Man unable to speak, walk see or breathe days after getting flu shot

My first flu shot was 14 years ago. I’ve been getting them every year since and haven’t had any issues.

Despite being in close proximity of known flu patients, I can also say I’ve never had the flu. :)
Do Flu Vaccines Work?
Despite claims regarding its protective benefits, the flu vaccine is not as effective as health officials want you to think. Every year the CDC evaluates the previous season’s flu activity and how well the vaccine worked — or didn’t. The CDC’s conclusion for the 2017-2018 season was that the vaccine’s overall adjusted effectiveness was an abysmal 36 percent. Broken down by virus strain, the estimated effectiveness was:45

•25 percent effective against the A(H3N2) virus

•67 percent effective against A(H1N1)pdm09 virus

•42 percent effective against influenza B viruses

In 2015, a CDC analysis46 revealed that, between 2005 and 2015, the flu vaccine was LESS than 50 percent effective more than half the time, so the 2017-2018 numbers really were no great surprise. For the 2018-2019 season, the CDC says the vaccines have been updated to “better match circulating viruses,” so they are hopeful the numbers will be better; however, they admit that previous studies have shown the vaccine is still usually only 40 percent to 60 percent effective.47

Flu Shot: Potential Side Effects and Dangers
It's easy to find an article that supports anything you want to believe.

I've been getting flu shots for many years. Not only have I not had any issues with the shot, I've never had the flu. :)

I haven’t ever had a flu shot and the last time I had the flu was back in the 90’s.
Me too. Never had the shot and had the flu once in my life.

The CDC and the FDA work for Big Pharma. Why would anyone do what they tell you?
Here’s a little bit of science-based information to counterbalance the hysteria in the OP.

Of note, GBS is an illness from which most recover entirely and some recover with residual effects. It is often triggered by HAVING INFLUENZA- far more often than by having a vaccination, which is only very rarely linked to onset of GBS.

Facts matter. Vaccines are not without some risk, but are extraordinarily safe compared to most activities the average American engages in daily, like driving or riding in a motor vehicle.

Guillain-Barré syndrome and Flu Vaccine | CDC
Daycares and schools and all places where people congregate in closed quarters are breeding grounds for communicable diseases. Children are still forming immune systems apart from the residual immunity conferred by mother, so of course they get sick more often - and studies show children who get dirty, play outdoors and attend school and/or daycare build stronger immune systems for life than children who are coddled at home and kept from the herd.

Herd immunity via vaccination is vital because it protects those - the very young, the very elderly, and the immunosuppressed - from being exposed to illness that they are not capable of surviving as a healthier person might. In the face of this reality and social responsibility, it is unconscionable to choose not to vaccinate one’s children. The scaremongers and anti-science idiots who promote anti-vaccination mentality should all be stricken with very serious cases of measles or have to watch their children die from same.

Influenza is no joke; 36,000+ people DIE from the flu every year in the US. The flu was the cause of the last great culling of human beings, when in 1918 it infected 1/3 of all living human beings and killed as many as 100 million! People brush off the flu like it’s no big deal, but it is very likely that the flu will be responsible for the next great culling, too.

I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day. On the other hand, when I had influenza in 1997 - a year I didn’t get the shot - despite being otherwise very healthy I was so sick I felt I might die. I couldn’t help thinking how terrified people must have been when they contracted flu before doctors even knew what flu was - a serious bout feels very much like one is on death’s doorstep. Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system, I live in terror of ever getting sick like that again, as I suspect I would have a very good chance of becoming one of the 200,000 Americans hospitalized by flu or worse one of the 36,000 killed each year.

Get your flu shot - the likelihood of being harmed by the vaccine is infinitesimal compared to the likelihood of being harmed by the flu, or of giving it to someone you love and killing them instead.
You are sort of funny. Your words, "I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day" which goes to "Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system". Do you even know how to connects dots? Some of us don't care for the herds autoimmune diseases. Its really pretty simple. No I will never get a shot to make you feel better.
Daycares and schools and all places where people congregate in closed quarters are breeding grounds for communicable diseases. Children are still forming immune systems apart from the residual immunity conferred by mother, so of course they get sick more often - and studies show children who get dirty, play outdoors and attend school and/or daycare build stronger immune systems for life than children who are coddled at home and kept from the herd.

