Man who ran over BLM rioters will NOT face charges

That did not happen in this case. His car was not surrounded and he had to drive around a car stopped in front of him to even get close to the protestors.
In this case…. Prosecute him. How many other cases where Leftist protestors feel entitled to block traffic, threaten drivers, prevent them from leaving or even rip the driver and passengers out of the car and beat them?
These racist idiots like brutha, somehow think it's A-OK to attack people because they are white.
You fucking moron, when have I ever stated that it is ok to attack anyone.
Idiots like him are priming the pump for a race war and he's so stupid he's going to be one of the first to get nailed.
No it's racist idiots like you who pump the drum for a Race War knowing damn well your punk ass would be somewhere hiding in a closet. You never hear black folks talking about a damn race war that is you right wingers, conservatives, racist and other idiots.
So, some racist that is scared of all black people sees two walking down the street towards him and "fears for his life" is allowed to blow them away?

I do not think that is the way the law works
You really need to not post. All you do is show how utterly stupid you are. Different states, different laws regarding your beloved thugs attempting to attack people. Playing the “racist” card. Try reading the post. It stated the people would be walking toward him WITH A WEAPON drawn. Of course, you’d turn tail and run, leaving your family to be robbed or worse.
that was not determined, the Grand Jury did not state anyone was trying to break into the car. thus the need for a trial, then if it were determined the persons doing so could be charged

fuck off an die fucking moron
Take your own advice asshole. You lost. Your precious thug got caught lying to the grand jury.

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