Man who ran over BLM rioters will NOT face charges

You are ignorant.....I remember the video of Zimmerman from the night that he was attacked. He was a tiny man that chubbed out under stress of what happened after ergo
You lying ass hag, he weighed in at 200lbs that night.
"At the time of his arrest on April 11, 2012, Zimmerman's height was reportedly 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m) and his weight 185 lb (84 kg), according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office Inmate Booking record." Which means he was wearing shoes and clothes at the time of weighing.
Zimmerman's height was shown as 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) and his weight at 200 lb (91 kg) on the Sanford Police Department Offense Report for February 26, 2012, the night of the shooting. He wasn't booked the night of the shooting dumb ass.
Druggy football player violent criminal Trayvon was on the other hand, autopsy showed after bleeding out that he weighted 158 pounds (with no clothes or shoes on) and was 71 inches or 5'11 inches with much longer arms and legs than Zimmerman.
So how much blood did he lose? 25lbs.
And yes, my husband would have used a gun on Trayvon's violent druggy criminal ass under the same circumstances..he's no dummy.
Probably because he is a weak ass coward as well.
A scuffle with an off duty cop? Why didnt he shoot him? Is this the stupid question that you are asking? Why my uneducated clueless shit stupid buddy, probably because the cop didn't try to bash his head into the cement trying to kill him unlike violent out of control criminal no good no limit nigga Trayvon had a history of doing.
Bash his head into the cement, that is a joke. The dude didn't even need a damn band-aid and why was his clothes so clean Turtleshit? Did they run him by the cleaners on the way to the police station. Tell me Turtleshit why was there no blood, mud or grass stains on Zimmerman's clothes?
--I've asked many times--and you people NEVER answer !!!!!!!!!!!!
..well, if it was because of the MYTH of police brutality, then BLM is people have been murdering each other at HIGH rates --NOT the police--NOT the whites FACT, blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa--we should have WLM, not BLM
Horse shit

Whites have far more to fear from other white folks than from black folks
You dont [sic] have the right to impede other people because your [sic] mad about something, and you certainly dont [sic] have the right to threaten other people.

An important point is that attacking third-parties who are not otherwise involved in whatever it is that you are “protesting” is completely unjustifiable, and is, indeed, pretty much the definition of terrorism.
Why was BLM created dumb ass?
To replace other activist groups that the Democrat Party established previously like Coffee Party and the Weather Underground and Occupy, all of whom outlived their welcome, so they came up with the BLM idea.

Same people, just a different label

Don't leave out the Ku Klux Klan.

Black LIES Matter is pretty much the direct successor to the KKK.
Horse shit

Whites have far more to fear from other white folks than from black folks
YOU FKD UP!!!!!!
1. that's USA today--the MSM = bullshit
HAHAHHAHH--they cite a VIRAL MEME!!!!!!!!!!!! you fkn dumbass!!!!!!!!!!
2. here --UNBIASED ---you fkd up !!!! I said blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate
YES, white on white and black on black is ''''''equal''''' !!!!!!!!! DUH --but black on white is DIFFERENT
let ME do the 3rd grade math for you--here--
white on black murders: 234...blacks are 1/5 the population of whites--so for blacks murdering whites to be equal to that, it would be 47 black on white murders----but blacks murdered 514 whites = over TEN times !!!!!!!!

YOU FKD UP!!!!!!
1. that's USA today--the MSM = bullshit
HAHAHHAHH--they cite a VIRAL MEME!!!!!!!!!!!! you fkn dumbass!!!!!!!!!!
2. here --UNBIASED ---you fkd up !!!! I said blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate
YES, white on white and black on black is ''''''equal''''' !!!!!!!!! DUH --but black On white is DIFFERENT
let ME do the 3rd grade math for you--here--
white on black murders: 234...blacks are 1/5 the population of whites--so for blacks murdering whites to be equal to that, it would be 47 black on white murders----but blacks murdered 514 whites = over TEN times !!!!!!!!

Read the link i provided. Your claim is HORSE shit
YOU FKD UP!!!!!!
1. that's USA today--the MSM = bullshit
HAHAHHAHH--they cite a VIRAL MEME!!!!!!!!!!!! you fkn dumbass!!!!!!!!!!
2. here --UNBIASED ---you fkd up !!!! I said blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate
YES, white on white and black on black is ''''''equal''''' !!!!!!!!! DUH --but black on white is DIFFERENT
let ME do the 3rd grade math for you--here--
white on black murders: 234...blacks are 1/5 the population of whites--so for blacks murdering whites to be equal to that, it would be 47 black on white murders----but blacks murdered 514 whites = over TEN times !!!!!!!!

Hell...YOUR link doesn't even support your racist bullshit
Horse shit

Whites have far more to fear from other white folks than from black folks
hahhahahahah--your link is USATODAY which cites the FBI
HERE is the ACTUAL FBI list:

YOUR link is HORSESHIT --you just discredited yourself
Read the link i provided. Your claim is HORSE shit
yes--your link is the USATODAY which cites the FBI
My link is the ACTUAL FBI stats
you look VERY silly and stupid
Hell...YOUR link doesn't even support your racist bullshit
total bullshit-----total leftwing babble
'''''In 2018, 16% of white victims were killed by Black offenders, while 8% of Black victims were killed by white offenders.'''''

hahahahhahahahwooooooooohoo -----
....whites are FIVE times the population of blacks ---LOOK at that USATODAY bullshit !!! 16% of whites and 8% of blacks
plain and simple--the FBI stats:
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514

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