Herd immunity via vaccination is vital because it protects those - the very young, the very elderly, and the immunosuppressed - from being exposed to illness that they are not capable of surviving as a healthier person might. In the face of this reality and social responsibility, it is unconscionable to choose not to vaccinate one’s children. The scaremongers and anti-science idiots who promote anti-vaccination mentality should all be stricken with very serious cases of measles or have to watch their children die from same.

Influenza is no joke; 36,000+ people DIE from the flu every year in the US. The flu was the cause of the last great culling of human beings, when in 1918 it infected 1/3 of all living human beings and killed as many as 100 million! People brush off the flu like it’s no big deal, but it is very likely that the flu will be responsible for the next great culling, too.

I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day. On the other hand, when I had influenza in 1997 - a year I didn’t get the shot - despite being otherwise very healthy I was so sick I felt I might die. I couldn’t help thinking how terrified people must have been when they contracted flu before doctors even knew what flu was - a serious bout feels very much like one is on death’s doorstep. Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system, I live in terror of ever getting sick like that again, as I suspect I would have a very good chance of becoming one of the 200,000 Americans hospitalized by flu or worse one of the 36,000 killed each year.

Get your flu shot - the likelihood of being harmed by the vaccine is infinitesimal compared to the likelihood of being harmed by the flu, or of giving it to someone you love and killing them instead.
You are sort of funny. Your words, "I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day" which goes to "Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system". Do you even know how to connects dots? Some of us don't care for the herds autoimmune diseases. Its really pretty simple. No I will never get a shot to make you feel better.
I have a very strong science background so I’m not a fucking idiot like you. NO, there is NO link between my multiple sclerosis and having had flu shots.

People as stupid as you should be culled. The planet would be a better place if we could cull all the anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers and anti-science religious zealots. If only the next big influenza pandemic could target such useless wastes of air and other resources.
We can just call vaccine pushers 'anti's' and fascist as they despise health freedom and other liberties we are provided for in the natural law of liberty by being born American citizens.

Please, if you do not have your children get childhood vaccines, do not send them to daycare or school.
The only time my children ever went to a daycare (once) they got super sick. Daycares are breeding grounds for germs and diseases. Even so if you vaccinate your children you shouldn't be worried about other people who do not desire to vaccinate (poison) theirs.

Needs to be a law everywhere, which is why you said , daycares are breeding grounds for germs and so are schools.
No it doesn't need to be "law everywhere". People need to wake up and smell the shit that they have been fed for way too long and tell big pharma and big agra commerce to go fuck themselves. Laws supposedly to protect are almost also abused. People can't stand their own grandchildren because those grandchildren are brain damaged from all the shit being pushed at them and so they don't watch their own and for those who are willing and patient enough to watch those in this brain damaged generation many do not want to jump through all the hoops of licensing laws to watch someone else's children.
Daycares and schools and all places where people congregate in closed quarters are breeding grounds for communicable diseases. Children are still forming immune systems apart from the residual immunity conferred by mother, so of course they get sick more often - and studies show children who get dirty, play outdoors and attend school and/or daycare build stronger immune systems for life than children who are coddled at home and kept from the herd.

Herd immunity via vaccination is vital because it protects those - the very young, the very elderly, and the immunosuppressed - from being exposed to illness that they are not capable of surviving as a healthier person might. In the face of this reality and social responsibility, it is unconscionable to choose not to vaccinate one’s children. The scaremongers and anti-science idiots who promote anti-vaccination mentality should all be stricken with very serious cases of measles or have to watch their children die from same.

Influenza is no joke; 36,000+ people DIE from the flu every year in the US. The flu was the cause of the last great culling of human beings, when in 1918 it infected 1/3 of all living human beings and killed as many as 100 million! People brush off the flu like it’s no big deal, but it is very likely that the flu will be responsible for the next great culling, too.

I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day. On the other hand, when I had influenza in 1997 - a year I didn’t get the shot - despite being otherwise very healthy I was so sick I felt I might die. I couldn’t help thinking how terrified people must have been when they contracted flu before doctors even knew what flu was - a serious bout feels very much like one is on death’s doorstep. Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system, I live in terror of ever getting sick like that again, as I suspect I would have a very good chance of becoming one of the 200,000 Americans hospitalized by flu or worse one of the 36,000 killed each year.

