great culling of human beings, when in 1918 it infected 1/3 of all living human beings and killed as many as 100 million! People brush off the flu like it’s no big deal, but it is very likely that the flu will be responsible for the next great culling, too.

I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day. On the other hand, when I had influenza in 1997 - a year I didn’t get the shot - despite being otherwise very healthy I was so sick I felt I might die. I couldn’t help thinking how terrified people must have been when they contracted flu before doctors even knew what flu was - a serious bout feels very much like one is on death’s doorstep. Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system, I live in terror of ever getting sick like that again, as I suspect I would have a very good chance of becoming one of the 200,000 Americans hospitalized by flu or worse one of the 36,000 killed each year.

Get your flu shot - the likelihood of being harmed by the vaccine is infinitesimal compared to the likelihood of being harmed by the flu, or of giving it to someone you love and killing them instead.

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