Man who ran over BLM rioters will NOT face charges

Our history shows that we fought a civil war to free slaves.
Southern whites fought to keep us in slavery.
Our history shows that freed slaves chose to remain in America instead of returning to Africa.
By the time slavery ended how many slaves were still living that were actually born in Africa?
Our history shows that Africans continue to immigrate to America since it’s a thousand times better than living in an African shit hole.
Some do, some don't. Many Europeans immigrate to America does that mean European countries are shit holes>
Southern whites fought to keep us in slavery.

By the time slavery ended how many slaves were still living that were actually born in Africa?

Some do, some don't. Many Europeans immigrate to America does that mean European countries are shit holes>

A lot of Europe is a shithole.

All of the southern whites who fought in the War of Northern Aggression have long since attained room temperature.

You should really let go of your hate.
If I had my family in a car and I was surrounded by violent BLM protesters, I would have done the exact same thing.
What if you were surrounded by violent Trump pprotesters [sic]?

If we ever see mobs of pro-Trump activists engaging in “peaceful protests” that involve blocking roads and threatening motorists, then I would have no trouble saying that motorists should feel entirely free to run them over as well.

But so far, we are only seeing this kind of behavior from your side, and I very much doubt that we will see otherwise.

Your pathetic attempt at whataboutism falls flat. What if conservatives/Republicans behaved like LIbtARds/Democraps? That completely misses the point that this is an important difference, that my kind does not behave like your kind, nor do we tolerate, defend, or encourage this sort of subhuman behavior.
What program was that? What did Trump's AG do?

Jeff Sessions Escalates The War On Drugs, Orders Harsher Sentencing​

Drugs are not negatively effecting the black communities in this country? What are all those shootings in Chicago and other places around the country all about, what gang gets to use what barber shop?

Maybe the solution is to pull all law enforcement out of black areas and let blacks kill each other off. It seems blacks like you would prefer it that way.
At the Capitol on January 6th….their violence forced police to shoot one.

Could you refresh our memories and link us to any of the many (I'm sure) times that you condemned the BLM riots all last year with the same vigor you apply to January 6th? Because I'm just having a lot of trouble remembering why it is that your "outrage" isn't a complete farce.
If we ever see mobs of pro-Trump activists engaging in “peaceful protests” that involve blocking roads and threatening motorists, then I would have no trouble saying that motorists should feel entirely free to run them over as well.

But so far, we are only seeing this kind of behavior from your side, and I very much doubt that we will see otherwise.

Your pathetic attempt at whataboutism falls flat. What if conservatives/Republicans behaved like LIbtARds/Democraps? That completely misses the point that this is an important difference, that my kind does not behave like your kind, nor do we tolerate, defend, or encourage this sort of subhuman behavior.

I'm not even sympathetic to jaywalkers who get hit, let alone dipshits who deliberately try to stop traffic with just their squishy bodies and their belief that other people should and will care more about their safety than they do. That sentiment applies to ANY such dipshit.

But as has already been pointed out, we're only seeing that level of too-fucking-stupid-to-live on one side of the aisle.
Could you refresh our memories and link us to any of the many (I'm sure) times that you condemned the BLM riots all last year with the same vigor you apply to January 6th? Because I'm just having a lot of trouble remembering why it is that your "outrage" isn't a complete farce.

The left will be holding on to Jan 6 for the next ten years. It's all they really have when you think about it.
Why was BLM created dumb ass?
It wasn't created because of any belief that the lives of black people matter. Black lives have nothing at all to do with Black Lives Matter.

I hate when the police make mistakes and shoot unarmed people. I hate even more when the police shoot unarmed people intentionally, just because they think they can get away with it. But, in both of those cases, when a cop shoots an unarmed black person, the net gain for the black communities is black lives saved. Yes, sometimes the cops shoot an unarmed black man that was never going to kill anyone else but, in most cases, the future of those that the cops killed would certainly led to more than one black death so, if you just count the net effect of those shootings that have happened, shooting those particular unarmed black men yields a net gain in black lives. So if BLM was really about saving black lives, they'd be praising the cops who shoot unarmed black men.

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