Get your flu shot - the likelihood of being harmed by the vaccine is infinitesimal compared to the likelihood of being harmed by the flu, or of giving it to someone you love and killing them instead.
You are sort of funny. Your words, "I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day" which goes to "Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system". Do you even know how to connects dots? Some of us don't care for the herds autoimmune diseases. Its really pretty simple. No I will never get a shot to make you feel better.
I have a very strong science background so I’m not a fucking idiot like you. NO, there is NO link between my multiple sclerosis and having had flu shots.

People as stupid as you should be culled. The planet would be a better place if we could cull all the anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers and anti-science religious zealots. If only the next big influenza pandemic could target such useless wastes of air and other resources.
Lovely, you are so brain damaged you believe you have the right to force someone else to believe your stupid shit. You may very well deserve whatever it is you have. You are a fine example as to why this forced vaccine crap needs to be nipped in the butt asap.
Daycares and schools and all places where people congregate in closed quarters are breeding grounds for communicable diseases. Children are still forming immune systems apart from the residual immunity conferred by mother, so of course they get sick more often - and studies show children who get dirty, play outdoors and attend school and/or daycare build stronger immune systems for life than children who are coddled at home and kept from the herd.

Herd immunity via vaccination is vital because it protects those - the very young, the very elderly, and the immunosuppressed - from being exposed to illness that they are not capable of surviving as a healthier person might. In the face of this reality and social responsibility, it is unconscionable to choose not to vaccinate one’s children. The scaremongers and anti-science idiots who promote anti-vaccination mentality should all be stricken with very serious cases of measles or have to watch their children die from same.

Influenza is no joke; 36,000+ people DIE from the flu every year in the US. The flu was the cause of the last great culling of human beings, when in 1918 it infected 1/3 of all living human beings and killed as many as 100 million! People brush off the flu like it’s no big deal, but it is very likely that the flu will be responsible for the next great culling, too.

I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day. On the other hand, when I had influenza in 1997 - a year I didn’t get the shot - despite being otherwise very healthy I was so sick I felt I might die. I couldn’t help thinking how terrified people must have been when they contracted flu before doctors even knew what flu was - a serious bout feels very much like one is on death’s doorstep. Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system, I live in terror of ever getting sick like that again, as I suspect I would have a very good chance of becoming one of the 200,000 Americans hospitalized by flu or worse one of the 36,000 killed each year.

Get your flu shot - the likelihood of being harmed by the vaccine is infinitesimal compared to the likelihood of being harmed by the flu, or of giving it to someone you love and killing them instead.
You are sort of funny. Your words, "I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day" which goes to "Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system". Do you even know how to connects dots? Some of us don't care for the herds autoimmune diseases. Its really pretty simple. No I will never get a shot to make you feel better.
I have a very strong science background so I’m not a fucking idiot like you. NO, there is NO link between my multiple sclerosis and having had flu shots.

People as stupid as you should be culled. The planet would be a better place if we could cull all the anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers and anti-science religious zealots. If only the next big influenza pandemic could target such useless wastes of air and other resources.
Lovely, you are so brain damaged you believe you have the right to force someone else to believe your stupid shit. You may very well deserve whatever it is you have. You are a fine example as to why this forced vaccine crap needs to be nipped in the butt asap.
The brain damaged participant in this exchange isn’t me, dear. Hope you die a painful death of influenza-induced pneumonia - and sooner rather than later as you are a waste of planetary resources and contribute nothing of value to society.

Bye, Felicia.
Daycares and schools and all places where people congregate in closed quarters are breeding grounds for communicable diseases. Children are still forming immune systems apart from the residual immunity conferred by mother, so of course they get sick more often - and studies show children who get dirty, play outdoors and attend school and/or daycare build stronger immune systems for life than children who are coddled at home and kept from the herd.

Herd immunity via vaccination is vital because it protects those - the very young, the very elderly, and the immunosuppressed - from being exposed to illness that they are not capable of surviving as a healthier person might. In the face of this reality and social responsibility, it is unconscionable to choose not to vaccinate one’s children. The scaremongers and anti-science idiots who promote anti-vaccination mentality should all be stricken with very serious cases of measles or have to watch their children die from same.

Influenza is no joke; 36,000+ people DIE from the flu every year in the US. The flu was the cause of the last great culling of human beings, when in 1918 it infected 1/3 of all living human beings and killed as many as 100 million! People brush off the flu like it’s no big deal, but it is very likely that the flu will be responsible for the next great culling, too.

I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day. On the other hand, when I had influenza in 1997 - a year I didn’t get the shot - despite being otherwise very healthy I was so sick I felt I might die. I couldn’t help thinking how terrified people must have been when they contracted flu before doctors even knew what flu was - a serious bout feels very much like one is on death’s doorstep. Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system, I live in terror of ever getting sick like that again, as I suspect I would have a very good chance of becoming one of the 200,000 Americans hospitalized by flu or worse one of the 36,000 killed each year.

Get your flu shot - the likelihood of being harmed by the vaccine is infinitesimal compared to the likelihood of being harmed by the flu, or of giving it to someone you love and killing them instead.
You are sort of funny. Your words, "I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day" which goes to "Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system". Do you even know how to connects dots? Some of us don't care for the herds autoimmune diseases. Its really pretty simple. No I will never get a shot to make you feel better.
I have a very strong science background so I’m not a fucking idiot like you. NO, there is NO link between my multiple sclerosis and having had flu shots.

People as stupid as you should be culled. The planet would be a better place if we could cull all the anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers and anti-science religious zealots. If only the next big influenza pandemic could target such useless wastes of air and other resources.

Science isn’t infallible, blood letting was a science based solution to cure infections, we don’t do that anymore, fen-phen was the great diet pill and then we found out how dangerous it really was.

Flu shots are good for most people however flu shots should be a choice, not forced. There are side effects that some people may no like so they don’t get them. Lots of drugs on the market with lots of masking of symptoms and lots of side effects. Big Pharmaceutical companies and big money help push their products, so there is a chance of that influencing studies and results.

I am not claiming that flu shots are bad, however you claim to have a science background and yet can’t admit science can error at times. The science community gave us opiates and cocaine, there is always good bad and change, to claim science is infallible is just plain crazy.
Daycares and schools and all places where people congregate in closed quarters are breeding grounds for communicable diseases. Children are still forming immune systems apart from the residual immunity conferred by mother, so of course they get sick more often - and studies show children who get dirty, play outdoors and attend school and/or daycare build stronger immune systems for life than children who are coddled at home and kept from the herd.

Herd immunity via vaccination is vital because it protects those - the very young, the very elderly, and the immunosuppressed - from being exposed to illness that they are not capable of surviving as a healthier person might. In the face of this reality and social responsibility, it is unconscionable to choose not to vaccinate one’s children. The scaremongers and anti-science idiots who promote anti-vaccination mentality should all be stricken with very serious cases of measles or have to watch their children die from same.

Influenza is no joke; 36,000+ people DIE from the flu every year in the US. The flu was the cause of the last great culling of human beings, when in 1918 it infected 1/3 of all living human beings and killed as many as 100 million! People brush off the flu like it’s no big deal, but it is very likely that the flu will be responsible for the next great culling, too.

I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day. On the other hand, when I had influenza in 1997 - a year I didn’t get the shot - despite being otherwise very healthy I was so sick I felt I might die. I couldn’t help thinking how terrified people must have been when they contracted flu before doctors even knew what flu was - a serious bout feels very much like one is on death’s doorstep. Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system, I live in terror of ever getting sick like that again, as I suspect I would have a very good chance of becoming one of the 200,000 Americans hospitalized by flu or worse one of the 36,000 killed each year.

Get your flu shot - the likelihood of being harmed by the vaccine is infinitesimal compared to the likelihood of being harmed by the flu, or of giving it to someone you love and killing them instead.
You are sort of funny. Your words, "I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day" which goes to "Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system". Do you even know how to connects dots? Some of us don't care for the herds autoimmune diseases. Its really pretty simple. No I will never get a shot to make you feel better.
I have a very strong science background so I’m not a fucking idiot like you. NO, there is NO link between my multiple sclerosis and having had flu shots.

People as stupid as you should be culled. The planet would be a better place if we could cull all the anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers and anti-science religious zealots. If only the next big influenza pandemic could target such useless wastes of air and other resources.

Science isn’t infallible, blood letting was a science based solution to cure infections, we don’t do that anymore, fen-phen was the great diet pill and then we found out how dangerous it really was.

Flu shots are good for most people however flu shots should be a choice, not forced. There are side effects that some people may no like so they don’t get them. Lots of drugs on the market with lots of masking of symptoms and lots of side effects. Big Pharmaceutical companies and big money help push their products, so there is a chance of that influencing studies and results.

I am not claiming that flu shots are bad, however you claim to have a science background and yet can’t admit science can error at times. The science community gave us opiates and cocaine, there is always good bad and change, to claim science is infallible is just plain crazy.
Sorry but this one is not bright enough to walk through the forest alone much less make policy decisions that may affect anyone else. Forcing or mandating any medical choices of any kind whatsoever are destructive forces at work and not conducive to liberty and freedom at all. From what she and others are saying here this is an indicator that we have a whole generation that is so indoctrinated and brain damaged that they believe that shooting diseases into the blood stream is perfectly normal and acceptable. Just a wild guess but if you ask her she probably took or is taking birth control pills made from horse urine; having no clue that the majority of horses have EBV (Epstein–Bar), GBS (Guillain-Barré Syndrome). She'll probably bitch like crazy when that cancer diagnoses comes down too and claim we should all be footing the bill to take care of that for her too.

Infectious mononucleosis is a clinical syndrome that is most commonly associated with primary EBV infection and characterized by a triad of fever, pharyngitis, and lymphadenopathy. ... Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare neurologic complication that can occur in patients with infectious mononucleosis.
Mild form of Guillain-Barré syndrome in a patient with primary Epstein ...
My first flu shot was 14 years ago. I’ve been getting them every year since and haven’t had any issues.

Despite being in close proximity of known flu patients, I can also say I’ve never had the flu. :)
Do Flu Vaccines Work?
Despite claims regarding its protective benefits, the flu vaccine is not as effective as health officials want you to think. Every year the CDC evaluates the previous season’s flu activity and how well the vaccine worked — or didn’t. The CDC’s conclusion for the 2017-2018 season was that the vaccine’s overall adjusted effectiveness was an abysmal 36 percent. Broken down by virus strain, the estimated effectiveness was:45

•25 percent effective against the A(H3N2) virus

•67 percent effective against A(H1N1)pdm09 virus

•42 percent effective against influenza B viruses

In 2015, a CDC analysis46 revealed that, between 2005 and 2015, the flu vaccine was LESS than 50 percent effective more than half the time, so the 2017-2018 numbers really were no great surprise. For the 2018-2019 season, the CDC says the vaccines have been updated to “better match circulating viruses,” so they are hopeful the numbers will be better; however, they admit that previous studies have shown the vaccine is still usually only 40 percent to 60 percent effective.47

Flu Shot: Potential Side Effects and Dangers
It's easy to find an article that supports anything you want to believe.

I've been getting flu shots for many years. Not only have I not had any issues with the shot, I've never had the flu. :)


i have been on chemo for the past couple of years

and still no adverse effects from the flu shot

i too work around folks with the flu and such

and have not contracted any flu symptoms
A Las Vegas man lost his vision, became partially paralyzed and has been unable to breathe without assistance since getting a flu shot last month.
Man Unable to Speak, Walk, See or Breathe Days After Getting Flu Shot
View attachment 232948
From the mouths of suckers, fools, idiots " oh it was just this batch" , or oh it was just him because of whatever. The biggest one nobody knows whose allergic to this shit or not morons!!

Nobody knows what goes into these vaccines in spite of the very fact YOU MORONS ARE TOLD WHAT'S IN IT, IT'S CALLED AN INSERT WITH EVERY FORM OF MEDICATION...............

it is called big pharma it is called you believe all the lies you are fed because you TRUST the wrong Government dumb asses.

Even many who work within don't know the damage of these vaccines until they step off the liberal train and investigate it themselves............
I heard of a guy......

Reason for tens of millions not to get a flu shot

I heard of a guy...didn’t get the shot, caught the flu and died
It’s a personal choice and no one should be forced either way. It is called freedom.
It’s a personal choice and no one should be forced either way. It is called freedom.
We have too many anti's in positions that they do not belong in at this point to maintain freedom unless people start taking a much firmer stand for it.

I hope a decent lawyer will help mom sue the piss out of whoever pushed this excessive vaccine on her daughter at the school. Reminds me of banks and loan pushers who were falsifying signatures for a few extra bucks not long ago.

LEX 18 Investigates: Vaccination Without Proper Consent?
It’s a personal choice and no one should be forced either way. It is called freedom.
We have too many anti's in positions that they do not belong in at this point to maintain freedom unless people start taking a much firmer stand for it.

I hope a decent lawyer will help mom sue the piss out of whoever pushed this excessive vaccine on her daughter at the school. Reminds me of banks and loan pushers who were falsifying signatures for a few extra bucks not long ago.

LEX 18 Investigates: Vaccination Without Proper Consent?

Not when it comes to communicable diseases with kids, if you don't want to vaccinate, be prepared to keep at home and home school your kids. Also if you are ill stay home, and if you have a STD wear protection. You are responsible for who you infect, you may be a carrier and not know it.Seasonal Flu - ACPHD
It’s a personal choice and no one should be forced either way. It is called freedom.
We have too many anti's in positions that they do not belong in at this point to maintain freedom unless people start taking a much firmer stand for it.

I hope a decent lawyer will help mom sue the piss out of whoever pushed this excessive vaccine on her daughter at the school. Reminds me of banks and loan pushers who were falsifying signatures for a few extra bucks not long ago.

LEX 18 Investigates: Vaccination Without Proper Consent?

Not when it comes to communicable diseases with kids, if you don't want to vaccinate, be prepared to keep at home and home school your kids. Also if you are ill stay home, and if you have a STD wear protection. You are responsible for who you infect, you may be a carrier and not know it.Seasonal Flu - ACPHD
Bullshit. ALL influenza viruses are killed with Licorice root. Vaccines are spreading more diseases through shedding and injuring people on top of it all. You are free to shoot yourself up but you leave other people and their children alone. If not you make everyone tax exempt that doesn't want to be a part of "your herd" or you give them their share of the tax dollar coffers so they can put their children where ever they want them without your fascist crap.
Daycares and schools and all places where people congregate in closed quarters are breeding grounds for communicable diseases. Children are still forming immune systems apart from the residual immunity conferred by mother, so of course they get sick more often - and studies show children who get dirty, play outdoors and attend school and/or daycare build stronger immune systems for life than children who are coddled at home and kept from the herd.

Herd immunity via vaccination is vital because it protects those - the very young, the very elderly, and the immunosuppressed - from being exposed to illness that they are not capable of surviving as a healthier person might. In the face of this reality and social responsibility, it is unconscionable to choose not to vaccinate one’s children. The scaremongers and anti-science idiots who promote anti-vaccination mentality should all be stricken with very serious cases of measles or have to watch their children die from same.

Influenza is no joke; 36,000+ people DIE from the flu every year in the US. The flu was the cause of the last great culling of human beings, when in 1918 it infected 1/3 of all living human beings and killed as many as 100 million! People brush off the flu like it’s no big deal, but it is very likely that the flu will be responsible for the next great culling, too.

I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day. On the other hand, when I had influenza in 1997 - a year I didn’t get the shot - despite being otherwise very healthy I was so sick I felt I might die. I couldn’t help thinking how terrified people must have been when they contracted flu before doctors even knew what flu was - a serious bout feels very much like one is on death’s doorstep. Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system, I live in terror of ever getting sick like that again, as I suspect I would have a very good chance of becoming one of the 200,000 Americans hospitalized by flu or worse one of the 36,000 killed each year.

Get your flu shot - the likelihood of being harmed by the vaccine is infinitesimal compared to the likelihood of being harmed by the flu, or of giving it to someone you love and killing them instead.
You are sort of funny. Your words, "I’ve had flu shots most years for 20+ with the only effects being a sore upper arm at site of injection and at most feeling blah for a day" which goes to "Now that I suffer from autoimmune disease and have a much weakened immune system". Do you even know how to connects dots? Some of us don't care for the herds autoimmune diseases. Its really pretty simple. No I will never get a shot to make you feel better.
I have a very strong science background so I’m not a fucking idiot like you. NO, there is NO link between my multiple sclerosis and having had flu shots.

People as stupid as you should be culled. The planet would be a better place if we could cull all the anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers and anti-science religious zealots. If only the next big influenza pandemic could target such useless wastes of air and other resources.

Science isn’t infallible, blood letting was a science based solution to cure infections, we don’t do that anymore, fen-phen was the great diet pill and then we found out how dangerous it really was.

Flu shots are good for most people however flu shots should be a choice, not forced. There are side effects that some people may no like so they don’t get them. Lots of drugs on the market with lots of masking of symptoms and lots of side effects. Big Pharmaceutical companies and big money help push their products, so there is a chance of that influencing studies and results.

I am not claiming that flu shots are bad, however you claim to have a science background and yet can’t admit science can error at times. The science community gave us opiates and cocaine, there is always good bad and change, to claim science is infallible is just plain crazy.
I have no problem admitting errors in science - that wasn’t the conversation. The post was a reply to an idiot who asserted my autoimmune illness, not even specified, was brought on by flu vaccines and I was too stupid to make the connection.

I never once asserted flu vaccines should be mandatory, only that they are overwhelmingly effective, infinitesimally harmful, and undoubtedly save lives. I DO believe in legally mandating a schedule of vaccinations for deadly communicable illnesses for children who wish to participate in public daycares and schools. I think anti-science parents who deny these vaccines to their children should be considered neglectful if/when their children suffer needlessly the pain and permanent disfigurement or even death that can result from measles and other entirely preventable childhood illnesses.

The fact that there is no link between vaccination and autism is well established except among people who don’t understand science. I eagerly anticipate the day when the causes of autism are clearly established so all the morons who have been promoting this fake theory can finally shut the fuck up!
A Las Vegas man lost his vision, became partially paralyzed and has been unable to breathe without assistance since getting a flu shot last month.
Man Unable to Speak, Walk, See or Breathe Days After Getting Flu Shot
View attachment 232948
From the mouths of suckers, fools, idiots " oh it was just this batch" , or oh it was just him because of whatever. The biggest one nobody knows whose allergic to this shit or not morons!!

Nobody knows what goes into these vaccines in spite of the very fact YOU MORONS ARE TOLD WHAT'S IN IT, IT'S CALLED AN INSERT WITH EVERY FORM OF MEDICATION...............

it is called big pharma it is called you believe all the lies you are fed because you TRUST the wrong Government dumb asses.

Even many who work within don't know the damage of these vaccines until they step off the liberal train and investigate it themselves............
I got the flu shot and had the flu for 3 weeks.
A Las Vegas man lost his vision, became partially paralyzed and has been unable to breathe without assistance since getting a flu shot last month.
Man Unable to Speak, Walk, See or Breathe Days After Getting Flu Shot
View attachment 232948
From the mouths of suckers, fools, idiots " oh it was just this batch" , or oh it was just him because of whatever. The biggest one nobody knows whose allergic to this shit or not morons!!

Nobody knows what goes into these vaccines in spite of the very fact YOU MORONS ARE TOLD WHAT'S IN IT, IT'S CALLED AN INSERT WITH EVERY FORM OF MEDICATION...............

it is called big pharma it is called you believe all the lies you are fed because you TRUST the wrong Government dumb asses.

Even many who work within don't know the damage of these vaccines until they step off the liberal train and investigate it themselves............
I got the flu shot and had the flu for 3 weeks.
The flu shot isn’t 100% effective - nobody has ever claimed otherwise. Did you enjoy the flu? Usually it’s a terribly ravaging illness even for healthy people. So, if your shot *had* prevented it, that would undoubtedly have been a benefit to you. Three weeks is a long time to have the flu especially when vaccinated, because the vaccine usually diminishes severity of the illness even if it doesn’t keep you from getting it altogether. I wonder if you didn’t develop an additional respiratory illness subsequent to the flu?

Here’s some info on efficacy of flu vaccines:

How Effective Is the Flu Vaccine?

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